/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "graphics/scaler/pm.h" #include "graphics/scaler/intern.h" // // Code taken from Pablo Medina (aka "pm") (pjmedina3@yahoo.com) // You can find it here: http://2xpm.freeservers.com // Thanks for his great work // Implemented and fixed for ScummVM by Johannes Schickel (aka "LordHoto") (lordhoto [at] gmail [dot] com) // #define interpolate_1_1(a,b) (ColorMask::kBytesPerPixel == 2 ? interpolate16_1_1(a,b) : interpolate32_1_1(a,b)) #define interpolate_3_1(a,b) (ColorMask::kBytesPerPixel == 2 ? interpolate16_3_1(a,b) : interpolate32_3_1(a,b)) template void scaleIntern(const uint8 *srcPtr, uint32 srcPitch, uint8 *dstPtr, uint32 dstPitch, int width, int height) { typedef typename ColorMask::PixelType Pixel; uint32 nextLineSrc = srcPitch / sizeof(Pixel); uint32 nextLine = dstPitch / sizeof(Pixel); uint32 completeLineSrc = nextLineSrc - width; uint32 completeLine = nextLine - (2*width); const Pixel *startAddr2 = (const Pixel*)srcPtr; const Pixel *startAddr1 = startAddr2 - nextLineSrc; const Pixel *startAddr3 = startAddr2 + nextLineSrc; Pixel *dstPixel = (Pixel*)dstPtr; int y = height; Pixel E[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; while (y--) { int x = width; while (x--) { // // PA PB PC // PD PE PF // PG PH PI // Pixel PB = startAddr1[0]; Pixel PE = startAddr2[0]; Pixel PH = startAddr3[0]; Pixel PA = startAddr1[-1]; Pixel PD = startAddr2[-1]; Pixel PG = startAddr3[-1]; Pixel PC = startAddr1[1]; Pixel PF = startAddr2[1]; Pixel PI = startAddr3[1]; bool doNotReblit = false; E[0] = E[1] = E[2] = E[3] = PE; if (!doNotReblit) { if (PD != PF) { if ((PE != PD) && (PD == PH) && (PD == PI) && (PE != PG) && ((PD != PG) || (PE != PF) || (PA != PD)) && (!((PD == PA) && (PD == PG) && (PE == PB) && (PE == PF)))) { E[2] = PH; E[3] = interpolate_1_1(E[3], PH); doNotReblit = true; } else if ((PE != PF) && (PF == PH) && (PF == PG) && (PE != PI) && ((PF != PI) || (PE != PD) || (PC != PF)) && (!((PF == PC) && (PF == PI) && (PE == PB) && (PE == PD)))) { E[2] = interpolate_1_1(E[2], PH); E[3] = PH; doNotReblit = true; } } if (PB != PH) { if (PE != PB) { if ((PA != PB) || (PB != PC) || (PE != PH)) { if ((PB == PD) && (PB == PG) && (PE != PA) && (!((PD == PA) && (PD == PC) && (PE == PH) && (PE == PF)))) { E[0] = interpolate_3_1( PB,E[0]); E[2] = interpolate_3_1(E[2], PB); doNotReblit = true; } else if ((PB == PF) && (PB == PI) && (PE != PC) && (!((PF == PC) && (PF == PA) && (PE == PH) && (PE == PD)))) { E[1] = interpolate_3_1(PB, E[1]); E[3] = interpolate_3_1(E[3], PB); doNotReblit = true; } } } if (PE != PH) { if ((PG != PH) || (PE != PB) || (PH != PI)) { if ((PH == PD) && (PH == PA) && (PE != PG) && (!((PD == PG) && (PD == PI) && (PE == PB) && (PE == PF)))) { E[2] = interpolate_3_1( PH,E[2]); E[0] = interpolate_3_1(E[0], PH); doNotReblit = true; } else if ((PH == PF) && (PH == PC) && (PE != PI) && (!((PF == PI) && (PF == PG) && (PE == PB) && (PE == PD)))) { E[3] = interpolate_3_1( PH,E[3]); E[1] = interpolate_3_1(E[1], PH); doNotReblit = true; } } } } } if (!doNotReblit) { if ((PB != PH) && (PD != PF)) { if ((PB == PD) && (PE != PD) && (!((PE == PA) && (PB == PC) && (PE == PF))) // Block && (!((PB == PA) && (PB == PG))) && (!((PD == PA) && (PD == PC) && (PE == PF) && (PG != PD) && (PG != PE)))) E[0] = interpolate_1_1(E[0], PB); if ((PB == PF) && (PE != PF) && (!((PE == PC) && (PB == PA) && (PE == PD))) // Block && (!((PB == PC) && (PB == PI))) && (!((PF == PA) && (PF == PC) && (PE == PD) && (PI != PF) && (PI != PE)))) E[1] = interpolate_1_1(E[1], PB); if ((PH == PD) && ((PE != PG) || (PE != PD)) && (!((PE == PG) && (PH == PI) && (PE == PF))) // Block && (!((PH == PG) && (PH == PA))) && (!((PD == PG) && (PD == PI) && (PE == PF) && (PA != PD) && (PA != PE)))) E[2] = interpolate_1_1(E[2], PH); if ((PH == PF) && ((PE != PI) || (PE != PF)) && (!((PE == PI) && (PH == PG) && (PE == PD))) // Block && (!((PH == PI) && (PH == PC))) && (!((PF == PG) && (PF == PI) && (PE == PD) && (PC != PF) && (PI != PE)))) E[3] = interpolate_1_1(E[3], PH); } else if ((PD == PB) && (PD == PF) && (PD == PH) && (PD != PE)) { if ((PD == PG) || (PD == PC)) { E[1] = interpolate_1_1(E[1], PD); E[2] = E[1]; } if ((PD == PA) || (PD == PI)) { E[0] = interpolate_1_1(E[0], PD); E[3] = E[0]; } } } dstPixel[0] = E[0]; dstPixel[1] = E[1]; dstPixel[nextLine] = E[2]; dstPixel[nextLine + 1] = E[3]; startAddr1++; startAddr2++; startAddr3++; dstPixel += 2; } startAddr2 += completeLineSrc; startAddr1 = startAddr2 - nextLineSrc; startAddr3 = startAddr2 + nextLineSrc; dstPixel += completeLine + nextLine; } } PMPlugin::PMPlugin() { _factor = 2; _factors.push_back(2); } void PMPlugin::scaleIntern(const uint8 *srcPtr, uint32 srcPitch, uint8 *dstPtr, uint32 dstPitch, int width, int height, int x, int y) { if (_format.bytesPerPixel == 2) { if (_format.gLoss == 2) ::scaleIntern >(srcPtr, srcPitch, dstPtr, dstPitch, width, height); else ::scaleIntern >(srcPtr, srcPitch, dstPtr, dstPitch, width, height); } else { if (_format.aLoss == 0) ::scaleIntern >(srcPtr, srcPitch, dstPtr, dstPitch, width, height); else ::scaleIntern >(srcPtr, srcPitch, dstPtr, dstPitch, width, height); } } uint PMPlugin::increaseFactor() { return _factor; } uint PMPlugin::decreaseFactor() { return _factor; } const char *PMPlugin::getName() const { return "pm"; } const char *PMPlugin::getPrettyName() const { return "PM"; } REGISTER_PLUGIN_STATIC(PM, PLUGIN_TYPE_SCALER, PMPlugin);