\name{update_statnet} \alias{update_statnet} \title{Update the Component Packages of the Statnet Suite} \description{A wrapper around \code{\link{update.packages}} to update the component packages of Statnet Suite to their latest versions. } \usage{ update_statnet(\dots, ask = FALSE, checkBuilt = TRUE, addURLs = character()) } \arguments{ \item{ask, checkBuilt}{Arguments to \code{\link{update.packages}} documentation. The defaults are different from those of that function.} \item{addURLs}{Optional repository URLs in addition to CRAN, such as \url{http://statnet.csde.washington.edu/preview}. Defaults to none.} \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link{update.packages}}. } } \details{ Updates the list component packages of Statnet Suite, using \code{\link{setRepositories}} and \code{\link{update.packages}}. Since there are no good ways to update packages once they are loaded, this function should be called immediately after restarting R. } \value{ \code{update_statnet} returns NULL invisibly. } \seealso{ \code{\link{setRepositories}}, \code{\link{update.packages}}, \code{\link{install.packages}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ # Update from CRAN statnet::update_statnet() # Update from statnet.org's preview release, taking packages from CRAN # as needed statnet::update_statnet(addURLs="http://statnet.csde.washington.edu/preview") } } \keyword{utilities}