# ESMValTool # recipe_validation_CMIP6.yml --- documentation: description: | Validation of CONTROL and EXPERIMENT datasets. This recipe produces standard comparison plots for two models and may include observational data. The standard comparison metrics are 2D lat-lon differences (between control and experiment), plain 2D lat-lon for each model, 1D (coordinate vs time) zonal and meridional means for both control and experiment models. Plots are produced for each season (winter DJF, spring MAM, summer JJA, autumn SON) and for the entire year. There are no restrictions in terms of data. authors: - predoi_valeriu title: Standard comparison between two models (control and experiment, CMIP6 data). maintainer: - predoi_valeriu datasets: - {dataset: IPSL-CM6A-LR, project: CMIP6, mip: Amon, exp: historical, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gr, start_year: 1900, end_year: 2000} - {dataset: UKESM1-0-LL, project: CMIP6, mip: Amon, exp: historical, ensemble: r1i1p1f2, grid: gn, start_year: 1900, end_year: 2000} preprocessors: pp_rad: regrid: target_grid: 1x1 scheme: linear diagnostics: validation_with_ERA-Interim: description: "CMIP6 with ERA-Interim" variables: tas: preprocessor: pp_rad additional_datasets: - {dataset: ERA-Interim, project: OBS6, mip: Amon, type: reanaly, version: 1, start_year: 1980, end_year: 2000, tier: 3} scripts: lat_lon: script: validation.py title: "" cmip_era: CMIP6 control_model: UKESM1-0-LL exper_model: IPSL-CM6A-LR observational_datasets: ['ERA-Interim'] # list of at least one element; if no OBS wanted comment out analysis_type: lat_lon # use any of: lat_lon, meridional_mean, zonal_mean, vertical_mean[not implemented] seasonal_analysis: false # turn on to output per season save_cubes: true # save each plotted cube in work zonal_mean: script: validation.py title: "" cmip_era: CMIP6 control_model: UKESM1-0-LL exper_model: IPSL-CM6A-LR observational_datasets: ['ERA-Interim'] # list of at least one element; if no OBS wanted comment out analysis_type: zonal_mean # use any of: lat_lon, meridional_mean, zonal_mean, vertical_mean[not implemented] seasonal_analysis: true # turn on to output per season save_cubes: true # save each plotted cube in work meridional_mean: script: validation.py title: "" cmip_era: CMIP6 control_model: UKESM1-0-LL exper_model: IPSL-CM6A-LR observational_datasets: ['ERA-Interim'] # list of at least one element; if no OBS wanted comment out analysis_type: meridional_mean # use any of: lat_lon, meridional_mean, zonal_mean, vertical_mean[not implemented] seasonal_analysis: true # turn on to output per season save_cubes: true # save each plotted cube in work