# Locuteurs liste txt_Locuteurs = Speakers txt_Filtre = Sort txt_FiltreParticipation = By participation duration > than txt_FiltreMessages = By number of messages > than txt_FiltreConversations = By number of discussions > than txt_FiltreSClances = By number of collective subjects initiated > than txt_FiltreSC = By number of collective subjects > than txt_FiltreMessagesSC = By number of messages in collective subjects > than txt_NbreLocuteurs = Number of speakers txt_NbreLocuteursUnSeulMessage = Number of speaker sending only one message txt_NbreMoyenMessagesLocuteursMois = Average number of messages by speaker by month txt_ParamLD = Selection parameter of prominent speakers txt_NbreLD = Number of prominent speakers txt_NbrePL = Number of small speakers txt_LD = Prominent speaker txt_NbreMessagesLD = Number of prominent speakers messages txt_PourcentLDSaufPremier = Percentage of prominent speakers except the first one txt_NbreLocuteursDominants3PremiersMois = Number of prominent speakers in the first 3 months txt_DureeMoyenneMoisParticipationLocuteursDominants = Average participation duration of prominent speakers txt_ParamLD_1 = Intensity > txt_ParamLD_2 = average intensity txt_ParamLD_2_UC = Average intensity txt_PourcentLocuteurs = % of speakers txt_LocuteursDominants = Prominent
speakers txt_SujetsCollectifs = Collective
subjects txt_MessagesMin = messages txt_PourcentMessages = % of messages txt_MessagesSoit = messages i.e txt_PourcentMessagesSaufLD = % of messages except those of the prominent speaker txt_PourcentLocuteursDominants = % of prominent speakers txt_MoisEcartType = months (standard deviation txt_Soit = i.e txt_PourcentDureeSuivi = % of the lists follow-up period txt_AucunLocuteurDominant = no prominent speaker txt_NonTrouveMaj = Not found txt_NonCalculeMaj = Not calculated txt_NonCalculeMin = not calculated txt_Nom = Name txt_Role = Role txt_Qualite = Position txt_Activite = Activity txt_Etoiles = stars txt_Debut = Start txt_Fin = End txt_DureeParticipation = Duration of participation txt_Jours = days txt_Nombre = Number of txt_Intensite = Intensity txt_LocuteurDominant = Prominent
speaker txt_Conversations = discussions txt_Conversations_UC = Discussions txt_SCLances = Initiated
collective subjects txt_ParticipationsSC = participations to
collective subjects txt_MessagesSC = messages
in collective subjects txt_PourcentTotalMessages = Percentage of total messages txt_Oui = Yes