# fields, Tools for spatial data # Copyright 2004-2007, Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences # University Corporation for Atmospheric Research # Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html "radbas.constant" <- function (m, d) { # local gamma function to avoid imprecision warnings for negative arguments. gamma.local <- function(x){ if( x<0){ temp<- 1 while( x<0){ temp<- temp*x x<- x+1 } return(gamma(x)/temp)} else{ gamma(x)} } if (d%%2 == 0) { Amd <- (((-1)^(1 + m + d/2)) * (2^(1 - 2 * m)) * (pi^(-d/2)))/(gamma(m) * gamma.local(m - d/2 + 1)) } else { Amd <- (gamma.local(d/2 - m) * (2^(-2 * m)) * (pi^(-d/2)))/gamma(m) } Amd }