Raw File
Tip revision: f9d73d9bd225507bcc4a532dc9c2cc3a77a95944 authored by Berend Hasselman on 22 February 2012, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.9.3
Tip revision: f9d73d9

      subroutine nwglsh(n,xc,fcnorm,d,g,sigma,stepmx,xtol,scalex,fvec,
     *                  xp,fp,fpnorm,xw,mxtake,retcd,gcnt,priter,iter)

      integer n,retcd,gcnt
      double precision  sigma,stepmx,xtol,fcnorm,fpnorm
      double precision  xc(*)
      double precision  d(*),g(*),xp(*),fp(*),xw(*)
      double precision  scalex(*)
      logical mxtake
      external fvec

      integer priter,iter

c     Find a next acceptable iterate using geometric line search
c     along the newton direction
c     Arguments
c     In       n       Integer          dimension of problem
c     In       xc      Real(*)          current iterate
c     In       fcnorm  Real             0.5 * || f(xc) ||**2
c     In       d       Real(*)          newton direction
c     In       g       Real(*)          gradient at current iterate
c     In       sigma   Real             reduction factor for lambda
c     In       stepmx  Real             maximum stepsize
c     In       xtol    Real             relative step size at which
c                                       successive iterates are considered
c                                       close enough to terminate algorithm
c     In       scalex  Real(*)          diagonal scaling matrix for x()
c     In       fvec    Name             name of routine to calculate f()
c     In       xp      Real(*)          new x()
c     In       fp      Real(*)          new f(x)
c     In       fpnorm  Real             .5*||fp||**2
c     Out      xw      Real(*)          workspace for unscaling x
c     Out      mxtake  Logical          .true. if maximum step taken
c                                       else .false.
c     Out      retcd   Integer          return code
c                                         0 new satisfactory x() found
c                                         1 no  satisfactory x() found
c                                           sufficiently distinct from xc()
c     Out      gcnt    Integer          number of steps taken
c     In       priter  Integer           >0 if intermediate steps to be printed
c                                        -1 if no printing

      integer i
      double precision  alpha,slope,rsclen,oarg(4)
      double precision  lambda,lamhi,lamlo
      double precision  ddot,dnrm2, nudnrm
      double precision  dlen
      logical scstep

      integer idamax

      parameter (alpha = 1.0d-4)

      double precision Rone

c     safeguard initial step size

      dlen = dnrm2(n,d,1)
      if( dlen .gt. stepmx ) then
          lamhi  = stepmx / dlen
          scstep = .true.
          lamhi  = Rone
          scstep = .false.

c     compute slope  =  g-trans * d
c     if the jacobian or an approximation is not singular or
c     ill conditioned then slope = -2*fcnorm
c     but otherwise the parameter mu used for the quasi pseudo inverse
c     destroys this equality. So calculate slope from its definition

      slope = ddot(n,g,1,d,1)

c     compute the smallest value allowable for the damping
c     parameter lambda ==> lamlo

      rsclen = nudnrm(n,d,xc)
      lamlo  = xtol / rsclen

c     initialization of retcd, mxtake and lambda (linesearch length)

      retcd  = 2
      mxtake = .false.
      lambda = lamhi
      gcnt   = 0

      do while( retcd .eq. 2 )

c        compute the next iterate xp

         do i=1,n
            xp(i) = xc(i) + lambda*d(i)

c        evaluate functions and the objective function at xp

         call nwfvec(xp,n,scalex,fvec,fp,fpnorm,xw)
         gcnt = gcnt + 1

         if( priter .gt. 0) then
            oarg(1) = lambda
            oarg(2) = fcnorm + alpha * lambda * slope
            oarg(3) = fpnorm
            oarg(4) = abs(fp(idamax(n,fp,1)))
            call nwlsot(iter,1,oarg)

c        test whether the standard step produces enough decrease
c        the objective function.
c        If not update lambda and compute a new next iterate

         if( fpnorm .le. (fcnorm + alpha * lambda * slope) ) then
            retcd = 0
            lambda  = sigma * lambda
            if(lambda .lt. lamlo) then
               retcd = 1

      if( lambda .eq. lamhi .and. scstep ) then
         mxtake = .true.

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