\name{bdist.tiles} \alias{bdist.tiles} \title{Distance to Boundary of Window} \description{ Computes the shortest distances from each tile in a tessellation to the boundary of the window. } \usage{ bdist.tiles(X) } \arguments{ \item{X}{A tessellation (object of class \code{"tess"}).} } \value{ A numeric vector, giving the shortest distance from each tile in the tessellation to the boundary of the window. Entries of the vector correspond to the entries of \code{tiles(X)}. } \details{ This function computes, for each tile \eqn{s_i}{s[[i]]} in the tessellation \code{X}, the shortest distance from \eqn{s_i}{s[[i]]} to the boundary of the window \eqn{W} containing the tessellation. } \seealso{ \code{\link{tess}}, \code{\link{bdist.points}}, \code{\link{bdist.pixels}} } \examples{ P <- runifpoint(15) X <- dirichlet(P) plot(X, col="red") B <- bdist.tiles(X) # identify tiles that do not touch the boundary plot(X[B > 0], add=TRUE, col="green", lwd=3) } \author{\adrian and \rolf } \keyword{spatial} \keyword{math}