\name{mygllm} \alias{mygllm} \title{Generalized Log-Linear Fitting} \description{ Fits a log-linear model for collapsed contingency tables. } \usage{ mygllm(y, s, X, maxit = 1000, tol = 1e-05, E = rep(1, length(s))) } \arguments{ \item{y}{Vector of observed cell frequencies.} \item{s}{Scatter matrix. s[i] is the cell in the observed array that corresponds to cell i in the full array.} \item{X}{Design matrix.} \item{maxit}{Maximum number of iterations.} \item{tol}{Convergence parameter.} \item{E}{Full contingency table. Should be initialized with either ones or a priori estimates.} } \details{This is an implementation and extension of the algorithm published by Haber (1984). It also incorporates ideas of David Duffy (see references). A priori estimates of the full contingency table can be given as start values by argument \code{E}. This can reduce execution time significantly. } \value{Estimated full contingency table.} \references{Michael Haber, Algorithm AS 207: Fitting a General Log-Linear Model, in: Applied Statistics 33 (1984) No. 3, 358--362. David Duffy: gllm: Generalised log-linear model. R package version 0.31. see \url{http://www.qimr.edu.au/davidD/#loglin}} \author{Andreas Borg, Murat Sariyar} \seealso{\code{\link{emWeights}}, which makes use of log-linear fitting for weight calculation.}