Raw File

\title{Pseudo-R-squared for Generalized Mixed-Effect models}
Calculate a conditional and marginal coefficient of determination for 
Generalized mixed-effect models (R\eqn{_{GLMM}^{2}}{_GLMM^2}).


r.squaredGLMM(x, nullfx = NULL)

  \item{x}{a fitted linear model object. }
  \item{nullfx}{optionally, a fitted \emph{null} model including only intercept and 
	all the random effects of the reference model. }

	\code{r.squaredGLMM} returns a numeric vector with two values for marginal
	and conditional R\eqn{_{GLMM}^{2}}{_GLMM^2}.

For mixed-effects models, R\eqn{^{2}}{^2} can be categorized into two types:
marginal and conditional. \bold{Marginal R\eqn{^{2}}{^2}} represents the
variance explained by fixed factors, and is defined as:

R_{GLMM(m)}^{2}= \frac{\sigma_f^2}{\sigma_f^2
+ \sum_{l=1}^{u}\sigma_{l}^{2} + \sigma_\epsilon^2}
R_GLMM(m)^2 = (\sigma_f^2) / (\sigma_f^2 + sum(\sigma_l^2) + \sigma_\epsilon^2

\bold{Conditional R\eqn{^{2}}{^2}} is interpreted as variance explained by both
fixed and random factors (i.e . the entire model), and is calculated according
to the equation:

R_{GLMM(c)}^{2}= \frac{\sigma_f^2 + \sum_{l=1}^{u}\sigma_{l}^{2}}{\sigma_f^2 +
\sum_{l=1}^{u}\sigma_{l}^{2} + \sigma_\epsilon^2}
R_GLMM(c)^2= (\sigma_f^2 + sum(\sigma_l^2)) / (\sigma_f^2 + sum(\sigma_l^2) +
\sigma_\epsilon^2 }

where \eqn{\sigma_f^2} is the variance of the fixed effect components, and
\eqn{\sum \sigma_{l}^{2}}{sum(\sigma_l^2)} is the sum of all
\ifelse{latex}{\eqn{u}}{} variance components (group, individual, etc.), and
\eqn{\sigma_\epsilon^2} is the residual variance. 


R\eqn{_{GLMM}^{2}}{_GLMM^2} can be calculated also for fixed-effect models. In
the simpliest case of \acronym{OLS} it reduces to \code{var(fitted) /
(var(fitted) + deviance / 2)}. Yet, unlike likelihood-ratio based
R\eqn{^{2}}{^2} for \acronym{OLS}, value of this statistic differs from that of
the classical R\eqn{^{2}}{^2}.

Currently methods exist for classes: \code{mer}(\code{Mod}), \code{lme},
\code{glmmML} and (\code{g})\code{lm}.

See note in \code{\link{r.squaredLR}} help page for comment on using
R\eqn{^{2}}{^2} in model selection. 

This implementation is based on \R code from \sQuote{Supporting Information} for
Nakagawa & Schielzeth (2012). 

\bold{This function is in experimental stage and should be used with caution.} 
Specifically, conditional R\eqn{_{GLMM}^{2}}{_GLMM^2} for Poisson family models
cannot be yet calculated (\code{NA} is returned).



Nakagawa, S, Schielzeth, H. (2012). A general and simple method for obtaining
R\eqn{^{2}}{^2} from Generalized Linear Mixed-effects Models. \emph{Methods in
Ecology and Evolution}: (online) doi:10.1111/j.2041-210x.2012.00261.x


\code{\link{summary.lm}}, \code{\link{r.squaredLR}}


if(require(nlme)) { 
data(Orthodont, package = "nlme")

fm1 <- lme(distance ~ Sex * age, ~ 1 | Subject, data = Orthodont)

r.squaredLR(fm1, null.RE = TRUE)

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