% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/initialValues.R \name{initialValues} \alias{initialValues} \title{Initial values for estimation} \usage{ initialValues(U, family = "Clayton") } \arguments{ \item{U}{(nx2) data matrix of pseudo-observations.} \item{family}{'Gaussian' , 't' , 'Clayton' , 'Frank' , 'Gumbel'.} } \value{ \item{paraml}{Initial values for the non-centrality parameters and Kendall's tau to be included in the EstNCSCop function.} } \description{ This function computes initial values of non-centrality parameters and Kendall's tau at selected points for the estimation non-central squared copula parameters. The results are not satisfactory. Do not use. } \examples{ param <- c(0.8, 2.5, 0.7) ; U <- SimNCSCop('Clayton', 250, param) param = initialValues(U, 'Clayton'); } \author{ Bouchra R. Nasri, August 14, 2019 }