function qout = quatmultiply( q, varargin ) % QUATMULTIPLY Calculate the product of two quaternions. % N = QUATMULTIPLY( Q, R ) calculates the quaternion product, N, for two % given quaternions, Q and R. Inputs Q and R can be either M-by-4 matrices % containing M quaternions, or a single 1-by-4 quaternion. N returns an % M-by-4 matrix of quaternion products. Each element of Q and R must be a % real number. Additionally, Q and R have their scalar number as the first % column. % % Examples: % % Determine the product of two 1-by-4 quaternions: % q = [1 0 1 0]; % r = [1 0.5 0.5 0.75]; % mult = quatmultiply(q, r) % % Determine the product of a 1-by-4 quaternion with itself: % q = [1 0 1 0]; % mult = quatmultiply(q) % % Determine the product of 1-by-4 and 2-by-4 quaternions: % q = [1 0 1 0]; % r = [1 0.5 0.5 0.75; 2 1 0.1 0.1]; % mult = quatmultiply(q, r) % % See also QUATCONJ, QUATDIVIDE, QUATINV, QUATMOD, QUATNORM, % QUATNORMALIZE, QUATROTATE. % Copyright 2000-2006 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2006/06/16 20:04:06 $ % Note: Quaternion multiplication is not commutative. error(nargchk(1, 2, nargin,'struct')); if any(~isreal(q(:))) error('aero:quatnorm:isnotreal1','First input elements are not real.'); end if (size(q,2) ~= 4) error('aero:quatnorm:wrongdim1','First input dimension is not M-by-4.'); end if nargin == 1 r = q; else r = varargin{1}; if any(~isreal(r(:))) error('aero:quatnorm:isnotreal2','Second input elements are not real.'); end if (size(r,2) ~= 4) error('aero:quatnorm:wrongdim2','Second input dimension is not M-by-4.'); end if (size(r,1) ~= size(q,1) && ~( size(r,1) == 1 || size(q,1) == 1)) error('aero:quatnorm:wrongdim3',... 'Number of input rows are neither equal nor one.'); end end % Calculate vector portion of quaternion product % vec = s1*v2 + s2*v1 + cross(v1,v2) vec = [q(:,1).*r(:,2) q(:,1).*r(:,3) q(:,1).*r(:,4)] + ... [r(:,1).*q(:,2) r(:,1).*q(:,3) r(:,1).*q(:,4)]+... [ q(:,3).*r(:,4)-q(:,4).*r(:,3) ... q(:,4).*r(:,2)-q(:,2).*r(:,4) ... q(:,2).*r(:,3)-q(:,3).*r(:,2)]; % Calculate scalar portion of quaternion product % scalar = s1*s2 - dot(v1,v2) scalar = q(:,1).*r(:,1) - q(:,2).*r(:,2) - ... q(:,3).*r(:,3) - q(:,4).*r(:,4); qout = [scalar vec]; % enforce unit length %mag= qout(1)* qout(1) + qout(2)* qout(2) + qout(3)* qout(3) + qout(4)* qout(4); % %if( abs(mag-1.0)<0.0001) % qout=qout; %else % % mag=1.0/sqrt( mag); % qout(1)=qout(1)* mag; % qout(2)=qout(2)* mag; % qout(3)=qout(3)* mag; % qout(4)=qout(4)* mag; %end