\name{ess4.gb} \alias{ess4.gb} \docType{data} \title{ British attitudes towards the welfare state. } \description{ European Social Survey (ESS) data from the 2008 (fourth) round in the United Kingdom. The data are from a questionnaire on "what the responsibilities of governments should or should not be". These were factor-analyzed by Roosma, Gelissen, and van Oorschot (2013). Also included are complex survey design variables. } \usage{data(ess4.gb)} \format{ A data frame with 2273 observations of 13 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{idno}}{Respondent identifier.} \item{\code{psu}}{Primary sampling unit (PSU).} \item{\code{dweight}}{ESS design weights.} \item{\code{stratval}}{Stratification variable (UK regions).} \item{\code{gvjbevn}}{Job for everyone, governments' responsibility (0-10).} \item{\code{gvhlthc}}{Health care for the sick, governments' responsibility (0-10).} \item{\code{gvslvol}}{Standard of living for the old, governments' responsibility (0-10).} \item{\code{gvslvue}}{Standard of living for the unemployed, governments' responsibility (0-10).} \item{\code{gvcldcr}}{Child care services for working parents, governments' responsibility (0-10).} \item{\code{gvpdlwk}}{Paid leave from work to care for sick family, governments' responsibility (0-10).} \item{\code{sbprvpv}}{Social benefits/services prevent widespread poverty (1-5).} \item{\code{sbeqsoc}}{Social benefits/services lead to a more equal society (1-5).} \item{\code{sbcwkfm}}{Social benefits/services make it easier to combine work and family (1-5).} } } \source{ This dataset was retrieved from \url{http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/data/download.html?r=4} and converted to an R dataset. } \references{ Jowell, R., Roberts, C., Fitzgerald, R., & Eva, G. (2007). Measuring attitudes cross-nationally: Lessons from the european social survey. SAGE. Oberski, D.L. (2014). lavaan.survey: An R Package for Complex Survey Analysis of Structural Equation Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 57(1), 1-27. \url{http://www.jstatsoft.org/v57/i01/}. Roosma F., Gelissen J., van Oorschot W. (2013). "The Multidimensionality of Welfare State Attitudes: A European Cross-National Study." Social Indicators Research, 113(1), 235-255. } \seealso{ \code{\link{lavaan.survey}} } \examples{ data(ess4.gb) # Two-factor model based on Roosma et al (2013). model.cfa <- "range =~ gvjbevn + gvhlthc + gvslvol + gvslvue + gvcldcr + gvpdlwk goals =~ sbprvpv + sbeqsoc + sbcwkfm" # Fit the model using lavaan fit.cfa.ml <- lavaan(model.cfa, data = ess4.gb, estimator = "MLM", meanstructure = TRUE, int.ov.free = TRUE, auto.var = TRUE, auto.fix.first = TRUE, auto.cov.lv.x = TRUE) fit.cfa.ml # Define the complex survey design for ESS 4 in the UK des.gb <- svydesign(ids = ~psu, strata = ~stratval, weights = ~dweight, data = ess4.gb) # Fit the two-factor model while taking the survey design into account. fit.cfa.surv <- lavaan.survey(fit.cfa.ml, survey.design = des.gb) fit.cfa.surv } \author{ Daniel Oberski - \url{http://daob.nl/} - \email{daniel.oberski@gmail.com} }