/* Authors Martin Schlather, schlath@hsu-hh.de library for unconditional simulation of stationary and isotropic random fields Copyright (C) 2001 -- 2006 Martin Schlather, This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include //#include #include //#include #include "RFsimu.h" #include "avltr.h" //#include #define HYPER_UNIFORM 0 // without parameter #define HYPER_FRECHET 1 #define HYPER_BERNOULLI 2 #define BLOCKSIZE 1000 #define BLOCKS 1000 typedef double *colour_type[BLOCKS]; typedef unsigned int *code_type[BLOCKS]; typedef double (*randomvar_type)(); int HYPERPLANE_SUPERPOS = 300; int HYPERPLANE_MAXLINES = 1000; int HYPERPLANE_MAR_DISTR = HYPER_UNIFORM; double HYPERPLANE_MAR_PARAM = RF_NAN; double uniform() {return UNIFORM_RANDOM;} double frechet() { return exp(log(-1.0/log(UNIFORM_RANDOM))/HYPERPLANE_MAR_PARAM); } double bernoulli() { return (double) (UNIFORM_RANDOM <= HYPERPLANE_MAR_PARAM); } void hyper_destruct(void **S) { if (*S != NULL) { // hyper_storage *s; s = *((hyper_storage**)S); free(*S); *S = NULL; } } void SetParamHyperplane(int *action, int *superpos, int *maxlines, int *normalise, int *mar_distr, double *mar_param) { if (*action) { HYPERPLANE_SUPERPOS = *superpos; HYPERPLANE_MAXLINES = *maxlines; HYPERPLANE_MAR_DISTR = *mar_distr; HYPERPLANE_MAR_PARAM = *mar_param; } else { *superpos = HYPERPLANE_SUPERPOS; *maxlines = HYPERPLANE_MAXLINES; *mar_distr = HYPERPLANE_MAR_DISTR; *mar_param = HYPERPLANE_MAR_PARAM; } } int init_hyperplane(key_type *key, int m) { methodvalue_type *meth; covinfo_type *kc=NULL; hyper_storage *s; int error, reduceddim, optdim=2; // falls dies gelockert wird, so kc->idx[d] nicht vergessen! /* n == number of fields superposed lx+1== grid points on x-axis ly+1== y- gridlength== grid distance lambda== intensity for the Poisson hyperplanes res == result (matrix of simulated values) normalize==1 then mean=0, var=1 of the random field ==0, n>1 then field is devided by sqrt(n) */ /* cells are coded by a sequence of binary information. Each binary unit indicates if the cell is on the "left" hand side or the "right" hand side of a line */ meth = &(key->meth[m]); SET_DESTRUCT(hyper_destruct, m); if ((meth->S=malloc(sizeof(hyper_storage)))==0) { error=ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION; goto ErrorHandling; } s = (hyper_storage*) meth->S; /****************************************************************/ /* Extraction of matching covariances */ /****************************************************************/ int v, d, actcov; actcov=0; for (v=0; v ncov; v++) { ERRORMODELNUMBER = v; kc = &(key->cov[v]); if (kc->method==Hyperplane && kc->left) { cov_fct *cov; meth->covlist[actcov] = v; cov = &(CovList[kc->nr]); assert(kc->nr>=0 && kc->nrparam[VARIANCE] >= 0.0); if ((key->ncov>v+1 && kc->op) || (v>0 && key->cov[v-1].op)) { error=ERRORNOMULTIPLICATION; goto ErrorHandling; } /* investigation of the param structure and the dimension */ /* check parameter of covariance function */ reduceddim = kc->reduceddim; if (cov->type==ISOHYPERMODEL || cov->type==ANISOHYPERMODEL) { v += (int) kc->param[HYPERNR]; error=ERRORHYPERNOTALLOWED; goto ErrorHandling; } if (cov->implemented[Hyperplane] != IMPLEMENTED) { error = ERRORNOTDEFINED; goto ErrorHandling; } if ((error = cov->check(kc->param, reduceddim, key->timespacedim, Hyperplane)) != NOERROR) { ERRORMODELNUMBER = v; goto ErrorHandling; } if (reduceddim == 1) { strcpy(ERRORSTRING_OK,"dim=2"); sprintf(ERRORSTRING_WRONG, "genuine dim=1; this has not been programmed yet."); error = ERRORCOVFAILED; goto ErrorHandling; } if (reduceddim > optdim || reduceddim < 1) { error = ERRORWRONGDIM; goto ErrorHandling; } if ((error=Transform2NoGrid(key, v)) != NOERROR) goto ErrorHandling; s->hyperplane = cov->hyperplane; kc->left = false; break; } } ERRORMODELNUMBER = -1; if (v==key->ncov) { /* no covariance for the considered method found */ error=NOERROR_ENDOFLIST; goto ErrorHandling; } else assert(kc!=NULL); meth->actcov = 1; reduceddim = kc->reduceddim; /****************************************************************/ /* determine size of surrounding rectangle */ /****************************************************************/ GetCenterAndDiameter(key, kc->simugrid, reduceddim, kc->reduceddim, kc->x, kc->aniso, s->center, s->rx, &(s->radius)); s->radius *= 0.5; for (d=0; dreduceddim; d++) s->rx[d] *= 0.5; double *h; h=NULL; if (s->hyperplane(s->radius, s->center, s->rx, reduceddim, false, &h, &h, &h) > HYPERPLANE_MAXLINES) { error = ERRORTOOMANYLINES; goto ErrorHandling; } if (key->anisotropy) return NOERROR_REPEAT; else return NOERROR; ErrorHandling: return error; } typedef struct cell_type { unsigned int *code; double colour; } cell_type; int cmpcells(void *a, void *b, void *param) { cell_type *aa, *bb; int *n; aa = (cell_type*) a; bb = (cell_type*) b; n = (int*) param; return memcmp(aa->code, bb->code, *n * sizeof(unsigned int)); } void delcell(void *a, void *param) { cell_type *aa; aa = (cell_type*) a; free(aa->code); free(aa); } cell_type *determine_cell(double gx, double gy, double* hx, double* hy, double* hr, int *integers, avltr_tree **tree, randomvar_type randomvar) { // gx, gy : coordinates // hx, hy, hr: list of line coordinates // tree: tree for storing already detected cells with at least one // one point in it // randomvar: random constant for each cell // resindex: numbering of the point with the coordinates (gx, gy) // add: maximum or addition of the values for overlaying // hyperplane tessellations? // res: result vector (random field) int tt, index, bb; unsigned int *cd; cell_type *cell; static cell_type *lastcell=NULL; if ((cell = (cell_type*) malloc(sizeof(cell_type))) == NULL){ goto ErrorHandling; } cell->code = NULL; if ((cell->code = (unsigned int*) malloc(*integers * sizeof(unsigned int))) == NULL) goto ErrorHandling; cd = cell->code; /* calculate the code; if a grid element with */ /* this code exists, then take this colour */ /* (as the two points are then in the same */ /* cell) else create a new colour (new cell!) */ for (tt=index=0; tt<*integers; tt++) { /* calculate the code... */ cd[tt] = 0; // of no value for (bb=0; bb<32; bb++, index++) { cd[tt] <<= 1; cd[tt] |= ((hx[index] * gx + hy[index] * gy) < hr[index]); } } if (*tree==NULL) { /* is it the very first point ? */ *tree = avltr_create((avl_comparison_func) cmpcells, integers); cell->colour = randomvar(); avltr_insert(*tree, cell); lastcell = cell; } else { /* search if the calculated code has already appeared (makes sense as it is not the very first point calculated */ /* as the grid points are visited successively, there is good chance that the previous (calculated) point belongs to the same cell. Let us check that first! */ if (memcmp(lastcell->code, cell->code, *integers * sizeof(unsigned int)) && ((lastcell = (cell_type*) *avltr_probe(*tree, cell)) == cell)) { // printf("here %d %d \n", // (int) cell->code[0], (int) lastcell->code[0]); lastcell->colour = randomvar(); } else { delcell(cell, NULL); } } return lastcell; ErrorHandling: if (cell != NULL) { if (cell->code != NULL) free(cell->code); free(cell); } return NULL; } void do_hyperplane(key_type *key, int m, double *res) { methodvalue_type *meth; covinfo_type *kc; double gx, gy, *hx, *hy, *hr, E, sd, variance; int resindex, integers, bits, q, endfor, i, xerror, j, reduceddim; randomvar_type randomvar; hyper_storage *s; bool add; avltr_tree *tree; cell_type *cell; hx = hy = hr = NULL; assert(sizeof(unsigned int) == 4); meth = &(key->meth[m]); assert(meth->actcov == 1); kc = &(key->cov[meth->covlist[0]]); reduceddim = kc->reduceddim; s = (hyper_storage*) meth->S; assert(meth->actcov == 1); variance = key->cov[meth->covlist[0]].param[VARIANCE]; tree = NULL; switch (HYPERPLANE_MAR_DISTR) { case HYPER_UNIFORM : randomvar=uniform; break; case HYPER_FRECHET : randomvar=frechet; break; case HYPER_BERNOULLI : randomvar=bernoulli; break; default : assert(false); } switch (key->distribution) { case DISTR_GAUSS : add = true; break; case DISTR_POISSON : add = true; break; case DISTR_MAXSTABLE : add = false; break; default : assert(false); } if (add) for (i=0; itotalpoints; res[i++]=0.0); else // max-stable for (i=0; itotalpoints; res[i++]=R_NegInf); /* how many Poisson Hyperplanes maximal (on circle x [0,rmax]) ? --> p */ switch (reduceddim) { case 1 : assert(false); case 2 : int nn; double deltax, deltay; deltax = kc->xsimugr[XSTEPD[0]]; deltay = kc->xsimugr[XSTEPD[1]]; for(nn=0; nnhyperplane(s->radius, s->center, s->rx, reduceddim, true, &hx, &hy, &hr); /* as the length of the codes for the cells are naturally a multiple of number of bits of an integer variable, some lines are added to the simulated ones in order to get a number of lines that is a multiple of the number of bits of an integer --- the lines are placed in 2*rmax, so outside the rectangle */ bits = 8 * sizeof(unsigned int); integers = (int) (q / bits); if (integers * bits < q) { integers++; endfor = integers * bits; for(; q < endfor; q++) { hx[q] = hy[q] = 0; hr[q] = 2.0 * s->radius; } } /* temporary code */ if (kc->simugrid) { for (gy=kc->xsimugr[XSTARTD[1]], resindex=j=0; jlength[1]; j++) { for (gx= kc->xsimugr[XSTARTD[0]], i=0; ilength[0]; i++, resindex++) { // printf("\n%f %f\n", gx, gy); if ((cell = determine_cell(gx, gy, hx, hy, hr, &integers, &tree, randomvar)) == NULL) { xerror = ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION; goto ErrorHandling; } // printf("%d %d %f %d %d %d\n", // resindex, avltr_count(tree),cell->colour, add, // integers, q); if (add) res[resindex] += cell->colour; else if (res[resindex] < cell->colour) res[resindex] = cell->colour; gx += deltax; } gy += deltay; } } else { for (j=resindex=0; resindextotalpoints; resindex++) { if ((cell=determine_cell(kc->x[j], kc->x[j+1], hx, hy, hr, &integers, &tree, randomvar))==NULL){ xerror = ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION; goto ErrorHandling; } if (add) res[resindex] += cell->colour; else if (res[resindex] < cell->colour) res[resindex] = cell->colour; j += reduceddim; } } free(hx); free(hy); free(hr); hx = hy = hr = NULL; avltr_destroy(tree, delcell); tree = NULL; }/* for nn */ break; default: assert(false); } // switch (reduceddim) switch (key->distribution) { case DISTR_GAUSS : switch (HYPERPLANE_MAR_DISTR) { case HYPER_UNIFORM : E = 0.5; sd = 1.0 / 12.0; break; case HYPER_FRECHET : assert(HYPERPLANE_MAR_PARAM > 2); assert(false); break; case HYPER_BERNOULLI : E = HYPERPLANE_MAR_PARAM; sd = HYPERPLANE_MAR_PARAM * (1.0 - HYPERPLANE_MAR_PARAM); break; default : assert(false); } sd = sqrt(variance / (HYPERPLANE_SUPERPOS * sd)); for(i=0; itotalpoints; i++) res[i] = (res[i] - HYPERPLANE_SUPERPOS * E) * sd; break; case DISTR_POISSON : assert(false); break; case DISTR_MAXSTABLE : assert(false); break; default : assert(false); } return; ErrorHandling: // if (GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>0) if (hx != NULL) free(hx); if (hy != NULL) free(hy); if (hr != NULL) free(hr); if (tree!=NULL) avltr_destroy(tree, delcell); ErrorMessage(Hyperplane, xerror); assert(false); }