from mupq import mupq import abc import re import serial import subprocess import time import os try: import chipwhisperer as cw except ImportError: pass class Qemu(mupq.Platform): start_pat = re.compile(b'.*={4,}\n', re.DOTALL) end_pat = re.compile(b'#\n', re.DOTALL) def __init__(self, qemu, machine): super().__init__() self.qemu = qemu self.machine = machine self.platformname = "qemu" def __enter__(self): return super().__enter__() def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): return super().__exit__(*args, **kwargs) def run(self, binary_path): args = [ self.qemu, "-M", self.machine, "-nographic", "-semihosting", "-kernel", binary_path, ]'Running QEMU: {" ".join(args)}') output = subprocess.check_output(args, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL) start = end =, start.end()) if end is None: return 'ERROR' return output[start.end():end.start()].decode('utf-8', 'ignore') class SerialCommsPlatform(mupq.Platform): # Start pattern is at least five equal signs start_pat = re.compile(b'.*={4,}\n', re.DOTALL) def __init__(self, tty="/dev/ttyACM0", baud=38400, timeout=60): super().__init__() self._dev = serial.Serial(tty, baud, timeout=timeout) def __enter__(self): return super().__enter__() def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._dev.close() return super().__exit__(*args, **kwargs) def run(self, binary_path): self._dev.reset_input_buffer() self.flash(binary_path) # Wait for the first equal sign if self._dev.read_until(b'=')[-1] != b'='[0]: raise Exception('Timout waiting for start') # Wait for the end of the equal delimiter start = self._dev.read_until(b'\n') self.log.debug(f'Found start pattern: {start}') if self.start_pat.fullmatch(start) is None: raise Exception('Start does not match') # Wait for the end output = bytearray() while len(output) == 0 or output[-1] != b'#'[0]: data = self._dev.read_until(b'#') if b"+" in data: print("+" * data.count(b"+"), end='', flush=True) output.extend(data) print() return output[:-1].decode('utf-8', 'ignore') @abc.abstractmethod def flash(self, binary_path): pass class OpenOCD(SerialCommsPlatform): def __init__(self, script, tty="/dev/ttyACM0", baud=38400, timeout=60): super().__init__(tty, baud, timeout) self.script = script def flash(self, binary_path): subprocess.check_call( ["openocd", "-f", self.script, "-c", f"program {binary_path} verify reset exit"], # stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) class StLink(SerialCommsPlatform): def flash(self, binary_path): if os.getenv("MUPQ_ST_FLASH_ARGS") is not None: extraargs = os.getenv("MUPQ_ST_FLASH_ARGS").split() subprocess.check_call( ["st-flash"] + extraargs + ["--reset", "write", binary_path, "0x8000000"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) class ChipWhisperer(mupq.Platform): # Start pattern is at least five equal signs start_pat = re.compile('.*={4,}\n', re.DOTALL) # End pattern is a hash with a newline end_pat = re.compile('.*#\n', re.DOTALL) def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.platformname = "cw" self.scope = cw.scope() = self.scope.default_setup() def __enter__(self): return super().__enter__() def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): return super().__exit__(*args, **kwargs) def device(self): return self.wrapper def reset_target(self): = 'low' time.sleep(0.05) = 'high' time.sleep(0.05) def flash(self, binary_path): prog = cw.programmers.STM32FProgrammer() prog.scope = self.scope prog.find() prog.erase() prog.program(binary_path, memtype="flash", verify=False) prog.close() def run(self, binary_path): self.flash(binary_path) self.reset_target() data = '' # Wait for the first equal sign while '=' not in data: data += # Wait for the end of the equal delimiter match = None while match is None: data += match = self.start_pat.match(data) # Remove the start pattern data = data[:match.end()] # Wait for the end match = None while match is None: data += match = self.end_pat.match(data) # Remove stop pattern and return return data[:match.end() - 2]