#' Serve phantasus. #' #' \code{servePhantasus} starts http server handling phantasus static files #' and opencpu server. #' #' @param host Host to listen. #' #' @param port Port to listen. #' #' @param staticRoot Path to static files with phantasus.js #' (on local file system). #' #' @param cacheDir Full path to cache directory. #' #' @param preloadedDir Full path to directory with preloaded files. #' #' @param openInBrowser Boolean value which states if application will be #' automatically loaded in default browser. #' #' @param quiet Boolean value which states whether the connection log should #' be hidden (default: TRUE) #' #' @return Running instance of phantasus application. #' #' @import opencpu #' @import httpuv #' @import Rook #' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace #' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster #' @export #' #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' servePhantasus() #' } servePhantasus <- function(host = '', port = 8000, staticRoot = system.file("www/phantasus.js", package = "phantasus"), cacheDir = tempdir(), preloadedDir = NULL, openInBrowser = TRUE, quiet=TRUE) { cacheDir <- normalizePath(cacheDir) preloadedDir <- if (is.null(preloadedDir)) NULL else normalizePath(preloadedDir) options(phantasusCacheDir = cacheDir, phantasusPreloadedDir = preloadedDir) annotationDBMeta(cacheDir) FGSEAmeta(cacheDir) if (!opencpu:::win_or_mac()) { run_worker <- NULL } else { #### this fragment is adopted from opencpu::ocpu_start_server function #### https://github.com/opencpu/opencpu/blob/master/R/start.R #### :ToDo: remove code duplication # set root home for workers Sys.setenv("OCPU_MASTER_HOME" = opencpu:::tmp_root()) on.exit(Sys.unsetenv("OCPU_MASTER_HOME")) # import sendCall <- getFromNamespace('sendCall', 'parallel') recvResult <- getFromNamespace('recvResult', 'parallel') preload <- "opencpu" # worker pool pool <- list() # add new workers if needed add_workers <- function(n = 1){ if(length(pool) < 2){ cl <- parallel::makeCluster(n) lapply(cl, sendCall, fun = function(){ lapply(preload, getNamespace) options(phantasusCacheDir = cacheDir, phantasusPreloadedDir = preloadedDir) Sys.getpid() }, args = list()) pool <<- c(pool, cl) } } # get a worker get_worker <- function(){ if(!length(pool)) add_workers(1) node <- pool[[1]] pool <<- pool[-1] pid <- recvResult(node) if(inherits(pid, "try-error")) warning("Worker preload error: ", pid, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE) node$pid <- pid structure(list(node), class = c("SOCKcluster", "cluster")) } # main interface run_worker <- function(fun, ..., timeout = NULL){ res <- tryCatch({ if(length(timeout)){ setTimeLimit(elapsed = timeout) on.exit(setTimeLimit(cpu = Inf, elapsed = Inf), add = TRUE) } cl <- get_worker() on.exit(kill_workers(cl), add = TRUE) node <- cl[[1]] sendCall(node, fun, list(...)) recvResult(node) }, error = function(e){ if(grepl("elapsed time limit", e$message)){ tools::pskill(node$pid) stop(sprintf("Timeout reached: %ds (see rlimit.post in user.conf)", timeout)) } stop(e) }) if(inherits(res, "try-error")) stop(res) res } kill_workers <- function(cl){ parallel::stopCluster(cl) # does not work when child is busy } add_workers(2) on.exit(kill_workers(structure(pool, class = c("SOCKcluster", "cluster"))), add = TRUE) } utils::capture.output(type = "output", { app <- Rook::URLMap$new(`/ocpu` = opencpu:::rookhandler("/ocpu", worker_cb=run_worker), `/geo` = Rook::Static$new(urls = c("/geo"), root = cacheDir), `/?` = Rook::Static$new(urls = c("/"), root = staticRoot)) tryCatch({ server <- startServer(host, port, app = app) message(sprintf( "Server was started with following parameters: host=%s, port=%s", host, port)) }, error = function(e) { stop(paste(e, "The reason may be that requested port", port, "is occupied with some other application")) }) if (openInBrowser) { url <- sprintf("http://%s:%s", host, port) utils::browseURL(url) message(paste(url, "have been opened in your default browser.\n", "If nothing happened, check your 'browser'", "option with getOption('browser')", "or open the address manually.")) } on.exit(stopServer(server)) while(TRUE) { service() Sys.sleep(0.001) } }, split=!quiet) }