### FILE="Main.annotation" ## Copyright: Public domain. ## Filename: INTERPRETIVE_CONSTANTS.agc ## Purpose: A section of Luminary revision 210. ## It is part of the source code for the Lunar Module's (LM) ## Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) for Apollo 15-17. ## This file is intended to be a faithful transcription, except ## that the code format has been changed to conform to the ## requirements of the yaYUL assembler rather than the ## original YUL assembler. ## Reference: pp. 1098-1099 ## Assembler: yaYUL ## Contact: Ron Burkey . ## Website: www.ibiblio.org/apollo/index.html ## Mod history: 2016-11-17 JL Created from Luminary131 version. ## 2016-11-29 RRB Updated to Luminary210. ## 2016-12-26 RSB Comment-text proofed using ProoferComments ## but no errors found. ## Page 1098 SETLOC INTPRET1 BANK COUNT* $$/ICONS DP1/4TH 2DEC .25 UNITZ 2DEC 0 UNITY 2DEC 0 UNITX 2DEC .5 ZEROVECS 2DEC 0 2DEC 0 2DEC 0 DPHALF = UNITX DPPOSMAX OCT 37777 OCT 37777 ## Page 1099 # INTERPRETIVE CONSTANTS IN THE OTHER HALF-MEMORY SETLOC INTPRET2 BANK COUNT* $$/ICONS ZUNIT 2DEC 0 YUNIT 2DEC 0 XUNIT 2DEC .5 ZEROVEC 2DEC 0 2DEC 0 2DEC 0 OCT 77777 # -0, -6, -12 MUST REMAIN IN THIS ORDER DFC-6 DEC -6 DFC-12 DEC -12 LODPMAX 2OCT 3777737777 # THESE TWO CONSTANTS MUST REMAIN LODPMAX1 2OCT 3777737777 # ADJACENT AND THE SAME FOR INTEGRATION ZERODP = ZEROVEC HALFDP = XUNIT