% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/loadPreloaded.R \name{loadPreloaded} \alias{loadPreloaded} \title{Load GEO Dataset.} \usage{ loadPreloaded(name, exactName = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{name}{String, containing filename. Assuming that in the directory with preloaded files \code{preloadedDir} exists file \code{filename.rda} with list of ExpressionSets \code{ess}.} \item{exactName}{If you know, that inside file is object with name \code{exactName}, you can specify it to load only this object. Otherwise, whole file will be loaded.} } \value{ File with ProtoBuf-serialized ExpressionSet-s that were loaded from specified file. } \description{ \code{loadPreloaded} returns the file with serialized ExpressionSets using ProtoBuf, that were preloaded on server. }