Valeria Aguillon Rodriguez: METHODOLOGY: built, designed and tested rig assembly (equal); METHODOLOGY: developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (equal); INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal) Dora E. Angelaki: RESOURCES: hosted the research (equal); SUPERVISION: supervised local laboratory research (equal); FUNDING ACQUISITION: acquired funding (support) Hannah M. Bayer: WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote and curated the appendix protocols (support); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: edited the paper (lead); SUPERVISION: managed and coordinated team (support) Niccolò Bonacchi: METHODOLOGY: built, designed and tested rig assembly (lead); METHODOLOGY: designed and delivered rig components (support); METHODOLOGY: piloted candidate behavioral tasks (equal); METHODOLOGY: developed final behavioral task (equal); METHODOLOGY: developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (support); METHODOLOGY: standardized licenses and experimental protocols across institutions (equal); SOFTWARE: developed data acquisition software and infrastructure (lead); VALIDATION: maintained and validated analysis code (support); FORMAL ANALYSIS: analyzed data (support); INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support); DATA CURATION: curated data and metadata (equal); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote the first version of the paper (support); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote and curated the appendix protocols (support); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: edited the paper (support); SUPERVISION: managed and coordinated team (support); PROJECT ADMINISTRATION: managed and coordinated research outputs (support); FUNDING ACQUISITION: acquired funding (support) Matteo Carandini: CONCEPTUALIZATION: defined composition and scope of the paper (lead); RESOURCES: hosted the research (equal); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote the first version of the paper (equal); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote the second version of the paper (lead); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: edited the paper (equal); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: revised the paper in response to peer review (equal); SUPERVISION: supervised local laboratory research (equal); SUPERVISION: managed and coordinated team (lead); PROJECT ADMINISTRATION: managed and coordinated research outputs (lead); FUNDING ACQUISITION: acquired funding (equal) Fanny Cazettes: METHODOLOGY: piloted candidate behavioral tasks (lead); METHODOLOGY: developed final behavioral task (support); METHODOLOGY: developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (support); INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote the first version of the paper (support); SUPERVISION: managed and coordinated team (support) Gaelle A. Chapuis: CONCEPTUALIZATION: defined composition and scope of the paper (equal); METHODOLOGY: developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (lead); METHODOLOGY: designed and delivered rig components (support); METHODOLOGY: standardized licenses and experimental protocols across institutions (lead); VALIDATION: maintained and validated analysis code (support); FORMAL ANALYSIS: analyzed data (support); DATA CURATION: curated data and metadata (support); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote the second version of the paper (equal); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote and curated the appendix protocols (lead); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: edited the paper (support); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: revised the paper in response to peer review (equal); VISUALIZATION: designed and created figures (support); SUPERVISION: managed and coordinated team (lead); PROJECT ADMINISTRATION: managed and coordinated research outputs (lead); FUNDING ACQUISITION: acquired funding (support) Anne K. Churchand: RESOURCES: hosted the research (equal); SUPERVISION: supervised local laboratory research (equal); FUNDING ACQUISITION: acquired funding (lead) Yang Dan: RESOURCES: hosted the research (equal); SUPERVISION: supervised local laboratory research (equal); FUNDING ACQUISITION: acquired funding (support) Eric E. DeWitt: CONCEPTUALIZATION: defined composition and scope of the paper (support); METHODOLOGY: developed final behavioral task (equal); METHODOLOGY: piloted candidate behavioral tasks (equal); METHODOLOGY: developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (support); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: edited the paper (support); SUPERVISION: managed and coordinated team (support); FUNDING ACQUISITION: acquired funding (support) Mayo Faulkner: INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote and curated the appendix protocols (equal) Hamish Forrest: INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support) Laura M. Haetzel: INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal) Michael Hausser: RESOURCES: hosted the research (equal); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: edited the paper (support); SUPERVISION: supervised local laboratory research (equal); FUNDING ACQUISITION: acquired funding (lead) Sonja B. Hofer: RESOURCES: hosted the research (equal); SUPERVISION: supervised local laboratory research (equal); FUNDING ACQUISITION: acquired funding (support) Fei Hu: METHODOLOGY: standardized licenses and experimental protocols across institutions (equal); INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal); FUNDING ACQUISITION: acquired funding (support) Anup Khanal: INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support) Christopher S. Krasniak: METHODOLOGY: piloted candidate behavioral tasks (equal); METHODOLOGY: developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (equal); INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote the first version of the paper (equal); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote and curated the appendix protocols (support); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: edited the paper (support) Inês C. Laranjeira: METHODOLOGY: piloted candidate behavioral tasks (equal); METHODOLOGY: developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (equal); INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote and curated the appendix protocols (support) Zachary F. Mainen: FORMAL ANALYSIS: analyzed data (support); RESOURCES: hosted the research (equal); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: edited the paper (equal); SUPERVISION: supervised local laboratory research (equal); FUNDING ACQUISITION: acquired funding (lead) Guido T. Meijer: CONCEPTUALIZATION: defined composition and scope of the paper (equal); METHODOLOGY: developed final behavioral task (equal); METHODOLOGY: built, designed and tested rig assembly (lead); METHODOLOGY: standardized licenses and experimental protocols across institutions (equal); VALIDATION: maintained and validated analysis code (equal); FORMAL ANALYSIS: analyzed data (lead); INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote the second version of the paper (equal); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote and curated the appendix protocols (equal); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: revised the paper in response to peer review (equal); VISUALIZATION: designed and created figures (lead) Nathaniel J. Miska: INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: edited the paper (support) Thomas D. Mrsic-Flogel: RESOURCES: hosted the research (equal); SUPERVISION: supervised local laboratory research (equal); FUNDING ACQUISITION: acquired funding (support) Masayoshi Murakami: METHODOLOGY: built, designed and tested rig assembly (support); METHODOLOGY: piloted candidate behavioral tasks (support) Jean Paul Noel: METHODOLOGY: standardized licenses and experimental protocols across institutions (equal); FORMAL ANALYSIS: analyzed data (support); INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote the first version of the paper (lead); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: edited the paper (support) Alejandro Pan-Vazquez: CONCEPTUALIZATION: defined composition and scope of the paper (equal); METHODOLOGY: standardized licenses and experimental protocols across institutions (equal); METHODOLOGY: developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (support); VALIDATION: maintained and validated analysis code (support); FORMAL ANALYSIS: analyzed data (lead); INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote the second version of the paper (equal); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: edited the paper (equal); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: revised the paper in response to peer review (equal); VISUALIZATION: designed and created figures (lead) Cyrille Rossant: DATA CURATION: curated data and metadata (support) Joshua I. Sanders: METHODOLOGY: designed and delivered rig components (lead); METHODOLOGY: built, designed and tested rig assembly (equal) Karolina Z. Socha: METHODOLOGY: developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (equal); METHODOLOGY: built, designed and tested rig assembly (support); INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: edited the paper (support) Rebecca Terry: INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support) Anne E. Urai: CONCEPTUALIZATION: defined composition and scope of the paper (equal); METHODOLOGY: built, designed and tested rig assembly (support); METHODOLOGY: piloted candidate behavioral tasks (equal); METHODOLOGY: developed final behavioral task (equal); METHODOLOGY: developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (equal); VALIDATION: maintained and validated analysis code (equal); FORMAL ANALYSIS: analyzed data (lead); INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal); DATA CURATION: curated data and metadata (support); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote the second version of the paper (equal); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote and curated the appendix protocols (support); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: revised the paper in response to peer review (equal); VISUALIZATION: designed and created figures (lead); VISUALIZATION: created data visualizations (lead); SUPERVISION: managed and coordinated team (support); PROJECT ADMINISTRATION: managed and coordinated research outputs (support) Hernando M. Vergara: INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote and curated the appendix protocols (support) Miles J. Wells: CONCEPTUALIZATION: defined composition and scope of the paper (equal); METHODOLOGY: built, designed and tested rig assembly (support); METHODOLOGY: piloted candidate behavioral tasks (lead); METHODOLOGY: developed final behavioral task (equal); VALIDATION: maintained and validated analysis code (equal); FORMAL ANALYSIS: analyzed data (equal); DATA CURATION: curated data and metadata (lead); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote the second version of the paper (equal); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: revised the paper in response to peer review (equal); VISUALIZATION: designed and created figures (support); VISUALIZATION: created data visualizations (support) Christian J. Wilson: INVESTIGATION: built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support) Ilana B. Witten: RESOURCES: hosted the research (equal); SUPERVISION: supervised local laboratory research (equal); FUNDING ACQUISITION: acquired funding (support) Lauren E. Wool: METHODOLOGY: built, designed and tested rig assembly (lead); METHODOLOGY: developed final behavioral task (equal); METHODOLOGY: developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (support); WRITING - ORIGINAL DRAFT: wrote the first version of the paper (lead); WRITING - REVIEW AND EDITING: edited the paper (equal); FUNDING ACQUISITION: acquired funding (support) Anthony M. Zador: RESOURCES: hosted the research (equal); SUPERVISION: supervised local laboratory research (equal); SUPERVISION: managed and coordinated team (equal); FUNDING ACQUISITION: acquired funding (equal)