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Tip revision: 1c62832ad7d6eab5b337f386955868c3ce9a54ea authored by Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider on 11 September 2021, 12:56:53 UTC
README: paper link, bibtex
Tip revision: 1c62832
//  Copyright (c) Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider
//  Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
//  All Rights Reserved.  This source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0
//  License (found in the LICENSE file in the root directory).

#pragma once

#include "minimal_hasher.hpp"
#include "rocksdb/math.h"
#include "rocksdb/stop_watch.h"
#include "sorter.hpp"

#include <tlx/logger.hpp>
#include <tlx/logger/wrap_unprintable.hpp>

// Use in-place super-scalar radix sorter ips2ra, which is around 3x faster for
// the inputs used here
#include <ips2ra.hpp>

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>

namespace ribbon {

template <bool kFCA1, typename BandingStorage>
std::pair<bool, typename BandingStorage::Index>
BandingAdd(BandingStorage *bs, typename BandingStorage::Index start,
           typename BandingStorage::CoeffRow coeffs,
           typename BandingStorage::ResultRow result) {
    using Index = typename BandingStorage::Index;
    constexpr bool debug = false;

    Index pos = start;
    if constexpr (!kFCA1) {
        int tz = rocksdb::CountTrailingZeroBits(coeffs);
        pos += static_cast<size_t>(tz);
        coeffs >>= tz;

    while (true) {
        assert(pos < bs->GetNumSlots());
        assert((coeffs & 1) == 1);

        auto other = bs->GetCoeffs(pos);
        if (other == 0) {
            // found an empty slot, insert
            bs->SetCoeffs(pos, coeffs);
            bs->SetResult(pos, result);
            sLOG << "Insertion succeeded at position" << pos;
            return std::make_pair(true, pos);

        assert((other & 1) == 1);
        coeffs ^= other;
        result ^= bs->GetResult(pos);
        if (coeffs == 0) {
            // linearly dependent!
            sLOG << "Insertion failed at position" << pos;
            return std::make_pair(false, pos);

        // move to now-leading coefficient
        int tz = rocksdb::CountTrailingZeroBits(coeffs);
        pos += static_cast<size_t>(tz);
        coeffs >>= tz;
    LOG << "Insertion hit the end of the loop";
    return std::pair(result == 0, pos);

// hack to prevent inlining of ips2ra, which is awful for compile time and
// produces ginormous binaries
template <typename Iterator>
__attribute__((noinline)) void my_sort(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
    // Use std::sort as a slow fallback
    std::sort(begin, end, [](const auto &a, const auto &b) {
        return std::get<0>(a) < std::get<0>(b);
    ips2ra::sort(begin, end, [](const auto &x) { return std::get<0>(x); });

// hack to prevent inlining of ips2ra, which is awful for compile time and
// produces ginormous binaries
template <typename Iterator, typename Hasher, typename Index>
__attribute__((noinline)) void my_sort(Iterator begin, Iterator end,
                                       const Hasher &h, Index num_starts) {
    unsigned sparse_shift = 0;
    if constexpr (Hasher::kSparseCoeffs) {
        sparse_shift = Hasher::shift_;
    MinimalHasher<Index, Hasher::kSparseCoeffs> mh(Hasher::kBucketSize,
                                                   h.GetFactor(), sparse_shift);
    return Sorter<Index, Hasher::kIsFilter, Hasher::kSparseCoeffs,
                  std::conditional_t<Hasher::kIsFilter, SorterDummyData,
                                     typename Hasher::ResultRow>>()
        .do_sort(begin, end, mh, num_starts);

template <typename BandingStorage, typename Hasher, typename Iterator,
          typename BumpStorage = std::vector<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type>>
bool BandingAddRange(BandingStorage *bs, Hasher &hasher, Iterator begin,
                     Iterator end, BumpStorage *bump_vec) {
    using CoeffRow = typename BandingStorage::CoeffRow;
    using Index = typename BandingStorage::Index;
    using ResultRow = typename BandingStorage::ResultRow;
    using Hash = typename Hasher::Hash;
    constexpr bool kFCA1 = Hasher::kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne;
    constexpr bool oneBitThresh = Hasher::kThreshMode == ThreshMode::onebit;

    constexpr bool debug = false;
    constexpr bool log = Hasher::log;

    if (begin == end)
        return true;

    rocksdb::StopWatchNano timer(true);
    const Index num_starts = bs->GetNumStarts();
    const Index num_buckets = bs->GetNumBuckets();
    sLOG << "Constructing ribbon with" << num_buckets
         << "buckets,  num_starts = " << num_starts;

    const auto num_items = end - begin; // std::distance(begin, end);
    constexpr bool sparse = Hasher::kSparseCoeffs && Hasher::kCoeffBits < 128;
    auto input = std::make_unique<
        std::tuple<Index, Index, std::conditional_t<sparse, uint32_t, Hash>>[]>(
    auto input = std::make_unique<std::pair<Index, Index>[]>(num_items);

        sLOG << "Processing" << num_items << "items";

        for (Index i = 0; i < static_cast<Index>(num_items); i++) {
            const Hash h = hasher.GetHash(*(begin + i));
            const Index start = hasher.GetStart(h, num_starts);
            const Index sortpos = Hasher::StartToSort(start);
            if constexpr (sparse) {
                uint32_t compact_hash = hasher.GetCompactHash(h);
                input[i] = std::make_tuple(sortpos, i, compact_hash);
            } else {
                input[i] = std::make_tuple(sortpos, i, h);
            input[i] = std::make_pair(sortpos, i);
    LOGC(log) << "\tInput transformation took "
              << timer.ElapsedNanos(true) / 1e6 << "ms";
    my_sort(input.get(), input.get() + num_items);
    LOGC(log) << "\tSorting took " << timer.ElapsedNanos(true) / 1e6 << "ms";

    const auto do_bump = [&](auto &vec) {
        sLOG << "Bumping" << vec.size() << "items";
        for (auto [row, idx] : vec) {
            sLOG << "\tBumping row" << row << "item"
                 << tlx::wrap_unprintable(*(begin + idx));
            bs->SetCoeffs(row, 0);
            bs->SetResult(row, 0);
            bump_vec->push_back(*(begin + idx));

    Index last_bucket = 0;
    bool all_good = true;
    Index thresh = Hasher::NoBumpThresh();
    // Bump cache (row, input item) pairs that may have to be bumped retroactively
    Index last_cval = -1;
    std::vector<std::pair<Index, Index>> bump_cache;
    // For 1-bit thresholds, we also need an uncompressed bump cache for undoing
    // all insertions with the same uncompressed value if we end up in the
    // "plus" case with a separately stored threshold
    [[maybe_unused]] Index last_val = -1;
    [[maybe_unused]] std::conditional_t<oneBitThresh, decltype(bump_cache), int> unc_bump_cache;

    auto next = *(begin + input[0].second);

    for (Index i = 0; i < static_cast<Index>(num_items); ++i) {
        const auto [sortpos, idx, hash] = input[i];
        const auto [sortpos, idx] = input[i];
        const Index start = Hasher::SortToStart(sortpos),
                    bucket = Hasher::GetBucket(sortpos),
                    val = Hasher::GetIntraBucket(sortpos),
                    cval = hasher.Compress(val);
        assert(bucket >= last_bucket);
        assert(oneBitThresh || cval < Hasher::NoBumpThresh());

        const Hash hash = hasher.GetHash(next);
        if (i + 1 < num_items)
            next = *(begin + input[i + 1].second);

        // prefetch the cache miss far in advance, assuming the iterator
        // is to contiguous storage
        if (TLX_LIKELY(i + 32 < num_items))
            __builtin_prefetch(&*begin + input[i + 32].second, 0, 1);

        if (bucket != last_bucket) {
            // moving to next bucket
            sLOG << "Moving to bucket" << bucket << "was" << last_bucket;
            if constexpr (oneBitThresh) {
                last_val = val;
            if (thresh == Hasher::NoBumpThresh()) {
                sLOG << "Bucket" << last_bucket << "has no bumped items";
                bs->SetMeta(last_bucket, thresh);
            all_good = true;
            last_bucket = bucket;
            thresh = Hasher::NoBumpThresh(); // maximum == "no bumpage"
            last_cval = cval;
        } else if (!all_good) {
            // direct hard bump
            sLOG << "Directly bumping" << tlx::wrap_unprintable(*(begin + idx))
                 << "from bucket" << bucket << "val" << val << cval << "start"
                 << start << "sort" << sortpos << "hash" << std::hex << hash
                 << "data"
                 << (uint64_t)(Hasher::kIsFilter
                                   ? hasher.GetResultRowFromHash(hash)
                                   : hasher.GetResultRowFromInput(*(begin + idx)))
                 << std::dec;
            bump_vec->push_back(*(begin + idx));
        } else if (cval != last_cval) {
            // clear bump cache
            sLOG << "Bucket" << bucket << "cval" << cval << "!=" << last_cval;
            last_cval = cval;
        if constexpr (oneBitThresh) {
            // split into constexpr and normal if because unc_bump_cache isn't a
            // vector if !oneBitThresh
            if (val != last_val) {
                last_val = val;

        const CoeffRow cr = hasher.GetCoeffs(hash);
        const ResultRow rr = Hasher::kIsFilter
                                 ? hasher.GetResultRowFromHash(hash)
                                 : hasher.GetResultRowFromInput(*(begin + idx));

        auto [success, row] = BandingAdd<kFCA1>(bs, start, cr, rr);
        if (!success) {
            if (bump_vec == nullptr)
                // bumping disabled, abort!
                return false;
            // if we got this far, this is the first failure in this bucket,
            // and we need to undo insertions with the same cval
            sLOG << "First failure in bucket" << bucket << "val" << val
                 << "start" << start << "sort" << sortpos << "hash" << std::hex
                 << hash << "data" << (uint64_t)rr << std::dec << "for item"
                 << tlx::wrap_unprintable(*(begin + idx)) << "-> threshold"
                 << cval << "clash in row" << row;
            thresh = cval;
            if constexpr (oneBitThresh) {
                if (cval == 2) {
                    sLOG << "First failure in bucket" << bucket << "val" << val
                         << "is a 'plus' case (below threshold)";
                    // "plus" case: store uncompressed threshold in hash table
                    hasher.Set(bucket, val);
                    // Set meta to 0 (some bumpage) but keep thresh at 2 so that
                    // we don't retroactively bump everything when moving to the
                    // next bucket
                    bs->SetMeta(bucket, 0);
                    all_good = false;

                    // bump all items with the same uncompressed value
                    sLOG << "Also bumping"
                         << tlx::wrap_unprintable(*(begin + idx));
                    bump_vec->push_back(*(begin + idx));
                    // proceed to next item, don't do regular bumping (but only
                    // if cval == 2, not generally!)
            bs->SetMeta(bucket, thresh);
            all_good = false;

            bump_vec->push_back(*(begin + idx));
        } else {
            sLOG << "Insertion succeeded of item"
                 << tlx::wrap_unprintable(*(begin + idx)) << "in pos" << row
                 << "bucket" << bucket << "val" << val << cval << "start"
                 << start << "sort" << sortpos << "hash" << std::hex << hash
                 << "data" << (uint64_t)rr << std::dec;
            bump_cache.emplace_back(row, idx);
            if constexpr (oneBitThresh) {
                // also record in bump cache for uncompressed values
                unc_bump_cache.emplace_back(row, idx);
    // set final threshold
    if (thresh == Hasher::NoBumpThresh()) {
        bs->SetMeta(last_bucket, thresh);

    // migrate thresholds to hash table
    if constexpr (oneBitThresh) {

    LOGC(log) << "\tActual insertion took " << timer.ElapsedNanos(true) / 1e6
              << "ms";
    return true;

template <typename BandingStorage, typename Hasher, typename Iterator,
          typename BumpStorage = std::vector<typename Hasher::mhc_t>>
bool BandingAddRangeMHC(BandingStorage *bs, Hasher &hasher, Iterator begin,
                        Iterator end, BumpStorage *bump_vec) {
    static_assert(Hasher::kUseMHC, "you called the wrong method");

    using CoeffRow = typename BandingStorage::CoeffRow;
    using Index = typename BandingStorage::Index;
    using ResultRow = typename BandingStorage::ResultRow;
    constexpr bool kFCA1 = Hasher::kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne;
    constexpr bool oneBitThresh = (Hasher::kThreshMode == ThreshMode::onebit);

    constexpr bool debug = false;
    constexpr bool log = Hasher::log;

    if (begin == end)
        return true;

    rocksdb::StopWatchNano timer(true);
    const auto num_items = end - begin;
    const Index num_starts = bs->GetNumStarts();
    const Index num_buckets = bs->GetNumBuckets();
    sLOG << "Constructing ribbon (MHC) with" << num_buckets
         << "buckets, num_starts =" << num_starts;

    my_sort(begin, end, hasher, num_starts);
    // MHCs should be unique, if not, fail construction
    if constexpr (Hasher::kIsFilter) {
        assert(std::adjacent_find(begin, end) == end);
    } else {
        assert(std::adjacent_find(begin, end, [](const auto &a, const auto &b) {
                   return a.first == b.first;
               }) == end);

    LOGC(log) << "\tSorting took " << timer.ElapsedNanos(true) / 1e6 << "ms";

    const auto do_bump = [&](auto &vec) {
        sLOG << "Bumping" << vec.size() << "items";
        for (auto [row, idx] : vec) {
            sLOG << "\tBumping row" << row << "item"
                 << tlx::wrap_unprintable(*(begin + idx));
            bs->SetCoeffs(row, 0);
            bs->SetResult(row, 0);
            bump_vec->push_back(*(begin + idx));

    Index last_bucket = 0;
    bool all_good = true;
    Index thresh = Hasher::NoBumpThresh();
    // Bump cache (row, input item) pairs that may have to be bumped retroactively
    Index last_cval = -1;
    std::vector<std::pair<Index, Index>> bump_cache;
    // For 1-bit thresholds, we also need an uncompressed bump cache for undoing
    // all insertions with the same uncompressed value if we end up in the
    // "plus" case with a separately stored threshold
    [[maybe_unused]] Index last_val = -1;
    [[maybe_unused]] std::conditional_t<oneBitThresh, decltype(bump_cache), int> unc_bump_cache;

    for (Index i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) {
        const auto mhc = *(begin + i);
        const auto hash = hasher.GetHash(mhc);
        const Index start = hasher.GetStart(hash, num_starts),
                    sortpos = Hasher::SortToStart(start),
                    bucket = Hasher::GetBucket(sortpos),
                    val = Hasher::GetIntraBucket(sortpos),
                    cval = hasher.Compress(val);
        assert(bucket >= last_bucket);
        assert(oneBitThresh || cval < Hasher::NoBumpThresh());

        if (bucket != last_bucket) {
            // moving to next bucket
            sLOG << "Moving to bucket" << bucket << "was" << last_bucket;
            if constexpr (oneBitThresh) {
                last_val = val;
            if (thresh == Hasher::NoBumpThresh()) {
                sLOG << "Bucket" << last_bucket << "has no bumped items";
                bs->SetMeta(last_bucket, thresh);
            all_good = true;
            last_bucket = bucket;
            thresh = Hasher::NoBumpThresh(); // maximum == "no bumpage"
            last_cval = cval;
        } else if (!all_good) {
            // direct hard bump
            sLOG << "Directly bumping" << tlx::wrap_unprintable(*(begin + i))
                 << "from bucket" << bucket << "val" << val << cval << "start"
                 << start << "sort" << sortpos << "hash" << std::hex << hash
                 << std::dec;
            bump_vec->push_back(*(begin + i));
        } else if (cval != last_cval) {
            // clear bump cache
            sLOG << "Bucket" << bucket << "cval" << cval << "!=" << last_cval;
            last_cval = cval;
        if constexpr (oneBitThresh) {
            // split into constexpr and normal if because unc_bump_cache isn't a
            // vector if !oneBitThresh
            if (val != last_val) {
                last_val = val;

        const CoeffRow cr = hasher.GetCoeffs(hash);
        const ResultRow rr = Hasher::kIsFilter
                                 ? hasher.GetResultRowFromHash(hash)
                                 : hasher.GetResultRowFromInput(*(begin + i));

        auto [success, row] = BandingAdd<kFCA1>(bs, start, cr, rr);
        if (!success) {
            if (bump_vec == nullptr)
                // bumping disabled, abort!
                return false;
            // if we got this far, this is the first failure in this bucket,
            // and we need to undo insertions with the same cval
            sLOG << "First failure in bucket" << bucket << "val" << val
                 << "start" << start << "sort" << sortpos << "hash" << std::hex
                 << hash << "data" << (uint64_t)rr << std::dec << "for item"
                 << tlx::wrap_unprintable(*(begin + i)) << "-> threshold"
                 << cval << "clash in row" << row;
            thresh = cval;
            if constexpr (oneBitThresh) {
                if (cval == 2) {
                    sLOG << "First failure in bucket" << bucket << "val" << val
                         << "is a 'plus' case (below threshold)";
                    // "plus" case: store uncompressed threshold in hash table
                    hasher.Set(bucket, val);
                    // Set meta to 0 (some bumpage) but keep thresh at 2 so that
                    // we don't retroactively bump everything when moving to the
                    // next bucket
                    bs->SetMeta(bucket, 0);
                    all_good = false;

                    // bump all items with the same uncompressed value
                    sLOG << "Also bumping" << tlx::wrap_unprintable(*(begin + i));
                    bump_vec->push_back(*(begin + i));
                    // proceed to next item, don't do regular bumping (but only
                    // if cval == 2, not generally!)
            bs->SetMeta(bucket, thresh);
            all_good = false;

            bump_vec->push_back(*(begin + i));
        } else {
            sLOG << "Insertion succeeded of item"
                 << tlx::wrap_unprintable(*(begin + i)) << "in pos" << row
                 << "bucket" << bucket << "val" << val << cval << "start"
                 << start << "sort" << sortpos << "hash" << std::hex << hash
                 << "data" << (uint64_t)rr << std::dec;
            bump_cache.emplace_back(row, i);
            if constexpr (oneBitThresh) {
                // also record in bump cache for uncompressed values
                unc_bump_cache.emplace_back(row, i);
    // set final threshold
    if (thresh == Hasher::NoBumpThresh()) {
        bs->SetMeta(last_bucket, thresh);

    // migrate thresholds to hash table
    if constexpr (oneBitThresh) {

    LOGC(log) << "\tActual insertion took " << timer.ElapsedNanos(true) / 1e6
              << "ms";
    return true;

} // namespace ribbon
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