# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license ## array.jl: Dense arrays """ DimensionMismatch([msg]) The objects called do not have matching dimensionality. Optional argument `msg` is a descriptive error string. """ struct DimensionMismatch <: Exception msg::String end DimensionMismatch() = DimensionMismatch("") ## Type aliases for convenience ## """ AbstractVector{T} Supertype for one-dimensional arrays (or array-like types) with elements of type `T`. Alias for [`AbstractArray{T,1}`](@ref). """ const AbstractVector{T} = AbstractArray{T,1} """ AbstractMatrix{T} Supertype for two-dimensional arrays (or array-like types) with elements of type `T`. Alias for [`AbstractArray{T,2}`](@ref). """ const AbstractMatrix{T} = AbstractArray{T,2} """ AbstractVecOrMat{T} Union type of [`AbstractVector{T}`](@ref) and [`AbstractMatrix{T}`](@ref). """ const AbstractVecOrMat{T} = Union{AbstractVector{T}, AbstractMatrix{T}} const RangeIndex = Union{Int, AbstractRange{Int}, AbstractUnitRange{Int}} const DimOrInd = Union{Integer, AbstractUnitRange} const IntOrInd = Union{Int, AbstractUnitRange} const DimsOrInds{N} = NTuple{N,DimOrInd} const NeedsShaping = Union{Tuple{Integer,Vararg{Integer}}, Tuple{OneTo,Vararg{OneTo}}} """ Array{T,N} <: AbstractArray{T,N} `N`-dimensional dense array with elements of type `T`. """ Array """ Vector{T} <: AbstractVector{T} One-dimensional dense array with elements of type `T`, often used to represent a mathematical vector. Alias for [`Array{T,1}`](@ref). See also [`empty`](@ref), [`similar`](@ref) and [`zero`](@ref) for creating vectors. """ const Vector{T} = Array{T,1} """ Matrix{T} <: AbstractMatrix{T} Two-dimensional dense array with elements of type `T`, often used to represent a mathematical matrix. Alias for [`Array{T,2}`](@ref). See also [`fill`](@ref), [`zeros`](@ref), [`undef`](@ref) and [`similar`](@ref) for creating matrices. """ const Matrix{T} = Array{T,2} """ VecOrMat{T} Union type of [`Vector{T}`](@ref) and [`Matrix{T}`](@ref) which allows functions to accept either a Matrix or a Vector. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> Vector{Float64} <: VecOrMat{Float64} true julia> Matrix{Float64} <: VecOrMat{Float64} true julia> Array{Float64, 3} <: VecOrMat{Float64} false ``` """ const VecOrMat{T} = Union{Vector{T}, Matrix{T}} """ DenseArray{T, N} <: AbstractArray{T,N} `N`-dimensional dense array with elements of type `T`. The elements of a dense array are stored contiguously in memory. """ DenseArray """ DenseVector{T} One-dimensional [`DenseArray`](@ref) with elements of type `T`. Alias for `DenseArray{T,1}`. """ const DenseVector{T} = DenseArray{T,1} """ DenseMatrix{T} Two-dimensional [`DenseArray`](@ref) with elements of type `T`. Alias for `DenseArray{T,2}`. """ const DenseMatrix{T} = DenseArray{T,2} """ DenseVecOrMat{T} Union type of [`DenseVector{T}`](@ref) and [`DenseMatrix{T}`](@ref). """ const DenseVecOrMat{T} = Union{DenseVector{T}, DenseMatrix{T}} ## Basic functions ## import Core: arraysize, arrayset, arrayref, const_arrayref vect() = Vector{Any}() vect(X::T...) where {T} = T[ X[i] for i = 1:length(X) ] """ vect(X...) Create a [`Vector`](@ref) with element type computed from the `promote_typeof` of the argument, containing the argument list. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> a = Base.vect(UInt8(1), 2.5, 1//2) 3-element Vector{Float64}: 1.0 2.5 0.5 ``` """ function vect(X...) T = promote_typeof(X...) #T[ X[i] for i=1:length(X) ] # TODO: this is currently much faster. should figure out why. not clear. return copyto!(Vector{T}(undef, length(X)), X) end size(a::Array, d::Integer) = arraysize(a, convert(Int, d)) size(a::Vector) = (arraysize(a,1),) size(a::Matrix) = (arraysize(a,1), arraysize(a,2)) size(a::Array{<:Any,N}) where {N} = (@inline; ntuple(M -> size(a, M), Val(N))::Dims) asize_from(a::Array, n) = n > ndims(a) ? () : (arraysize(a,n), asize_from(a, n+1)...) allocatedinline(T::Type) = (@_pure_meta; ccall(:jl_stored_inline, Cint, (Any,), T) != Cint(0)) """ Base.isbitsunion(::Type{T}) Return whether a type is an "is-bits" Union type, meaning each type included in a Union is [`isbitstype`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> Base.isbitsunion(Union{Float64, UInt8}) true julia> Base.isbitsunion(Union{Float64, String}) false ``` """ isbitsunion(u::Union) = allocatedinline(u) isbitsunion(x) = false function _unsetindex!(A::Array{T}, i::Int) where {T} @inline @boundscheck checkbounds(A, i) t = @_gc_preserve_begin A p = Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}}(pointer(A, i)) if !allocatedinline(T) unsafe_store!(p, C_NULL) elseif T isa DataType if !datatype_pointerfree(T) for j = 1:(Core.sizeof(T) ÷ Core.sizeof(Ptr{Cvoid})) unsafe_store!(p, C_NULL, j) end end end @_gc_preserve_end t return A end """ Base.bitsunionsize(U::Union) -> Int For a `Union` of [`isbitstype`](@ref) types, return the size of the largest type; assumes `Base.isbitsunion(U) == true`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> Base.bitsunionsize(Union{Float64, UInt8}) 8 julia> Base.bitsunionsize(Union{Float64, UInt8, Int128}) 16 ``` """ function bitsunionsize(u::Union) isinline, sz, _ = uniontype_layout(u) @assert isinline return sz end length(a::Array) = arraylen(a) elsize(::Type{<:Array{T}}) where {T} = aligned_sizeof(T) sizeof(a::Array) = Core.sizeof(a) function isassigned(a::Array, i::Int...) @inline ii = (_sub2ind(size(a), i...) % UInt) - 1 @boundscheck ii < length(a) % UInt || return false ccall(:jl_array_isassigned, Cint, (Any, UInt), a, ii) == 1 end ## copy ## """ unsafe_copyto!(dest::Ptr{T}, src::Ptr{T}, N) Copy `N` elements from a source pointer to a destination, with no checking. The size of an element is determined by the type of the pointers. The `unsafe` prefix on this function indicates that no validation is performed on the pointers `dest` and `src` to ensure that they are valid. Incorrect usage may corrupt or segfault your program, in the same manner as C. """ function unsafe_copyto!(dest::Ptr{T}, src::Ptr{T}, n) where T # Do not use this to copy data between pointer arrays. # It can't be made safe no matter how carefully you checked. ccall(:memmove, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t), dest, src, n * aligned_sizeof(T)) return dest end function _unsafe_copyto!(dest, doffs, src, soffs, n) destp = pointer(dest, doffs) srcp = pointer(src, soffs) @inbounds if destp < srcp || destp > srcp + n for i = 1:n if isassigned(src, soffs + i - 1) dest[doffs + i - 1] = src[soffs + i - 1] else _unsetindex!(dest, doffs + i - 1) end end else for i = n:-1:1 if isassigned(src, soffs + i - 1) dest[doffs + i - 1] = src[soffs + i - 1] else _unsetindex!(dest, doffs + i - 1) end end end return dest end """ unsafe_copyto!(dest::Array, do, src::Array, so, N) Copy `N` elements from a source array to a destination, starting at offset `so` in the source and `do` in the destination (1-indexed). The `unsafe` prefix on this function indicates that no validation is performed to ensure that N is inbounds on either array. Incorrect usage may corrupt or segfault your program, in the same manner as C. """ function unsafe_copyto!(dest::Array{T}, doffs, src::Array{T}, soffs, n) where T t1 = @_gc_preserve_begin dest t2 = @_gc_preserve_begin src destp = pointer(dest, doffs) srcp = pointer(src, soffs) if !allocatedinline(T) ccall(:jl_array_ptr_copy, Cvoid, (Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, Int), dest, destp, src, srcp, n) elseif isbitstype(T) ccall(:memmove, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t), destp, srcp, n * aligned_sizeof(T)) elseif isbitsunion(T) ccall(:memmove, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t), destp, srcp, n * aligned_sizeof(T)) # copy selector bytes ccall(:memmove, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t), ccall(:jl_array_typetagdata, Ptr{UInt8}, (Any,), dest) + doffs - 1, ccall(:jl_array_typetagdata, Ptr{UInt8}, (Any,), src) + soffs - 1, n) else _unsafe_copyto!(dest, doffs, src, soffs, n) end @_gc_preserve_end t2 @_gc_preserve_end t1 return dest end unsafe_copyto!(dest::Array, doffs, src::Array, soffs, n) = _unsafe_copyto!(dest, doffs, src, soffs, n) """ copyto!(dest, do, src, so, N) Copy `N` elements from collection `src` starting at offset `so`, to array `dest` starting at offset `do`. Return `dest`. """ function copyto!(dest::Array, doffs::Integer, src::Array, soffs::Integer, n::Integer) return _copyto_impl!(dest, doffs, src, soffs, n) end # this is only needed to avoid possible ambiguities with methods added in some packages function copyto!(dest::Array{T}, doffs::Integer, src::Array{T}, soffs::Integer, n::Integer) where T return _copyto_impl!(dest, doffs, src, soffs, n) end function _copyto_impl!(dest::Array, doffs::Integer, src::Array, soffs::Integer, n::Integer) n == 0 && return dest n > 0 || _throw_argerror() if soffs < 1 || doffs < 1 || soffs+n-1 > length(src) || doffs+n-1 > length(dest) throw(BoundsError()) end unsafe_copyto!(dest, doffs, src, soffs, n) return dest end # Outlining this because otherwise a catastrophic inference slowdown # occurs, see discussion in #27874. # It is also mitigated by using a constant string. function _throw_argerror() @noinline throw(ArgumentError("Number of elements to copy must be nonnegative.")) end copyto!(dest::Array, src::Array) = copyto!(dest, 1, src, 1, length(src)) # also to avoid ambiguities in packages copyto!(dest::Array{T}, src::Array{T}) where {T} = copyto!(dest, 1, src, 1, length(src)) # N.B: The generic definition in multidimensional.jl covers, this, this is just here # for bootstrapping purposes. function fill!(dest::Array{T}, x) where T xT = convert(T, x) for i in eachindex(dest) @inbounds dest[i] = xT end return dest end """ copy(x) Create a shallow copy of `x`: the outer structure is copied, but not all internal values. For example, copying an array produces a new array with identically-same elements as the original. See also [`copy!`](@ref Base.copy!), [`copyto!`](@ref). """ copy copy(a::T) where {T<:Array} = ccall(:jl_array_copy, Ref{T}, (Any,), a) ## Constructors ## similar(a::Array{T,1}) where {T} = Vector{T}(undef, size(a,1)) similar(a::Array{T,2}) where {T} = Matrix{T}(undef, size(a,1), size(a,2)) similar(a::Array{T,1}, S::Type) where {T} = Vector{S}(undef, size(a,1)) similar(a::Array{T,2}, S::Type) where {T} = Matrix{S}(undef, size(a,1), size(a,2)) similar(a::Array{T}, m::Int) where {T} = Vector{T}(undef, m) similar(a::Array, T::Type, dims::Dims{N}) where {N} = Array{T,N}(undef, dims) similar(a::Array{T}, dims::Dims{N}) where {T,N} = Array{T,N}(undef, dims) # T[x...] constructs Array{T,1} """ getindex(type[, elements...]) Construct a 1-d array of the specified type. This is usually called with the syntax `Type[]`. Element values can be specified using `Type[a,b,c,...]`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> Int8[1, 2, 3] 3-element Vector{Int8}: 1 2 3 julia> getindex(Int8, 1, 2, 3) 3-element Vector{Int8}: 1 2 3 ``` """ function getindex(::Type{T}, vals...) where T a = Vector{T}(undef, length(vals)) @inbounds for i = 1:length(vals) a[i] = vals[i] end return a end getindex(::Type{T}) where {T} = (@inline; Vector{T}()) getindex(::Type{T}, x) where {T} = (@inline; a = Vector{T}(undef, 1); @inbounds a[1] = x; a) getindex(::Type{T}, x, y) where {T} = (@inline; a = Vector{T}(undef, 2); @inbounds (a[1] = x; a[2] = y); a) getindex(::Type{T}, x, y, z) where {T} = (@inline; a = Vector{T}(undef, 3); @inbounds (a[1] = x; a[2] = y; a[3] = z); a) function getindex(::Type{Any}, @nospecialize vals...) a = Vector{Any}(undef, length(vals)) @inbounds for i = 1:length(vals) a[i] = vals[i] end return a end getindex(::Type{Any}) = Vector{Any}() function fill!(a::Union{Array{UInt8}, Array{Int8}}, x::Integer) ccall(:memset, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Csize_t), a, convert(eltype(a), x), length(a)) return a end to_dim(d::Integer) = d to_dim(d::OneTo) = last(d) """ fill(value, dims::Tuple) fill(value, dims...) Create an array of size `dims` with every location set to `value`. For example, `fill(1.0, (5,5))` returns a 5×5 array of floats, with `1.0` in every location of the array. The dimension lengths `dims` may be specified as either a tuple or a sequence of arguments. An `N`-length tuple or `N` arguments following the `value` specify an `N`-dimensional array. Thus, a common idiom for creating a zero-dimensional array with its only location set to `x` is `fill(x)`. Every location of the returned array is set to (and is thus [`===`](@ref) to) the `value` that was passed; this means that if the `value` is itself modified, all elements of the `fill`ed array will reflect that modification because they're _still_ that very `value`. This is of no concern with `fill(1.0, (5,5))` as the `value` `1.0` is immutable and cannot itself be modified, but can be unexpected with mutable values like — most commonly — arrays. For example, `fill([], 3)` places _the very same_ empty array in all three locations of the returned vector: ```jldoctest julia> v = fill([], 3) 3-element Vector{Vector{Any}}: [] [] [] julia> v[1] === v[2] === v[3] true julia> value = v[1] Any[] julia> push!(value, 867_5309) 1-element Vector{Any}: 8675309 julia> v 3-element Vector{Vector{Any}}: [8675309] [8675309] [8675309] ``` To create an array of many independent inner arrays, use a [comprehension](@ref man-comprehensions) instead. This creates a new and distinct array on each iteration of the loop: ```jldoctest julia> v2 = [[] for _ in 1:3] 3-element Vector{Vector{Any}}: [] [] [] julia> v2[1] === v2[2] === v2[3] false julia> push!(v2[1], 8675309) 1-element Vector{Any}: 8675309 julia> v2 3-element Vector{Vector{Any}}: [8675309] [] [] ``` See also: [`fill!`](@ref), [`zeros`](@ref), [`ones`](@ref), [`similar`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> fill(1.0, (2,3)) 2×3 Matrix{Float64}: 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 julia> fill(42) 0-dimensional Array{Int64, 0}: 42 julia> A = fill(zeros(2), 2) # sets both elements to the same [0.0, 0.0] vector 2-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}: [0.0, 0.0] [0.0, 0.0] julia> A[1][1] = 42; # modifies the filled value to be [42.0, 0.0] julia> A # both A[1] and A[2] are the very same vector 2-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}: [42.0, 0.0] [42.0, 0.0] ``` """ function fill end fill(v, dims::DimOrInd...) = fill(v, dims) fill(v, dims::NTuple{N, Union{Integer, OneTo}}) where {N} = fill(v, map(to_dim, dims)) fill(v, dims::NTuple{N, Integer}) where {N} = (a=Array{typeof(v),N}(undef, dims); fill!(a, v); a) fill(v, dims::Tuple{}) = (a=Array{typeof(v),0}(undef, dims); fill!(a, v); a) """ zeros([T=Float64,] dims::Tuple) zeros([T=Float64,] dims...) Create an `Array`, with element type `T`, of all zeros with size specified by `dims`. See also [`fill`](@ref), [`ones`](@ref), [`zero`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> zeros(1) 1-element Vector{Float64}: 0.0 julia> zeros(Int8, 2, 3) 2×3 Matrix{Int8}: 0 0 0 0 0 0 ``` """ function zeros end """ ones([T=Float64,] dims::Tuple) ones([T=Float64,] dims...) Create an `Array`, with element type `T`, of all ones with size specified by `dims`. See also [`fill`](@ref), [`zeros`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> ones(1,2) 1×2 Matrix{Float64}: 1.0 1.0 julia> ones(ComplexF64, 2, 3) 2×3 Matrix{ComplexF64}: 1.0+0.0im 1.0+0.0im 1.0+0.0im 1.0+0.0im 1.0+0.0im 1.0+0.0im ``` """ function ones end for (fname, felt) in ((:zeros, :zero), (:ones, :one)) @eval begin $fname(dims::DimOrInd...) = $fname(dims) $fname(::Type{T}, dims::DimOrInd...) where {T} = $fname(T, dims) $fname(dims::Tuple{Vararg{DimOrInd}}) = $fname(Float64, dims) $fname(::Type{T}, dims::NTuple{N, Union{Integer, OneTo}}) where {T,N} = $fname(T, map(to_dim, dims)) function $fname(::Type{T}, dims::NTuple{N, Integer}) where {T,N} a = Array{T,N}(undef, dims) fill!(a, $felt(T)) return a end function $fname(::Type{T}, dims::Tuple{}) where {T} a = Array{T}(undef) fill!(a, $felt(T)) return a end end end function _one(unit::T, x::AbstractMatrix) where T require_one_based_indexing(x) m,n = size(x) m==n || throw(DimensionMismatch("multiplicative identity defined only for square matrices")) # Matrix{T}(I, m, m) I = zeros(T, m, m) for i in 1:m I[i,i] = unit end I end one(x::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T} = _one(one(T), x) oneunit(x::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T} = _one(oneunit(T), x) ## Conversions ## convert(::Type{T}, a::AbstractArray) where {T<:Array} = a isa T ? a : T(a) convert(::Type{Union{}}, a::AbstractArray) = throw(MethodError(convert, (Union{}, a))) promote_rule(a::Type{Array{T,n}}, b::Type{Array{S,n}}) where {T,n,S} = el_same(promote_type(T,S), a, b) ## Constructors ## if nameof(@__MODULE__) === :Base # avoid method overwrite # constructors should make copies Array{T,N}(x::AbstractArray{S,N}) where {T,N,S} = copyto_axcheck!(Array{T,N}(undef, size(x)), x) AbstractArray{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{S,N}) where {T,N,S} = copyto_axcheck!(similar(A,T), A) end ## copying iterators to containers """ collect(element_type, collection) Return an `Array` with the given element type of all items in a collection or iterable. The result has the same shape and number of dimensions as `collection`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> collect(Float64, 1:2:5) 3-element Vector{Float64}: 1.0 3.0 5.0 ``` """ collect(::Type{T}, itr) where {T} = _collect(T, itr, IteratorSize(itr)) _collect(::Type{T}, itr, isz::Union{HasLength,HasShape}) where {T} = copyto!(_array_for(T, isz, _similar_shape(itr, isz)), itr) function _collect(::Type{T}, itr, isz::SizeUnknown) where T a = Vector{T}() for x in itr push!(a, x) end return a end # make a collection similar to `c` and appropriate for collecting `itr` _similar_for(c, ::Type{T}, itr, isz, shp) where {T} = similar(c, T) _similar_shape(itr, ::SizeUnknown) = nothing _similar_shape(itr, ::HasLength) = length(itr)::Integer _similar_shape(itr, ::HasShape) = axes(itr) _similar_for(c::AbstractArray, ::Type{T}, itr, ::SizeUnknown, ::Nothing) where {T} = similar(c, T, 0) _similar_for(c::AbstractArray, ::Type{T}, itr, ::HasLength, len::Integer) where {T} = similar(c, T, len) _similar_for(c::AbstractArray, ::Type{T}, itr, ::HasShape, axs) where {T} = similar(c, T, axs) # make a collection appropriate for collecting `itr::Generator` _array_for(::Type{T}, ::SizeUnknown, ::Nothing) where {T} = Vector{T}(undef, 0) _array_for(::Type{T}, ::HasLength, len::Integer) where {T} = Vector{T}(undef, Int(len)) _array_for(::Type{T}, ::HasShape{N}, axs) where {T,N} = similar(Array{T,N}, axs) # used by syntax lowering for simple typed comprehensions _array_for(::Type{T}, itr, isz) where {T} = _array_for(T, isz, _similar_shape(itr, isz)) """ collect(collection) Return an `Array` of all items in a collection or iterator. For dictionaries, returns `Pair{KeyType, ValType}`. If the argument is array-like or is an iterator with the [`HasShape`](@ref IteratorSize) trait, the result will have the same shape and number of dimensions as the argument. Used by comprehensions to turn a generator into an `Array`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> collect(1:2:13) 7-element Vector{Int64}: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 julia> [x^2 for x in 1:8 if isodd(x)] 4-element Vector{Int64}: 1 9 25 49 ``` """ collect(itr) = _collect(1:1 #= Array =#, itr, IteratorEltype(itr), IteratorSize(itr)) collect(A::AbstractArray) = _collect_indices(axes(A), A) collect_similar(cont, itr) = _collect(cont, itr, IteratorEltype(itr), IteratorSize(itr)) _collect(cont, itr, ::HasEltype, isz::Union{HasLength,HasShape}) = copyto!(_similar_for(cont, eltype(itr), itr, isz, _similar_shape(itr, isz)), itr) function _collect(cont, itr, ::HasEltype, isz::SizeUnknown) a = _similar_for(cont, eltype(itr), itr, isz, nothing) for x in itr push!(a,x) end return a end _collect_indices(::Tuple{}, A) = copyto!(Array{eltype(A),0}(undef), A) _collect_indices(indsA::Tuple{Vararg{OneTo}}, A) = copyto!(Array{eltype(A)}(undef, length.(indsA)), A) function _collect_indices(indsA, A) B = Array{eltype(A)}(undef, length.(indsA)) copyto!(B, CartesianIndices(axes(B)), A, CartesianIndices(indsA)) end # NOTE: this function is not meant to be called, only inferred, for the # purpose of bounding the types of values generated by an iterator. function _iterator_upper_bound(itr) x = iterate(itr) while x !== nothing val = getfield(x, 1) if inferencebarrier(nothing) return val end x = iterate(itr, getfield(x, 2)) end throw(nothing) end # define this as a macro so that the call to Core.Compiler # gets inlined into the caller before recursion detection # gets a chance to see it, so that recursive calls to the caller # don't trigger the inference limiter if isdefined(Core, :Compiler) macro default_eltype(itr) I = esc(itr) return quote if $I isa Generator && ($I).f isa Type T = ($I).f else T = Core.Compiler.return_type(_iterator_upper_bound, Tuple{typeof($I)}) end promote_typejoin_union(T) end end else macro default_eltype(itr) I = esc(itr) return quote if $I isa Generator && ($I).f isa Type promote_typejoin_union($I.f) else Any end end end end function collect(itr::Generator) isz = IteratorSize(itr.iter) et = @default_eltype(itr) if isa(isz, SizeUnknown) return grow_to!(Vector{et}(), itr) else shp = _similar_shape(itr, isz) y = iterate(itr) if y === nothing return _array_for(et, isz, shp) end v1, st = y dest = _array_for(typeof(v1), isz, shp) # The typeassert gives inference a helping hand on the element type and dimensionality # (work-around for #28382) et′ = et <: Type ? Type : et RT = dest isa AbstractArray ? AbstractArray{<:et′, ndims(dest)} : Any collect_to_with_first!(dest, v1, itr, st)::RT end end _collect(c, itr, ::EltypeUnknown, isz::SizeUnknown) = grow_to!(_similar_for(c, @default_eltype(itr), itr, isz, nothing), itr) function _collect(c, itr, ::EltypeUnknown, isz::Union{HasLength,HasShape}) et = @default_eltype(itr) shp = _similar_shape(itr, isz) y = iterate(itr) if y === nothing return _similar_for(c, et, itr, isz, shp) end v1, st = y dest = _similar_for(c, typeof(v1), itr, isz, shp) # The typeassert gives inference a helping hand on the element type and dimensionality # (work-around for #28382) et′ = et <: Type ? Type : et RT = dest isa AbstractArray ? AbstractArray{<:et′, ndims(dest)} : Any collect_to_with_first!(dest, v1, itr, st)::RT end function collect_to_with_first!(dest::AbstractArray, v1, itr, st) i1 = first(LinearIndices(dest)) dest[i1] = v1 return collect_to!(dest, itr, i1+1, st) end function collect_to_with_first!(dest, v1, itr, st) push!(dest, v1) return grow_to!(dest, itr, st) end function setindex_widen_up_to(dest::AbstractArray{T}, el, i) where T @inline new = similar(dest, promote_typejoin(T, typeof(el))) f = first(LinearIndices(dest)) copyto!(new, first(LinearIndices(new)), dest, f, i-f) @inbounds new[i] = el return new end function collect_to!(dest::AbstractArray{T}, itr, offs, st) where T # collect to dest array, checking the type of each result. if a result does not # match, widen the result type and re-dispatch. i = offs while true y = iterate(itr, st) y === nothing && break el, st = y if el isa T || typeof(el) === T @inbounds dest[i] = el::T i += 1 else new = setindex_widen_up_to(dest, el, i) return collect_to!(new, itr, i+1, st) end end return dest end function grow_to!(dest, itr) y = iterate(itr) y === nothing && return dest dest2 = empty(dest, typeof(y[1])) push!(dest2, y[1]) grow_to!(dest2, itr, y[2]) end function push_widen(dest, el) @inline new = sizehint!(empty(dest, promote_typejoin(eltype(dest), typeof(el))), length(dest)) if new isa AbstractSet # TODO: merge back these two branches when copy! is re-enabled for sets/vectors union!(new, dest) else append!(new, dest) end push!(new, el) return new end function grow_to!(dest, itr, st) T = eltype(dest) y = iterate(itr, st) while y !== nothing el, st = y if el isa T || typeof(el) === T push!(dest, el::T) else new = push_widen(dest, el) return grow_to!(new, itr, st) end y = iterate(itr, st) end return dest end ## Iteration ## iterate(A::Array, i=1) = (@inline; (i % UInt) - 1 < length(A) ? (@inbounds A[i], i + 1) : nothing) ## Indexing: getindex ## """ getindex(collection, key...) Retrieve the value(s) stored at the given key or index within a collection. The syntax `a[i,j,...]` is converted by the compiler to `getindex(a, i, j, ...)`. See also [`get`](@ref), [`keys`](@ref), [`eachindex`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = Dict("a" => 1, "b" => 2) Dict{String, Int64} with 2 entries: "b" => 2 "a" => 1 julia> getindex(A, "a") 1 ``` """ function getindex end # This is more complicated than it needs to be in order to get Win64 through bootstrap @eval getindex(A::Array, i1::Int) = arrayref($(Expr(:boundscheck)), A, i1) @eval getindex(A::Array, i1::Int, i2::Int, I::Int...) = (@inline; arrayref($(Expr(:boundscheck)), A, i1, i2, I...)) # Faster contiguous indexing using copyto! for AbstractUnitRange and Colon function getindex(A::Array, I::AbstractUnitRange{<:Integer}) @inline @boundscheck checkbounds(A, I) lI = length(I) X = similar(A, axes(I)) if lI > 0 copyto!(X, firstindex(X), A, first(I), lI) end return X end # getindex for carrying out logical indexing for AbstractUnitRange{Bool} as Bool <: Integer getindex(a::Array, r::AbstractUnitRange{Bool}) = getindex(a, to_index(r)) function getindex(A::Array, c::Colon) lI = length(A) X = similar(A, lI) if lI > 0 unsafe_copyto!(X, 1, A, 1, lI) end return X end # This is redundant with the abstract fallbacks, but needed for bootstrap function getindex(A::Array{S}, I::AbstractRange{Int}) where S return S[ A[i] for i in I ] end ## Indexing: setindex! ## """ setindex!(collection, value, key...) Store the given value at the given key or index within a collection. The syntax `a[i,j,...] = x` is converted by the compiler to `(setindex!(a, x, i, j, ...); x)`. """ function setindex! end @eval setindex!(A::Array{T}, x, i1::Int) where {T} = arrayset($(Expr(:boundscheck)), A, convert(T,x)::T, i1) @eval setindex!(A::Array{T}, x, i1::Int, i2::Int, I::Int...) where {T} = (@inline; arrayset($(Expr(:boundscheck)), A, convert(T,x)::T, i1, i2, I...)) # This is redundant with the abstract fallbacks but needed and helpful for bootstrap function setindex!(A::Array, X::AbstractArray, I::AbstractVector{Int}) @_propagate_inbounds_meta @boundscheck setindex_shape_check(X, length(I)) require_one_based_indexing(X) X′ = unalias(A, X) I′ = unalias(A, I) count = 1 for i in I′ @inbounds x = X′[count] A[i] = x count += 1 end return A end # Faster contiguous setindex! with copyto! function setindex!(A::Array{T}, X::Array{T}, I::AbstractUnitRange{Int}) where T @inline @boundscheck checkbounds(A, I) lI = length(I) @boundscheck setindex_shape_check(X, lI) if lI > 0 unsafe_copyto!(A, first(I), X, 1, lI) end return A end function setindex!(A::Array{T}, X::Array{T}, c::Colon) where T @inline lI = length(A) @boundscheck setindex_shape_check(X, lI) if lI > 0 unsafe_copyto!(A, 1, X, 1, lI) end return A end # efficiently grow an array _growbeg!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) = ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), a, delta) _growend!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) = ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), a, delta) _growat!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer) = ccall(:jl_array_grow_at, Cvoid, (Any, Int, UInt), a, i - 1, delta) # efficiently delete part of an array _deletebeg!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) = ccall(:jl_array_del_beg, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), a, delta) _deleteend!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) = ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), a, delta) _deleteat!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer) = ccall(:jl_array_del_at, Cvoid, (Any, Int, UInt), a, i - 1, delta) ## Dequeue functionality ## """ push!(collection, items...) -> collection Insert one or more `items` in `collection`. If `collection` is an ordered container, the items are inserted at the end (in the given order). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> push!([1, 2, 3], 4, 5, 6) 6-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ``` If `collection` is ordered, use [`append!`](@ref) to add all the elements of another collection to it. The result of the preceding example is equivalent to `append!([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])`. For `AbstractSet` objects, [`union!`](@ref) can be used instead. See [`sizehint!`](@ref) for notes about the performance model. See also [`pushfirst!`](@ref). """ function push! end function push!(a::Array{T,1}, item) where T # convert first so we don't grow the array if the assignment won't work itemT = convert(T, item) _growend!(a, 1) @inbounds a[end] = itemT return a end function push!(a::Array{Any,1}, @nospecialize item) _growend!(a, 1) arrayset(true, a, item, length(a)) return a end """ append!(collection, collections...) -> collection. For an ordered container `collection`, add the elements of each `collections` to the end of it. !!! compat "Julia 1.6" Specifying multiple collections to be appended requires at least Julia 1.6. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> append!([1], [2, 3]) 3-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 3 julia> append!([1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]) 6-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ``` Use [`push!`](@ref) to add individual items to `collection` which are not already themselves in another collection. The result of the preceding example is equivalent to `push!([1, 2, 3], 4, 5, 6)`. See [`sizehint!`](@ref) for notes about the performance model. See also [`vcat`](@ref) for vectors, [`union!`](@ref) for sets, and [`prepend!`](@ref) and [`pushfirst!`](@ref) for the opposite order. """ function append!(a::Vector, items::AbstractVector) itemindices = eachindex(items) n = length(itemindices) _growend!(a, n) copyto!(a, length(a)-n+1, items, first(itemindices), n) return a end append!(a::AbstractVector, iter) = _append!(a, IteratorSize(iter), iter) push!(a::AbstractVector, iter...) = append!(a, iter) append!(a::AbstractVector, iter...) = foldl(append!, iter, init=a) function _append!(a, ::Union{HasLength,HasShape}, iter) n = length(a) i = lastindex(a) resize!(a, n+Int(length(iter))::Int) @inbounds for (i, item) in zip(i+1:lastindex(a), iter) a[i] = item end a end function _append!(a, ::IteratorSize, iter) for item in iter push!(a, item) end a end """ prepend!(a::Vector, collections...) -> collection Insert the elements of each `collections` to the beginning of `a`. When `collections` specifies multiple collections, order is maintained: elements of `collections[1]` will appear leftmost in `a`, and so on. !!! compat "Julia 1.6" Specifying multiple collections to be prepended requires at least Julia 1.6. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> prepend!([3], [1, 2]) 3-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 3 julia> prepend!([6], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]) 6-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ``` """ function prepend! end function prepend!(a::Vector, items::AbstractVector) itemindices = eachindex(items) n = length(itemindices) _growbeg!(a, n) if a === items copyto!(a, 1, items, n+1, n) else copyto!(a, 1, items, first(itemindices), n) end return a end prepend!(a::Vector, iter) = _prepend!(a, IteratorSize(iter), iter) pushfirst!(a::Vector, iter...) = prepend!(a, iter) prepend!(a::AbstractVector, iter...) = foldr((v, a) -> prepend!(a, v), iter, init=a) function _prepend!(a, ::Union{HasLength,HasShape}, iter) require_one_based_indexing(a) n = length(iter) _growbeg!(a, n) i = 0 for item in iter @inbounds a[i += 1] = item end a end function _prepend!(a, ::IteratorSize, iter) n = 0 for item in iter n += 1 pushfirst!(a, item) end reverse!(a, 1, n) a end """ resize!(a::Vector, n::Integer) -> Vector Resize `a` to contain `n` elements. If `n` is smaller than the current collection length, the first `n` elements will be retained. If `n` is larger, the new elements are not guaranteed to be initialized. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> resize!([6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], 3) 3-element Vector{Int64}: 6 5 4 julia> a = resize!([6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], 8); julia> length(a) 8 julia> a[1:6] 6-element Vector{Int64}: 6 5 4 3 2 1 ``` """ function resize!(a::Vector, nl::Integer) l = length(a) if nl > l _growend!(a, nl-l) elseif nl != l if nl < 0 throw(ArgumentError("new length must be ≥ 0")) end _deleteend!(a, l-nl) end return a end """ sizehint!(s, n) Suggest that collection `s` reserve capacity for at least `n` elements. This can improve performance. # Notes on the performance model For types that support `sizehint!`, 1. `push!` and `append!` methods generally may (but are not required to) preallocate extra storage. For types implemented in `Base`, they typically do, using a heuristic optimized for a general use case. 2. `sizehint!` may control this preallocation. Again, it typically does this for types in `Base`. 3. `empty!` is nearly costless (and O(1)) for types that support this kind of preallocation. """ function sizehint! end function sizehint!(a::Vector, sz::Integer) ccall(:jl_array_sizehint, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), a, sz) a end """ pop!(collection) -> item Remove an item in `collection` and return it. If `collection` is an ordered container, the last item is returned; for unordered containers, an arbitrary element is returned. See also: [`popfirst!`](@ref), [`popat!`](@ref), [`delete!`](@ref), [`deleteat!`](@ref), [`splice!`](@ref), and [`push!`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A=[1, 2, 3] 3-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 3 julia> pop!(A) 3 julia> A 2-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 julia> S = Set([1, 2]) Set{Int64} with 2 elements: 2 1 julia> pop!(S) 2 julia> S Set{Int64} with 1 element: 1 julia> pop!(Dict(1=>2)) 1 => 2 ``` """ function pop!(a::Vector) if isempty(a) throw(ArgumentError("array must be non-empty")) end item = a[end] _deleteend!(a, 1) return item end """ popat!(a::Vector, i::Integer, [default]) Remove the item at the given `i` and return it. Subsequent items are shifted to fill the resulting gap. When `i` is not a valid index for `a`, return `default`, or throw an error if `default` is not specified. See also: [`pop!`](@ref), [`popfirst!`](@ref), [`deleteat!`](@ref), [`splice!`](@ref). !!! compat "Julia 1.5" This function is available as of Julia 1.5. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> a = [4, 3, 2, 1]; popat!(a, 2) 3 julia> a 3-element Vector{Int64}: 4 2 1 julia> popat!(a, 4, missing) missing julia> popat!(a, 4) ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 3-element Vector{Int64} at index [4] [...] ``` """ function popat!(a::Vector, i::Integer) x = a[i] _deleteat!(a, i, 1) x end function popat!(a::Vector, i::Integer, default) if 1 <= i <= length(a) x = @inbounds a[i] _deleteat!(a, i, 1) x else default end end """ pushfirst!(collection, items...) -> collection Insert one or more `items` at the beginning of `collection`. This function is called `unshift` in many other programming languages. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> pushfirst!([1, 2, 3, 4], 5, 6) 6-element Vector{Int64}: 5 6 1 2 3 4 ``` """ function pushfirst!(a::Array{T,1}, item) where T item = convert(T, item) _growbeg!(a, 1) a[1] = item return a end """ popfirst!(collection) -> item Remove the first `item` from `collection`. This function is called `shift` in many other programming languages. See also: [`pop!`](@ref), [`popat!`](@ref), [`delete!`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] 6-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 3 4 5 6 julia> popfirst!(A) 1 julia> A 5-element Vector{Int64}: 2 3 4 5 6 ``` """ function popfirst!(a::Vector) if isempty(a) throw(ArgumentError("array must be non-empty")) end item = a[1] _deletebeg!(a, 1) return item end """ insert!(a::Vector, index::Integer, item) Insert an `item` into `a` at the given `index`. `index` is the index of `item` in the resulting `a`. See also: [`push!`](@ref), [`replace`](@ref), [`popat!`](@ref), [`splice!`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> insert!(Any[1:6;], 3, "here") 7-element Vector{Any}: 1 2 "here" 3 4 5 6 ``` """ function insert!(a::Array{T,1}, i::Integer, item) where T # Throw convert error before changing the shape of the array _item = convert(T, item) _growat!(a, i, 1) # _growat! already did bound check @inbounds a[i] = _item return a end """ deleteat!(a::Vector, i::Integer) Remove the item at the given `i` and return the modified `a`. Subsequent items are shifted to fill the resulting gap. See also: [`delete!`](@ref), [`popat!`](@ref), [`splice!`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> deleteat!([6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], 2) 5-element Vector{Int64}: 6 4 3 2 1 ``` """ function deleteat!(a::Vector, i::Integer) i isa Bool && depwarn("passing Bool as an index is deprecated", :deleteat!) _deleteat!(a, i, 1) return a end function deleteat!(a::Vector, r::AbstractUnitRange{<:Integer}) if eltype(r) === Bool return invoke(deleteat!, Tuple{Vector, AbstractVector{Bool}}, a, r) else n = length(a) f = first(r) f isa Bool && depwarn("passing Bool as an index is deprecated", :deleteat!) isempty(r) || _deleteat!(a, f, length(r)) return a end end """ deleteat!(a::Vector, inds) Remove the items at the indices given by `inds`, and return the modified `a`. Subsequent items are shifted to fill the resulting gap. `inds` can be either an iterator or a collection of sorted and unique integer indices, or a boolean vector of the same length as `a` with `true` indicating entries to delete. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> deleteat!([6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], 1:2:5) 3-element Vector{Int64}: 5 3 1 julia> deleteat!([6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [true, false, true, false, true, false]) 3-element Vector{Int64}: 5 3 1 julia> deleteat!([6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], (2, 2)) ERROR: ArgumentError: indices must be unique and sorted Stacktrace: [...] ``` """ deleteat!(a::Vector, inds) = _deleteat!(a, inds) deleteat!(a::Vector, inds::AbstractVector) = _deleteat!(a, to_indices(a, (inds,))[1]) struct Nowhere; end push!(::Nowhere, _) = nothing function _deleteat!(a::Vector, inds, dltd=Nowhere()) n = length(a) y = iterate(inds) y === nothing && return a (p, s) = y checkbounds(a, p) push!(dltd, @inbounds a[p]) q = p+1 while true y = iterate(inds, s) y === nothing && break (i,s) = y if !(q <= i <= n) if i < q throw(ArgumentError("indices must be unique and sorted")) else throw(BoundsError()) end end while q < i @inbounds a[p] = a[q] p += 1; q += 1 end push!(dltd, @inbounds a[i]) q = i+1 end while q <= n @inbounds a[p] = a[q] p += 1; q += 1 end _deleteend!(a, n-p+1) return a end # Simpler and more efficient version for logical indexing function deleteat!(a::Vector, inds::AbstractVector{Bool}) n = length(a) length(inds) == n || throw(BoundsError(a, inds)) p = 1 for (q, i) in enumerate(inds) @inbounds a[p] = a[q] p += !i end _deleteend!(a, n-p+1) return a end const _default_splice = [] """ splice!(a::Vector, index::Integer, [replacement]) -> item Remove the item at the given index, and return the removed item. Subsequent items are shifted left to fill the resulting gap. If specified, replacement values from an ordered collection will be spliced in place of the removed item. See also: [`replace`](@ref), [`delete!`](@ref), [`deleteat!`](@ref), [`pop!`](@ref), [`popat!`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]; splice!(A, 5) 2 julia> A 5-element Vector{Int64}: 6 5 4 3 1 julia> splice!(A, 5, -1) 1 julia> A 5-element Vector{Int64}: 6 5 4 3 -1 julia> splice!(A, 1, [-1, -2, -3]) 6 julia> A 7-element Vector{Int64}: -1 -2 -3 5 4 3 -1 ``` To insert `replacement` before an index `n` without removing any items, use `splice!(collection, n:n-1, replacement)`. """ function splice!(a::Vector, i::Integer, ins=_default_splice) v = a[i] m = length(ins) if m == 0 _deleteat!(a, i, 1) elseif m == 1 a[i] = ins[1] else _growat!(a, i, m-1) k = 1 for x in ins a[i+k-1] = x k += 1 end end return v end """ splice!(a::Vector, indices, [replacement]) -> items Remove items at specified indices, and return a collection containing the removed items. Subsequent items are shifted left to fill the resulting gaps. If specified, replacement values from an ordered collection will be spliced in place of the removed items; in this case, `indices` must be a `AbstractUnitRange`. To insert `replacement` before an index `n` without removing any items, use `splice!(collection, n:n-1, replacement)`. !!! compat "Julia 1.5" Prior to Julia 1.5, `indices` must always be a `UnitRange`. !!! compat "Julia 1.8" Prior to Julia 1.8, `indices` must be a `UnitRange` if splicing in replacement values. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = [-1, -2, -3, 5, 4, 3, -1]; splice!(A, 4:3, 2) Int64[] julia> A 8-element Vector{Int64}: -1 -2 -3 2 5 4 3 -1 ``` """ function splice!(a::Vector, r::AbstractUnitRange{<:Integer}, ins=_default_splice) v = a[r] m = length(ins) if m == 0 deleteat!(a, r) return v end n = length(a) f = first(r) l = last(r) d = length(r) if m < d delta = d - m _deleteat!(a, (f - 1 < n - l) ? f : (l - delta + 1), delta) elseif m > d _growat!(a, (f - 1 < n - l) ? f : (l + 1), m - d) end k = 1 for x in ins a[f+k-1] = x k += 1 end return v end splice!(a::Vector, inds) = (dltds = eltype(a)[]; _deleteat!(a, inds, dltds); dltds) function empty!(a::Vector) _deleteend!(a, length(a)) return a end _memcmp(a, b, len) = ccall(:memcmp, Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t), a, b, len % Csize_t) % Int # use memcmp for cmp on byte arrays function cmp(a::Array{UInt8,1}, b::Array{UInt8,1}) c = _memcmp(a, b, min(length(a),length(b))) return c < 0 ? -1 : c > 0 ? +1 : cmp(length(a),length(b)) end const BitIntegerArray{N} = Union{map(T->Array{T,N}, BitInteger_types)...} where N # use memcmp for == on bit integer types ==(a::Arr, b::Arr) where {Arr <: BitIntegerArray} = size(a) == size(b) && 0 == _memcmp(a, b, sizeof(eltype(Arr)) * length(a)) # this is ~20% faster than the generic implementation above for very small arrays function ==(a::Arr, b::Arr) where Arr <: BitIntegerArray{1} len = length(a) len == length(b) && 0 == _memcmp(a, b, sizeof(eltype(Arr)) * len) end """ reverse(v [, start=1 [, stop=length(v) ]] ) Return a copy of `v` reversed from start to stop. See also [`Iterators.reverse`](@ref) for reverse-order iteration without making a copy, and in-place [`reverse!`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = Vector(1:5) 5-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 3 4 5 julia> reverse(A) 5-element Vector{Int64}: 5 4 3 2 1 julia> reverse(A, 1, 4) 5-element Vector{Int64}: 4 3 2 1 5 julia> reverse(A, 3, 5) 5-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 5 4 3 ``` """ function reverse(A::AbstractVector, start::Integer, stop::Integer=lastindex(A)) s, n = Int(start), Int(stop) B = similar(A) for i = firstindex(A):s-1 B[i] = A[i] end for i = s:n B[i] = A[n+s-i] end for i = n+1:lastindex(A) B[i] = A[i] end return B end # 1d special cases of reverse(A; dims) and reverse!(A; dims): for (f,_f) in ((:reverse,:_reverse), (:reverse!,:_reverse!)) @eval begin $f(A::AbstractVector; dims=:) = $_f(A, dims) $_f(A::AbstractVector, ::Colon) = $f(A, firstindex(A), lastindex(A)) $_f(A::AbstractVector, dim::Tuple{Integer}) = $_f(A, first(dim)) function $_f(A::AbstractVector, dim::Integer) dim == 1 || throw(ArgumentError("invalid dimension $dim ≠ 1")) return $_f(A, :) end end end function reverseind(a::AbstractVector, i::Integer) li = LinearIndices(a) first(li) + last(li) - i end """ reverse!(v [, start=1 [, stop=length(v) ]]) -> v In-place version of [`reverse`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = Vector(1:5) 5-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 3 4 5 julia> reverse!(A); julia> A 5-element Vector{Int64}: 5 4 3 2 1 ``` """ function reverse!(v::AbstractVector, start::Integer, stop::Integer=lastindex(v)) s, n = Int(start), Int(stop) liv = LinearIndices(v) if n <= s # empty case; ok elseif !(first(liv) ≤ s ≤ last(liv)) throw(BoundsError(v, s)) elseif !(first(liv) ≤ n ≤ last(liv)) throw(BoundsError(v, n)) end r = n @inbounds for i in s:div(s+n-1, 2) v[i], v[r] = v[r], v[i] r -= 1 end return v end # concatenations of homogeneous combinations of vectors, horizontal and vertical vcat() = Vector{Any}() hcat() = Vector{Any}() function hcat(V::Vector{T}...) where T height = length(V[1]) for j = 2:length(V) if length(V[j]) != height throw(DimensionMismatch("vectors must have same lengths")) end end return [ V[j][i]::T for i=1:length(V[1]), j=1:length(V) ] end function vcat(arrays::Vector{T}...) where T n = 0 for a in arrays n += length(a) end arr = Vector{T}(undef, n) nd = 1 for a in arrays na = length(a) @assert nd + na <= 1 + length(arr) # Concurrent modification of arrays? unsafe_copyto!(arr, nd, a, 1, na) nd += na end return arr end _cat(n::Integer, x::Integer...) = reshape([x...], (ntuple(Returns(1), n-1)..., length(x))) ## find ## """ findnext(A, i) Find the next index after or including `i` of a `true` element of `A`, or `nothing` if not found. Indices are of the same type as those returned by [`keys(A)`](@ref) and [`pairs(A)`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = [false, false, true, false] 4-element Vector{Bool}: 0 0 1 0 julia> findnext(A, 1) 3 julia> findnext(A, 4) # returns nothing, but not printed in the REPL julia> A = [false false; true false] 2×2 Matrix{Bool}: 0 0 1 0 julia> findnext(A, CartesianIndex(1, 1)) CartesianIndex(2, 1) ``` """ findnext(A, start) = findnext(identity, A, start) """ findfirst(A) Return the index or key of the first `true` value in `A`. Return `nothing` if no such value is found. To search for other kinds of values, pass a predicate as the first argument. Indices or keys are of the same type as those returned by [`keys(A)`](@ref) and [`pairs(A)`](@ref). See also: [`findall`](@ref), [`findnext`](@ref), [`findlast`](@ref), [`searchsortedfirst`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = [false, false, true, false] 4-element Vector{Bool}: 0 0 1 0 julia> findfirst(A) 3 julia> findfirst(falses(3)) # returns nothing, but not printed in the REPL julia> A = [false false; true false] 2×2 Matrix{Bool}: 0 0 1 0 julia> findfirst(A) CartesianIndex(2, 1) ``` """ findfirst(A) = findfirst(identity, A) # Needed for bootstrap, and allows defining only an optimized findnext method findfirst(A::AbstractArray) = findnext(A, first(keys(A))) """ findnext(predicate::Function, A, i) Find the next index after or including `i` of an element of `A` for which `predicate` returns `true`, or `nothing` if not found. Indices are of the same type as those returned by [`keys(A)`](@ref) and [`pairs(A)`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = [1, 4, 2, 2]; julia> findnext(isodd, A, 1) 1 julia> findnext(isodd, A, 2) # returns nothing, but not printed in the REPL julia> A = [1 4; 2 2]; julia> findnext(isodd, A, CartesianIndex(1, 1)) CartesianIndex(1, 1) ``` """ function findnext(testf::Function, A, start) i = oftype(first(keys(A)), start) l = last(keys(A)) i > l && return nothing while true testf(A[i]) && return i i == l && break # nextind(A, l) can throw/overflow i = nextind(A, i) end return nothing end """ findfirst(predicate::Function, A) Return the index or key of the first element of `A` for which `predicate` returns `true`. Return `nothing` if there is no such element. Indices or keys are of the same type as those returned by [`keys(A)`](@ref) and [`pairs(A)`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = [1, 4, 2, 2] 4-element Vector{Int64}: 1 4 2 2 julia> findfirst(iseven, A) 2 julia> findfirst(x -> x>10, A) # returns nothing, but not printed in the REPL julia> findfirst(isequal(4), A) 2 julia> A = [1 4; 2 2] 2×2 Matrix{Int64}: 1 4 2 2 julia> findfirst(iseven, A) CartesianIndex(2, 1) ``` """ function findfirst(testf::Function, A) for (i, a) in pairs(A) testf(a) && return i end return nothing end # Needed for bootstrap, and allows defining only an optimized findnext method findfirst(testf::Function, A::Union{AbstractArray, AbstractString}) = findnext(testf, A, first(keys(A))) findfirst(p::Union{Fix2{typeof(isequal),Int},Fix2{typeof(==),Int}}, r::OneTo{Int}) = 1 <= p.x <= r.stop ? p.x : nothing findfirst(p::Union{Fix2{typeof(isequal),T},Fix2{typeof(==),T}}, r::AbstractUnitRange) where {T<:Integer} = first(r) <= p.x <= last(r) ? firstindex(r) + Int(p.x - first(r)) : nothing function findfirst(p::Union{Fix2{typeof(isequal),T},Fix2{typeof(==),T}}, r::StepRange{T,S}) where {T,S} isempty(r) && return nothing minimum(r) <= p.x <= maximum(r) || return nothing d = convert(S, p.x - first(r)) iszero(d % step(r)) || return nothing return d ÷ step(r) + 1 end """ findprev(A, i) Find the previous index before or including `i` of a `true` element of `A`, or `nothing` if not found. Indices are of the same type as those returned by [`keys(A)`](@ref) and [`pairs(A)`](@ref). See also: [`findnext`](@ref), [`findfirst`](@ref), [`findall`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = [false, false, true, true] 4-element Vector{Bool}: 0 0 1 1 julia> findprev(A, 3) 3 julia> findprev(A, 1) # returns nothing, but not printed in the REPL julia> A = [false false; true true] 2×2 Matrix{Bool}: 0 0 1 1 julia> findprev(A, CartesianIndex(2, 1)) CartesianIndex(2, 1) ``` """ findprev(A, start) = findprev(identity, A, start) """ findlast(A) Return the index or key of the last `true` value in `A`. Return `nothing` if there is no `true` value in `A`. Indices or keys are of the same type as those returned by [`keys(A)`](@ref) and [`pairs(A)`](@ref). See also: [`findfirst`](@ref), [`findprev`](@ref), [`findall`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = [true, false, true, false] 4-element Vector{Bool}: 1 0 1 0 julia> findlast(A) 3 julia> A = falses(2,2); julia> findlast(A) # returns nothing, but not printed in the REPL julia> A = [true false; true false] 2×2 Matrix{Bool}: 1 0 1 0 julia> findlast(A) CartesianIndex(2, 1) ``` """ findlast(A) = findlast(identity, A) # Needed for bootstrap, and allows defining only an optimized findprev method findlast(A::AbstractArray) = findprev(A, last(keys(A))) """ findprev(predicate::Function, A, i) Find the previous index before or including `i` of an element of `A` for which `predicate` returns `true`, or `nothing` if not found. Indices are of the same type as those returned by [`keys(A)`](@ref) and [`pairs(A)`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = [4, 6, 1, 2] 4-element Vector{Int64}: 4 6 1 2 julia> findprev(isodd, A, 1) # returns nothing, but not printed in the REPL julia> findprev(isodd, A, 3) 3 julia> A = [4 6; 1 2] 2×2 Matrix{Int64}: 4 6 1 2 julia> findprev(isodd, A, CartesianIndex(1, 2)) CartesianIndex(2, 1) ``` """ function findprev(testf::Function, A, start) f = first(keys(A)) i = oftype(f, start) i < f && return nothing while true testf(A[i]) && return i i == f && break # prevind(A, f) can throw/underflow i = prevind(A, i) end return nothing end """ findlast(predicate::Function, A) Return the index or key of the last element of `A` for which `predicate` returns `true`. Return `nothing` if there is no such element. Indices or keys are of the same type as those returned by [`keys(A)`](@ref) and [`pairs(A)`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = [1, 2, 3, 4] 4-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 3 4 julia> findlast(isodd, A) 3 julia> findlast(x -> x > 5, A) # returns nothing, but not printed in the REPL julia> A = [1 2; 3 4] 2×2 Matrix{Int64}: 1 2 3 4 julia> findlast(isodd, A) CartesianIndex(2, 1) ``` """ function findlast(testf::Function, A) for (i, a) in Iterators.reverse(pairs(A)) testf(a) && return i end return nothing end # Needed for bootstrap, and allows defining only an optimized findprev method findlast(testf::Function, A::Union{AbstractArray, AbstractString}) = findprev(testf, A, last(keys(A))) """ findall(f::Function, A) Return a vector `I` of the indices or keys of `A` where `f(A[I])` returns `true`. If there are no such elements of `A`, return an empty array. Indices or keys are of the same type as those returned by [`keys(A)`](@ref) and [`pairs(A)`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> x = [1, 3, 4] 3-element Vector{Int64}: 1 3 4 julia> findall(isodd, x) 2-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 julia> A = [1 2 0; 3 4 0] 2×3 Matrix{Int64}: 1 2 0 3 4 0 julia> findall(isodd, A) 2-element Vector{CartesianIndex{2}}: CartesianIndex(1, 1) CartesianIndex(2, 1) julia> findall(!iszero, A) 4-element Vector{CartesianIndex{2}}: CartesianIndex(1, 1) CartesianIndex(2, 1) CartesianIndex(1, 2) CartesianIndex(2, 2) julia> d = Dict(:A => 10, :B => -1, :C => 0) Dict{Symbol, Int64} with 3 entries: :A => 10 :B => -1 :C => 0 julia> findall(x -> x >= 0, d) 2-element Vector{Symbol}: :A :C ``` """ findall(testf::Function, A) = collect(first(p) for p in pairs(A) if testf(last(p))) # Broadcasting is much faster for small testf, and computing # integer indices from logical index using findall has a negligible cost findall(testf::Function, A::AbstractArray) = findall(testf.(A)) """ findall(A) Return a vector `I` of the `true` indices or keys of `A`. If there are no such elements of `A`, return an empty array. To search for other kinds of values, pass a predicate as the first argument. Indices or keys are of the same type as those returned by [`keys(A)`](@ref) and [`pairs(A)`](@ref). See also: [`findfirst`](@ref), [`searchsorted`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = [true, false, false, true] 4-element Vector{Bool}: 1 0 0 1 julia> findall(A) 2-element Vector{Int64}: 1 4 julia> A = [true false; false true] 2×2 Matrix{Bool}: 1 0 0 1 julia> findall(A) 2-element Vector{CartesianIndex{2}}: CartesianIndex(1, 1) CartesianIndex(2, 2) julia> findall(falses(3)) Int64[] ``` """ function findall(A) collect(first(p) for p in pairs(A) if last(p)) end # Allocating result upfront is faster (possible only when collection can be iterated twice) function findall(A::AbstractArray{Bool}) n = count(A) I = Vector{eltype(keys(A))}(undef, n) cnt = 1 for (i,a) in pairs(A) if a I[cnt] = i cnt += 1 end end I end findall(x::Bool) = x ? [1] : Vector{Int}() findall(testf::Function, x::Number) = testf(x) ? [1] : Vector{Int}() findall(p::Fix2{typeof(in)}, x::Number) = x in p.x ? [1] : Vector{Int}() # similar to Matlab's ismember """ indexin(a, b) Return an array containing the first index in `b` for each value in `a` that is a member of `b`. The output array contains `nothing` wherever `a` is not a member of `b`. See also: [`sortperm`](@ref), [`findfirst`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'b', 'd', 'a']; julia> b = ['a', 'b', 'c']; julia> indexin(a, b) 6-element Vector{Union{Nothing, Int64}}: 1 2 3 2 nothing 1 julia> indexin(b, a) 3-element Vector{Union{Nothing, Int64}}: 1 2 3 ``` """ function indexin(a, b::AbstractArray) inds = keys(b) bdict = Dict{eltype(b),eltype(inds)}() for (val, ind) in zip(b, inds) get!(bdict, val, ind) end return Union{eltype(inds), Nothing}[ get(bdict, i, nothing) for i in a ] end function _findin(a::Union{AbstractArray, Tuple}, b) ind = Vector{eltype(keys(a))}() bset = Set(b) @inbounds for (i,ai) in pairs(a) ai in bset && push!(ind, i) end ind end # If two collections are already sorted, _findin can be computed with # a single traversal of the two collections. This is much faster than # using a hash table (although it has the same complexity). function _sortedfindin(v::Union{AbstractArray, Tuple}, w) viter, witer = keys(v), eachindex(w) out = eltype(viter)[] vy, wy = iterate(viter), iterate(witer) if vy === nothing || wy === nothing return out end viteri, i = vy witerj, j = wy @inbounds begin vi, wj = v[viteri], w[witerj] while true if isless(vi, wj) vy = iterate(viter, i) if vy === nothing break end viteri, i = vy vi = v[viteri] elseif isless(wj, vi) wy = iterate(witer, j) if wy === nothing break end witerj, j = wy wj = w[witerj] else push!(out, viteri) vy = iterate(viter, i) if vy === nothing break end # We only increment the v iterator because v can have # repeated matches to a single value in w viteri, i = vy vi = v[viteri] end end end return out end function findall(pred::Fix2{typeof(in),<:Union{Array{<:Real},Real}}, x::Array{<:Real}) if issorted(x, Sort.Forward) && issorted(pred.x, Sort.Forward) return _sortedfindin(x, pred.x) else return _findin(x, pred.x) end end # issorted fails for some element types so the method above has to be restricted # to element with isless/< defined. findall(pred::Fix2{typeof(in)}, x::AbstractArray) = _findin(x, pred.x) findall(pred::Fix2{typeof(in)}, x::Tuple) = _findin(x, pred.x) # Copying subregions function indcopy(sz::Dims, I::Vector) n = length(I) s = sz[n] for i = n+1:length(sz) s *= sz[i] end dst = eltype(I)[_findin(I[i], i < n ? (1:sz[i]) : (1:s)) for i = 1:n] src = eltype(I)[I[i][_findin(I[i], i < n ? (1:sz[i]) : (1:s))] for i = 1:n] dst, src end function indcopy(sz::Dims, I::Tuple{Vararg{RangeIndex}}) n = length(I) s = sz[n] for i = n+1:length(sz) s *= sz[i] end dst::typeof(I) = ntuple(i-> _findin(I[i], i < n ? (1:sz[i]) : (1:s)), n)::typeof(I) src::typeof(I) = ntuple(i-> I[i][_findin(I[i], i < n ? (1:sz[i]) : (1:s))], n)::typeof(I) dst, src end ## Filter ## """ filter(f, a) Return a copy of collection `a`, removing elements for which `f` is `false`. The function `f` is passed one argument. !!! compat "Julia 1.4" Support for `a` as a tuple requires at least Julia 1.4. See also: [`filter!`](@ref), [`Iterators.filter`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> a = 1:10 1:10 julia> filter(isodd, a) 5-element Vector{Int64}: 1 3 5 7 9 ``` """ function filter(f, a::Array{T, N}) where {T, N} j = 1 b = Vector{T}(undef, length(a)) for ai in a @inbounds b[j] = ai j = ifelse(f(ai), j+1, j) end resize!(b, j-1) sizehint!(b, length(b)) b end function filter(f, a::AbstractArray) (IndexStyle(a) != IndexLinear()) && return a[map(f, a)::AbstractArray{Bool}] j = 1 idxs = Vector{Int}(undef, length(a)) for idx in eachindex(a) @inbounds idxs[j] = idx ai = @inbounds a[idx] j = ifelse(f(ai), j+1, j) end resize!(idxs, j-1) res = a[idxs] empty!(idxs) sizehint!(idxs, 0) return res end """ filter!(f, a) Update collection `a`, removing elements for which `f` is `false`. The function `f` is passed one argument. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> filter!(isodd, Vector(1:10)) 5-element Vector{Int64}: 1 3 5 7 9 ``` """ function filter!(f, a::AbstractVector) j = firstindex(a) for ai in a @inbounds a[j] = ai j = ifelse(f(ai), nextind(a, j), j) end j > lastindex(a) && return a if a isa Vector resize!(a, j-1) sizehint!(a, j-1) else deleteat!(a, j:lastindex(a)) end return a end """ keepat!(a::Vector, inds) Remove the items at all the indices which are not given by `inds`, and return the modified `a`. Items which are kept are shifted to fill the resulting gaps. `inds` must be an iterator of sorted and unique integer indices. See also [`deleteat!`](@ref). !!! compat "Julia 1.7" This function is available as of Julia 1.7. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> keepat!([6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], 1:2:5) 3-element Vector{Int64}: 6 4 2 ``` """ keepat!(a::Vector, inds) = _keepat!(a, inds) """ keepat!(a::Vector, m::AbstractVector{Bool}) The in-place version of logical indexing `a = a[m]`. That is, `keepat!(a, m)` on vectors of equal length `a` and `m` will remove all elements from `a` for which `m` at the corresponding index is `false`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> a = [:a, :b, :c]; julia> keepat!(a, [true, false, true]) 2-element Vector{Symbol}: :a :c julia> a 2-element Vector{Symbol}: :a :c ``` """ keepat!(a::Vector, m::AbstractVector{Bool}) = _keepat!(a, m) # set-like operators for vectors # These are moderately efficient, preserve order, and remove dupes. _unique_filter!(pred, update!, state) = function (x) if pred(x, state) update!(state, x) true else false end end _grow_filter!(seen) = _unique_filter!(∉, push!, seen) _shrink_filter!(keep) = _unique_filter!(∈, pop!, keep) function _grow!(pred!, v::AbstractVector, itrs) filter!(pred!, v) # uniquify v for itr in itrs mapfilter(pred!, push!, itr, v) end return v end union!(v::AbstractVector{T}, itrs...) where {T} = _grow!(_grow_filter!(sizehint!(Set{T}(), length(v))), v, itrs) symdiff!(v::AbstractVector{T}, itrs...) where {T} = _grow!(_shrink_filter!(symdiff!(Set{T}(), v, itrs...)), v, itrs) function _shrink!(shrinker!, v::AbstractVector, itrs) seen = Set{eltype(v)}() filter!(_grow_filter!(seen), v) shrinker!(seen, itrs...) filter!(in(seen), v) end intersect!(v::AbstractVector, itrs...) = _shrink!(intersect!, v, itrs) setdiff!( v::AbstractVector, itrs...) = _shrink!(setdiff!, v, itrs) vectorfilter(T::Type, f, v) = T[x for x in v if f(x)] function _shrink(shrinker!, itr, itrs) T = promote_eltype(itr, itrs...) keep = shrinker!(Set{T}(itr), itrs...) vectorfilter(T, _shrink_filter!(keep), itr) end intersect(itr, itrs...) = _shrink(intersect!, itr, itrs) setdiff( itr, itrs...) = _shrink(setdiff!, itr, itrs) function intersect(v::AbstractVector, r::AbstractRange) T = promote_eltype(v, r) common = Iterators.filter(in(r), v) seen = Set{T}(common) return vectorfilter(T, _shrink_filter!(seen), common) end intersect(r::AbstractRange, v::AbstractVector) = intersect(v, r)