require import AllCore List Finite Real Distr. require DBool. require Means. theory MeansBool. clone export Means as M with type input <- bool, op d <- {0,1}. import StdBigop.Bigbool.BBOr StdBigop.Bigreal.BRA. lemma Mean (A<:Worker) &m (p: bool -> glob A -> output -> bool): Pr[Rand(A).main() @ &m : p (fst res) (glob A) (snd res)] = 1%r/2%r*(Pr[ @ &m : p true (glob A) res] + Pr[ @ &m : p false (glob A) res]). proof. have Hf : is_finite (support {0,1}). + by exists ([true;false])=> - []; rewrite DBool.supp_dbool. have:= Mean_uni A &m p (1%r/2%r) => /= -> //. + by move=> x _; rewrite DBool.dbool1E. rewrite (eq_big_perm _ _ _ [true; false]). + apply: uniq_perm_eq=> //=. + exact: uniq_to_seq. by move=> x; rewrite mem_to_seq // DBool.supp_dbool; case: x. by rewrite big_cons big_cons big_nil. qed. end MeansBool. clone import MeansBool as MB with type M.output <- bool. lemma Sample_bool (A <: Worker) &m (p:glob A -> bool): Pr[Rand(A).main() @ &m : fst res = snd res /\ p (glob A)] - Pr[ @ &m : p (glob A)]/2%r = 1%r/2%r*(Pr[ @ &m : res /\ p (glob A)] - Pr[ @ &m : res /\ p (glob A)]). proof. have:= Mean A &m (fun b (gA:glob A) (b':bool), b = b' /\ p gA)=> //= ->. have Hd: 2%r <> 0%r by smt(). have -> : Pr[ @ &m : true = res /\ p (glob A)] = Pr[ @ &m : res /\ p (glob A)]. + by rewrite Pr[mu_eq] /#. have -> : Pr[ @ &m : false = res /\ p (glob A)] = Pr[ @ &m : !res /\ p (glob A)]. + by rewrite Pr[mu_eq] /#. have -> : Pr[ @ &m : p (glob A)] = Pr[ @ &m : (!res /\ p (glob A)) \/ (res /\ p (glob A))]. + by rewrite Pr[mu_eq] /#. rewrite Pr[mu_disjoint] 1:/#. by algebra. qed. lemma Sample_bool_lossless (A <: Worker) &m: Pr[ @ &m : true] = 1%r => Pr[Rand(A).main() @ &m : fst res = snd res] - 1%r/2%r = 1%r/2%r*(Pr[ @ &m : res] - Pr[ @ &m : res]). proof. move=> Hloss. have := Sample_bool A &m (fun x, true) => /= <-. by rewrite Hloss. qed.