# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license ### Multidimensional iterators module IteratorsMD import .Base: eltype, length, size, first, last, in, getindex, setindex!, min, max, zero, oneunit, isless, eachindex, convert, show, iterate, promote_rule import .Base: +, -, *, (:) import .Base: simd_outer_range, simd_inner_length, simd_index, setindex import .Base: to_indices, to_index, _to_indices1, _cutdim using .Base: IndexLinear, IndexCartesian, AbstractCartesianIndex, fill_to_length, tail, ReshapedArray, ReshapedArrayLF, OneTo, Fix1 using .Base.Iterators: Reverse, PartitionIterator using .Base: @propagate_inbounds export CartesianIndex, CartesianIndices """ CartesianIndex(i, j, k...) -> I CartesianIndex((i, j, k...)) -> I Create a multidimensional index `I`, which can be used for indexing a multidimensional array `A`. In particular, `A[I]` is equivalent to `A[i,j,k...]`. One can freely mix integer and `CartesianIndex` indices; for example, `A[Ipre, i, Ipost]` (where `Ipre` and `Ipost` are `CartesianIndex` indices and `i` is an `Int`) can be a useful expression when writing algorithms that work along a single dimension of an array of arbitrary dimensionality. A `CartesianIndex` is sometimes produced by [`eachindex`](@ref), and always when iterating with an explicit [`CartesianIndices`](@ref). An `I::CartesianIndex` is treated as a "scalar" (not a container) for `broadcast`. In order to iterate over the components of a `CartesianIndex`, convert it to a tuple with `Tuple(I)`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = reshape(Vector(1:16), (2, 2, 2, 2)) 2×2×2×2 Array{Int64, 4}: [:, :, 1, 1] = 1 3 2 4 [:, :, 2, 1] = 5 7 6 8 [:, :, 1, 2] = 9 11 10 12 [:, :, 2, 2] = 13 15 14 16 julia> A[CartesianIndex((1, 1, 1, 1))] 1 julia> A[CartesianIndex((1, 1, 1, 2))] 9 julia> A[CartesianIndex((1, 1, 2, 1))] 5 ``` !!! compat "Julia 1.10" Using a `CartesianIndex` as a "scalar" for `broadcast` requires Julia 1.10; in previous releases, use `Ref(I)`. """ struct CartesianIndex{N} <: AbstractCartesianIndex{N} I::NTuple{N,Int} CartesianIndex{N}(index::NTuple{N,Integer}) where {N} = new(index) end CartesianIndex(index::NTuple{N,Integer}) where {N} = CartesianIndex{N}(index) CartesianIndex(index::Integer...) = CartesianIndex(index) CartesianIndex{N}(index::Vararg{Integer,N}) where {N} = CartesianIndex{N}(index) # Allow passing tuples smaller than N CartesianIndex{N}(index::Tuple) where {N} = CartesianIndex{N}(fill_to_length(index, 1, Val(N))) CartesianIndex{N}(index::Integer...) where {N} = CartesianIndex{N}(index) CartesianIndex{N}() where {N} = CartesianIndex{N}(()) # Un-nest passed CartesianIndexes CartesianIndex(index::Union{Integer, CartesianIndex}...) = CartesianIndex(flatten(index)) flatten(::Tuple{}) = () flatten(I::Tuple{Any}) = Tuple(I[1]) @inline flatten(I::Tuple) = (Tuple(I[1])..., flatten(tail(I))...) CartesianIndex(index::Tuple{Vararg{Union{Integer, CartesianIndex}}}) = CartesianIndex(index...) show(io::IO, i::CartesianIndex) = (print(io, "CartesianIndex"); show(io, i.I)) # length length(::CartesianIndex{N}) where {N} = N length(::Type{CartesianIndex{N}}) where {N} = N # indexing getindex(index::CartesianIndex, i::Integer) = index.I[i] Base.get(A::AbstractArray, I::CartesianIndex, default) = get(A, I.I, default) eltype(::Type{T}) where {T<:CartesianIndex} = eltype(fieldtype(T, :I)) # access to index tuple Tuple(index::CartesianIndex) = index.I Base.setindex(x::CartesianIndex,i,j) = CartesianIndex(Base.setindex(Tuple(x),i,j)) # equality Base.:(==)(a::CartesianIndex{N}, b::CartesianIndex{N}) where N = a.I == b.I # zeros and ones zero(::CartesianIndex{N}) where {N} = zero(CartesianIndex{N}) zero(::Type{CartesianIndex{N}}) where {N} = CartesianIndex(ntuple(Returns(0), Val(N))) oneunit(::CartesianIndex{N}) where {N} = oneunit(CartesianIndex{N}) oneunit(::Type{CartesianIndex{N}}) where {N} = CartesianIndex(ntuple(Returns(1), Val(N))) # arithmetic, min/max @inline (-)(index::CartesianIndex{N}) where {N} = CartesianIndex{N}(map(-, index.I)) @inline (+)(index1::CartesianIndex{N}, index2::CartesianIndex{N}) where {N} = CartesianIndex{N}(map(+, index1.I, index2.I)) @inline (-)(index1::CartesianIndex{N}, index2::CartesianIndex{N}) where {N} = CartesianIndex{N}(map(-, index1.I, index2.I)) @inline min(index1::CartesianIndex{N}, index2::CartesianIndex{N}) where {N} = CartesianIndex{N}(map(min, index1.I, index2.I)) @inline max(index1::CartesianIndex{N}, index2::CartesianIndex{N}) where {N} = CartesianIndex{N}(map(max, index1.I, index2.I)) @inline (*)(a::Integer, index::CartesianIndex{N}) where {N} = CartesianIndex{N}(map(x->a*x, index.I)) @inline (*)(index::CartesianIndex, a::Integer) = *(a,index) # comparison isless(I1::CartesianIndex{N}, I2::CartesianIndex{N}) where {N} = isless(reverse(I1.I), reverse(I2.I)) # conversions convert(::Type{T}, index::CartesianIndex{1}) where {T<:Number} = convert(T, index[1]) convert(::Type{T}, index::CartesianIndex) where {T<:Tuple} = convert(T, index.I) # hashing const cartindexhash_seed = UInt == UInt64 ? 0xd60ca92f8284b8b0 : 0xf2ea7c2e function Base.hash(ci::CartesianIndex, h::UInt) h += cartindexhash_seed for i in ci.I h = hash(i, h) end return h end # nextind and prevind with CartesianIndex function Base.nextind(a::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, i::CartesianIndex{N}) where {N} iter = CartesianIndices(axes(a)) # might overflow I = inc(i.I, iter.indices) return I end function Base.prevind(a::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, i::CartesianIndex{N}) where {N} iter = CartesianIndices(axes(a)) # might underflow I = dec(i.I, iter.indices) return I end Base._ind2sub(t::Tuple, ind::CartesianIndex) = Tuple(ind) # Iteration over the elements of CartesianIndex cannot be supported until its length can be inferred, # see #23719 Base.iterate(::CartesianIndex) = error("iteration is deliberately unsupported for CartesianIndex. Use `I` rather than `I...`, or use `Tuple(I)...`") # Iteration const OrdinalRangeInt = OrdinalRange{Int, Int} """ CartesianIndices(sz::Dims) -> R CartesianIndices((istart:[istep:]istop, jstart:[jstep:]jstop, ...)) -> R Define a region `R` spanning a multidimensional rectangular range of integer indices. These are most commonly encountered in the context of iteration, where `for I in R ... end` will return [`CartesianIndex`](@ref) indices `I` equivalent to the nested loops for j = jstart:jstep:jstop for i = istart:istep:istop ... end end Consequently these can be useful for writing algorithms that work in arbitrary dimensions. CartesianIndices(A::AbstractArray) -> R As a convenience, constructing a `CartesianIndices` from an array makes a range of its indices. !!! compat "Julia 1.6" The step range method `CartesianIndices((istart:istep:istop, jstart:[jstep:]jstop, ...))` requires at least Julia 1.6. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> foreach(println, CartesianIndices((2, 2, 2))) CartesianIndex(1, 1, 1) CartesianIndex(2, 1, 1) CartesianIndex(1, 2, 1) CartesianIndex(2, 2, 1) CartesianIndex(1, 1, 2) CartesianIndex(2, 1, 2) CartesianIndex(1, 2, 2) CartesianIndex(2, 2, 2) julia> CartesianIndices(fill(1, (2,3))) CartesianIndices((2, 3)) ``` ## Conversion between linear and cartesian indices Linear index to cartesian index conversion exploits the fact that a `CartesianIndices` is an `AbstractArray` and can be indexed linearly: ```jldoctest julia> cartesian = CartesianIndices((1:3, 1:2)) CartesianIndices((1:3, 1:2)) julia> cartesian[4] CartesianIndex(1, 2) julia> cartesian = CartesianIndices((1:2:5, 1:2)) CartesianIndices((1:2:5, 1:2)) julia> cartesian[2, 2] CartesianIndex(3, 2) ``` ## Broadcasting `CartesianIndices` support broadcasting arithmetic (+ and -) with a `CartesianIndex`. !!! compat "Julia 1.1" Broadcasting of CartesianIndices requires at least Julia 1.1. ```jldoctest julia> CIs = CartesianIndices((2:3, 5:6)) CartesianIndices((2:3, 5:6)) julia> CI = CartesianIndex(3, 4) CartesianIndex(3, 4) julia> CIs .+ CI CartesianIndices((5:6, 9:10)) ``` For cartesian to linear index conversion, see [`LinearIndices`](@ref). """ struct CartesianIndices{N,R<:NTuple{N,OrdinalRangeInt}} <: AbstractArray{CartesianIndex{N},N} indices::R end CartesianIndices(::Tuple{}) = CartesianIndices{0,typeof(())}(()) function CartesianIndices(inds::NTuple{N,OrdinalRange{<:Integer, <:Integer}}) where {N} indices = map(r->convert(OrdinalRangeInt, r), inds) CartesianIndices{N, typeof(indices)}(indices) end CartesianIndices(index::CartesianIndex) = CartesianIndices(index.I) CartesianIndices(inds::NTuple{N,Union{<:Integer,OrdinalRange{<:Integer}}}) where {N} = CartesianIndices(map(_convert2ind, inds)) CartesianIndices(A::AbstractArray) = CartesianIndices(axes(A)) _convert2ind(sz::Bool) = Base.OneTo(Int8(sz)) _convert2ind(sz::Integer) = Base.oneto(sz) _convert2ind(sz::AbstractUnitRange) = first(sz):last(sz) _convert2ind(sz::OrdinalRange) = first(sz):step(sz):last(sz) function show(io::IO, iter::CartesianIndices) print(io, "CartesianIndices(") show(io, map(_xform_index, iter.indices)) print(io, ")") end _xform_index(i) = i _xform_index(i::OneTo) = i.stop show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", iter::CartesianIndices) = show(io, iter) """ (:)(start::CartesianIndex, [step::CartesianIndex], stop::CartesianIndex) Construct [`CartesianIndices`](@ref) from two `CartesianIndex` and an optional step. !!! compat "Julia 1.1" This method requires at least Julia 1.1. !!! compat "Julia 1.6" The step range method start:step:stop requires at least Julia 1.6. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> I = CartesianIndex(2,1); julia> J = CartesianIndex(3,3); julia> I:J CartesianIndices((2:3, 1:3)) julia> I:CartesianIndex(1, 2):J CartesianIndices((2:1:3, 1:2:3)) ``` """ (:)(I::CartesianIndex{N}, J::CartesianIndex{N}) where N = CartesianIndices(map((i,j) -> i:j, Tuple(I), Tuple(J))) (:)(I::CartesianIndex{N}, S::CartesianIndex{N}, J::CartesianIndex{N}) where N = CartesianIndices(map((i,s,j) -> i:s:j, Tuple(I), Tuple(S), Tuple(J))) promote_rule(::Type{CartesianIndices{N,R1}}, ::Type{CartesianIndices{N,R2}}) where {N,R1,R2} = CartesianIndices{N,Base.indices_promote_type(R1,R2)} convert(::Type{Tuple{}}, R::CartesianIndices{0}) = () for RT in (OrdinalRange{Int, Int}, StepRange{Int, Int}, AbstractUnitRange{Int}) @eval convert(::Type{NTuple{N,$RT}}, R::CartesianIndices{N}) where {N} = map(x->convert($RT, x), R.indices) end convert(::Type{NTuple{N,AbstractUnitRange}}, R::CartesianIndices{N}) where {N} = convert(NTuple{N,AbstractUnitRange{Int}}, R) convert(::Type{NTuple{N,UnitRange{Int}}}, R::CartesianIndices{N}) where {N} = UnitRange{Int}.(convert(NTuple{N,AbstractUnitRange}, R)) convert(::Type{NTuple{N,UnitRange}}, R::CartesianIndices{N}) where {N} = UnitRange.(convert(NTuple{N,AbstractUnitRange}, R)) convert(::Type{Tuple{Vararg{AbstractUnitRange{Int}}}}, R::CartesianIndices{N}) where {N} = convert(NTuple{N,AbstractUnitRange{Int}}, R) convert(::Type{Tuple{Vararg{AbstractUnitRange}}}, R::CartesianIndices) = convert(Tuple{Vararg{AbstractUnitRange{Int}}}, R) convert(::Type{Tuple{Vararg{UnitRange{Int}}}}, R::CartesianIndices{N}) where {N} = convert(NTuple{N,UnitRange{Int}}, R) convert(::Type{Tuple{Vararg{UnitRange}}}, R::CartesianIndices) = convert(Tuple{Vararg{UnitRange{Int}}}, R) convert(::Type{CartesianIndices{N,R}}, inds::CartesianIndices{N}) where {N,R} = CartesianIndices(convert(R, inds.indices))::CartesianIndices{N,R} # equality Base.:(==)(a::CartesianIndices{N}, b::CartesianIndices{N}) where N = all(map(==, a.indices, b.indices)) Base.:(==)(a::CartesianIndices, b::CartesianIndices) = false # AbstractArray implementation Base.axes(iter::CartesianIndices{N,R}) where {N,R} = map(Base.axes1, iter.indices) Base.has_offset_axes(iter::CartesianIndices) = Base.has_offset_axes(iter.indices...) @propagate_inbounds function isassigned(iter::CartesianIndices{N,R}, I::Vararg{Int, N}) where {N,R} for i in 1:N isassigned(iter.indices[i], I[i]) || return false end return true end # getindex for a 0D CartesianIndices is necessary for disambiguation @propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(iter::CartesianIndices{0,R}) where {R} CartesianIndex() end @inline function Base.getindex(iter::CartesianIndices{N,R}, I::Vararg{Int, N}) where {N,R} # Eagerly do boundscheck before calculating each item of the CartesianIndex so that # we can pass `@inbounds` hint to inside the map and generates more efficient SIMD codes (#42115) @boundscheck checkbounds(iter, I...) index = map(iter.indices, I) do r, i @inbounds getindex(r, i) end CartesianIndex(index) end # CartesianIndices act as a multidimensional range, so cartesian indexing of CartesianIndices # with compatible dimensions may be seen as indexing into the component ranges. # This may use the special indexing behavior implemented for ranges to return another CartesianIndices @inline function Base.getindex(iter::CartesianIndices{N,R}, I::Vararg{Union{OrdinalRange{<:Integer, <:Integer}, Colon}, N}) where {N,R} @boundscheck checkbounds(iter, I...) indices = map(iter.indices, I) do r, i @inbounds getindex(r, i) end CartesianIndices(indices) end @propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(iter::CartesianIndices{N}, C::CartesianIndices{N}) where {N} getindex(iter, C.indices...) end @inline Base.getindex(iter::CartesianIndices{0}, ::CartesianIndices{0}) = iter # If dimensions permit, we may index into a CartesianIndices directly instead of constructing a SubArray wrapper @propagate_inbounds function Base.view(c::CartesianIndices{N}, r::Vararg{Union{OrdinalRange{<:Integer, <:Integer}, Colon},N}) where {N} getindex(c, r...) end @propagate_inbounds function Base.view(c::CartesianIndices{N}, C::CartesianIndices{N}) where {N} getindex(c, C) end eachindex(::IndexCartesian, A::AbstractArray) = CartesianIndices(axes(A)) @inline function eachindex(::IndexCartesian, A::AbstractArray, B::AbstractArray...) axsA = axes(A) Base._all_match_first(axes, axsA, B...) || Base.throw_eachindex_mismatch_indices(IndexCartesian(), axes(A), axes.(B)...) CartesianIndices(axsA) end @inline function iterate(iter::CartesianIndices) iterfirst = first(iter) if !all(map(in, iterfirst.I, iter.indices)) return nothing end iterfirst, iterfirst end @inline function iterate(iter::CartesianIndices, state) valid, I = __inc(state.I, iter.indices) valid || return nothing return CartesianIndex(I...), CartesianIndex(I...) end # increment & carry @inline function inc(state, indices) _, I = __inc(state, indices) return CartesianIndex(I...) end # Unlike ordinary ranges, CartesianIndices continues the iteration in the next column when the # current column is consumed. The implementation is written recursively to achieve this. # `iterate` returns `Union{Nothing, Tuple}`, we explicitly pass a `valid` flag to eliminate # the type instability inside the core `__inc` logic, and this gives better runtime performance. __inc(::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}) = false, () @inline function __inc(state::Tuple{Int}, indices::Tuple{OrdinalRangeInt}) rng = indices[1] I = state[1] + step(rng) valid = __is_valid_range(I, rng) && state[1] != last(rng) return valid, (I, ) end @inline function __inc(state::Tuple{Int,Int,Vararg{Int}}, indices::Tuple{OrdinalRangeInt,OrdinalRangeInt,Vararg{OrdinalRangeInt}}) rng = indices[1] I = state[1] + step(rng) if __is_valid_range(I, rng) && state[1] != last(rng) return true, (I, tail(state)...) end valid, I = __inc(tail(state), tail(indices)) return valid, (first(rng), I...) end @inline __is_valid_range(I, rng::AbstractUnitRange) = I in rng @inline function __is_valid_range(I, rng::OrdinalRange) if step(rng) > 0 lo, hi = first(rng), last(rng) else lo, hi = last(rng), first(rng) end lo <= I <= hi end # 0-d cartesian ranges are special-cased to iterate once and only once iterate(iter::CartesianIndices{0}, done=false) = done ? nothing : (CartesianIndex(), true) size(iter::CartesianIndices) = map(length, iter.indices) length(iter::CartesianIndices) = prod(size(iter)) # make CartesianIndices a multidimensional range Base.step(iter::CartesianIndices) = CartesianIndex(map(step, iter.indices)) first(iter::CartesianIndices) = CartesianIndex(map(first, iter.indices)) last(iter::CartesianIndices) = CartesianIndex(map(last, iter.indices)) # When used as indices themselves, CartesianIndices can simply become its tuple of ranges _to_indices1(A, inds, I1::CartesianIndices) = map(Fix1(to_index, A), I1.indices) _cutdim(inds::Tuple, I1::CartesianIndices) = split(inds, Val(ndims(I1)))[2] # but preserve CartesianIndices{0} as they consume a dimension. _to_indices1(A, inds, I1::CartesianIndices{0}) = (I1,) @inline in(i::CartesianIndex, r::CartesianIndices) = false @inline in(i::CartesianIndex{N}, r::CartesianIndices{N}) where {N} = all(map(in, i.I, r.indices)) simd_outer_range(iter::CartesianIndices{0}) = iter function simd_outer_range(iter::CartesianIndices) CartesianIndices(tail(iter.indices)) end simd_inner_length(iter::CartesianIndices{0}, ::CartesianIndex) = 1 simd_inner_length(iter::CartesianIndices, I::CartesianIndex) = Base.length(iter.indices[1]) simd_index(iter::CartesianIndices{0}, ::CartesianIndex, I1::Int) = first(iter) @propagate_inbounds simd_index(iter::CartesianIndices, Ilast::CartesianIndex, I1::Int) = CartesianIndex(iter.indices[1][I1+firstindex(iter.indices[1])], Ilast) # Split out the first N elements of a tuple @inline function split(t, V::Val) ref = ntuple(Returns(true), V) # create a reference tuple of length N _split1(t, ref), _splitrest(t, ref) end @inline _split1(t, ref) = (t[1], _split1(tail(t), tail(ref))...) @inline _splitrest(t, ref) = _splitrest(tail(t), tail(ref)) # exit either when we've exhausted the input or reference tuple _split1(::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}) = () _split1(::Tuple{}, ref) = () _split1(t, ::Tuple{}) = () _splitrest(::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}) = () _splitrest(t, ::Tuple{}) = t _splitrest(::Tuple{}, ref) = () @inline function split(I::CartesianIndex, V::Val) i, j = split(I.I, V) CartesianIndex(i), CartesianIndex(j) end function split(R::CartesianIndices, V::Val) i, j = split(R.indices, V) CartesianIndices(i), CartesianIndices(j) end # reversed CartesianIndices iteration @inline function Base._reverse(iter::CartesianIndices, ::Colon) CartesianIndices(reverse.(iter.indices)) end Base.@constprop :aggressive function Base._reverse(iter::CartesianIndices, dim::Integer) 1 <= dim <= ndims(iter) || throw(ArgumentError(Base.LazyString("invalid dimension ", dim, " in reverse"))) ndims(iter) == 1 && return Base._reverse(iter, :) indices = iter.indices return CartesianIndices(Base.setindex(indices, reverse(indices[dim]), dim)) end Base.@constprop :aggressive function Base._reverse(iter::CartesianIndices, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}) indices = iter.indices # use `sum` to force const fold dimrev = ntuple(i -> sum(==(i), dims; init = 0) == 1, Val(length(indices))) length(dims) == sum(dimrev) || throw(ArgumentError(Base.LazyString("invalid dimensions ", dims, " in reverse"))) length(dims) == length(indices) && return Base._reverse(iter, :) indices′ = map((i, f) -> f ? (@noinline reverse(i)) : i, indices, dimrev) return CartesianIndices(indices′) end # fix ambiguity with array.jl: Base._reverse(iter::CartesianIndices{1}, dims::Tuple{Integer}) = Base._reverse(iter, first(dims)) @inline function iterate(r::Reverse{<:CartesianIndices}) iterfirst = last(r.itr) if !all(map(in, iterfirst.I, r.itr.indices)) return nothing end iterfirst, iterfirst end @inline function iterate(r::Reverse{<:CartesianIndices}, state) valid, I = __dec(state.I, r.itr.indices) valid || return nothing return CartesianIndex(I...), CartesianIndex(I...) end # decrement & carry @inline function dec(state, indices) _, I = __dec(state, indices) return CartesianIndex(I...) end # decrement post check to avoid integer overflow @inline __dec(::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}) = false, () @inline function __dec(state::Tuple{Int}, indices::Tuple{OrdinalRangeInt}) rng = indices[1] I = state[1] - step(rng) valid = __is_valid_range(I, rng) && state[1] != first(rng) return valid, (I,) end @inline function __dec(state::Tuple{Int,Int,Vararg{Int}}, indices::Tuple{OrdinalRangeInt,OrdinalRangeInt,Vararg{OrdinalRangeInt}}) rng = indices[1] I = state[1] - step(rng) if __is_valid_range(I, rng) && state[1] != first(rng) return true, (I, tail(state)...) end valid, I = __dec(tail(state), tail(indices)) return valid, (last(rng), I...) end # 0-d cartesian ranges are special-cased to iterate once and only once iterate(iter::Reverse{<:CartesianIndices{0}}, state=false) = state ? nothing : (CartesianIndex(), true) function Base.LinearIndices(inds::CartesianIndices{N,R}) where {N,R<:NTuple{N, AbstractUnitRange}} LinearIndices{N,R}(inds.indices) end function Base.LinearIndices(inds::CartesianIndices) indices = inds.indices if all(x->step(x)==1, indices) indices = map(rng->first(rng):last(rng), indices) LinearIndices{length(indices), typeof(indices)}(indices) else # Given the fact that StepRange 1:2:4 === 1:2:3, we lost the original size information # and thus cannot calculate the correct linear indices when the steps are not 1. throw(ArgumentError("LinearIndices for $(typeof(inds)) with non-1 step size is not yet supported.")) end end # This is currently needed because converting to LinearIndices is only available when steps are # all 1 # NOTE: this is only a temporary patch and could be possibly removed when StepRange support to # LinearIndices is done function Base.collect(inds::CartesianIndices{N, R}) where {N,R<:NTuple{N, AbstractUnitRange}} Base._collect_indices(axes(inds), inds) end function Base.collect(inds::CartesianIndices) dest = Array{eltype(inds), ndims(inds)}(undef, size(inds)) i = 0 @inbounds for a in inds dest[i+=1] = a end dest end # array operations Base.intersect(a::CartesianIndices{N}, b::CartesianIndices{N}) where N = CartesianIndices(intersect.(a.indices, b.indices)) # Views of reshaped CartesianIndices are used for partitions — ensure these are fast const CartesianPartition{T<:CartesianIndex, P<:CartesianIndices, R<:ReshapedArray{T,1,P}} = SubArray{T,1,R,<:Tuple{AbstractUnitRange{Int}},false} eltype(::Type{PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:ReshapedArrayLF} = SubArray{eltype(T), 1, T, Tuple{UnitRange{Int}}, true} eltype(::Type{PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:ReshapedArray} = SubArray{eltype(T), 1, T, Tuple{UnitRange{Int}}, false} Iterators.IteratorEltype(::Type{<:PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:ReshapedArray} = Iterators.IteratorEltype(T) eltype(::Type{PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:OneTo} = UnitRange{eltype(T)} eltype(::Type{PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:Union{UnitRange, StepRange, StepRangeLen, LinRange}} = T Iterators.IteratorEltype(::Type{<:PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:Union{OneTo, UnitRange, StepRange, StepRangeLen, LinRange}} = Iterators.IteratorEltype(T) @inline function iterate(iter::CartesianPartition) isempty(iter) && return nothing f = first(iter) return (f, (f, 1)) end @inline function iterate(iter::CartesianPartition, (state, n)) n >= length(iter) && return nothing I = IteratorsMD.inc(state.I, iter.parent.parent.indices) return I, (I, n+1) end @inline function simd_outer_range(iter::CartesianPartition) # In general, the Cartesian Partition might start and stop in the middle of the outer # dimensions — thus the outer range of a CartesianPartition is itself a # CartesianPartition. mi = iter.parent.mi ci = iter.parent.parent ax, ax1 = axes(ci), Base.axes1(ci) subs = Base.ind2sub_rs(ax, mi, first(iter.indices[1])) vl, fl = Base._sub2ind(tail(ax), tail(subs)...), subs[1] vr, fr = divrem(last(iter.indices[1]) - 1, mi[end]) .+ (1, first(ax1)) oci = CartesianIndices(tail(ci.indices)) # A fake CartesianPartition to reuse the outer iterate fallback outer = @inbounds view(ReshapedArray(oci, (length(oci),), mi), vl:vr) init = @inbounds dec(oci[tail(subs)...].I, oci.indices) # real init state # Use Generator to make inner loop branchless @inline function skip_len_I(i::Int, I::CartesianIndex) l = i == 1 ? fl : first(ax1) r = i == length(outer) ? fr : last(ax1) l - first(ax1), r - l + 1, I end (skip_len_I(i, I) for (i, I) in Iterators.enumerate(Iterators.rest(outer, (init, 0)))) end @inline function simd_outer_range(iter::CartesianPartition{CartesianIndex{2}}) # But for two-dimensional Partitions the above is just a simple one-dimensional range # over the second dimension; we don't need to worry about non-rectangular staggers in # higher dimensions. mi = iter.parent.mi ci = iter.parent.parent ax, ax1 = axes(ci), Base.axes1(ci) fl, vl = Base.ind2sub_rs(ax, mi, first(iter.indices[1])) fr, vr = Base.ind2sub_rs(ax, mi, last(iter.indices[1])) outer = @inbounds CartesianIndices((ci.indices[2][vl:vr],)) # Use Generator to make inner loop branchless @inline function skip_len_I(I::CartesianIndex{1}) l = I == first(outer) ? fl : first(ax1) r = I == last(outer) ? fr : last(ax1) l - first(ax1), r - l + 1, I end (skip_len_I(I) for I in outer) end @inline simd_inner_length(iter::CartesianPartition, (_, len, _)::Tuple{Int,Int,CartesianIndex}) = len @propagate_inbounds simd_index(iter::CartesianPartition, (skip, _, I)::Tuple{Int,Int,CartesianIndex}, n::Int) = simd_index(iter.parent.parent, I, n + skip) end # IteratorsMD using .IteratorsMD ## Bounds-checking with CartesianIndex # Disallow linear indexing with CartesianIndex function checkbounds(::Type{Bool}, A::AbstractArray, i::Union{CartesianIndex, AbstractArray{<:CartesianIndex}}) @inline checkbounds_indices(Bool, axes(A), (i,)) end @inline checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, ::Tuple{}, I::Tuple{CartesianIndex,Vararg{Any}}) = checkbounds_indices(Bool, (), (I[1].I..., tail(I)...)) @inline checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, IA::Tuple{Any}, I::Tuple{CartesianIndex,Vararg{Any}}) = checkbounds_indices(Bool, IA, (I[1].I..., tail(I)...)) @inline checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, IA::Tuple, I::Tuple{CartesianIndex,Vararg{Any}}) = checkbounds_indices(Bool, IA, (I[1].I..., tail(I)...)) # Indexing into Array with mixtures of Integers and CartesianIndices is # extremely performance-sensitive. While the abstract fallbacks support this, # codegen has extra support for SIMDification that sub2ind doesn't (yet) support @propagate_inbounds getindex(A::Array, i1::Union{Integer, CartesianIndex}, I::Union{Integer, CartesianIndex}...) = A[to_indices(A, (i1, I...))...] @propagate_inbounds setindex!(A::Array, v, i1::Union{Integer, CartesianIndex}, I::Union{Integer, CartesianIndex}...) = (A[to_indices(A, (i1, I...))...] = v; A) # Support indexing with an array of CartesianIndex{N}s # Here we try to consume N of the indices (if there are that many available) # The first two simply handle ambiguities @inline function checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, ::Tuple{}, I::Tuple{AbstractArray{CartesianIndex{N}},Vararg{Any}}) where N checkindex(Bool, (), I[1]) & checkbounds_indices(Bool, (), tail(I)) end @inline function checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, IA::Tuple{Any}, I::Tuple{AbstractArray{CartesianIndex{0}},Vararg{Any}}) checkbounds_indices(Bool, IA, tail(I)) end @inline function checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, IA::Tuple{Any}, I::Tuple{AbstractArray{CartesianIndex{N}},Vararg{Any}}) where N checkindex(Bool, IA, I[1]) & checkbounds_indices(Bool, (), tail(I)) end @inline function checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, IA::Tuple, I::Tuple{AbstractArray{CartesianIndex{N}},Vararg{Any}}) where N IA1, IArest = IteratorsMD.split(IA, Val(N)) checkindex(Bool, IA1, I[1]) & checkbounds_indices(Bool, IArest, tail(I)) end @inline function checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, IA::Tuple{}, I::Tuple{AbstractArray{Bool,N},Vararg{Any}}) where N return checkbounds_indices(Bool, IA, (LogicalIndex(I[1]), tail(I)...)) end @inline function checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, IA::Tuple, I::Tuple{AbstractArray{Bool,N},Vararg{Any}}) where N return checkbounds_indices(Bool, IA, (LogicalIndex(I[1]), tail(I)...)) end function checkindex(::Type{Bool}, inds::Tuple, I::AbstractArray{<:CartesianIndex}) b = true for i in I b &= checkbounds_indices(Bool, inds, (i,)) end b end checkindex(::Type{Bool}, inds::Tuple, I::CartesianIndices) = all(checkindex.(Bool, inds, I.indices)) # combined count of all indices, including CartesianIndex and # AbstractArray{CartesianIndex} # rather than returning N, it returns an NTuple{N,Bool} so the result is inferable @inline index_ndims(i1, I...) = (true, index_ndims(I...)...) @inline function index_ndims(i1::CartesianIndex, I...) (map(Returns(true), i1.I)..., index_ndims(I...)...) end @inline function index_ndims(i1::AbstractArray{CartesianIndex{N}}, I...) where N (ntuple(Returns(true), Val(N))..., index_ndims(I...)...) end index_ndims() = () # combined dimensionality of all indices # rather than returning N, it returns an NTuple{N,Bool} so the result is inferable @inline index_dimsum(i1, I...) = (index_dimsum(I...)...,) @inline index_dimsum(::Colon, I...) = (true, index_dimsum(I...)...) @inline index_dimsum(::AbstractArray{Bool}, I...) = (true, index_dimsum(I...)...) @inline function index_dimsum(::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, I...) where N (ntuple(Returns(true), Val(N))..., index_dimsum(I...)...) end index_dimsum() = () # Recursively compute the lengths of a list of indices, without dropping scalars index_lengths() = () @inline index_lengths(::Real, rest...) = (1, index_lengths(rest...)...) @inline index_lengths(A::AbstractArray, rest...) = (length(A), index_lengths(rest...)...) # shape of array to create for getindex() with indices I, dropping scalars # returns a Tuple{Vararg{AbstractUnitRange}} of indices index_shape() = () @inline index_shape(::Real, rest...) = index_shape(rest...) @inline index_shape(A::AbstractArray, rest...) = (axes(A)..., index_shape(rest...)...) """ LogicalIndex(mask) The `LogicalIndex` type is a special vector that simply contains all indices I where `mask[I]` is true. This specialized type does not support indexing directly as doing so would require O(n) lookup time. `AbstractArray{Bool}` are wrapped with `LogicalIndex` upon calling [`to_indices`](@ref). """ struct LogicalIndex{T, A<:AbstractArray{Bool}} <: AbstractVector{T} mask::A sum::Int LogicalIndex{T,A}(mask::A) where {T,A<:AbstractArray{Bool}} = new(mask, count(mask)) end LogicalIndex(mask::AbstractVector{Bool}) = LogicalIndex{Int, typeof(mask)}(mask) LogicalIndex(mask::AbstractArray{Bool, N}) where {N} = LogicalIndex{CartesianIndex{N}, typeof(mask)}(mask) LogicalIndex{Int}(mask::AbstractArray) = LogicalIndex{Int, typeof(mask)}(mask) size(L::LogicalIndex) = (L.sum,) length(L::LogicalIndex) = L.sum collect(L::LogicalIndex) = [i for i in L] show(io::IO, r::LogicalIndex) = print(io,collect(r)) print_array(io::IO, X::LogicalIndex) = print_array(io, collect(X)) # Iteration over LogicalIndex is very performance-critical, but it also must # support arbitrary AbstractArray{Bool}s with both Int and CartesianIndex. # Thus the iteration state contains an index iterator and its state. We also # keep track of the count of elements since we already know how many there # should be -- this way we don't need to look at future indices to check done. @inline function iterate(L::LogicalIndex{Int}) r = LinearIndices(L.mask) iterate(L, (1, r)) end @inline function iterate(L::LogicalIndex{<:CartesianIndex}) r = CartesianIndices(axes(L.mask)) iterate(L, (1, r)) end @propagate_inbounds function iterate(L::LogicalIndex, s) # We're looking for the n-th true element, using iterator r at state i n = s[1] n > length(L) && return nothing #unroll once to help inference, cf issue #29418 idx, i = iterate(tail(s)...) s = (n+1, s[2], i) L.mask[idx] && return (idx, s) while true idx, i = iterate(tail(s)...) s = (n+1, s[2], i) L.mask[idx] && return (idx, s) end end # When wrapping a BitArray, lean heavily upon its internals. @inline function iterate(L::LogicalIndex{Int,<:BitArray}) L.sum == 0 && return nothing Bc = L.mask.chunks return iterate(L, (1, 1, (), @inbounds Bc[1])) end @inline function iterate(L::LogicalIndex{<:CartesianIndex,<:BitArray}) L.sum == 0 && return nothing Bc = L.mask.chunks irest = ntuple(one, ndims(L.mask)-1) return iterate(L, (1, 1, irest, @inbounds Bc[1])) end @inline function iterate(L::LogicalIndex{<:Any,<:BitArray}, (i1, Bi, irest, c)) Bc = L.mask.chunks while c == 0 Bi >= length(Bc) && return nothing i1 += 64 @inbounds c = Bc[Bi+=1] end tz = trailing_zeros(c) c = _blsr(c) i1, irest = _overflowind(i1 + tz, irest, size(L.mask)) return eltype(L)(i1, irest...), (i1 - tz, Bi, irest, c) end @inline checkbounds(::Type{Bool}, A::AbstractArray, I::LogicalIndex{<:Any,<:AbstractArray{Bool,1}}) = eachindex(IndexLinear(), A) == eachindex(IndexLinear(), I.mask) @inline checkbounds(::Type{Bool}, A::AbstractArray, I::LogicalIndex) = axes(A) == axes(I.mask) @inline checkindex(::Type{Bool}, indx::AbstractUnitRange, I::LogicalIndex) = (indx,) == axes(I.mask) checkindex(::Type{Bool}, inds::Tuple, I::LogicalIndex) = checkbounds_indices(Bool, inds, axes(I.mask)) ensure_indexable(I::Tuple{}) = () @inline ensure_indexable(I::Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any}}) = (I[1], ensure_indexable(tail(I))...) @inline ensure_indexable(I::Tuple{LogicalIndex, Vararg{Any}}) = (collect(I[1]), ensure_indexable(tail(I))...) # In simple cases, we know that we don't need to use axes(A). Optimize those # until Julia gets smart enough to elide the call on its own: @inline to_indices(A, I::Tuple{Vararg{Union{Integer, CartesianIndex}}}) = to_indices(A, (), I) # But some index types require more context spanning multiple indices # CartesianIndex is unfolded outside the inner to_indices for better inference _to_indices1(A, inds, I1::CartesianIndex) = map(Fix1(to_index, A), I1.I) _cutdim(inds, I1::CartesianIndex) = IteratorsMD.split(inds, Val(length(I1)))[2] # For arrays of CartesianIndex, we just skip the appropriate number of inds _cutdim(inds, I1::AbstractArray{CartesianIndex{N}}) where {N} = IteratorsMD.split(inds, Val(N))[2] # And boolean arrays behave similarly; they also skip their number of dimensions _cutdim(inds::Tuple, I1::AbstractArray{Bool}) = IteratorsMD.split(inds, Val(ndims(I1)))[2] # As an optimization, we allow trailing Array{Bool} and BitArray to be linear over trailing dimensions @inline to_indices(A, inds, I::Tuple{Union{Array{Bool,N}, BitArray{N}}}) where {N} = (_maybe_linear_logical_index(IndexStyle(A), A, I[1]),) _maybe_linear_logical_index(::IndexStyle, A, i) = to_index(A, i) _maybe_linear_logical_index(::IndexLinear, A, i) = LogicalIndex{Int}(i) # Colons get converted to slices by `uncolon` _to_indices1(A, inds, I1::Colon) = (uncolon(inds),) uncolon(::Tuple{}) = Slice(OneTo(1)) uncolon(inds::Tuple) = Slice(inds[1]) ### From abstractarray.jl: Internal multidimensional indexing definitions ### getindex(x::Union{Number,AbstractChar}, ::CartesianIndex{0}) = x getindex(t::Tuple, i::CartesianIndex{1}) = getindex(t, i.I[1]) # These are not defined on directly on getindex to avoid # ambiguities for AbstractArray subtypes. See the note in abstractarray.jl @inline function _getindex(l::IndexStyle, A::AbstractArray, I::Union{Real, AbstractArray}...) @boundscheck checkbounds(A, I...) return _unsafe_getindex(l, _maybe_reshape(l, A, I...), I...) end # But we can speed up IndexCartesian arrays by reshaping them to the appropriate dimensionality: _maybe_reshape(::IndexLinear, A::AbstractArray, I...) = A _maybe_reshape(::IndexCartesian, A::AbstractVector, I...) = A @inline _maybe_reshape(::IndexCartesian, A::AbstractArray, I...) = __maybe_reshape(A, index_ndims(I...)) @inline __maybe_reshape(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, ::NTuple{N,Any}) where {T,N} = A @inline __maybe_reshape(A::AbstractArray, ::NTuple{N,Any}) where {N} = reshape(A, Val(N)) function _unsafe_getindex(::IndexStyle, A::AbstractArray, I::Vararg{Union{Real, AbstractArray}, N}) where N # This is specifically not inlined to prevent excessive allocations in type unstable code shape = index_shape(I...) dest = similar(A, shape) map(length, axes(dest)) == map(length, shape) || throw_checksize_error(dest, shape) _unsafe_getindex!(dest, A, I...) # usually a generated function, don't allow it to impact inference result return dest end function _generate_unsafe_getindex!_body(N::Int) quote @inline D = eachindex(dest) Dy = iterate(D) @inbounds @nloops $N j d->I[d] begin # This condition is never hit, but at the moment # the optimizer is not clever enough to split the union without it Dy === nothing && return dest (idx, state) = Dy dest[idx] = @ncall $N getindex src j Dy = iterate(D, state) end return dest end end # Always index with the exactly indices provided. @generated function _unsafe_getindex!(dest::AbstractArray, src::AbstractArray, I::Vararg{Union{Real, AbstractArray}, N}) where N _generate_unsafe_getindex!_body(N) end # manually written-out specializations for 1 and 2 arguments to save compile time @eval function _unsafe_getindex!(dest::AbstractArray, src::AbstractArray, I::Vararg{Union{Real, AbstractArray},1}) $(_generate_unsafe_getindex!_body(1)) end @eval function _unsafe_getindex!(dest::AbstractArray, src::AbstractArray, I::Vararg{Union{Real, AbstractArray},2}) $(_generate_unsafe_getindex!_body(2)) end @noinline throw_checksize_error(A, sz) = throw(DimensionMismatch("output array is the wrong size; expected $sz, got $(size(A))")) ## setindex! ## function _setindex!(l::IndexStyle, A::AbstractArray, x, I::Union{Real, AbstractArray}...) @inline @boundscheck checkbounds(A, I...) _unsafe_setindex!(l, _maybe_reshape(l, A, I...), x, I...) A end function _generate_unsafe_setindex!_body(N::Int) quote x′ = unalias(A, x) @nexprs $N d->(I_d = unalias(A, I[d])) idxlens = @ncall $N index_lengths I @ncall $N setindex_shape_check x′ (d->idxlens[d]) Xy = iterate(x′) @inbounds @nloops $N i d->I_d begin # This is never reached, but serves as an assumption for # the optimizer that it does not need to emit error paths Xy === nothing && break (val, state) = Xy @ncall $N setindex! A val i Xy = iterate(x′, state) end A end end @generated function _unsafe_setindex!(::IndexStyle, A::AbstractArray, x, I::Vararg{Union{Real,AbstractArray}, N}) where N _generate_unsafe_setindex!_body(N) end @eval function _unsafe_setindex!(::IndexStyle, A::AbstractArray, x, I::Vararg{Union{Real,AbstractArray},1}) $(_generate_unsafe_setindex!_body(1)) end @eval function _unsafe_setindex!(::IndexStyle, A::AbstractArray, x, I::Vararg{Union{Real,AbstractArray},2}) $(_generate_unsafe_setindex!_body(2)) end diff(a::AbstractVector) = diff(a, dims=1) """ diff(A::AbstractVector) diff(A::AbstractArray; dims::Integer) Finite difference operator on a vector or a multidimensional array `A`. In the latter case the dimension to operate on needs to be specified with the `dims` keyword argument. !!! compat "Julia 1.1" `diff` for arrays with dimension higher than 2 requires at least Julia 1.1. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> a = [2 4; 6 16] 2×2 Matrix{Int64}: 2 4 6 16 julia> diff(a, dims=2) 2×1 Matrix{Int64}: 2 10 julia> diff(vec(a)) 3-element Vector{Int64}: 4 -2 12 ``` """ function diff(a::AbstractArray{T,N}; dims::Integer) where {T,N} require_one_based_indexing(a) 1 <= dims <= N || throw(ArgumentError("dimension $dims out of range (1:$N)")) r = axes(a) r0 = ntuple(i -> i == dims ? UnitRange(1, last(r[i]) - 1) : UnitRange(r[i]), N) r1 = ntuple(i -> i == dims ? UnitRange(2, last(r[i])) : UnitRange(r[i]), N) return view(a, r1...) .- view(a, r0...) end function diff(r::AbstractRange{T}; dims::Integer=1) where {T} dims == 1 || throw(ArgumentError("dimension $dims out of range (1:1)")) return [@inbounds r[i+1] - r[i] for i in firstindex(r):lastindex(r)-1] end ### from abstractarray.jl # In the common case where we have two views into the same parent, aliasing checks # are _much_ easier and more important to get right function mightalias(A::SubArray{T,<:Any,P}, B::SubArray{T,<:Any,P}) where {T,P} if !_parentsmatch(A.parent, B.parent) # We cannot do any better than the usual dataids check return !_isdisjoint(dataids(A), dataids(B)) end # Now we know that A.parent === B.parent. This means that the indices of A # and B are the same length and indexing into the same dimensions. We can # just walk through them and check for overlaps: O(ndims(A)). We must finally # ensure that the indices don't alias with either parent return _indicesmightoverlap(A.indices, B.indices) || !_isdisjoint(dataids(A.parent), _splatmap(dataids, B.indices)) || !_isdisjoint(dataids(B.parent), _splatmap(dataids, A.indices)) end _parentsmatch(A::AbstractArray, B::AbstractArray) = A === B # Two reshape(::Array)s of the same size aren't `===` because they have different headers _parentsmatch(A::Array, B::Array) = pointer(A) == pointer(B) && size(A) == size(B) _indicesmightoverlap(A::Tuple{}, B::Tuple{}) = true _indicesmightoverlap(A::Tuple{}, B::Tuple) = error("malformed subarray") _indicesmightoverlap(A::Tuple, B::Tuple{}) = error("malformed subarray") # For ranges, it's relatively cheap to construct the intersection @inline function _indicesmightoverlap(A::Tuple{AbstractRange, Vararg{Any}}, B::Tuple{AbstractRange, Vararg{Any}}) !isempty(intersect(A[1], B[1])) ? _indicesmightoverlap(tail(A), tail(B)) : false end # But in the common AbstractUnitRange case, there's an even faster shortcut @inline function _indicesmightoverlap(A::Tuple{AbstractUnitRange, Vararg{Any}}, B::Tuple{AbstractUnitRange, Vararg{Any}}) max(first(A[1]),first(B[1])) <= min(last(A[1]),last(B[1])) ? _indicesmightoverlap(tail(A), tail(B)) : false end # And we can check scalars against each other and scalars against arrays quite easily @inline _indicesmightoverlap(A::Tuple{Real, Vararg{Any}}, B::Tuple{Real, Vararg{Any}}) = A[1] == B[1] ? _indicesmightoverlap(tail(A), tail(B)) : false @inline _indicesmightoverlap(A::Tuple{Real, Vararg{Any}}, B::Tuple{AbstractArray, Vararg{Any}}) = A[1] in B[1] ? _indicesmightoverlap(tail(A), tail(B)) : false @inline _indicesmightoverlap(A::Tuple{AbstractArray, Vararg{Any}}, B::Tuple{Real, Vararg{Any}}) = B[1] in A[1] ? _indicesmightoverlap(tail(A), tail(B)) : false # And small arrays are quick, too @inline function _indicesmightoverlap(A::Tuple{AbstractArray, Vararg{Any}}, B::Tuple{AbstractArray, Vararg{Any}}) if length(A[1]) == 1 return A[1][1] in B[1] ? _indicesmightoverlap(tail(A), tail(B)) : false elseif length(B[1]) == 1 return B[1][1] in A[1] ? _indicesmightoverlap(tail(A), tail(B)) : false else # But checking larger arrays requires O(m*n) and is too much work return true end end # And in general, checking the intersection is too much work _indicesmightoverlap(A::Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any}}, B::Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any}}) = true """ fill!(A, x) Fill array `A` with the value `x`. If `x` is an object reference, all elements will refer to the same object. `fill!(A, Foo())` will return `A` filled with the result of evaluating `Foo()` once. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = zeros(2,3) 2×3 Matrix{Float64}: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 julia> fill!(A, 2.) 2×3 Matrix{Float64}: 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 julia> a = [1, 1, 1]; A = fill!(Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef, 3), a); a[1] = 2; A 3-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}: [2, 1, 1] [2, 1, 1] [2, 1, 1] julia> x = 0; f() = (global x += 1; x); fill!(Vector{Int}(undef, 3), f()) 3-element Vector{Int64}: 1 1 1 ``` """ function fill!(A::AbstractArray{T}, x) where T xT = convert(T, x) for I in eachindex(A) @inbounds A[I] = xT end A end function copyto!(dest::AbstractArray{T1,N}, Rdest::CartesianIndices{N}, src::AbstractArray{T2,N}, Rsrc::CartesianIndices{N}) where {T1,T2,N} isempty(Rdest) && return dest if size(Rdest) != size(Rsrc) throw(ArgumentError("source and destination must have same size (got $(size(Rsrc)) and $(size(Rdest)))")) end checkbounds(dest, first(Rdest)) checkbounds(dest, last(Rdest)) checkbounds(src, first(Rsrc)) checkbounds(src, last(Rsrc)) src′ = unalias(dest, src) CRdest = CartesianIndices(Rdest) CRsrc = CartesianIndices(Rsrc) ΔI = first(CRdest) - first(CRsrc) if @generated quote @nloops $N i (n->CRsrc.indices[n]) begin @inbounds @nref($N,dest,n->Rdest.indices[n][i_n+ΔI[n]]) = @nref($N,src′,n->Rsrc.indices[n][i_n]) end end else for I in CRsrc @inbounds dest[Rdest[I + ΔI]] = src′[Rsrc[I]] end end dest end """ copyto!(dest, Rdest::CartesianIndices, src, Rsrc::CartesianIndices) -> dest Copy the block of `src` in the range of `Rsrc` to the block of `dest` in the range of `Rdest`. The sizes of the two regions must match. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = zeros(5, 5); julia> B = [1 2; 3 4]; julia> Ainds = CartesianIndices((2:3, 2:3)); julia> Binds = CartesianIndices(B); julia> copyto!(A, Ainds, B, Binds) 5×5 Matrix{Float64}: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ``` """ copyto!(::AbstractArray, ::CartesianIndices, ::AbstractArray, ::CartesianIndices) # circshift! circshift!(dest::AbstractArray, src, ::Tuple{}) = copyto!(dest, src) """ circshift!(dest, src, shifts) Circularly shift, i.e. rotate, the data in `src`, storing the result in `dest`. `shifts` specifies the amount to shift in each dimension. The `dest` array must be distinct from the `src` array (they cannot alias each other). See also [`circshift`](@ref). """ @noinline function circshift!(dest::AbstractArray{T,N}, src, shiftamt::DimsInteger) where {T,N} dest === src && throw(ArgumentError("dest and src must be separate arrays")) inds = axes(src) axes(dest) == inds || throw(ArgumentError("indices of src and dest must match (got $inds and $(axes(dest)))")) isempty(src) && return dest _circshift!(dest, (), src, (), inds, fill_to_length(shiftamt, 0, Val(N))) end circshift!(dest::AbstractArray, src, shiftamt) = circshift!(dest, src, map(Integer, (shiftamt...,))) # For each dimension, we copy the first half of src to the second half # of dest, and the second half of src to the first half of dest. This # uses a recursive bifurcation strategy so that these splits can be # encoded by ranges, which means that we need only one call to `mod` # per dimension rather than one call per index. # `rdest` and `rsrc` are tuples-of-ranges that grow one dimension at a # time; when all the dimensions have been filled in, you call `copyto!` # for that block. In other words, in two dimensions schematically we # have the following call sequence (--> means a call): # circshift!(dest, src, shiftamt) --> # _circshift!(dest, src, ("first half of dim1",)) --> # _circshift!(dest, src, ("first half of dim1", "first half of dim2")) --> copyto! # _circshift!(dest, src, ("first half of dim1", "second half of dim2")) --> copyto! # _circshift!(dest, src, ("second half of dim1",)) --> # _circshift!(dest, src, ("second half of dim1", "first half of dim2")) --> copyto! # _circshift!(dest, src, ("second half of dim1", "second half of dim2")) --> copyto! @inline function _circshift!(dest, rdest, src, rsrc, inds::Tuple{AbstractUnitRange,Vararg{Any}}, shiftamt::Tuple{Integer,Vararg{Any}})::typeof(dest) ind1, d = inds[1], shiftamt[1] s = mod(d, length(ind1)) sf, sl = first(ind1)+s, last(ind1)-s r1, r2 = first(ind1):sf-1, sf:last(ind1) r3, r4 = first(ind1):sl, sl+1:last(ind1) tinds, tshiftamt = tail(inds), tail(shiftamt) _circshift!(dest, (rdest..., r1), src, (rsrc..., r4), tinds, tshiftamt) _circshift!(dest, (rdest..., r2), src, (rsrc..., r3), tinds, tshiftamt) end # At least one of inds, shiftamt is empty function _circshift!(dest, rdest, src, rsrc, inds, shiftamt) copyto!(dest, CartesianIndices(rdest), src, CartesianIndices(rsrc)) end # circcopy! """ circcopy!(dest, src) Copy `src` to `dest`, indexing each dimension modulo its length. `src` and `dest` must have the same size, but can be offset in their indices; any offset results in a (circular) wraparound. If the arrays have overlapping indices, then on the domain of the overlap `dest` agrees with `src`. See also: [`circshift`](@ref). # Examples ```julia-repl julia> src = reshape(Vector(1:16), (4,4)) 4×4 Array{Int64,2}: 1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15 4 8 12 16 julia> dest = OffsetArray{Int}(undef, (0:3,2:5)) julia> circcopy!(dest, src) OffsetArrays.OffsetArray{Int64,2,Array{Int64,2}} with indices 0:3×2:5: 8 12 16 4 5 9 13 1 6 10 14 2 7 11 15 3 julia> dest[1:3,2:4] == src[1:3,2:4] true ``` """ function circcopy!(dest, src) dest === src && throw(ArgumentError("dest and src must be separate arrays")) indssrc, indsdest = axes(src), axes(dest) if (szsrc = map(length, indssrc)) != (szdest = map(length, indsdest)) throw(DimensionMismatch("src and dest must have the same sizes (got $szsrc and $szdest)")) end shift = map((isrc, idest)->first(isrc)-first(idest), indssrc, indsdest) all(x->x==0, shift) && return copyto!(dest, src) _circcopy!(dest, (), indsdest, src, (), indssrc) end # This uses the same strategy described above for _circshift! @inline function _circcopy!(dest, rdest, indsdest::Tuple{AbstractUnitRange,Vararg{Any}}, src, rsrc, indssrc::Tuple{AbstractUnitRange,Vararg{Any}})::typeof(dest) indd1, inds1 = indsdest[1], indssrc[1] l = length(indd1) s = mod(first(inds1)-first(indd1), l) sdf = first(indd1)+s rd1, rd2 = first(indd1):sdf-1, sdf:last(indd1) ssf = last(inds1)-s rs1, rs2 = first(inds1):ssf, ssf+1:last(inds1) tindsd, tindss = tail(indsdest), tail(indssrc) _circcopy!(dest, (rdest..., rd1), tindsd, src, (rsrc..., rs2), tindss) _circcopy!(dest, (rdest..., rd2), tindsd, src, (rsrc..., rs1), tindss) end # At least one of indsdest, indssrc are empty (and both should be, since we've checked) function _circcopy!(dest, rdest, indsdest, src, rsrc, indssrc) copyto!(dest, CartesianIndices(rdest), src, CartesianIndices(rsrc)) end ### BitArrays ## getindex # contiguous multidimensional indexing: if the first dimension is a range, # we can get some performance from using copy_chunks! @inline function _unsafe_getindex!(X::BitArray, B::BitArray, I0::Union{AbstractUnitRange{Int},Slice}) copy_chunks!(X.chunks, 1, B.chunks, indexoffset(I0)+1, length(I0)) return X end # Optimization where the inner dimension is contiguous improves perf dramatically @generated function _unsafe_getindex!(X::BitArray, B::BitArray, I0::Union{Slice,UnitRange{Int}}, I::Union{Int,AbstractUnitRange{Int},Slice}...) N = length(I) quote $(Expr(:meta, :inline)) @nexprs $N d->(I_d = I[d]) idxlens = @ncall $N index_lengths I0 I f0 = indexoffset(I0)+1 l0 = idxlens[1] gap_lst_1 = 0 @nexprs $N d->(gap_lst_{d+1} = idxlens[d+1]) stride = 1 ind = f0 @nexprs $N d->begin stride *= size(B, d) stride_lst_d = stride ind += stride * indexoffset(I_d) gap_lst_{d+1} *= stride end storeind = 1 Xc, Bc = X.chunks, B.chunks @nloops($N, i, d->(1:idxlens[d+1]), d->nothing, # PRE d->(ind += stride_lst_d - gap_lst_d), # POST begin # BODY copy_chunks!(Xc, storeind, Bc, ind, l0) storeind += l0 end) return X end end # in the general multidimensional non-scalar case, can we do about 10% better # in most cases by manually hoisting the bitarray chunks access out of the loop # (This should really be handled by the compiler or with an immutable BitArray) @generated function _unsafe_getindex!(X::BitArray, B::BitArray, I::Union{Int,AbstractArray{Int}}...) N = length(I) quote $(Expr(:meta, :inline)) stride_1 = 1 @nexprs $N d->(stride_{d+1} = stride_d*size(B, d)) $(Symbol(:offset_, N)) = 1 ind = 0 Xc, Bc = X.chunks, B.chunks @nloops $N i d->I[d] d->(@inbounds offset_{d-1} = offset_d + (i_d-1)*stride_d) begin ind += 1 unsafe_bitsetindex!(Xc, unsafe_bitgetindex(Bc, offset_0), ind) end return X end end ## setindex! function copy_to_bitarray_chunks!(Bc::Vector{UInt64}, pos_d::Int, C::StridedArray, pos_s::Int, numbits::Int) bind = pos_d cind = pos_s lastind = pos_d + numbits - 1 @inbounds while bind ≤ lastind unsafe_bitsetindex!(Bc, Bool(C[cind]), bind) bind += 1 cind += 1 end end # Note: the next two functions rely on the following definition of the conversion to Bool: # convert(::Type{Bool}, x::Real) = x==0 ? false : x==1 ? true : throw(InexactError(...)) # they're used to preemptively check in bulk when possible, which is much faster. # Also, the functions can be overloaded for custom types T<:Real : # a) in the unlikely eventuality that they use a different logic for Bool conversion # b) to skip the check if not necessary @inline try_bool_conversion(x::Real) = x == 0 || x == 1 || throw(InexactError(:try_bool_conversion, Bool, x)) @inline unchecked_bool_convert(x::Real) = x == 1 function copy_to_bitarray_chunks!(Bc::Vector{UInt64}, pos_d::Int, C::StridedArray{<:Real}, pos_s::Int, numbits::Int) @inbounds for i = (1:numbits) .+ (pos_s - 1) try_bool_conversion(C[i]) end kd0, ld0 = get_chunks_id(pos_d) kd1, ld1 = get_chunks_id(pos_d + numbits - 1) delta_kd = kd1 - kd0 u = _msk64 if delta_kd == 0 msk_d0 = msk_d1 = ~(u << ld0) | (u << (ld1+1)) lt0 = ld1 else msk_d0 = ~(u << ld0) msk_d1 = (u << (ld1+1)) lt0 = 63 end bind = kd0 ind = pos_s @inbounds if ld0 > 0 c = UInt64(0) for j = ld0:lt0 c |= (UInt64(unchecked_bool_convert(C[ind])) << j) ind += 1 end Bc[kd0] = (Bc[kd0] & msk_d0) | (c & ~msk_d0) bind += 1 end nc = _div64(numbits - ind + pos_s) @inbounds for i = 1:nc c = UInt64(0) for j = 0:63 c |= (UInt64(unchecked_bool_convert(C[ind])) << j) ind += 1 end Bc[bind] = c bind += 1 end @inbounds if bind ≤ kd1 @assert bind == kd1 c = UInt64(0) for j = 0:ld1 c |= (UInt64(unchecked_bool_convert(C[ind])) << j) ind += 1 end Bc[kd1] = (Bc[kd1] & msk_d1) | (c & ~msk_d1) end end # contiguous multidimensional indexing: if the first dimension is a range, # we can get some performance from using copy_chunks! @inline function setindex!(B::BitArray, X::Union{StridedArray,BitArray}, J0::Union{Colon,AbstractUnitRange{Int}}) I0 = to_indices(B, (J0,))[1] @boundscheck checkbounds(B, I0) l0 = length(I0) setindex_shape_check(X, l0) l0 == 0 && return B f0 = indexoffset(I0)+1 copy_to_bitarray_chunks!(B.chunks, f0, X, 1, l0) return B end @inline function setindex!(B::BitArray, X::Union{StridedArray,BitArray}, I0::Union{Colon,AbstractUnitRange{Int}}, I::Union{Int,AbstractUnitRange{Int},Colon}...) J = to_indices(B, (I0, I...)) @boundscheck checkbounds(B, J...) _unsafe_setindex!(B, X, J...) end @generated function _unsafe_setindex!(B::BitArray, X::Union{StridedArray,BitArray}, I0::Union{Slice,AbstractUnitRange{Int}}, I::Union{Int,AbstractUnitRange{Int},Slice}...) N = length(I) quote idxlens = @ncall $N index_lengths I0 d->I[d] @ncall $N setindex_shape_check X idxlens[1] d->idxlens[d+1] isempty(X) && return B f0 = indexoffset(I0)+1 l0 = idxlens[1] gap_lst_1 = 0 @nexprs $N d->(gap_lst_{d+1} = idxlens[d+1]) stride = 1 ind = f0 @nexprs $N d->begin stride *= size(B, d) stride_lst_d = stride ind += stride * indexoffset(I[d]) gap_lst_{d+1} *= stride end refind = 1 Bc = B.chunks @nloops($N, i, d->I[d], d->nothing, # PRE d->(ind += stride_lst_d - gap_lst_d), # POST begin # BODY copy_to_bitarray_chunks!(Bc, ind, X, refind, l0) refind += l0 end) return B end end @propagate_inbounds function setindex!(B::BitArray, X::AbstractArray, I0::Union{Colon,AbstractUnitRange{Int}}, I::Union{Int,AbstractUnitRange{Int},Colon}...) _setindex!(IndexStyle(B), B, X, to_indices(B, (I0, I...))...) end ## fill! contiguous views of BitArrays with a single value function fill!(V::SubArray{Bool, <:Any, <:BitArray, <:Tuple{AbstractUnitRange{Int}}}, x) B = V.parent I0 = V.indices[1] l0 = length(I0) l0 == 0 && return V fill_chunks!(B.chunks, Bool(x), first(I0), l0) return V end fill!(V::SubArray{Bool, <:Any, <:BitArray, <:Tuple{AbstractUnitRange{Int}, Vararg{Union{Int,AbstractUnitRange{Int}}}}}, x) = _unsafe_fill_indices!(V.parent, x, V.indices...) @generated function _unsafe_fill_indices!(B::BitArray, x, I0::AbstractUnitRange{Int}, I::Union{Int,AbstractUnitRange{Int}}...) N = length(I) quote y = Bool(x) idxlens = @ncall $N index_lengths I0 d->I[d] f0 = indexoffset(I0)+1 l0 = idxlens[1] l0 == 0 && return B @nexprs $N d->(isempty(I[d]) && return B) gap_lst_1 = 0 @nexprs $N d->(gap_lst_{d+1} = idxlens[d+1]) stride = 1 ind = f0 @nexprs $N d->begin stride *= size(B, d) stride_lst_d = stride ind += stride * indexoffset(I[d]) gap_lst_{d+1} *= stride end @nloops($N, i, d->I[d], d->nothing, # PRE d->(ind += stride_lst_d - gap_lst_d), # POST fill_chunks!(B.chunks, y, ind, l0) # BODY ) return B end end ## isassigned @generated function isassigned(B::BitArray, I_0::Int, I::Int...) N = length(I) quote @nexprs $N d->(I_d = I[d]) stride = 1 index = I_0 @nexprs $N d->begin l = size(B,d) stride *= l @boundscheck 1 <= I_{d-1} <= l || return false index += (I_d - 1) * stride end return isassigned(B, index) end end isassigned(a::AbstractArray, i::CartesianIndex) = isassigned(a, Tuple(i)...) function isassigned(A::AbstractArray, i::Union{Integer, CartesianIndex}...) isa(i, Tuple{Vararg{Int}}) || return isassigned(A, CartesianIndex(to_indices(A, i))) @boundscheck checkbounds(Bool, A, i...) || return false S = IndexStyle(A) ninds = length(i) if (isa(S, IndexLinear) && ninds != 1) return @inbounds isassigned(A, _to_linear_index(A, i...)) elseif (!isa(S, IndexLinear) && ninds != ndims(A)) return @inbounds isassigned(A, _to_subscript_indices(A, i...)...) else try A[i...] true catch e if isa(e, BoundsError) || isa(e, UndefRefError) return false else rethrow() end end end end ## permutedims ## Permute array dims ## function permutedims(B::StridedArray, perm) dimsB = size(B) ndimsB = length(dimsB) (ndimsB == length(perm) && isperm(perm)) || throw(ArgumentError("no valid permutation of dimensions")) dimsP = ntuple(i->dimsB[perm[i]], ndimsB)::typeof(dimsB) P = similar(B, dimsP) permutedims!(P, B, perm) end function checkdims_perm(P::AbstractArray{TP,N}, B::AbstractArray{TB,N}, perm) where {TP,TB,N} indsB = axes(B) length(perm) == N || throw(ArgumentError("expected permutation of size $N, but length(perm)=$(length(perm))")) isperm(perm) || throw(ArgumentError("input is not a permutation")) indsP = axes(P) for i = 1:length(perm) indsP[i] == indsB[perm[i]] || throw(DimensionMismatch("destination tensor of incorrect size")) end nothing end for (V, PT, BT) in Any[((:N,), BitArray, BitArray), ((:T,:N), Array, StridedArray)] @eval @generated function permutedims!(P::$PT{$(V...)}, B::$BT{$(V...)}, perm) where $(V...) quote checkdims_perm(P, B, perm) #calculates all the strides native_strides = size_to_strides(1, size(B)...) strides_1 = 0 @nexprs $N d->(strides_{d+1} = native_strides[perm[d]]) #Creates offset, because indexing starts at 1 offset = 1 - sum(@ntuple $N d->strides_{d+1}) sumc = 0 ind = 1 @nloops($N, i, P, d->(sumc += i_d*strides_{d+1}), # PRE d->(sumc -= i_d*strides_{d+1}), # POST begin # BODY @inbounds P[ind] = B[sumc+offset] ind += 1 end) return P end end end ## unique across dim # TODO: this doesn't fit into the new hashing scheme in any obvious way struct Prehashed hash::UInt end hash(x::Prehashed) = x.hash """ unique(A::AbstractArray; dims::Int) Return unique regions of `A` along dimension `dims`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = map(isodd, reshape(Vector(1:8), (2,2,2))) 2×2×2 Array{Bool, 3}: [:, :, 1] = 1 1 0 0 [:, :, 2] = 1 1 0 0 julia> unique(A) 2-element Vector{Bool}: 1 0 julia> unique(A, dims=2) 2×1×2 Array{Bool, 3}: [:, :, 1] = 1 0 [:, :, 2] = 1 0 julia> unique(A, dims=3) 2×2×1 Array{Bool, 3}: [:, :, 1] = 1 1 0 0 ``` """ unique(A::AbstractArray; dims::Union{Colon,Integer} = :) = _unique_dims(A, dims) _unique_dims(A::AbstractArray, dims::Colon) = invoke(unique, Tuple{Any}, A) @generated function _unique_dims(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, dim::Integer) where {T,N} quote 1 <= dim <= $N || return copy(A) hashes = zeros(UInt, axes(A, dim)) # Compute hash for each row k = 0 @nloops $N i A d->(if d == dim; k = i_d; end) begin @inbounds hashes[k] = hash(hashes[k], hash((@nref $N A i))) end # Collect index of first row for each hash uniquerow = similar(Array{Int}, axes(A, dim)) firstrow = Dict{Prehashed,Int}() for k = axes(A, dim) uniquerow[k] = get!(firstrow, Prehashed(hashes[k]), k) end uniquerows = collect(values(firstrow)) # Check for collisions collided = falses(axes(A, dim)) @inbounds begin @nloops $N i A d->(if d == dim k = i_d j_d = uniquerow[k] else j_d = i_d end) begin if !isequal((@nref $N A j), (@nref $N A i)) collided[k] = true end end end if any(collided) nowcollided = similar(BitArray, axes(A, dim)) while any(collided) # Collect index of first row for each collided hash empty!(firstrow) for j = axes(A, dim) collided[j] || continue uniquerow[j] = get!(firstrow, Prehashed(hashes[j]), j) end for v in values(firstrow) push!(uniquerows, v) end # Check for collisions fill!(nowcollided, false) @nloops $N i A d->begin if d == dim k = i_d j_d = uniquerow[k] (!collided[k] || j_d == k) && continue else j_d = i_d end end begin if !isequal((@nref $N A j), (@nref $N A i)) nowcollided[k] = true end end (collided, nowcollided) = (nowcollided, collided) end end @nref $N A d->d == dim ? sort!(uniquerows) : (axes(A, d)) end end # Show for pairs() with Cartesian indices. Needs to be here rather than show.jl for bootstrap order function Base.showarg(io::IO, r::Iterators.Pairs{<:Integer, <:Any, <:Any, T}, toplevel) where T <: Union{AbstractVector, Tuple} print(io, "pairs(::$T)") end function Base.showarg(io::IO, r::Iterators.Pairs{<:CartesianIndex, <:Any, <:Any, T}, toplevel) where T <: AbstractArray print(io, "pairs(::$T)") end function Base.showarg(io::IO, r::Iterators.Pairs{<:CartesianIndex, <:Any, <:Any, T}, toplevel) where T<:AbstractVector print(io, "pairs(IndexCartesian(), ::$T)") end ## sortslices """ sortslices(A; dims, alg::Algorithm=DEFAULT_UNSTABLE, lt=isless, by=identity, rev::Bool=false, order::Ordering=Forward) Sort slices of an array `A`. The required keyword argument `dims` must be either an integer or a tuple of integers. It specifies the dimension(s) over which the slices are sorted. E.g., if `A` is a matrix, `dims=1` will sort rows, `dims=2` will sort columns. Note that the default comparison function on one dimensional slices sorts lexicographically. For the remaining keyword arguments, see the documentation of [`sort!`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> sortslices([7 3 5; -1 6 4; 9 -2 8], dims=1) # Sort rows 3×3 Matrix{Int64}: -1 6 4 7 3 5 9 -2 8 julia> sortslices([7 3 5; -1 6 4; 9 -2 8], dims=1, lt=(x,y)->isless(x[2],y[2])) 3×3 Matrix{Int64}: 9 -2 8 7 3 5 -1 6 4 julia> sortslices([7 3 5; -1 6 4; 9 -2 8], dims=1, rev=true) 3×3 Matrix{Int64}: 9 -2 8 7 3 5 -1 6 4 julia> sortslices([7 3 5; 6 -1 -4; 9 -2 8], dims=2) # Sort columns 3×3 Matrix{Int64}: 3 5 7 -1 -4 6 -2 8 9 julia> sortslices([7 3 5; 6 -1 -4; 9 -2 8], dims=2, alg=InsertionSort, lt=(x,y)->isless(x[2],y[2])) 3×3 Matrix{Int64}: 5 3 7 -4 -1 6 8 -2 9 julia> sortslices([7 3 5; 6 -1 -4; 9 -2 8], dims=2, rev=true) 3×3 Matrix{Int64}: 7 5 3 6 -4 -1 9 8 -2 ``` # Higher dimensions `sortslices` extends naturally to higher dimensions. E.g., if `A` is a a 2x2x2 array, `sortslices(A, dims=3)` will sort slices within the 3rd dimension, passing the 2x2 slices `A[:, :, 1]` and `A[:, :, 2]` to the comparison function. Note that while there is no default order on higher-dimensional slices, you may use the `by` or `lt` keyword argument to specify such an order. If `dims` is a tuple, the order of the dimensions in `dims` is relevant and specifies the linear order of the slices. E.g., if `A` is three dimensional and `dims` is `(1, 2)`, the orderings of the first two dimensions are re-arranged such that the slices (of the remaining third dimension) are sorted. If `dims` is `(2, 1)` instead, the same slices will be taken, but the result order will be row-major instead. # Higher dimensional examples ``` julia> A = permutedims(reshape([4 3; 2 1; 'A' 'B'; 'C' 'D'], (2, 2, 2)), (1, 3, 2)) 2×2×2 Array{Any, 3}: [:, :, 1] = 4 3 2 1 [:, :, 2] = 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' julia> sortslices(A, dims=(1,2)) 2×2×2 Array{Any, 3}: [:, :, 1] = 1 3 2 4 [:, :, 2] = 'D' 'B' 'C' 'A' julia> sortslices(A, dims=(2,1)) 2×2×2 Array{Any, 3}: [:, :, 1] = 1 2 3 4 [:, :, 2] = 'D' 'C' 'B' 'A' julia> sortslices(reshape([5; 4; 3; 2; 1], (1,1,5)), dims=3, by=x->x[1,1]) 1×1×5 Array{Int64, 3}: [:, :, 1] = 1 [:, :, 2] = 2 [:, :, 3] = 3 [:, :, 4] = 4 [:, :, 5] = 5 ``` """ function sortslices(A::AbstractArray; dims::Union{Integer, Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}}, kws...) _sortslices(A, Val{dims}(); kws...) end # Works around inference's lack of ability to recognize partial constness struct DimSelector{dims, T} A::T end DimSelector{dims}(x::T) where {dims, T} = DimSelector{dims, T}(x) (ds::DimSelector{dims, T})(i) where {dims, T} = i in dims ? axes(ds.A, i) : (:,) _negdims(n, dims) = filter(i->!(i in dims), 1:n) function compute_itspace(A, ::Val{dims}) where {dims} negdims = _negdims(ndims(A), dims) axs = Iterators.product(ntuple(DimSelector{dims}(A), ndims(A))...) vec(permutedims(collect(axs), (dims..., negdims...))) end function _sortslices(A::AbstractArray, d::Val{dims}; kws...) where dims itspace = compute_itspace(A, d) vecs = map(its->view(A, its...), itspace) p = sortperm(vecs; kws...) if ndims(A) == 2 && isa(dims, Integer) && isa(A, Array) # At the moment, the performance of the generic version is subpar # (about 5x slower). Hardcode a fast-path until we're able to # optimize this. return dims == 1 ? A[p, :] : A[:, p] else B = similar(A) for (x, its) in zip(p, itspace) B[its...] = vecs[x] end B end end getindex(b::Ref, ::CartesianIndex{0}) = getindex(b) setindex!(b::Ref, x, ::CartesianIndex{0}) = setindex!(b, x)