Raw File
## descrip.mms to build OpenSSL on OpenVMS
## {- join("\n## ", @autowarntext) -}
  use File::Spec::Functions qw/:DEFAULT abs2rel rel2abs/;
  use File::Basename;

  (our $osslprefix_q = platform->osslprefix()) =~ s/\$/\\\$/;

  our $sover_dirname = platform->shlib_version_as_filename();
  our $osslver = sprintf "%02d%02d", split(/\./, $config{version});

  our $sourcedir = $config{sourcedir};
  our $builddir = $config{builddir};
  sub sourcefile {
      catfile($sourcedir, @_);
  sub buildfile {
      catfile($builddir, @_);
  sub sourcedir {
      catdir($sourcedir, @_);
  sub builddir {
      catdir($builddir, @_);
  sub tree {
      (my $x = shift) =~ s|\]$|...]|;

  # Because we need to make two computations of these data,
  # we store them in arrays for reuse
  our @libs =
      map { platform->staticname($_) }
  our @shlibs =
      map { platform->sharedname($_) // () }
  our @install_libs =
      map { platform->staticname($_) }
      grep { !$unified_info{attributes}->{libraries}->{$_}->{noinst} }
  our @install_shlibs =
      map { platform->sharedname($_) // () }
      grep { !$unified_info{attributes}->{libraries}->{$_}->{noinst} }
  our @install_engines =
      grep { !$unified_info{attributes}->{modules}->{$_}->{noinst}
             && $unified_info{attributes}->{modules}->{$_}->{engine} }
  our @install_modules =
      grep { !$unified_info{attributes}->{modules}->{$_}->{noinst}
             && !$unified_info{attributes}->{modules}->{$_}->{engine} }
  our @install_programs =
      grep { !$unified_info{attributes}->{programs}->{$_}->{noinst} }
  our @install_bin_scripts =
      grep { !$unified_info{attributes}->{scripts}->{$_}->{noinst}
             && !$unified_info{attributes}->{scripts}->{$_}->{misc} }
  our @install_misc_scripts =
      grep { !$unified_info{attributes}->{scripts}->{$_}->{noinst}
             && $unified_info{attributes}->{scripts}->{$_}->{misc} }

  # This is a horrible hack, but is needed because recursive inclusion of files
  # in different directories does not work well with HP C.
  my $sd = sourcedir("crypto", "async", "arch");
  foreach (grep /\[\.crypto\.async\.arch\].*\.o$/, keys %{$unified_info{sources}}) {
      my $obj = platform->obj($_);
          = qq(arch_include = F\$PARSE("$sd","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;"
        define arch 'arch_include');
          = qq(deassign arch);
  my $sd1 = sourcedir("ssl","record");
  my $sd2 = sourcedir("ssl","statem");
  my @ssl_locl_users = grep(/^\[\.(?:ssl\.(?:record|statem)|test)\].*\.o$/,
                            keys %{$unified_info{sources}});
  foreach (@ssl_locl_users) {
      my $obj = platform->obj($_);
          = qq(record_include = F\$PARSE("$sd1","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;"
        define record 'record_include'
        statem_include = F\$PARSE("$sd2","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;"
        define statem 'statem_include');
          = qq(deassign statem
        deassign record);
  # This makes sure things get built in the order they need
  # to. You're welcome.
  sub dependmagic {
      my $target = shift;

      return "$target : build_generated\n\t\pipe \$(MMS) \$(MMSQUALIFIERS) depend && \$(MMS) \$(MMSQUALIFIERS) _$target\n_$target";
PLATFORM={- $config{target} -}
OPTIONS={- $config{options} -}
CONFIGURE_ARGS=({- join(", ",quotify_l(@{$config{perlargv}})) -})
SRCDIR={- $config{sourcedir} -}
BLDDIR={- $config{builddir} -}

# Allow both V and VERBOSE to indicate verbosity.  This only applies
# to testing.

VERSION={- "$config{full_version}" -}
MAJOR={- $config{major} -}
MINOR={- $config{minor} -}
SHLIB_VERSION_NUMBER={- $config{shlib_version} -}
SHLIB_TARGET={- $target{shared_target} -}

LIBS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".OLB" } @libs) -}
SHLIBS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @shlibs) -}
MODULES={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @{$unified_info{modules}}) -}
PROGRAMS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @{$unified_info{programs}}) -}
SCRIPTS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_ } @{$unified_info{scripts}}) -}
{- output_off() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}
DEPS={- our @deps = map { platform->isobj($_) ? platform->dep($_) : $_ }
                    grep { $unified_info{sources}->{$_}->[0] =~ /\.c$/ }
                    keys %{$unified_info{sources}};
        join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_ } @deps); -}
{- output_on() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}
GENERATED_MANDATORY={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_ } @{$unified_info{depends}->{""}} ) -}
GENERATED={- # common0.tmpl provides @generated
             join(", ", map { platform->convertext($_) } @generated) -}

INSTALL_LIBS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".OLB" } @install_libs) -}
INSTALL_SHLIBS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @install_shlibs) -}
INSTALL_ENGINES={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @install_engines) -}
INSTALL_MODULES={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @install_modules) -}
INSTALL_PROGRAMS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @install_programs) -}
BIN_SCRIPTS={- join(", ", @install_bin_scripts) -}
MISC_SCRIPTS={- join(", ", @install_misc_scripts) -}
HTMLDOCS1={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_ } @{$unified_info{htmldocs}->{man1}}) -}
HTMLDOCS3={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_ } @{$unified_info{htmldocs}->{man3}}) -}
HTMLDOCS5={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_ } @{$unified_info{htmldocs}->{man5}}) -}
HTMLDOCS7={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_ } @{$unified_info{htmldocs}->{man7}}) -}

APPS_OPENSSL="{- use File::Spec::Functions;
                 catfile("apps","openssl") -}"

# DESTDIR is for package builders so that they can configure for, say,
# SYS$COMMON:[OPENSSL] and yet have everything installed in STAGING:[USER].
# In that case, configure with --prefix=SYS$COMMON:[OPENSSL] and then run
# MMS with /MACROS=(DESTDIR=STAGING:[USER]).  The result will end up in
# Normally it is left empty.

# Do not edit this manually. Use Configure --prefix=DIR to change this!
INSTALLTOP={- our $installtop =
                  catdir($config{prefix}) || "SYS\$COMMON:[OPENSSL]";
              $installtop -}
SYSTARTUP={- catdir($installtop, '[.SYS$STARTUP]'); -}
# This is the standard central area to store certificates, private keys...
OPENSSLDIR={- catdir($config{openssldir}) or
              $config{prefix} ? catdir($config{prefix},"COMMON")
                              : "SYS\$COMMON:[OPENSSL-COMMON]" -}
# The same, but for C
OPENSSLDIR_C={- platform->osslprefix() -}DATAROOT:[000000]
# Where installed ENGINE modules reside, for C
ENGINESDIR_C={- platform->osslprefix() -}ENGINES{- $sover_dirname.$target{pointer_size} -}:
# Where modules reside, for C
MODULESDIR_C={- platform->osslprefix() -}MODULES{- $sover_dirname.$target{pointer_size} -}:

##### User defined commands and flags ################################

CC={- $config{CC} -}
CPP={- $config{CPP} -}
DEFINES={- our $defines1 = join('', map { ",$_" } @{$config{CPPDEFINES}}) -}
INCLUDES={- our $includes1 = join(',', @{$config{CPPINCLUDES}}) -}
CPPFLAGS={- our $cppflags1 = join('', @{$config{CPPFLAGS}}) -}
CFLAGS={- join('', @{$config{CFLAGS}}) -}
LDFLAGS={- join('', @{$config{LFLAGS}}) -}
EX_LIBS={- join('', map { ",$_" } @{$config{LDLIBS}}) -}

PERL={- $config{PERL} -}

AS={- $config{AS} -}
ASFLAGS={- join(' ', @{$config{ASFLAGS}}) -}

##### Special command flags ##########################################

ASOUTFLAG={- $target{asoutflag} -}$(OSSL_EMPTY)

##### Project flags ##################################################

# Variables starting with CNF_ are common variables for all product types

CNF_ASFLAGS={- join('', $target{asflags} || (),
                        @{$config{asflags}}) -}
CNF_DEFINES={- our $defines2 = join('', (map { ",$_" } @{$target{defines}},
                                        "'extradefines'") -}
CNF_INCLUDES={- our $includes2 = join(',', @{$target{includes}},
                                           @{$config{includes}}) -}
CNF_CPPFLAGS={- our $cppflags2 = join('', $target{cppflags} || (),
                                          @{$config{cppflags}}) -}
CNF_CFLAGS={- join('', $target{cflags} || (),
                       @{$config{cflags}}) -}
CNF_CXXFLAGS={- join('', $target{cxxflags} || (),
                         @{$config{cxxflags}}) -}
CNF_LDFLAGS={- join('', $target{lflags} || (),
                        @{$config{lflags}}) -}
CNF_EX_LIBS={- join('', map{ ",$_" } @{$target{ex_libs}},
                                     @{$config{ex_libs}}) -}

# Variables starting with LIB_ are used to build library object files
# and shared libraries.
# Variables starting with DSO_ are used to build DSOs and their object files.
# Variables starting with BIN_ are used to build programs and their object
# files.

LIB_ASFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{lib_asflags} || (),
                         '$(CNF_ASFLAGS)', '$(ASFLAGS)') -}
LIB_DEFINES={- our $lib_defines =
               join('', (map { ",$_" } @{$target{lib_defines}},
               join('', $lib_defines,
                        (map { ",$_" } 'OPENSSLDIR="""$(OPENSSLDIR_C)"""',
                        '$(CNF_DEFINES)', '$(DEFINES)') -}
LIB_INCLUDES={- our $lib_includes =
                join(',', @{$target{lib_includes}},
                          @{$config{shared_includes}}) -}
LIB_CPPFLAGS={- our $lib_cppflags =
                join('', $target{lib_cppflags} || (),
                         $target{shared_cppflags} || (),
                join('', "'qual_includes'",
                         '$(CNF_CPPFLAGS)', '$(CPPFLAGS)') -}
LIB_CFLAGS={- join('', $target{lib_cflags} || (),
                       $target{shared_cflag} || (),
                       '$(CNF_CFLAGS)', '$(CFLAGS)') -}
LIB_LDFLAGS={- join('', $target{lib_lflags} || (),
                        $target{shared_ldflag} || (),
                        '$(CNF_LDFLAGS)', '$(LDFLAGS)') -}
DSO_ASFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{dso_asflags} || (),
                         $target{module_asflags} || (),
                         '$(CNF_ASFLAGS)', '$(ASFLAGS)') -}
DSO_DEFINES={- join('', (map { ",$_" } @{$target{dso_defines}},
                        '$(CNF_DEFINES)', '$(DEFINES)') -}
DSO_INCLUDES={- join(',', @{$target{dso_includes}},
                          @{$config{module_includes}}) -}
DSO_CPPFLAGS={- join('', "'qual_includes'",
                         $target{dso_cppflags} || (),
                         $target{module_cppflags} || (),
                         '$(CNF_CPPFLAGS)', '$(CPPFLAGS)') -}
DSO_CFLAGS={- join('', $target{dso_cflags} || (),
                       $target{module_cflags} || (),
                       '$(CNF_CFLAGS)', '$(CFLAGS)') -}
DSO_LDFLAGS={- join('', $target{dso_lflags} || (),
                        $target{module_ldflags} || (),
                        '$(CNF_LDFLAGS)', '$(LDFLAGS)') -}
BIN_ASFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{bin_asflags} || (),
                         '$(CNF_ASFLAGS)', '$(ASFLAGS)') -}
BIN_DEFINES={- join('', (map { ",$_" } @{$target{bin_defines}},
                        '$(CNF_DEFINES)', '$(DEFINES)') -}
BIN_INCLUDES={- join(',', @{$target{bin_includes}},
                          @{$config{bin_includes}}) -}
BIN_CPPFLAGS={- join('', "'qual_includes'",
                         $target{bin_cppflags} || (),
                         '$(CNF_CPPFLAGS)', '$(CPPFLAGS)') -}
BIN_CFLAGS={- join('', $target{bin_cflags} || (),
                       '$(CNF_CFLAGS)', '$(CFLAGS)') -}
BIN_LDFLAGS={- join('', $target{bin_lflags} || (),
                        @{$config{bin_lflags}} || (),
                        '$(CNF_LDFLAGS)', '$(LDFLAGS)') -}
NO_INST_LIB_CFLAGS={- join('', $target{no_inst_lib_cflags}
                               // $target{lib_cflags}
                               // (),
                               $target{shared_cflag} || (),
                               '$(CNF_CFLAGS)', '$(CFLAGS)') -}
NO_INST_DSO_CFLAGS={- join('', $target{no_inst_dso_cflags}
                               // $target{dso_cflags}
                               // (),
                               // $target{module_cflags}
                               // (),
                               '$(CNF_CFLAGS)', '$(CFLAGS)') -}
NO_INST_BIN_CFLAGS={- join('', $target{no_inst_bin_cflags}
                               // $target{bin_cflags}
                               // (),
                               '$(CNF_CFLAGS)', '$(CFLAGS)') -}

PERLASM_SCHEME={- $target{perlasm_scheme} -}

# CPPFLAGS_Q is used for one thing only: to build up buildinf.h
CPPFLAGS_Q={- (my $c = $lib_cppflags.$cppflags2.$cppflags1) =~ s|"|""|g;
              (my $d = $lib_defines.$defines2.$defines1) =~ s|"|""|g;
              my $i = join(',', $lib_includes || (), $includes2 || (),
                                $includes1 || ());
              my $x = $c;
              $x .= "/INCLUDE=($i)" if $i;
              $x .= "/DEFINE=($d)" if $d;
              $x; -}

# .FIRST and .LAST are special targets with MMS and MMK.
# The defines in there are for C.  includes that look like
# this:
#    #include <openssl/foo.h>
#    #include "internal/bar.h"
# will use the logical names to find the files.  Expecting
# DECompHP C to find files in subdirectories of whatever was
# given with /INCLUDE is a fantasy, unfortunately.
        $(NODEBUG) sourcetop = F$PARSE("$(SRCDIR)","[]A.;",,"SYNTAX_ONLY,NO_CONCEAL") - ".][000000" - "[000000." - "][" - "]A.;" + ".]"
        $(NODEBUG) DEFINE ossl_sourceroot 'sourcetop'
        $(NODEBUG) !
        $(NODEBUG) openssl_inc1 = F$PARSE("[.include.openssl]","A.;",,,"syntax_only") - "A.;"
        $(NODEBUG) openssl_inc2 = F$PARSE("{- catdir($config{sourcedir},"[.include.openssl]") -}","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;"
        $(NODEBUG) internal_inc1 = F$PARSE("[.crypto.include.internal]","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;"
        $(NODEBUG) internal_inc2 = F$PARSE("{- catdir($config{sourcedir},"[.include.internal]") -}","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;"
        $(NODEBUG) internal_inc3 = F$PARSE("{- catdir($config{sourcedir},"[.crypto.include.internal]") -}","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;"
        $(NODEBUG) DEFINE openssl 'openssl_inc1','openssl_inc2'
        $(NODEBUG) DEFINE internal 'internal_inc1','internal_inc2','internal_inc3'
        $(NODEBUG) staging_dir = "$(DESTDIR)"
        $(NODEBUG) staging_instdir = ""
        $(NODEBUG) staging_datadir = ""
        $(NODEBUG) IF staging_dir .NES. "" THEN -
                staging_instdir = F$PARSE("A.;",staging_dir,"[]",,"SYNTAX_ONLY")
        $(NODEBUG) IF staging_instdir - "]A.;" .NES. staging_instdir THEN -
                staging_instdir = staging_instdir - "]A.;" + ".OPENSSL-INSTALL]"
        $(NODEBUG) IF staging_instdir - "A.;" .NES. staging_instdir THEN -
                staging_instdir = staging_instdir - "A.;" + "[OPENSSL-INSTALL]"
        $(NODEBUG) IF staging_dir .NES. "" THEN -
                staging_datadir = F$PARSE("A.;",staging_dir,"[]",,"SYNTAX_ONLY")
        $(NODEBUG) IF staging_datadir - "]A.;" .NES. staging_datadir THEN -
                staging_datadir = staging_datadir - "]A.;" + ".OPENSSL-COMMON]"
        $(NODEBUG) IF staging_datadir - "A.;" .NES. staging_datadir THEN -
                staging_datadir = staging_datadir - "A.;" + "[OPENSSL-COMMON]"
        $(NODEBUG) !
        $(NODEBUG) ! Installation logical names
        $(NODEBUG) !
        $(NODEBUG) installtop = F$PARSE(staging_instdir,"$(INSTALLTOP)","[]A.;",,"SYNTAX_ONLY,NO_CONCEAL") - ".][000000" - "[000000." - "][" - "]A.;" + ".]"
        $(NODEBUG) datatop = F$PARSE(staging_datadir,"$(OPENSSLDIR)","[]A.;",,"SYNTAX_ONLY,NO_CONCEAL") - ".][000000" - "[000000." - "][" - "]A.;" + ".]"
        $(NODEBUG) DEFINE ossl_installroot 'installtop'
        $(NODEBUG) DEFINE ossl_dataroot 'datatop'
        $(NODEBUG) !
        $(NODEBUG) ! Figure out the architecture
        $(NODEBUG) !
        $(NODEBUG) arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "arch_name"), "upcase")
        $(NODEBUG) !
        $(NODEBUG) ! Set up logical names for the libraries, so LINK and
        $(NODEBUG) ! running programs can use them.
        $(NODEBUG) !
        $(NODEBUG) {- join("\n\t\$(NODEBUG) ", map { "DEFINE ".uc($_)." 'F\$ENV(\"DEFAULT\")'".uc($_)."\$(SHLIB_EXT)" } @shlibs) || "!" -}

        $(NODEBUG) {- join("\n\t\$(NODEBUG) ", map { "DEASSIGN ".uc($_) } @shlibs) || "!" -}
        $(NODEBUG) DEASSIGN ossl_dataroot
        $(NODEBUG) DEASSIGN ossl_installroot
        $(NODEBUG) DEASSIGN internal
        $(NODEBUG) DEASSIGN openssl
        @ ! MMS cannot handle no actions...

# The main targets ###################################################

{- dependmagic('build_sw'); -} : build_libs_nodep, build_modules_nodep, build_programs_nodep copy-utils
{- dependmagic('build_libs'); -} : build_libs_nodep
{- dependmagic('build_modules'); -} : build_modules_nodep
{- dependmagic('build_programs'); -} : build_programs_nodep

build_generated : $(GENERATED_MANDATORY)
build_libs_nodep : $(LIBS), $(SHLIBS)
build_modules_nodep : $(MODULES)
build_programs_nodep : $(PROGRAMS), $(SCRIPTS)

build_docs: build_html_docs
build_html_docs: $(HTMLDOCS1) $(HTMLDOCS3) $(HTMLDOCS5) $(HTMLDOCS7)

# Kept around for backward compatibility
build_apps build_tests : build_programs

# Convenience target to prebuild all generated files, not just the mandatory
# ones
build_all_generated : $(GENERATED_MANDATORY) $(GENERATED) build_docs
	@ ! {- output_off() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}
	@ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Warning: consider configuring with no-makedepend, because if"
	@ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "         target system doesn't have $(PERL),"
	@ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "         then make will fail..."
	@ ! {- output_on() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}

all : build_sw build_docs

test : tests
{- dependmagic('tests'); -} : build_programs_nodep, build_modules_nodep copy-utils
        @ ! {- output_off() if $disabled{tests}; "" -}
        DEFINE SRCTOP {- sourcedir() -}
        DEFINE BLDTOP {- builddir() -}
        $(PERL) {- sourcefile("test", "run_tests.pl") -} $(TESTS)
        @ ! {- if ($disabled{tests}) { output_on(); } else { output_off(); } "" -}
        @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Tests are not supported with your chosen Configure options"
        @ ! {- output_on() if !$disabled{tests}; "" -}

list-tests :
        @ ! {- output_off() if $disabled{tests}; "" -}
        @ DEFINE SRCTOP {- sourcedir() -}
        @ $(PERL) {- sourcefile("test", "run_tests.pl") -} list
        @ ! {- if ($disabled{tests}) { output_on(); } else { output_off(); } "" -}
        @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Tests are not supported with your chosen Configure options"
        @ ! {- output_on() if !$disabled{tests}; "" -}

install : install_sw install_ssldirs install_docs install_final

install_final :
        @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT ""
        @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "######################################################################"
        @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT ""
        @ IF "$(DESTDIR)" .EQS. "" THEN -
             PIPE ( WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Installation complete" ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Run @$(SYSTARTUP)openssl_startup{- $osslver -} to set up logical names" ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "then run @$(SYSTARTUP)openssl_utils{- $osslver -} to define commands" ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" )
        @ IF "$(DESTDIR)" .NES. "" THEN -
             PIPE ( WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Staging installation complete" ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Finish or package in such a way that the contents of the directory tree" ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT staging_instdir ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "ends up in $(INSTALLTOP)," ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "and that the contents of the contents of the directory tree" ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT staging_datadir ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "ends up in $(OPENSSLDIR)" ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "When in its final destination," ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Run @$(SYSTARTUP)openssl_startup{- $osslver -} to set up logical names" ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "then run @$(SYSTARTUP)openssl_utils{- $osslver -} to define commands" ; -
                    WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" )

check_install :
        spawn/nolog @ossl_installroot:[SYSTEST]openssl_ivp{- $osslver -}.com

uninstall : uninstall_docs uninstall_sw

# Because VMS wants the generation number (or *) to delete files, we can't
# use $(LIBS), $(PROGRAMS), $(GENERATED) and $(MODULES) directly.
libclean :
        {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_.OLB;*" } @libs) || "@ !" -}
        {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_.EXE;*,$_.MAP;*" } @shlibs) || "@ !" -}

clean : libclean
        {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_;*" } @{$unified_info{htmldocs}->{man1}}) || "@ !" -}
        {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_;*" } @{$unified_info{htmldocs}->{man3}}) || "@ !" -}
        {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_;*" } @{$unified_info{htmldocs}->{man5}}) || "@ !" -}
        {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_;*" } @{$unified_info{htmldocs}->{man7}}) || "@ !" -}
        {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_.EXE;*,$_.OPT;*" } @{$unified_info{programs}}) || "@ !" -}
        {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_.EXE;*,$_.OPT;*" } @{$unified_info{modules}}) || "@ !" -}
        {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_;*" } @{$unified_info{scripts}}) || "@ !" -}
        {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_;*" } @{$unified_info{depends}->{""}}) || "@ !" -}
        {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_;*" } @generated) || "@ !" -}
        - DELETE [...]*.MAP;*
        - DELETE [...]*.D;*
        - DELETE [...]*.OBJ;*,*.LIS;*
        - DELETE [.VMS]openssl_startup.com;*
        - DELETE [.VMS]openssl_shutdown.com;*
        - DELETE []vmsconfig.pm;*

distclean : clean
        - DELETE configdata.pm;*
        - DELETE descrip.mms;*

depend : descrip.mms
descrip.mms : FORCE
	@ ! {- output_off() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}
	@ $(PERL) {- sourcefile("util", "add-depends.pl") -} "VMS C"
	@ ! {- output_on() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}

# Install helper targets #############################################

install_sw : install_dev install_engines install_modules -
             install_runtime install_startup install_ivp

uninstall_sw : uninstall_dev uninstall_modules uninstall_engines -
               uninstall_runtime uninstall_startup uninstall_ivp

install_docs : install_html_docs

uninstall_docs : uninstall_html_docs

install_ssldirs : check_INSTALLTOP
        IF F$SEARCH("OSSL_DATAROOT:[000000]CERTS.DIR;1") .EQS. "" THEN -
        IF F$SEARCH("OSSL_DATAROOT:[000000]MISC.DIR;1") .EQS. "" THEN -
        @ ! Install configuration file
        COPY/PROT=W:R {- sourcefile("apps", "openssl-vms.cnf") -} -
        IF F$SEARCH("OSSL_DATAROOT:[000000]openssl.cnf") .EQS. "" THEN -
                COPY/PROT=W:R {- sourcefile("apps", "openssl-vms.cnf") -} -
        @ ! Install CTLOG configuration file
        COPY/PROT=W:R {- sourcefile("apps", "ct_log_list.cnf") -} -
        IF F$SEARCH("OSSL_DATAROOT:[000000]ct_log_list.cnf") .EQS. "" THEN -
                COPY/PROT=W:R {- sourcefile("apps", "ct_log_list.cnf") -} -

install_dev : check_INSTALLTOP install_runtime_libs
        @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*** Installing development files"
        @ ! Install header files
        - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[include.openssl]
        COPY/PROT=W:R openssl:*.h ossl_installroot:[include.openssl]
        @ ! Install static (development) libraries
        - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[LIB.'arch']
        {- join("\n        ",
                map { "COPY/PROT=W:R $_.OLB ossl_installroot:[LIB.'arch']" }
                @install_libs) -}

install_engines : check_INSTALLTOP install_runtime_libs build_modules
        @ {- output_off() unless scalar @install_engines; "" -} !
        @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*** Installing engines"
        - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[ENGINES{- $sover_dirname.$target{pointer_size} -}.'arch']
        {- join("\n        ",
                map { "COPY/PROT=W:RE $_.EXE ossl_installroot:[ENGINES$sover_dirname$target{pointer_size}.'arch']" }
                @install_engines) -}
        @ {- output_on() unless scalar @install_engines; "" -} !

install_modules : check_INSTALLTOP install_runtime_libs build_modules
        @ {- output_off() unless scalar @install_modules; "" -} !
        @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*** Installing modules"
        - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[MODULES{- $sover_dirname.$target{pointer_size} -}.'arch']
        {- join("\n        ",
                map { "COPY/PROT=W:RE $_.EXE ossl_installroot:[MODULES$sover_dirname$target{pointer_size}.'arch']" }
                @install_modules) -}
        @ {- output_on() unless scalar @install_modules; "" -} !

install_runtime : install_programs

install_runtime_libs : check_INSTALLTOP build_libs
        @ {- output_off() if $disabled{shared}; "" -} !
        @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*** Installing shareable images"
        @ ! Install shared (runtime) libraries
        - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[LIB.'arch']
        {- join("\n        ",
                map { "COPY/PROT=W:R $_.EXE ossl_installroot:[LIB.'arch']" }
                @install_shlibs) -}
        @ {- output_on() if $disabled{shared}; "" -} !

install_programs : check_INSTALLTOP install_runtime_libs build_programs
        @ {- output_off() if $disabled{apps}; "" -} !
        @ ! Install the main program
        - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[EXE.'arch']
        COPY/PROT=W:RE [.APPS]openssl.EXE -
                ossl_installroot:[EXE.'arch']openssl{- $osslver -}.EXE
        @ ! Install scripts
        COPY/PROT=W:RE $(BIN_SCRIPTS) ossl_installroot:[EXE]
        @ ! {- output_on() if $disabled{apps}; "" -}

install_startup : [.VMS]openssl_startup.com [.VMS]openssl_shutdown.com -
                 [.VMS]openssl_utils.com, check_INSTALLTOP
        - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[SYS$STARTUP]
        COPY/PROT=W:RE [.VMS]openssl_startup.com -
                ossl_installroot:[SYS$STARTUP]openssl_startup{- $osslver -}.com
        COPY/PROT=W:RE [.VMS]openssl_shutdown.com -
                ossl_installroot:[SYS$STARTUP]openssl_shutdown{- $osslver -}.com
        COPY/PROT=W:RE [.VMS]openssl_utils.com -
                ossl_installroot:[SYS$STARTUP]openssl_utils{- $osslver -}.com

install_ivp : [.VMS]openssl_ivp.com check_INSTALLTOP
        - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[SYSTEST]
        COPY/PROT=W:RE [.VMS]openssl_ivp.com -
                ossl_installroot:[SYSTEST]openssl_ivp{- $osslver -}.com

[.VMS]openssl_startup.com : vmsconfig.pm {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_startup.com.in") -}
        - CREATE/DIR [.VMS]
        $(PERL) "-I." "-Mvmsconfig" {- sourcefile("util", "dofile.pl") -} -
                {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_startup.com.in") -} -
                > [.VMS]openssl_startup.com

[.VMS]openssl_utils.com : vmsconfig.pm {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_utils.com.in") -}
        - CREATE/DIR [.VMS]
        $(PERL) "-I." "-Mvmsconfig" {- sourcefile("util", "dofile.pl") -} -
                {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_utils.com.in") -} -
                > [.VMS]openssl_utils.com

[.VMS]openssl_shutdown.com : vmsconfig.pm {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_shutdown.com.in") -}
        - CREATE/DIR [.VMS]
        $(PERL) "-I." "-Mvmsconfig" {- sourcefile("util", "dofile.pl") -} -
                {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_shutdown.com.in") -} -
                > [.VMS]openssl_shutdown.com

[.VMS]openssl_ivp.com : vmsconfig.pm {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_ivp.com.in") -}
        - CREATE/DIR [.VMS]
        $(PERL) "-I." "-Mvmsconfig" {- sourcefile("util", "dofile.pl") -} -
                {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_ivp.com.in") -} -
                > [.VMS]openssl_ivp.com

vmsconfig.pm : configdata.pm
        OPEN/WRITE/SHARE=READ CONFIG []vmsconfig.pm
        WRITE CONFIG "package vmsconfig;"
        WRITE CONFIG "use strict; use warnings;"
        WRITE CONFIG "use Exporter;"
        WRITE CONFIG "our @ISA = qw(Exporter);"
        WRITE CONFIG "our @EXPORT = qw(%config %target %withargs %unified_info %disabled);"
        WRITE CONFIG "our %config = ("
        WRITE CONFIG "  target => '","{- $config{target} -}","',"
        WRITE CONFIG "  version => '","{- $config{version} -}","',"
        WRITE CONFIG "  shlib_version => '","{- $config{shlib_version} -}","',"
        WRITE CONFIG "  shlib_major => '","{- $config{shlib_major} -}","',"
        WRITE CONFIG "  shlib_minor => '","{- $config{shlib_minor} -}","',"
        WRITE CONFIG "  no_shared => '","{- $disabled{shared} -}","',"
        WRITE CONFIG "  pointer_size => '","{- $target{pointer_size} -}","',"
        WRITE CONFIG ");"
        WRITE CONFIG "our %target = ();"
        WRITE CONFIG "our %disabled = ();"
        WRITE CONFIG "our %withargs = ();"
        WRITE CONFIG "our %unified_info = ();"
        WRITE CONFIG "1;"

install_html_docs : check_INSTALLTOP build_html_docs
        @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*** Installing HTML docs"
        - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[HTML.MAN1]
        - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[HTML.MAN3]
        - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[HTML.MAN5]
        - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[HTML.MAN7]
        {- join("\n        ",
                ( map { "COPY/PROT=W:RE $_ ossl_installroot:[HTML.MAN1]" }
                  @{$unified_info{htmldocs}->{man1}} ),
                ( map { "COPY/PROT=W:RE $_ ossl_installroot:[HTML.MAN3]" }
                  @{$unified_info{htmldocs}->{man3}} ),
                ( map { "COPY/PROT=W:RE $_ ossl_installroot:[HTML.MAN5]" }
                  @{$unified_info{htmldocs}->{man5}} ),
                ( map { "COPY/PROT=W:RE $_ ossl_installroot:[HTML.MAN7]" }
                  @{$unified_info{htmldocs}->{man7}} )) -}

        @ IF "$(INSTALLTOP)" .EQS. "" THEN -
                WRITE SYS$ERROR "INSTALLTOP should not be empty"
        @ IF "$(INSTALLTOP)" .EQS. "" THEN -
                EXIT %x10000002

# Helper targets #####################################################

copy-utils : [.util]wrap.pl

[.util]wrap.pl : configdata.pm
	@ IF "$(SRCDIR)" .NES. "$(BLDDIR)" THEN -
		CREATE/DIR/LOG [.util]
	@ IF "$(SRCDIR)" .NES. "$(BLDDIR)" THEN -
		COPY/LOG ossl_sourceroot:[util]wrap.pl [.util]

# Developer targets ##################################################

debug_logicals :
        SH LOGICAL/PROC openssl,internal,ossl_installroot,ossl_dataroot

# Building targets ###################################################

configdata.pm : $(SRCDIR)Configure $(SRCDIR)config.com {- join(" ", @{$config{build_file_templates}}, @{$config{build_infos}}, @{$config{conf_files}}) -}
        perl configdata.pm -r
        @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*************************************************"
        @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "***                                           ***"
        @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "***   Please run the same mms command again   ***"
        @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "***                                           ***"
        @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*************************************************"
        @ PIPE ( EXIT %X10000000 )

reconfigure reconf :
	perl configdata.pm -r

  use File::Basename;
  use File::Spec::Functions qw/abs2rel rel2abs catfile catdir/;

  # Helper function to figure out dependencies on libraries
  # It takes a list of library names and outputs a list of dependencies
  sub compute_lib_depends {
      # Depending on shared libraries:
      # On Windows POSIX layers, we depend on {libname}.dll.a
      # On Unix platforms, we depend on {shlibname}.so
      return map {
          { lib   => platform->sharedlib($_) // platform->staticlib($_),
            attrs => $unified_info{attributes}->{libraries}->{$_} }
      } @_;

  # Helper function to deal with inclusion directory specs.
  # We have to deal with two things:
  # 1. comma separation and no possibility of trailing comma
  # 2. no inclusion directories given at all
  # 3. long compiler command lines
  # To resolve 1, we need to iterate through the sources of inclusion
  # directories, and only add a comma when needed.
  # To resolve 2, we need to have a variable that will hold the whole
  # inclusion qualifier, or be the empty string if there are no inclusion
  # directories.  That's the symbol 'qual_includes' that's used in CPPFLAGS
  # To resolve 3, we creata a logical name TMP_INCLUDES: to hold the list
  # of inclusion directories.
  # This function returns a list of two lists, one being the collection of
  # commands to execute before the compiler is called, and the other being
  # the collection of commands to execute after.  It takes as arguments the
  # collection of strings to include as directory specs.
  sub includes {
      my @stuff = ( @_ );
      my @before = (
          'qual_includes :=',
      my @after = (
          'DELETE/SYMBOL/LOCAL qual_includes',

      if (scalar @stuff > 0) {
          push @before, 'tmp_includes := '.shift(@stuff);
          while (@stuff) {
              push @before, 'tmp_add := '.shift(@stuff);
              push @before, 'IF tmp_includes .NES. "" .AND. tmp_add .NES. "" THEN tmp_includes = tmp_includes + ","';
              push @before, 'tmp_includes = tmp_includes + tmp_add';
          push @before, "IF tmp_includes .NES. \"\" THEN DEFINE tmp_includes 'tmp_includes'";
          push @before, 'IF tmp_includes .NES. "" THEN qual_includes := /INCLUDE=(tmp_includes:)';
          push @before, 'DELETE/SYMBOL/LOCAL tmp_includes';
          push @before, 'DELETE/SYMBOL/LOCAL tmp_add';
          push @after, 'DEASSIGN tmp_includes:'
      return ([ @before ], [ @after ]);

  sub generatesrc {
      my %args = @_;
      my $generator = join(" ", @{$args{generator}});
      my $generator_incs = join("", map { ' "-I'.$_.'"' } @{$args{generator_incs}});
      my $deps = join(", -\n\t\t", @{$args{generator_deps}}, @{$args{deps}});

      if ($args{src} =~ /\.html$/) {
	  my $title = basename($args{src}, ".html");
	  my $pod = $args{generator}->[0];
	  my $mkpod2html = sourcefile('util', 'mkpod2html.pl');
	  return <<"EOF";
$args{src}: $pod
	\$(PERL) $mkpod2html -i $pod -o \$\@ -t "$title" -r "\$(SRCDIR)/doc"
      } elsif (platform->isdef($args{src})) {
          my $target = platform->def($args{src});
          my $mkdef = sourcefile('util', 'mkdef.pl');
          my $ord_ver = $args{intent} eq 'lib' ? ' --version $(VERSION)' : '';
          my $ord_name =
              $args{generator}->[1] || basename($args{product}, '.EXE');
          my $case_insensitive =
              $target{$args{intent}.'_cflags'} =~ m|/NAMES=[^/]*AS_IS|i
              ? '' : ' --case-insensitive';
          return <<"EOF";
$target : $args{generator}->[0] $deps $mkdef
	\$(PERL) $mkdef$ord_ver --ordinals $args{generator}->[0] --name $ord_name "--OS" "VMS"$case_insensitive > $target
      } elsif (!platform->isasm($args{src})) {
          my $target = $args{src};
          if ($args{generator}->[0] =~ m|^.*\.in$|) {
	      my $dofile = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir},
                                                   "util", "dofile.pl")),
              my @modules = ( 'configdata.pm',
                              grep { $_ =~ m|\.pm$| } @{$args{deps}} );
              my %moduleincs = map { '"-I'.dirname($_).'"' => 1 } @modules;
              @modules = map { '"-M'.basename($_, '.pm').'"' } @modules;
              my $modules = join(' ', '', sort keys %moduleincs, @modules);
              return <<"EOF";
$target : $args{generator}->[0] $deps
	\$(PERL)$modules $dofile "-o$target{build_file}" $generator > \$\@
	  } else {
              return <<"EOF";
$target : $args{generator}->[0] $deps
	\$(PERL)$generator_incs $generator > \$\@
      } else {
          my $cppflags = {
              shlib => '$(LIB_CFLAGS) $(LIB_CPPFLAGS)',
              lib => '$(LIB_CFLAGS) $(LIB_CPPFLAGS)',
              dso => '$(DSO_CFLAGS) $(DSO_CPPFLAGS)',
              bin => '$(BIN_CFLAGS) $(BIN_CPPFLAGS)'
          } -> {$args{intent}};
          my @incs_cmds = includes({ shlib => '$(LIB_INCLUDES)',
                                     lib => '$(LIB_INCLUDES)',
                                     dso => '$(DSO_INCLUDES)',
                                     bin => '$(BIN_INCLUDES)' } -> {$args{intent}},
          my $incs_on = join("\n\t\@ ", @{$incs_cmds[0]}) || '!';
          my $incs_off = join("\n\t\@ ", @{$incs_cmds[1]}) || '!';
          my $defs = join("", map { ",".$_ } @{$args{defs}});
          my $target = platform->asm($args{src});

          if ($args{generator}->[0] =~ /\.pl$/) {
              $generator = '$(PERL)'.$generator_incs.' '.$generator
                  .' '.$cppflags;
          } elsif ($args{generator}->[0] =~ /\.S$/) {
              $generator = undef;
          } else {
              die "Generator type for $src unknown: $generator\n";

          if (defined($generator)) {
              # If the target is named foo.S in build.info, we want to
              # end up generating foo.s in two steps.
              if ($args{src} =~ /\.S$/) {
                   return <<"EOF";
$target : $args{generator}->[0] $deps
	$generator \$\@-S
        \@ $incs_on
        \@ extradefines = "$defs"
	PIPE \$(CPP) $cppflags \$\@-S | -
             \$(PERL) -ne "/^#(\\s*line)?\\s*[0-9]+\\s+""/ or print" > \$\@-i
        \@ DELETE/SYMBOL/LOCAL extradefines
        \@ $incs_off
        RENAME \$\@-i \$\@
        DELETE \$\@-S;
              # Otherwise....
              return <<"EOF";
$target : $args{generator}->[0] $deps
        \@ $incs_on
        \@ extradefines = "$defs"
	$generator \$\@
        \@ DELETE/SYMBOL/LOCAL extradefines
        \@ $incs_off
          return <<"EOF";
$target : $args{generator}->[0] $deps
        \@ $incs_on
        \@ extradefines = "$defs"
        SHOW SYMBOL qual_includes
        PIPE \$(CPP) $cppflags $args{generator}->[0] | -
        \$(PERL) "-ne" "/^#(\\s*line)?\\s*[0-9]+\\s+""/ or print" > \$\@
        \@ DELETE/SYMBOL/LOCAL extradefines
        \@ $incs_off

  sub src2obj {
      my $asmext = platform->asmext();
      my %args = @_;
      my @srcs =
          map { my $x = $_;
                (platform->isasm($x) && grep { $x eq $_ } @generated)
                ? platform->asm($x) : $x }
          ( @{$args{srcs}} );
      my $obj = platform->obj($args{obj});
      my $dep = platform->dep($args{obj});
      my $deps = join(", -\n\t\t", @srcs, @{$args{deps}});

      # Because VMS C isn't very good at combining a /INCLUDE path with
      # #includes having a relative directory (like '#include "../foo.h"),
      # the best choice is to move to the first source file's intended
      # directory before compiling, and make sure to write the object file
      # in the correct position (important when the object tree is other
      # than the source tree).
      my $forward = dirname($args{srcs}->[0]);
      my $backward = abs2rel(rel2abs("."), rel2abs($forward));
      my $objd = abs2rel(rel2abs(dirname($obj)), rel2abs($forward));
      my $objn = basename($obj);
      my $depd = abs2rel(rel2abs(dirname($dep)), rel2abs($forward));
      my $depn = basename($dep);
      my $srcs =
          join(", ", map { abs2rel(rel2abs($_), rel2abs($forward)) } @srcs);
      my $before = $unified_info{before}->{$obj} || "\@ !";
      my $after = $unified_info{after}->{$obj} || "\@ !";

      my $cflags;
      if ($args{attrs}->{noinst}) {
          $cflags = { shlib => '$(NO_INST_LIB_CFLAGS)',
                      lib => '$(NO_INST_LIB_CFLAGS)',
                      dso => '$(NO_INST_DSO_CFLAGS)',
                      bin => '$(NO_INST_BIN_CFLAGS)' } -> {$args{intent}};
      } else {
          $cflags = { shlib => '$(LIB_CFLAGS)',
                      lib => '$(LIB_CFLAGS)',
                      dso => '$(DSO_CFLAGS)',
                      bin => '$(BIN_CFLAGS)' } -> {$args{intent}};
      $cflags .= { shlib => '$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)',
		   lib => '$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)',
		   dso => '$(DSO_CPPFLAGS)',
		   bin => '$(BIN_CPPFLAGS)' } -> {$args{intent}};
      my $defs = join("", map { ",".$_ } @{$args{defs}});
      my $asflags = { shlib => ' $(LIB_ASFLAGS)',
		      lib => ' $(LIB_ASFLAGS)',
		      dso => ' $(DSO_ASFLAGS)',
		      bin => ' $(BIN_ASFLAGS)' } -> {$args{intent}};

      my @incs_cmds = includes({ shlib => '$(LIB_INCLUDES)',
                                 lib => '$(LIB_INCLUDES)',
                                 dso => '$(DSO_INCLUDES)',
                                 bin => '$(BIN_INCLUDES)' } -> {$args{intent}},
                               map {
                                   ? $_ : catdir($backward,$_)
                               } @{$args{incs}});
      my $incs_on = join("\n\t\@ ", @{$incs_cmds[0]}) || '!';
      my $incs_off = join("\n\t\@ ", @{$incs_cmds[1]}) || '!';

      if ($srcs[0] =~ /\Q${asmext}\E$/) {
          return <<"EOF";
$obj : $deps
        SET DEFAULT $forward
        \$(AS) $asflags \$(ASOUTFLAG)${objd}${objn} $srcs
        SET DEFAULT $backward
        - PURGE $obj
      } elsif ($srcs[0] =~ /.S$/) {
         return <<"EOF";
$obj : $deps
        SET DEFAULT $forward
        \@ $incs_on
        \@ extradefines = "$defs"
        PIPE \$(CPP) ${cflags} $srcs | -
             \$(PERL) -ne "/^#(\\s*line)?\\s*[0-9]+\\s+""/ or print" -
             > ${objd}${objn}-asm
        \@ DELETE/SYMBOL/LOCAL extradefines
        \@ $incs_off
        SET DEFAULT $backward
        \$(AS) $asflags \$(ASOUTFLAG)$obj $obj-asm
        - PURGE $obj

      my $depbuild = $disabled{makedepend} ? ""
          : " /MMS=(FILE=${depd}${depn},TARGET=$obj)";

      return <<"EOF";
$obj : $deps
        SET DEFAULT $forward
        \@ $incs_on
        \@ extradefines = "$defs"
        \$(CC) ${cflags}${depbuild} /OBJECT=${objd}${objn} /REPOSITORY=$backward $srcs
        \@ DELETE/SYMBOL/LOCAL extradefines
        \@ $incs_off
        SET DEFAULT $backward
        - PURGE $obj
  sub obj2shlib {
      my %args = @_;
      my $shlibname = platform->sharedname($args{lib});
      my $shlib = platform->sharedlib($args{lib});
      my @objs = map { platform->convertext($_) }
                 grep { platform->isobj($_) }
      my @defs = map { platform->convertext($_) }
                 grep { platform->isdef($_) }
      my @deps = compute_lib_depends(@{$args{deps}});
      die "More than one symbol vector" if scalar @defs > 1;
      my $deps = join(", -\n\t\t", @objs, @defs, map { $_->{lib} } @deps);
      my $shlib_target = $disabled{shared} ? "" : $target{shared_target};
      my $translatesyms_pl = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir},
                                                     "VMS", "translatesyms.pl")),
      # The "[]" hack is because in .OPT files, each line inherits the
      # previous line's file spec as default, so if no directory spec
      # is present in the current line and the previous line has one that
      # doesn't apply, you're in for a surprise.
      my $write_opt1 =
          join(",-\"\n\t", map { my $x = $_ =~ /\[/ ? $_ : "[]".$_;
                                 "WRITE OPT_FILE \"$x" } @objs).
      my $write_opt2 =
          join("\n\t", map { my $x = $_->{lib} =~ /\[/
                                 ? $_->{lib} : "[]".$_->{lib};
                             $x =~ s|(\.EXE)|$1/SHARE|;
                             $x =~ s|(\.OLB)|$1/LIB|;
                             "WRITE OPT_FILE \"$x\"" } @deps)
          || "\@ !";
      return <<"EOF"
$shlib : $deps
        \$(PERL) $translatesyms_pl \$(BLDDIR)CXX\$DEMANGLER_DB. < $defs[0] > $defs[0]-translated
        OPEN/WRITE/SHARE=READ OPT_FILE $shlibname-components.OPT
        LINK \$(LIB_LDFLAGS)/SHARE=\$\@ $defs[0]-translated/OPT,-
                $shlibname-components.OPT/OPT \$(LIB_EX_LIBS)
        DELETE $defs[0]-translated;*,$shlibname-components.OPT;*
        PURGE $shlibname.EXE,$shlibname.MAP
        . ($config{target} =~ m|alpha| ? "" : <<"EOF"
  sub obj2dso {
      my %args = @_;
      my $dsoname = platform->dsoname($args{module});
      my $dso = platform->dso($args{module});
      my @objs = map { platform->convertext($_) }
                 grep { platform->isobj($_) }
      my @defs = map { platform->convertext($_) }
                 grep { platform->isdef($_) }
      my @deps = compute_lib_depends(@{$args{deps}});
      my $deps = join(", -\n\t\t", @objs, @defs, map { $_->{lib} } @deps);
      die "More than one symbol vector" if scalar @defs > 1;
      my $shlib_target = $disabled{shared} ? "" : $target{shared_target};
      # The "[]" hack is because in .OPT files, each line inherits the
      # previous line's file spec as default, so if no directory spec
      # is present in the current line and the previous line has one that
      # doesn't apply, you're in for a surprise.
      my $write_opt1 =
          join(",-\"\n\t", map { my $x = $_ =~ /\[/ ? $_ : "[]".$_;
                                 "WRITE OPT_FILE \"$x" } @objs).
      my $write_opt2 =
          join("\n\t", map { my $x = $_->{lib} =~ /\[/
                                 ? $_->{lib} : "[]".$_->{lib};
                             $x =~ s|(\.EXE)|$1/SHARE|;
                             $x =~ s|(\.OLB)|$1/LIB|;
                             "WRITE OPT_FILE \"$x\"" } @deps)
          || "\@ !";
      return <<"EOF"
$dso : $deps
        OPEN/WRITE/SHARE=READ OPT_FILE $dsoname-components.OPT
        LINK \$(DSO_LDFLAGS)/SHARE=\$\@ $defs[0]/OPT,-
		$dsoname-components.OPT/OPT \$(DSO_EX_LIBS)
        - PURGE $dsoname.EXE,$dsoname.OPT,$dsoname.MAP
        . ($config{target} =~ m|alpha| ? "" : <<"EOF"
  sub obj2lib {
      my %args = @_;
      my $lib = platform->staticlib($args{lib});
      my @objs = map { platform->convertext($_) }
                 grep { platform->isobj($_) }
      my $objs = join(", -\n\t\t", @objs);
      my $fill_lib = join("\n\t", (map { "LIBRARY/REPLACE $lib $_" } @objs));
      return <<"EOF";
$lib : $objs
        - PURGE $lib
  sub obj2bin {
      my %args = @_;
      my $bin = platform->bin($args{bin});
      my $binname = platform->binname($args{bin});
      my @objs = map { platform->convertext($_) }
                 grep { platform->isobj($_) }
      my $objs = join(",", @objs);
      my @deps = compute_lib_depends(@{$args{deps}});
      my $deps = join(", -\n\t\t", @objs, map { $_->{lib} } @deps);

      my $olb_count = scalar grep(m|\.OLB$|, map { $_->{lib} } @deps);
      my $analyse_objs = "@ !";
      if ($olb_count > 0) {
          my $analyse_quals =
              $config{target} =~ m|alpha| ? "/GSD" : "/SECTIONS=SYMTAB";
          $analyse_objs = "- pipe ANALYSE/OBJECT$analyse_quals $objs | SEARCH SYS\$INPUT \"\"\"main\"\"\" ; nomain = \$severity .NE. 1"
      # The "[]" hack is because in .OPT files, each line inherits the
      # previous line's file spec as default, so if no directory spec
      # is present in the current line and the previous line has one that
      # doesn't apply, you're in for a surprise.
      my $write_opt1 =
          join(",-\"\n\t", map { my $x = $_ =~ /\[/ ? $_ : "[]".$_;
                                 "\@ WRITE OPT_FILE \"$x" } @objs).
      my $write_opt2 =
          join("\n\t", "WRITE OPT_FILE \"CASE_SENSITIVE=YES\"",
                       map { my @lines = ();
                             use Data::Dumper;
                             my $x = $_->{lib} =~ /\[/
                                 ? $_->{lib} : "[]".$_->{lib};
                             if ($x =~ m|\.EXE$|) {
                                 push @lines, "\@ WRITE OPT_FILE \"$x/SHARE\"";
                             } elsif ($x =~ m|\.OLB$|) {
                                 # Special hack to include the MAIN object
                                 # module explicitly.  This will only be done
                                 # if there isn't a 'main' in the program's
                                 # object modules already.
                                 my $main = $_->{attrs}->{has_main}
                                     ? '/INCLUDE=main' : '';
                                 push @lines,
                                     "\@ IF nomain THEN WRITE OPT_FILE \"$x/LIB$main\"",
                                     "\@ IF .NOT. nomain THEN WRITE OPT_FILE \"$x/LIB\""
                           } @deps)
          || "\@ !";
      # The linking commands looks a bit complex, but it's for good reason.
      # When you link, say, foo.obj, bar.obj and libsomething.exe/share, and
      # bar.obj happens to have a symbol that also exists in libsomething.exe,
      # the linker will warn about it, loudly, and will then choose to pick
      # the first copy encountered (the one in bar.obj in this example).
      # On Unix and on Windows, the corresponding maneuvre goes through
      # silently with the same effect.
      # With some test programs, made for checking the internals of OpenSSL,
      # we do this kind of linking deliberately, picking a few specific object
      # files from within [.crypto] or [.ssl] so we can reach symbols that are
      # otherwise unreachable (since the shareable images only exports the
      # symbols listed in [.util]*.num), and then with the shared libraries
      # themselves.  So we need to silence the warning about multiply defined
      # symbols, to mimic the way linking work on Unix and Windows, and so
      # the build isn't interrupted (MMS stops when warnings are signaled,
      # by default), and so someone building doesn't have to worry where it
      # isn't necessary.  If there are other warnings, however, we show them
      # and let it break the build.
      return <<"EOF"
$bin : $deps
        @ CLOSE OPT_FILE
        TYPE $binname.OPT ! For debugging
        - pipe SPAWN/WAIT/NOLOG/OUT=$binname.LINKLOG -
                    LINK \$(BIN_LDFLAGS)/EXEC=\$\@ $binname.OPT/OPT \$(BIN_EX_LIBS) ; -
               link_status = \$status ; link_severity = link_status .AND. 7
        @ search_severity = 1
        -@ IF link_severity .EQ. 0 THEN -
                pipe SEARCH $binname.LINKLOG "%","-"/MATCH=AND | -
                     SPAWN/WAIT/NOLOG/OUT=NLA0: -
                          SEARCH SYS\$INPUT: "-W-MULDEF,"/MATCH=NOR ; -
                     search_severity = \$severity
        @ ! search_severity is 3 when the last search didn't find any matching
        @ ! string: %SEARCH-I-NOMATCHES, no strings matched
        @ ! If that was the result, we pretend linking got through without
        @ ! fault or warning.
        @ IF search_severity .EQ. 3 THEN link_severity = 1
        @ ! At this point, if link_severity shows that there was a fault
        @ ! or warning, make sure to restore the linking status.
        -@ IF .NOT. link_severity THEN TYPE $binname.LINKLOG
        -@ DELETE $binname.LINKLOG;*
        @ IF .NOT. link_severity THEN SPAWN/WAIT/NOLOG EXIT 'link_status'
        - PURGE $bin,$binname.OPT
      . ($config{target} =~ m|alpha| ? "" : <<"EOF"
  sub in2script {
      my %args = @_;
      my $script = $args{script};
      return "" if grep { $_ eq $script } @{$args{sources}}; # No overwrite!
      my $sources = join(" ", @{$args{sources}});
      my $dofile = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir},
                                           "util", "dofile.pl")),
      return <<"EOF";
$script : $sources
        \$(PERL) "-I\$(BLDDIR)" "-Mconfigdata" $dofile -
	    "-o$target{build_file}" $sources > $script
        SET FILE/PROT=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RE,W:RE) $script
        PURGE $script
  ""    # Important!  This becomes part of the template result.
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