Raw File
  Cumulative Distribution Function From Kernel Density Estimate
  Given a kernel estimate of a probability density,
  compute the corresponding cumulative distribution function.
CDF(f, \dots)

\method{CDF}{density}(f, \dots, warn = TRUE)
    Density estimate (object of class \code{"density"}).
    Logical value indicating whether to issue a warning if the
    density estimate \code{f} had to be renormalised because it
    was computed in a restricted interval.
  \code{CDF} is generic, with a method for class \code{"density"}.
  This calculates the cumulative distribution function
  whose probability density has been estimated and stored in the object
  \code{f}. The object \code{f} must belong to the class \code{"density"},
  and would typically have been obtained from a call to the function
  A function, which can be applied to any numeric value or vector of
   b <- density(runif(10))
   f <- CDF(b)
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