# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: http://julialang.org/license using Base.Test srand(123) @testset "basic functions" begin @test I[1,1] == 1 # getindex @test I[1,2] == 0 # getindex @test I === I' # transpose @test ndims(I) == 2 @test one(UniformScaling{Float32}) == UniformScaling(one(Float32)) @test zero(UniformScaling{Float32}) == UniformScaling(zero(Float32)) @test eltype(one(UniformScaling{Float32})) == Float32 @test zero(UniformScaling(rand(Complex128))) == zero(UniformScaling{Complex128}) @test one(UniformScaling(rand(Complex128))) == one(UniformScaling{Complex128}) @test eltype(one(UniformScaling(rand(Complex128)))) == Complex128 @test -one(UniformScaling(2)) == UniformScaling(-1) @test sparse(3I,4,5) == spdiagm(fill(3,4),0,4,5) @test sparse(3I,5,4) == spdiagm(fill(3,4),0,5,4) end @testset "istriu, istril, issymmetric, ishermitian, isapprox" begin @test istriu(I) @test istril(I) @test issymmetric(I) @test issymmetric(UniformScaling(complex(1.0,1.0))) @test ishermitian(I) @test !ishermitian(UniformScaling(complex(1.0,1.0))) @test UniformScaling(4.00000000000001) ≈ UniformScaling(4.0) @test UniformScaling(4.32) ≈ UniformScaling(4.3) rtol=0.1 atol=0.01 end @testset "* and / with number" begin α = randn() @test α .* UniformScaling(1.0) == UniformScaling(1.0) .* α @test UniformScaling(α)./α == UniformScaling(1.0) end @test copy(UniformScaling(one(Float64))) == UniformScaling(one(Float64)) @test sprint(show,UniformScaling(one(Float32))) == "UniformScaling{Float32}\n1.0*I" λ = complex(randn(),randn()) J = UniformScaling(λ) @testset "transpose, conj, inv" begin @test ndims(J) == 2 @test transpose(J) == J @test J*eye(2) == conj(J'eye(2)) # ctranpose (and A(c)_mul_B) @test I + I === UniformScaling(2) # + @test inv(I) == I @test inv(J) == UniformScaling(inv(λ)) @test cond(I) == 1 @test cond(J) == (λ ≠ zero(λ) ? one(real(λ)) : oftype(real(λ), Inf)) end B = bitrand(2,2) @test B + I == B + eye(B) @test I + B == B + eye(B) @testset "binary ops with matrices" begin let AA = randn(2, 2) for SS in (sprandn(3,3, 0.5), speye(Int, 3)) @testset for atype in ("Array", "SubArray") if atype == "Array" A = AA S = SS else A = view(AA, 1:2, 1:2) S = view(SS, 1:3, 1:3) end @test @inferred(A + I) == A + eye(A) @test @inferred(I + A) == A + eye(A) @test @inferred(I - I) === UniformScaling(0) @test @inferred(B - I) == B - eye(B) @test @inferred(I - B) == eye(B) - B @test @inferred(A - I) == A - eye(A) @test @inferred(I - A) == eye(A) - A @test @inferred(I*J) === UniformScaling(λ) @test @inferred(B*J) == B*λ @test @inferred(J*B) == B*λ @test @inferred(I*A) !== A # Don't alias @test @inferred(I*S) !== S # Don't alias @test @inferred(A*I) !== A # Don't alias @test @inferred(S*I) !== S # Don't alias @test @inferred(S*J) == S*λ @test @inferred(J*S) == S*λ @test @inferred(A*J) == A*λ @test @inferred(J*A) == A*λ @test @inferred(J*ones(3)) == ones(3)*λ @test @inferred(λ*J) === UniformScaling(λ*J.λ) @test @inferred(J*λ) === UniformScaling(λ*J.λ) @test @inferred(J/I) === J @test @inferred(I/A) == inv(A) @test @inferred(A/I) == A @test @inferred(I/λ) === UniformScaling(1/λ) @test @inferred(I\J) === J if atype == "Array" T = LowerTriangular(randn(3,3)) else T = LowerTriangular(view(randn(3,3), 1:3, 1:3)) end @test @inferred(T + J) == full(T) + J @test @inferred(J + T) == J + full(T) @test @inferred(T - J) == full(T) - J @test @inferred(J - T) == J - full(T) @test @inferred(T\I) == inv(T) if atype == "Array" T = LinAlg.UnitLowerTriangular(randn(3,3)) else T = LinAlg.UnitLowerTriangular(view(randn(3,3), 1:3, 1:3)) end @test @inferred(T + J) == full(T) + J @test @inferred(J + T) == J + full(T) @test @inferred(T - J) == full(T) - J @test @inferred(J - T) == J - full(T) @test @inferred(T\I) == inv(T) if atype == "Array" T = UpperTriangular(randn(3,3)) else T = UpperTriangular(view(randn(3,3), 1:3, 1:3)) end @test @inferred(T + J) == full(T) + J @test @inferred(J + T) == J + full(T) @test @inferred(T - J) == full(T) - J @test @inferred(J - T) == J - full(T) @test @inferred(T\I) == inv(T) if atype == "Array" T = LinAlg.UnitUpperTriangular(randn(3,3)) else T = LinAlg.UnitUpperTriangular(view(randn(3,3), 1:3, 1:3)) end @test @inferred(T + J) == full(T) + J @test @inferred(J + T) == J + full(T) @test @inferred(T - J) == full(T) - J @test @inferred(J - T) == J - full(T) @test @inferred(T\I) == inv(T) @test @inferred(I\A) == A @test @inferred(A\I) == inv(A) @test @inferred(λ\I) === UniformScaling(1/λ) end end end end @testset "hcat and vcat" begin @test_throws ArgumentError hcat(I) @test_throws ArgumentError [I I] @test_throws ArgumentError vcat(I) @test_throws ArgumentError [I; I] @test_throws ArgumentError [I I; I] for T in (Matrix, SparseMatrixCSC) A = T(rand(3,4)) B = T(rand(3,3)) @test (hcat(A,2I))::T == hcat(A,2eye(3,3)) @test (vcat(A,2I))::T == vcat(A,2eye(4,4)) @test (hcat(I,3I,A,2I))::T == hcat(eye(3,3),3eye(3,3),A,2eye(3,3)) @test (vcat(I,3I,A,2I))::T == vcat(eye(4,4),3eye(4,4),A,2eye(4,4)) @test (hvcat((2,1,2),B,2I,I,3I,4I))::T == hvcat((2,1,2),B,2eye(3,3),eye(6,6),3eye(3,3),4eye(3,3)) end end