/* Authors Martin Schlather, schlather@math.uni-mannheim.de Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Martin Schlather This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "RF.h" #include "Operator.h" /* simplifying functions turn vector of x into length ||x|| and similar reduces C(x,y) to C(x - y) needs preceeding analysis of submodels! (same for preferred methods; bottom-up-analysis needed) */ // keep always the orderung ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Earth coordinate systems : stay within the system ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double mod(double x, double modulus) { return (x - floor(x / modulus) * modulus); } double isomod(double x, double modulus) { double twomodulus = 2.0 * modulus; return modulus - fabs(Mod(x, twomodulus) - modulus); } double lonmod(double x, double modulus) { double halfmodulus = 0.5 * modulus, y = x + halfmodulus; return Mod(y, modulus) - halfmodulus; } double latmod(double x, double modulus) { double halfmodulus = 0.5 * modulus, twomodulus = 2.0 * modulus, y = x - halfmodulus; return fabs(Mod(y, twomodulus) - modulus) - halfmodulus; } #define STATMOD(ZZ, X, lon, lat) \ ALLOC_NEW(Searth, X, dim+1, X); \ STATMODE_BASE(X, ZZ, lon, lat); \ for (d = 2; d < dim; d++) X[d] = ZZ[d] void statmod2(double *x, double lon, double lat, double *y) { STATMODE_BASE(y, x, lon, lat); } #define piD180 (M_PI * 0.00555555555555555555555) #define H80Dpi (180.0 * INVPI) #define ESnonstat2iso(x, y) \ int d, dim=cov->xdimgatter; \ ALLOC_NEW(Searth, X, dim+1, X); \ double xx[2] = {x[0], x[1]}, \ yy[2] = {y[0], y[1]}, \ cosine = sin(xx[1]) * sin(yy[1]) + \ (cos(xx[0]) * cos(yy[0]) + sin(xx[0]) * sin(yy[0])) * \ cos(xx[1]) * cos(yy[1]); \ cosine = cosine <= 1.0 ? (cosine < -1.0 ? -1.0 : cosine) : 1.0; \ X[0] = acos(cosine); \ for (d = 2; d < dim; d++) X[d-1] = x[d] - y[d]; #define ISOMOD(ZZ, X, maxangle) \ int d, dim=cov->xdimgatter; \ ALLOC_NEW(Searth, X, dim+1, X); \ X[0]=isomod(ZZ[0], maxangle); \ for (d = 1; d < dim; d++) X[d] = ZZ[d] void EarthIso2EarthIso(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) { ISOMOD(x, X, 180); CovList[cov->nr].cov(X, cov, v); // nicht gatternr } void logEarthIso2EarthIso(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { ISOMOD(x, X, 180); CovList[cov->nr].log(X, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void NonstatEarth2EarthIso(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) { ESnonstat2iso(piD180 * x, piD180 * y); X[0] *= H80Dpi; CovList[cov->nr].cov(X, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logNonstatEarth2EarthIso(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { ESnonstat2iso(piD180 * x, piD180 * y); X[0] *= H80Dpi; CovList[cov->nr].log(X, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void Earth2Earth(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) { int d, dim=cov->xdimgatter; STATMOD(x, X, 360, 180); CovList[cov->nr].cov(X, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logEarth2Earth(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { int d, dim=cov->xdimgatter; STATMOD(x, X, 360, 180); CovList[cov->nr].log(X, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void NonstatEarth2Earth(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) { int d, dim=cov->xdimgatter; STATMOD(x, X, 360, 180); STATMOD(y, Y, 360, 180); CovList[cov->nr].nonstat_cov(X, Y, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logNonstatEarth2Earth(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { int d, dim=cov->xdimgatter; STATMOD(x, X, 360, 180); STATMOD(y, Y, 360, 180); CovList[cov->nr].nonstatlog(X, Y, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } // BERRETH :: sphere2earth void Sphere2Earth(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) { int d, dim=cov->xdimgatter; STATMOD(H80Dpi * x, X, 360, 180); CovList[cov->nr].cov(X, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void EarthIso2SphereIso(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) { ISOMOD(piD180 * x, X, M_PI); CovList[cov->nr].cov(X, cov, v); // nicht gatternr } void logEarthIso2SphereIso(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { ISOMOD(piD180 * x, X, M_PI); CovList[cov->nr].log(X, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void NonstatEarth2SphereIso(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) { ESnonstat2iso(piD180 * x, piD180 * y); CovList[cov->nr].cov(X, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logNonstatEarth2SphereIso(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { ESnonstat2iso(piD180 * x, piD180 * y); CovList[cov->nr].log(X, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void Earth2Sphere(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) { int d, dim=cov->xdimgatter; // STATMOD(piD180 * x, X, M_2_PI, M_PI); // PMI(cov->calling); ALLOC_NEW(Searth, X, dim+1, X); STATMODE_BASE(X, piD180 * x, M_2_PI, M_PI); for (d = 2; d < dim; d++) X[d] = piD180 * x[d]; CovList[cov->nr].cov(X, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logEarth2Sphere(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { int d, dim=cov->xdimgatter; STATMOD(piD180 * x, X, M_2_PI, M_PI); CovList[cov->nr].log(X, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void NonstatEarth2Sphere(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) { int d, dim=cov->xdimgatter; STATMOD(piD180 * x, X, M_2_PI, M_PI); STATMOD(piD180 * y, Y, M_2_PI, M_PI); CovList[cov->nr].nonstat_cov(X, Y, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logNonstatEarth2Sphere(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { int d, dim=cov->xdimgatter; STATMOD(piD180 * x, X, M_2_PI, M_PI); STATMOD(piD180 * y, Y, M_2_PI, M_PI); CovList[cov->nr].nonstatlog(X, Y, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void SphereIso2SphereIso(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) { ISOMOD(x, X, M_PI); CovList[cov->nr].cov(X, cov, v); // nicht gatternr } void logSphereIso2SphereIso(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { ISOMOD(x, X, M_PI); CovList[cov->nr].log(X, cov, v, Sign);// nic+ht gatternr } void NonstatSphere2SphereIso(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) { ESnonstat2iso(x, y); CovList[cov->nr].cov(X, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logNonstatSphere2SphereIso(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { ESnonstat2iso(x, y); CovList[cov->nr].log(X, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void Sphere2Sphere(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) { int d, dim=cov->xdimgatter; STATMOD(x, X, M_2_PI, M_PI); CovList[cov->nr].cov(X, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logSphere2Sphere(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { int d, dim=cov->xdimgatter; STATMOD(x, X, M_2_PI, M_PI); CovList[cov->nr].log(X, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void NonstatSphere2Sphere(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) { int d, dim=cov->xdimgatter; STATMOD(x, X, M_2_PI, M_PI); STATMOD(y, Y, M_2_PI, M_PI); CovList[cov->nr].nonstat_cov(X, Y, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logNonstatSphere2Sphere(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { int d, dim=cov->xdimgatter; STATMOD(x, X, M_2_PI, M_PI); STATMOD(y, Y, M_2_PI, M_PI); CovList[cov->nr].nonstatlog(X, Y, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Earth coordinate systems : change to cartesian system ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define EARTH_LONGITUDE 0 #define EARTH_LATITUDE 1 #define EARTH_HEIGHT 2 #define pi180 0.017453292519943295474 #define EARTH_TRAFO(X, ZZ, raequ, rpol) \ Rcos = (raequ) * cos(ZZ[EARTH_LATITUDE] * pi180); \ X[0] = Rcos * cos(ZZ[EARTH_LONGITUDE] * pi180); \ X[1] = Rcos * sin(ZZ[EARTH_LONGITUDE] * pi180); \ X[2] = (rpol) * sin(ZZ[EARTH_LATITUDE] * pi180) #define earth2cartInner(RAEQU, RPOL) \ assert(cov->xdimprev >= 2 && cov->xdimgatter >=2);/*not necessarily equal*/ \ int origdim=cov->xdimprev; \ bool Time = Loc(cov)->Time, \ height = origdim > 2 + (int) Time; \ double Rcos, X[4], Y[4]; \ EARTH_TRAFO(X, x, height ? ((RAEQU) + x[EARTH_HEIGHT]) : (RAEQU), \ height ? ((RPOL) + x[EARTH_HEIGHT]) : (RPOL)); \ EARTH_TRAFO(Y, y, height ? ((RAEQU) + y[EARTH_HEIGHT]) : (RAEQU), \ height ? ((RPOL) + y[EARTH_HEIGHT]) : (RPOL)); \ if (Time) X[3] = x[origdim - 1]; // !!! if anything is changed here change also structtrafoproc !!!! #define earth2cartInnerStatX(RAEQU, RPOL) \ assert(cov->xdimprev >= 2 && cov->xdimgatter >= 2); \ int origdim=cov->xdimprev; \ bool Time = Loc(cov)->Time, \ height = origdim > 2 + (int) Time; \ double Rcos; \ EARTH_TRAFO(X, x, height ? ((RAEQU) + x[EARTH_HEIGHT]) : (RAEQU), \ height ? ((RPOL) + x[EARTH_HEIGHT]) : (RPOL)); \ if (Time) X[3] = x[origdim - 1]; #define earth2cartInnerStat(RAEQU, RPOL) \ double X[4]; \ earth2cartInnerStatX(RAEQU, RPOL) void Earth2Cart(double *x, cov_model *cov,double RAEQU, double RPOL, double *X){ // !!! if anything is changed here change also structtrafoproc !!!! earth2cartInnerStatX(RAEQU, RPOL) } void EarthKM2CartStat(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) { earth2cartInnerStat(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol); CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].cov(X, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logEarthKM2CartStat(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { earth2cartInnerStat(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol); CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].log(X, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void EarthKM2Cart(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) { //PMI(cov->calling); earth2cartInner(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol); CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].nonstat_cov(X, Y, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logEarthKM2Cart(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { earth2cartInner(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol); CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].nonstatlog(X, Y, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void EarthMiles2CartStat(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) { earth2cartInnerStat(radiusmiles_aequ, radiusmiles_pol); CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].cov(X, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logEarthMiles2CartStat(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { earth2cartInnerStat(radiusmiles_aequ, radiusmiles_pol); CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].log(X, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void EarthMiles2Cart(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) { earth2cartInner(radiusmiles_aequ, radiusmiles_pol); CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].nonstat_cov(X, Y, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logEarthMiles2Cart(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { earth2cartInner(radiusmiles_aequ, radiusmiles_pol); CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].nonstatlog(X, Y, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } #define QP 0 #define QZenit 9 #define Qtotal 12 int checkEarth(cov_model *cov){ // ACHTUNG! KEIN AUFRUF VON SUB[0] ! if (cov->domprev == XONLY// 20.2.14: warum war es vorher cov->domown == XONLY? && isSymmetric(cov->isoprev)) { // darf nie auf "XONLY-stat" transformiert sein. Es kann aber zB bei 'shape' // sein, dass ein XONLY ankommt. return ERRORKERNEL; } COND_NEW_STORAGE(earth, X); if (cov->gatternr >= FIRST_PLANE && cov->gatternr <= LAST_PLANE) { assert(cov->tsdim>=2 && cov->xdimown == cov->tsdim); // oder 3, 4 !! regeln! if (!R_FINITE(GLOBAL.coords.zenit[0]) || !R_FINITE(GLOBAL.coords.zenit[1])){ if (GLOBAL.internal.warn_zenit) { GLOBAL.internal.warn_zenit = false; char msg[255]; sprintf(msg, "tried to use non-finite values of '%s' in a coordinate transformation\n", coords[ZENIT]); warning(msg); } SERR1("'%s' not finite!", coords[ZENIT]); } if (cov->gatternr == EARTHKM2GNOMONIC || cov->gatternr == EARTHMILES2GNOMONIC) { int d; double Rcos, X[4]; if (cov->Searth == NULL) NEW_STORAGE(earth); if (cov->gatternr == EARTHKM2GNOMONIC) { EARTH_TRAFO(X, GLOBAL.coords.zenit, radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol); } else { EARTH_TRAFO(X, GLOBAL.coords.zenit, radiusmiles_aequ, radiusmiles_pol); } double Rsq = 0.0, *zenit = cov->Searth->cart_zenit; for (d=0; d<=2; d++) Rsq += X[d] * X[d]; for (d=0; d<=2; d++) { zenit[d] = X[d] / Rsq; } } double Zenit[2] = { GLOBAL.coords.zenit[0] * pi180, GLOBAL.coords.zenit[1] * pi180}, sin0 = sin(Zenit[0]), sin1 = sin(Zenit[1]), cos0 = cos(Zenit[0]), cos1 = cos(Zenit[1]), *P = cov->Searth->P; P[0] = -sin0; P[1] = cos0; P[2] = 0.0; P[3] = -cos0 * sin1; P[4] = -sin0 * sin1; P[5] = cos1; P[6] = cos0 * cos1; P[7] = sin0 * cos1; P[8] = sin1; } else { assert(cov->gatternr >= EARTHKM2CART && cov->gatternr <= EARTHMILES2CART); } return NOERROR; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Orthogonal #define orthDefStat \ int d, k, m, \ dim=cov->xdimgatter; \ assert(dim >= 2); \ ALLOC_NEW(Searth, U, dim+1, U); \ double *P = cov->Searth->P #define orthTrafoStat \ for (m=d=0; d<3; d++) { \ U[d] = 0.0; \ for(k=0; k<3; k++, m++) { \ U[d] += P[m] * X[k]; \ } \ } \ if (U[2] < 0.0) ERR("location(s) not in direction of the zenit");\ for (d = 2; dgatternr == EARTHKM2ORTHOGRAPHIC); earth2cartInnerStat(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol); // results in X[0], X[1] orthDefStat; orthTrafoStat; CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].cov(U, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logEarthKM2OrthogStat(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { assert(cov->gatternr == EARTHKM2ORTHOGRAPHIC); earth2cartInnerStat(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol); orthDefStat; orthTrafoStat; CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].log(U, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void EarthKM2Orthog(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) { assert(cov->gatternr == EARTHKM2ORTHOGRAPHIC); earth2cartInner(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol); orthDef; orthTrafo; CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].nonstat_cov(U, V, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logEarthKM2Orthog(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { assert(cov->gatternr == EARTHKM2ORTHOGRAPHIC); earth2cartInner(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol); orthDef; orthTrafo; CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].nonstatlog(U, V, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void EarthMiles2OrthogStat(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) { assert(cov->gatternr == EARTHMILES2ORTHOGRAPHIC); earth2cartInnerStat(radiusmiles_aequ, radiusmiles_pol); // results in X[0], X[1] orthDefStat; orthTrafoStat; CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].cov(U, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logEarthMiles2OrthogStat(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { assert(cov->gatternr == EARTHMILES2ORTHOGRAPHIC); earth2cartInnerStat(radiusmiles_aequ, radiusmiles_pol); orthDefStat; orthTrafoStat; CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].log(U, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void EarthMiles2Orthog(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) { assert(cov->gatternr == EARTHMILES2ORTHOGRAPHIC); earth2cartInner(radiusmiles_aequ, radiusmiles_pol); orthDef; orthTrafo; CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].nonstat_cov(U, V, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logEarthMiles2Orthog(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { assert(cov->gatternr == EARTHMILES2ORTHOGRAPHIC); earth2cartInner(radiusmiles_aequ, radiusmiles_pol); orthDef; orthTrafo; CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].nonstatlog(U, V, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gnomonic #define GnomonicStat \ double factor = 0.0, \ *cart_zenit = cov->Searth->cart_zenit; \ for (d=0; d<3; d++) factor += cart_zenit[d] * X[d]; \ if (factor <= 0.0) \ ERR1("locations not on the half-sphere given by the '%s'.", coords[ZENIT]);\ for (d=0; d<3; d++) X[d] /= factor #define Gnomonic \ double factor = 0.0, \ factorY = 0.0, \ *cart_zenit = cov->Searth->cart_zenit; \ for (d=0; d<3; d++) { \ factor += cart_zenit[d] * X[d]; \ factorY += cart_zenit[d] * Y[d]; \ } \ if (factor <= 0.0 || factorY <= 0.0) \ ERR1("locations not on the half-sphere given by the '%s'.", coords[ZENIT]);\ for (d=0; d<3; d++) { \ X[d] /= factor; \ Y[d] /= factorY; \ } void Earth2GnomonicStat(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) { assert(cov->gatternr == EARTHKM2GNOMONIC || cov->gatternr == EARTHMILES2GNOMONIC); earth2cartInnerStat(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol); // results in X[0], X[1] orthDefStat; GnomonicStat; orthTrafoStat; CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].cov(U, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logEarth2GnomonicStat(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { assert(cov->gatternr == EARTHKM2GNOMONIC || cov->gatternr == EARTHMILES2GNOMONIC); earth2cartInnerStat(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol); orthDefStat; GnomonicStat; orthTrafoStat; CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].log(U, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } void Earth2Gnomonic(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) { assert(cov->gatternr == EARTHKM2GNOMONIC || cov->gatternr == EARTHMILES2GNOMONIC); earth2cartInner(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol); orthDef; Gnomonic; orthTrafo; CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].nonstat_cov(U, V, cov, v);// nicht gatternr } void logEarth2Gnomonic(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *Sign) { assert(cov->gatternr == EARTHKM2GNOMONIC || cov->gatternr == EARTHMILES2GNOMONIC); earth2cartInner(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol); orthDef; Gnomonic; orthTrafo; CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].nonstatlog(U, V, cov, v, Sign);// nicht gatternr } bool is_any(isofct iso, cov_fct *C) { int i; for (i=0; i < C->variants; i++) if (iso(C->Isotropy[i])) return true; return false; } bool is_all(isofct iso, cov_fct *C) { int i; for (i=0; i < C->variants; i++) if (!iso(C->Isotropy[i])) return false; return true; } bool is_any(typusfct t, cov_fct *C) { int i; for (i=0; i < C->variants; i++) if (t(C->Typi[i])) return true; return false; } bool is_all(typusfct t, cov_fct *C) { int i; for (i=0; i < C->variants; i++) if (!t(C->Typi[i])) return false; return true; } bool isIsotropic(isotropy_type iso) { return iso == ISOTROPIC; } bool isAnyIsotropic(isotropy_type iso) { return iso == ISOTROPIC || iso == EARTH_ISOTROPIC || iso == SPHERICAL_ISOTROPIC; } bool isSpaceIsotropic(isotropy_type iso) { return iso <= SPACEISOTROPIC; } bool isZeroSpaceIsotropic(isotropy_type iso) { return iso <= ZEROSPACEISO; } bool isVectorIsotropic(isotropy_type iso) { return iso == VECTORISOTROPIC; } bool isSymmetric(isotropy_type iso) { return iso <= SYMMETRIC; } bool isCartesian(isotropy_type iso) { return iso <= LAST_CARTESIAN; } bool isSpherical(isotropy_type iso) { return iso >= SPHERICAL_ISOTROPIC && iso <= SPHERICAL_COORDS; } bool isEarth(isotropy_type iso) { return iso >= EARTH_ISOTROPIC && iso <= EARTH_COORDS ; } bool isAnySpherical(isotropy_type iso) { // printf("any %d < %d <= %d\n", LAST_CARTESIAN, iso, LAST_SPHERICAL); return iso > LAST_CARTESIAN && iso <= LAST_ANYSPHERICAL; } bool isAnySphericalIso(isotropy_type iso) { return iso == SPHERICAL_ISOTROPIC || iso == EARTH_ISOTROPIC; } bool isAnySphericalNotIso(isotropy_type iso) { return iso != SPHERICAL_ISOTROPIC && iso != EARTH_ISOTROPIC ; } bool isPrevModelI(cov_fct *C){ bool is = C->Isotropy[0] == PREVMODELI; // assert(!is || C->variants == 1 || // (C->variants == 2 && C->Isotropy[0] == C->Isotropy[1])); return is; } bool isUnreduced(cov_fct *C){ bool is = C->Isotropy[0] == UNREDUCED; assert(!is || C->variants == 1); return is; } bool isCoordinateSystem(isotropy_type iso){ return iso == CARTESIAN_COORD || iso == SPHERICAL_COORDS || iso == EARTH_COORDS; } bool atleastSpecialised(isotropy_type iso, isotropy_type as) { // printf("ATLEAST '%s' at least specialised as '%s'? \n", ISONAMES[iso], ISONAMES[as]); bool less = iso <= as; if (isCartesian(as)) return less; // also iso < 0 OK if (isSpherical(as)) return isSpherical(iso) && less; // if (isEarth(as)) { // printf("YYY %s %d \n", ISONAMES[iso], isAnySpherical(iso)); if (isEarth(iso)) return less; if (isSpherical(iso)) { //printf("iso=%d %d %d %d %d %d\n", iso, as, EARTH_COORDS, SPHERICAL_COORDS, as - EARTH_COORDS + SPHERICAL_COORDS, iso <= as - EARTH_COORDS + SPHERICAL_COORDS); return iso <= as - EARTH_COORDS + SPHERICAL_COORDS; } if (isCartesian(iso)) { return (as == EARTH_COORDS && iso == CARTESIAN_COORD) || (as == EARTH_SYMMETRIC && iso == SYMMETRIC); } return false; } if (as == UNREDUCED) { return isCoordinateSystem(iso); } if (as == PREVMODELI) return true; // PRINTF("'%s' not at least specialised as %s\n", ISONAMES[iso], ISONAMES[as]); // crash(); BUG; } bool isCylinder(isotropy_type iso) { BUG; return iso == CYLINDER_COORD; } bool equal_coordinate_system(isotropy_type iso1, isotropy_type iso2) { return (isCartesian(iso1) && isCartesian(iso2)) || (isAnySpherical(iso1) && isAnySpherical(iso2)) // || (isCylinder(iso1) && isCylinder(iso2)) || iso1==UNREDUCED; } bool equal_coordinate_system(isotropy_type iso1, isotropy_type iso2, bool refined) { if (!refined) return equal_coordinate_system(iso1, iso2); return (isCartesian(iso1) && isCartesian(iso2)) || (isSpherical(iso1) && isSpherical(iso2)) || (isEarth(iso1) && isEarth(iso2)) // || (isCylinder(iso1) && isCylinder(iso2)) || iso1==UNREDUCED; } isotropy_type UpgradeToCoordinateSystem(isotropy_type iso) { return iso == ZEROSPACEISO || iso == VECTORISOTROPIC|| iso == SYMMETRIC ? CARTESIAN_COORD : iso == EARTH_SYMMETRIC ? EARTH_COORDS : iso == SPHERICAL_SYMMETRIC ? SPHERICAL_COORDS : isCoordinateSystem(iso) ? iso : ISO_MISMATCH; } isotropy_type CoordinateSystemOf(isotropy_type iso) { return isCartesian(iso) ? CARTESIAN_COORD : isEarth(iso) ? EARTH_COORDS : isSpherical(iso) ? SPHERICAL_COORDS : ISO_MISMATCH; } isotropy_type IsotropicOf(isotropy_type iso) { return isCartesian(iso) ? ISOTROPIC : isEarth(iso) ? EARTH_ISOTROPIC : isSpherical(iso) ? SPHERICAL_ISOTROPIC : ISO_MISMATCH; } isotropy_type SymmetricOf(isotropy_type iso) { return isCartesian(iso) ? SYMMETRIC : isEarth(iso) ? EARTH_SYMMETRIC : isSpherical(iso) ? SPHERICAL_SYMMETRIC : ISO_MISMATCH; } int change_coord_system(isotropy_type callingisoown, isotropy_type isoprev, int tsdimprev, int xdimprev, int *nr, isotropy_type *newisoprev, int *newtsdim, int *newxdim, bool time) { // isoprev is replaced by a coordinate transformation and a nwe switch(callingisoown) { case EARTH_COORDS : case EARTH_SYMMETRIC: if (isCartesian(isoprev)) { if (xdimprev != tsdimprev) SERR("reduced coordinates not allowed"); if (strcmp(GLOBAL.coords.newunits[0], UNITS_NAMES[units_km]) == 0){ *nr = isoprev == GNOMONIC_PROJ ? EARTHKM2GNOMONIC : isoprev == ORTHOGRAPHIC_PROJ ? EARTHKM2ORTHOGRAPHIC : EARTHKM2CART; } else if (strcmp(GLOBAL.coords.newunits[0], UNITS_NAMES[units_miles]) == 0) { *nr = isoprev == GNOMONIC_PROJ ? EARTHMILES2GNOMONIC : isoprev == ORTHOGRAPHIC_PROJ ? EARTHMILES2ORTHOGRAPHIC :EARTHMILES2CART; } else { SERR4("only units '%s' and '%s' are allowed. Got '%s' (user's '%s').", UNITS_NAMES[units_km], UNITS_NAMES[units_miles], GLOBAL.coords.newunits[0], GLOBAL.coords.curunits[0]); } if (isoprev == GNOMONIC_PROJ || isoprev == ORTHOGRAPHIC_PROJ) { *newtsdim = tsdimprev; *newxdim = xdimprev; *newisoprev = isoprev; } else if (isCartesian(isoprev)) { *newisoprev = callingisoown == EARTH_COORDS ? CARTESIAN_COORD : callingisoown == EARTH_SYMMETRIC ? SYMMETRIC : ISO_MISMATCH; if (tsdimprev == 2) { //assert(xdimprev == 2); *newtsdim = *newxdim = 3; } else if (tsdimprev == 3 && time) { *newtsdim = *newxdim = 4; } else { *newtsdim = *newxdim = xdimprev; } } else { BUG; } } else { //if (!isSpherical(callingisoown) && callingisoown != EARTH_ISOTROPIC) { // printf("%s --> %s\n", ISONAMES[callingisoown], ISONAMES[isoprev]); //BUG; // } return ERRORODDCOORDTRAFO; // NotProgrammedYet(""); } break; case EARTH_ISOTROPIC : case SPHERICAL_ISOTROPIC : // if (!isSpherical(callingisoown) && callingisoown != EARTH_ISOTROPIC) { // printf("\n\n%s --> %s\n", ISONAMES[callingisoown], ISONAMES[isoprev]); // BUG; // } return ERRORWRONGISO; default: // printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n%s --> %s\n", ISONAMES[callingisoown], ISONAMES[isoprev]); return ERRORODDCOORDTRAFO; // NotProgrammedYet(""); } //assert(*newtsdim == 4); return NOERROR; } int SetGatter(domain_type domprev, domain_type domnext, isotropy_type isoprev, isotropy_type isonext, // bool first, int *nr, int *delflag) { if (domprev < domnext) SERR2("Cannot call more complex models ('%s') from simpler ones ('%s')", DOMAIN_NAMES[(int) domnext], DOMAIN_NAMES[(int) domprev]); if (isAnySpherical(isonext)) { if(!isAnySpherical(isoprev)) BUG; //to do?: back from cartesian not possible // currently if (isoprev == UNREDUCED) { if (isoprev != isonext || domprev != domnext) SERR("unclear transformation of earth/spherical coordinates"); *nr = isEarth(isoprev) ? E2E : Sph2Sph; } if (domnext == XONLY) { if (isAnySphericalIso(isonext)) { if ( (isAnySphericalNotIso(isoprev) && domprev != KERNEL) || (isAnySphericalIso(isoprev) && domprev != XONLY)) SERR("impossible spherical trafo"); *nr = isEarth(isoprev) ? (isSpherical(isonext) ? E2SphIso : E2EIso) : (isSpherical(isonext) ? Sph2SphIso : ISO_MISMATCH); } else { // next: xonly, not iso; e.g. for shape functions assert(isAnySphericalNotIso(isonext)); if (domprev == KERNEL) SERR("earth trafo not possible"); // mathemati- // cally likely not correct assert(domprev == XONLY); if (!isAnySphericalNotIso(isoprev)) SERR("mathematically not correct coordinate transformation"); // mathematically likely not correct. to do *nr = isEarth(isoprev) ? (isSpherical(isonext) ? E2Sph : E2E) : (isSpherical(isonext) ? Sph2Sph : ISO_MISMATCH); } } else { // domnext == KERNEL assert(isAnySphericalNotIso(isonext)); assert(domprev == KERNEL); assert(isAnySphericalNotIso(isoprev)); *nr = isEarth(isoprev) ? (isSpherical(isonext) ? E2Sph : E2E) : (isSpherical(isonext) ? Sph2Sph : ISO_MISMATCH); } return NOERROR; } if (isoprev == CYLINDER_COORD || isonext == CYLINDER_COORD) SERR("general spherical coordinates not programmed yet"); ////////////// // cartesian ////////////// assert(isCartesian(isonext)); bool isoOK = isoprev == isonext || (isoprev > isonext && isonext <= CARTESIAN_COORD); // keine Trafo innerhalb // der projektionen -- bislang zumindest. ? to do if (!isoOK) SERR2("cannot call more complex models ('%s') from simpler ones ('%s')", ISONAMES[(int) domnext], ISONAMES[(int) domprev]); // if (isoprec == GNOMONIC_PROJ && if (domnext == XONLY && (domprev == KERNEL || isoprev == CARTESIAN_COORD || isoprev == SYMMETRIC || isoprev == VECTORISOTROPIC || isoprev == GNOMONIC_PROJ || isoprev == ORTHOGRAPHIC_PROJ || isoprev == ZEROSPACEISO)) { switch (isonext) { case ISOTROPIC : *nr = S2ISO; break; case SPACEISOTROPIC : *nr = S2SP; break; case ZEROSPACEISO: case VECTORISOTROPIC: case SYMMETRIC: case CARTESIAN_COORD: case GNOMONIC_PROJ: case ORTHOGRAPHIC_PROJ: *nr = S2S; // *delflag = DEL_COV - 5; /// break; case UNREDUCED: *nr = SId; break; default: BUG; } } else { if (domprev == XONLY) { switch(isoprev) { case ISOTROPIC : *nr = ISO2ISO; break; case SPACEISOTROPIC : *nr = (isonext == ISOTROPIC) ? SP2ISO : SP2SP; break; default: PRINTF("SetGatter prev=%s; %s\n next=%s %s\n", DOMAIN_NAMES[domprev], ISONAMES[isoprev], DOMAIN_NAMES[domnext], ISONAMES[isonext]); BUG; } } else { // KERNEL domprev und domnext *nr = SId; *delflag = DEL_COV - 4;// } } return NOERROR; }