Raw File
# Merge translations into the application

To merge the completed translations into your project, complete the following actions

1.  Use the [Angular CLI][AioCliMain] to build a copy of the distributable files of your project
1.  Use the `"localize"` option to replace all of the i18n messages with the valid translations and build a localized variant application.
    A variant application is a complete a copy of the distributable files of your application translated for a single locale.

After you merge the translations, serve each distributable copy of the application using server-side language detection or different subdirectories.

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For more information about how to serve each distributable copy of the application, see [deploying multiple locales][AioGuideI18nCommonDeploy].


For a compile-time translation of the application, the build process uses [ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation][AioGuideGlossaryAheadOfTimeAotCompilation] to produce a small, fast, ready-to-run application.

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For a detailed explanation of the build process, see [Building and serving Angular apps][AioGuideBuild].
The build process works for translation files in the `.xlf` format or in another format that Angular understands, such as `.xtb`.
For more information about translation file formats used by Angular, see [Change the source language file format][AioGuideI18nCommonTranslationFilesChangeTheSourceLanguageFileFormat]


To build a separate distributable copy of the application for each locale, [define the locales in the build configuration][AioGuideI18nCommonMergeDefineLocalesInTheBuildConfiguration] in the [`angular.json`][AioGuideWorkspaceConfig] workspace build configuration file of your project.

This method shortens the build process by removing the requirement to perform a full application build for each locale.

To [generate application variants for each locale][AioGuideI18nCommonMergeGenerateApplicationVariantsForEachLocale], use the `"localize"` option in the [`angular.json`][AioGuideWorkspaceConfig] workspace build configuration file.
Also, to [build from the command line][AioGuideI18nCommonMergeBuildFromTheCommandLine], use the [`build`][AioCliBuild] [Angular CLI][AioCliMain] command with the `--localize` option.

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Optionally, [apply specific build options for just one locale][AioGuideI18nCommonMergeApplySpecificBuildOptionsForJustOneLocale] for a custom locale configuration.


## Define locales in the build configuration

Use the `i18n` project option in the [`angular.json`][AioGuideWorkspaceConfig] workspace build configuration file of your project to define locales for a project.

The following sub-options identify the source language and tell the compiler where to find supported translations for the project.

| Suboption      | Details |
|:---            |:--- |
| `sourceLocale` | The locale you use within the application source code \(`en-US` by default\) |
| `locales`      | A map of locale identifiers to translation files                             |

### `angular.json` for `en-US` and `fr` example

For example, the following excerpt of an [`angular.json`][AioGuideWorkspaceConfig] workspace build configuration file sets the source locale to `en-US` and provides the path to the French \(`fr`\) locale translation file.

<code-example header="angular.json" path="i18n/angular.json" region="locale-config"></code-example>

## Generate application variants for each locale

To use your locale definition in the build configuration, use the `"localize"` option in the [`angular.json`][AioGuideWorkspaceConfig] workspace build configuration file to tell the CLI which locales to generate for the build configuration.

*   Set `"localize"` to `true` for all the locales previously defined in the build configuration.
*   Set `"localize"` to an array of a subset of the previously defined locale identifiers to build only those locale versions.
*   Set `"localize"` to `false` to disable localization and not generate any locale-specific versions.

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**NOTE**: <br />
[Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation][AioGuideGlossaryAheadOfTimeAotCompilation] is required to localize component templates.

If you changed this setting, set `"aot"` to `true` in order to use AOT.


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Due to the deployment complexities of i18n and the need to minimize rebuild time, the development server only supports localizing a single locale at a time.
If you set the `"localize"` option to `true`, define more than one locale, and use `ng serve`; then an error occurs.
If you want to develop against a specific locale, set the `"localize"` option to a specific locale.
For example, for French \(`fr`\), specify `"localize": ["fr"]`.


The CLI loads and registers the locale data, places each generated version in a locale-specific directory to keep it separate from other locale versions, and puts the directories within the configured `outputPath` for the project.
For each application variant the `lang` attribute of the `html` element is set to the locale.
The CLI also adjusts the HTML base HREF for each version of the application by adding the locale to the configured `baseHref`.

Set the `"localize"` property as a shared configuration to effectively inherit for all the configurations.
Also, set the property to override other configurations.

### `angular.json` include all locales from build example

The following example displays the `"localize"` option set to `true` in the [`angular.json`][AioGuideWorkspaceConfig] workspace build configuration file, so that all locales defined in the build configuration are built.

<code-example header="angular.json" path="i18n/angular.json" region="build-localize-true"></code-example>

## Build from the command line

Also, use the `--localize` option with the [`ng build`][AioCliBuild] command and your existing `production` configuration.
The CLI builds all locales defined in the build configuration.
If you set the locales in build configuration, it is similar to when you set the `"localize"` option to `true`.

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For more information about how to set the locales, see [Generate application variants for each locale][AioGuideI18nCommonMergeGenerateApplicationVariantsForEachLocale].


<code-example path="i18n/doc-files/commands.sh" region="build-localize"></code-example>

## Apply specific build options for just one locale

To apply specific build options to only one locale, specify a single locale to create a custom locale-specific configuration.

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Use the [Angular CLI][AioCliMain] development server \(`ng serve`\) with only a single locale.


### build for French example

The following example displays a custom locale-specific configuration using a single locale.

<code-example header="angular.json" path="i18n/angular.json" region="build-single-locale"></code-example>

Pass this configuration to the `ng serve` or `ng build` commands.
The following code example displays how to serve the French language file.

<code-example path="i18n/doc-files/commands.sh" region="serve-french"></code-example>

For production builds, use configuration composition to run both configurations.

<code-example path="i18n/doc-files/commands.sh" region="build-production-french"></code-example>

<code-example header="angular.json" path="i18n/angular.json" region="build-production-french" ></code-example>

## Report missing translations

When a translation is missing, the build succeeds but generates a warning such as `Missing translation for message "{translation_text}"`.
To configure the level of warning that is generated by the Angular compiler, specify one of the following levels.

| Warning level | Details                                              | Output |
|:---           |:---                                                  |:---    |
| `error`       | Throw an error and the build fails                   | n/a                                                    |
| `ignore`      | Do nothing                                           | n/a                                                    |
| `warning`     | Displays the default warning in the console or shell | `Missing translation for message "{translation_text}"` |

Specify the warning level in the `options` section for the `build` target of your [`angular.json`][AioGuideWorkspaceConfig] workspace build configuration file.

### `angular.json` `error` warning example

The following example displays how to set the warning level to `error`.

<code-example header="angular.json" path="i18n/angular.json" region="missing-translation-error" ></code-example>

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When you compile your Angular project into an Angular application, the instances of the `i18n` attribute are replaced with instances of the [`$localize`][AioApiLocalizeInitLocalize] tagged message string.
This means that your Angular application is translated after compilation.
This also means that you can create localized versions of your Angular application without re-compiling your entire Angular project for each locale.

When you translate your Angular application, the *translation transformation* replaces and reorders the parts \(static strings and expressions\) of the template literal string with strings from a collection of translations.
For more information, see [`$localize`][AioApiLocalizeInitLocalize].

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Compile once, then translate for each locale.



## What's next

*   [Deploy multiple locales][AioGuideI18nCommonDeploy]

<!-- links -->

[AioApiLocalizeInitLocalize]: api/localize/init/$localize "$localize | init - localize - API | Angular"

[AioCliMain]: cli "CLI Overview and Command Reference | Angular"
[AioCliBuild]: cli/build "ng build | CLI | Angular"

[AioGuideBuild]: guide/build "Building and serving Angular apps | Angular"

[AioGuideGlossaryAheadOfTimeAotCompilation]: guide/glossary#ahead-of-time-aot-compilation "ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation - Glossary | Angular"

[AioGuideI18nCommonDeploy]: guide/i18n-common-deploy "Deploy multiple locales | Angular"

[AioGuideI18nCommonMergeApplySpecificBuildOptionsForJustOneLocale]: guide/i18n-common-merge#apply-specific-build-options-for-just-one-locale "Apply specific build options for just one locale - Merge translations into the application | Angular"
[AioGuideI18nCommonMergeBuildFromTheCommandLine]: guide/i18n-common-merge#build-from-the-command-line "Build from the command line - Merge translations into the application | Angular"
[AioGuideI18nCommonMergeDefineLocalesInTheBuildConfiguration]: guide/i18n-common-merge#define-locales-in-the-build-configuration "Define locales in the build configuration - Merge translations into the application | Angular"
[AioGuideI18nCommonMergeGenerateApplicationVariantsForEachLocale]: guide/i18n-common-merge#generate-application-variants-for-each-locale "Generate application variants for each locale - Merge translations into the application | Angular"

[AioGuideI18nCommonTranslationFilesChangeTheSourceLanguageFileFormat]: guide/i18n-common-translation-files#change-the-source-language-file-format "Change the source language file format - Work with translation files | Angular"

[AioGuideWorkspaceConfig]: guide/workspace-config "Angular workspace configuration | Angular"

<!-- external links -->

[AngularV8GuideI18nMergeWithTheJitCompiler]: https://v8.angular.io/guide/i18n-common#merge-translations-into-the-app-with-the-jit-compiler "Merge with the JIT compiler - Internationalization (i18n) | Angular v8"

<!-- end links -->

@reviewed 2022-02-28
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