% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ParamCop.R \name{ParamCop} \alias{ParamCop} \title{Gives the parameters of the copula family} \usage{ ParamCop(family, alpha) } \arguments{ \item{family}{"Gaussian" , "t" , "Clayton" , "Frank" , "Gumbel"} \item{alpha}{unconstrainted parameters of the copula family} } \value{ \item{theta}{Bivariate vector of constrained copula family parameters} } \description{ This function computes the parameter of the copula according to CRAN copula package where corresponding to the unconstrainted parameters alpha. } \examples{ ParamCop('Clayton',0) } \author{ Bouchra R. Nasri, August 14, 2019 }