require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'rdoc' require 'date' require 'yaml' $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[lib])) require 'jekyll/version' ############################################################################# # # Helper functions # ############################################################################# def name @name ||= File.basename(Dir['*.gemspec'].first, ".*") end def version Jekyll::VERSION end def gemspec_file "#{name}.gemspec" end def gem_file "#{name}-#{version}.gem" end def normalize_bullets(markdown) markdown.gsub(/\n\s{2}\*{1}/, "\n-") end def linkify_prs(markdown) markdown.gsub(/#(\d+)/) do |word| "[#{word}]({{ site.repository }}/issues/#{word.delete("#")})" end end def linkify_users(markdown) markdown.gsub(/(@\w+)/) do |username| "[#{username}]({username.delete("@")})" end end def linkify(markdown) linkify_users(linkify_prs(markdown)) end def liquid_escape(markdown) markdown.gsub(/(`{[{%].+[}%]}`)/, "{% raw %}\\1{% endraw %}") end def custom_release_header_anchors(markdown) header_regexp = /^(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2}) \/ \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/ section_regexp = /^### \w+ \w+$/ markdown.split(/^##\s/).map do |release_notes| _, major, minor, patch = *release_notes.match(header_regexp) release_notes .gsub(header_regexp, "\\0\n{: #v\\1-\\2-\\3}") .gsub(section_regexp) { |section| "#{section}\n{: ##{sluffigy(section)}-v#{major}-#{minor}-#{patch}}" } end.join("\n## ") end def sluffigy(header) header.gsub(/#/, '').strip.downcase.gsub(/\s+/, '-') end def remove_head_from_history(markdown) index = markdown =~ /^##\s+\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ markdown[index..-1] end def converted_history(markdown) remove_head_from_history( custom_release_header_anchors( liquid_escape( linkify( normalize_bullets(markdown))))) end ############################################################################# # # Standard tasks # ############################################################################# multitask :default => [:test, :features] require 'rake/testtask' do |test| test.libs << 'lib' << 'test' test.pattern = 'test/**/test_*.rb' test.verbose = true end require 'rdoc/task' do |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc' rdoc.title = "#{name} #{version}" rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README*') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb') end begin require 'cucumber/rake/task' do |t| t.profile = "travis" end"features:html", "Run Cucumber features and produce HTML output") do |t| t.profile = "html_report" end rescue LoadError desc 'Cucumber rake task not available' task :features do abort 'Cucumber rake task is not available. Be sure to install cucumber as a gem or plugin' end end desc "Open an irb session preloaded with this library" task :console do sh "irb -rubygems -r ./lib/#{name}.rb" end ############################################################################# # # Site tasks - # ############################################################################# namespace :site do desc "Generate and view the site locally" task :preview do require "launchy" require "jekyll" # Yep, it's a hack! Wait a few seconds for the Jekyll site to generate and # then open it in a browser. Someday we can do better than this, I hope. do sleep 4 puts "Opening in browser...""http://localhost:4000") end # Generate the site in server mode. puts "Running Jekyll..." options = { "source" => File.expand_path("site"), "destination" => File.expand_path("site/_site"), "watch" => true, "serving" => true } Jekyll::Commands::Build.process(options) Jekyll::Commands::Serve.process(options) end desc "Generate the site" task :generate => [:history, :version_file] do require "jekyll" Jekyll::Commands::Build.process({ "source" => File.expand_path("site"), "destination" => File.expand_path("site/_site") }) end desc "Update normalize.css library to the latest version and minify" task :update_normalize_css do Dir.chdir("site/_sass") do sh 'curl "" -o "normalize.scss"' sh 'sass "normalize.scss":"_normalize.scss" --style compressed' rm ['normalize.scss', Dir.glob('*.map')].flatten end end desc "Commit the local site to the gh-pages branch and publish to GitHub Pages" task :publish => [:history, :version_file] do # Ensure the gh-pages dir exists so we can generate into it. puts "Checking for gh-pages dir..." unless File.exist?("./gh-pages") puts "Creating gh-pages dir..." sh "git clone gh-pages" end # Ensure latest gh-pages branch history. Dir.chdir('gh-pages') do sh "git checkout gh-pages" sh "git pull origin gh-pages" end # Proceed to purge all files in case we removed a file in this release. puts "Cleaning gh-pages directory..." purge_exclude = %w[ gh-pages/. gh-pages/.. gh-pages/.git ] FileList["gh-pages/{*,.*}"].exclude(*purge_exclude).each do |path| sh "rm -rf #{path}" end # Copy site to gh-pages dir. puts "Copying site to gh-pages branch..." copy_exclude = %w[ site/. site/.. site/.jekyll-metadata site/_site ] FileList["site/{*,.*}"].exclude(*copy_exclude).each do |path| sh "cp -R #{path} gh-pages/" end # Change any configuration settings for production. config = YAML.load_file("gh-pages/_config.yml") config.merge!({'sass' => {'style' => 'compressed'}}) File.write('gh-pages/_config.yml', YAML.dump(config)) # Commit and push. puts "Committing and pushing to GitHub Pages..." sha = `git log`.match(/[a-z0-9]{40}/)[0] Dir.chdir('gh-pages') do sh "git add ." sh "git commit --allow-empty -m 'Updating to #{sha}.'" sh "git push origin gh-pages" end puts 'Done.' end desc "Create a nicely formatted history page for the jekyll site based on the repo history." task :history do if File.exist?("History.markdown") history_file ="History.markdown") front_matter = { "layout" => "docs", "title" => "History", "permalink" => "/docs/history/", "prev_section" => "contributing" } Dir.chdir('site/_docs/') do"", "w") do |file| file.write("#{front_matter.to_yaml}---\n\n") file.write(converted_history(history_file)) end end else abort "You seem to have misplaced your History.markdown file. I can haz?" end end desc "Write the site latest_version.txt file" task :version_file do'site/latest_version.txt', 'wb') { |f| f.write(version) } end namespace :releases do desc "Create new release post" task :new, :version do |t, args| raise "Specify a version: rake site:releases:new['1.2.3']" unless args.version today ='%Y-%m-%d') release = args.version.to_s filename = "site/_posts/#{today}-jekyll-#{release.split('.').join('-')}-released.markdown", "wb") do |post| post.puts("---") post.puts("layout: news_item") post.puts("title: 'Jekyll #{release} Released'") post.puts("date: #{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z')}") post.puts("author: ") post.puts("version: #{release}") post.puts("categories: [release]") post.puts("---") post.puts post.puts end puts "Created #{filename}" end end end ############################################################################# # # Packaging tasks # ############################################################################# desc "Release #{name} v#{version}" task :release => :build do unless `git branch` =~ /^\* master$/ puts "You must be on the master branch to release!" exit! end sh "git commit --allow-empty -m 'Release :gem: #{version}'" sh "git tag v#{version}" sh "git push origin master" sh "git push origin v#{version}" sh "gem push pkg/#{name}-#{version}.gem" end desc "Build #{name} v#{version} into pkg/" task :build do mkdir_p "pkg" sh "gem build #{gemspec_file}" sh "mv #{gem_file} pkg" end