This file provides the example lambda terms from: N.B.B. Grathwohl, J. Ketema, J.D. Pallesen, and J.G. Simonsen. Anagopos: A Reduction Graph Visualizer for Term Rewriting and Lambda Calculus. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA 2011), volume 10 of LIPIcs, pages 61-70. * Figure 1: ((\xy.yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyxxy)(\xy.yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyxxy)(\x.x)) ((\xy.yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyxxy)(\xy.yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyxxy)(\x.x)) * Figure 2a: (\x.y)((\x.y)((\x.y)((\x.y)y))) * Figure 2b: ((\x.x)y)((\x.x)y)((\x.x)y)((\x.x)y) * Figure 4: (\x.xx(xx))(\x.xxy) * Figure 6: (\xy.x(\z.yzy)x)(\x.x)(\xy.x(\z.yzy)x) * Figure 7a: ((\x.x)y)((\\y.y)((\x.xx)\y.y) * Figure 7b: ((\xy.yyyyxxy)(\xy.yyyyxxy)(\x.x))(((\x.x)y)((\x.x)y))