debug = false import Base.LinAlg import Base.LinAlg: BlasComplex, BlasFloat, BlasReal # basic tridiagonal operations n = 5 srand(123) d = 1 .+ rand(n) dl = -rand(n-1) du = -rand(n-1) v = randn(n) B = randn(n,2) # Woodbury U = randn(n,2) V = randn(2,n) C = randn(2,2) for elty in (Float32, Float64, Complex64, Complex128, Int) if elty == Int srand(61516384) d = rand(1:100, n) dl = -rand(0:10, n-1) du = -rand(0:10, n-1) v = rand(1:100, n) B = rand(1:100, n, 2) # Woodbury U = rand(1:100, n, 2) V = rand(1:100, 2, n) C = rand(1:100, 2, 2) else d = convert(Vector{elty}, d) dl = convert(Vector{elty}, dl) du = convert(Vector{elty}, du) v = convert(Vector{elty}, v) B = convert(Matrix{elty}, B) U = convert(Matrix{elty}, U) V = convert(Matrix{elty}, V) C = convert(Matrix{elty}, C) end ε = eps(abs2(float(one(elty)))) T = Tridiagonal(dl, d, du) @test size(T, 1) == n @test size(T) == (n, n) F = diagm(d) for i = 1:n-1 F[i,i+1] = du[i] F[i+1,i] = dl[i] end @test full(T) == F # elementary operations on tridiagonals @test conj(T) == Tridiagonal(conj(dl), conj(d), conj(du)) @test transpose(T) == Tridiagonal(du, d, dl) @test ctranspose(T) == Tridiagonal(conj(du), conj(d), conj(dl)) # test interconversion of Tridiagonal and SymTridiagonal @test Tridiagonal(dl, d, dl) == SymTridiagonal(d, dl) @test Tridiagonal(dl, d, du) + Tridiagonal(du, d, dl) == SymTridiagonal(2d, dl+du) @test SymTridiagonal(d, dl) + Tridiagonal(du, d, du) == SymTridiagonal(2d, dl+du) # tridiagonal linear algebra @test_approx_eq T*v F*v invFv = F\v @test_approx_eq T\v invFv # @test_approx_eq Base.solve(T,v) invFv # @test_approx_eq Base.solve(T, B) F\B Tlu = factorize(T) x = Tlu\v @test_approx_eq x invFv @test_approx_eq det(T) det(F) # symmetric tridiagonal if elty <: Real Ts = SymTridiagonal(d, dl) Fs = full(Ts) invFsv = Fs\v Tldlt = ldltfact(Ts) x = Tldlt\v @test_approx_eq x invFsv end # eigenvalues/eigenvectors of symmetric tridiagonal if elty === Float32 || elty === Float64 DT, VT = eig(Ts) D, Vecs = eig(Fs) @test_approx_eq DT D @test_approx_eq abs(VT'Vecs) eye(elty, n) end # Woodbury W = Woodbury(T, U, C, V) F = full(W) @test_approx_eq W*v F*v iFv = F\v @test norm(W\v - iFv)/norm(iFv) <= n*cond(F)*ε # Revisit. Condition number is wrong @test abs((det(W) - det(F))/det(F)) <= n*cond(F)*ε # Revisit. Condition number is wrong iWv = similar(iFv) if elty != Int iWv = A_ldiv_B!(W, copy(v)) @test_approx_eq iWv iFv end # Test det(A::Matrix) # In the long run, these tests should step through Strang's # axiomatic definition of determinants. # If all axioms are satisfied and all the composition rules work, # all determinants will be correct except for floating point errors. # The determinant of the identity matrix should always be 1. for i = 1:10 A = eye(elty, i) @test_approx_eq det(A) one(elty) end # The determinant of a Householder reflection matrix should always be -1. for i = 1:10 A = eye(elty, 10) A[i, i] = -one(elty) @test_approx_eq det(A) -one(elty) end # The determinant of a rotation matrix should always be 1. if elty != Int for theta = convert(Vector{elty}, pi ./ [1:4]) R = [cos(theta) -sin(theta); sin(theta) cos(theta)] @test_approx_eq convert(elty, det(R)) one(elty) end # issue #1490 @test_approx_eq_eps det(ones(elty, 3,3)) zero(elty) 3*eps(real(one(elty))) end end # Generic BLAS tests srand(100) # syr2k! and her2k! for elty in (Float32, Float64, Complex64, Complex128) U = randn(5,2) V = randn(5,2) if elty == Complex64 || elty == Complex128 U = complex(U, U) V = complex(V, V) end U = convert(Array{elty, 2}, U) V = convert(Array{elty, 2}, V) @test_approx_eq tril(LinAlg.BLAS.syr2k('L','N',U,V)) tril(U*V.' + V*U.') @test_approx_eq triu(LinAlg.BLAS.syr2k('U','N',U,V)) triu(U*V.' + V*U.') @test_approx_eq tril(LinAlg.BLAS.syr2k('L','T',U,V)) tril(U.'*V + V.'*U) @test_approx_eq triu(LinAlg.BLAS.syr2k('U','T',U,V)) triu(U.'*V + V.'*U) end for elty in (Complex64, Complex128) U = randn(5,2) V = randn(5,2) if elty == Complex64 || elty == Complex128 U = complex(U, U) V = complex(V, V) end U = convert(Array{elty, 2}, U) V = convert(Array{elty, 2}, V) @test_approx_eq tril(LinAlg.BLAS.her2k('L','N',U,V)) tril(U*V' + V*U') @test_approx_eq triu(LinAlg.BLAS.her2k('U','N',U,V)) triu(U*V' + V*U') @test_approx_eq tril(LinAlg.BLAS.her2k('L','C',U,V)) tril(U'*V + V'*U) @test_approx_eq triu(LinAlg.BLAS.her2k('U','C',U,V)) triu(U'*V + V'*U) end # LAPACK tests srand(123) Ainit = randn(5,5) for elty in (Float32, Float64, Complex64, Complex128) # syevr! if elty == Complex64 || elty == Complex128 A = complex(Ainit, Ainit) else A = Ainit end A = convert(Array{elty, 2}, A) Asym = A'A vals, Z = LinAlg.LAPACK.syevr!('V', copy(Asym)) @test_approx_eq Z*scale(vals, Z') Asym @test all(vals .> 0.0) @test_approx_eq LinAlg.LAPACK.syevr!('N','V','U',copy(Asym),0.0,1.0,4,5,-1.0)[1] vals[vals .< 1.0] @test_approx_eq LinAlg.LAPACK.syevr!('N','I','U',copy(Asym),0.0,1.0,4,5,-1.0)[1] vals[4:5] @test_approx_eq vals LinAlg.LAPACK.syev!('N','U',copy(Asym)) end # Test gglse for elty in (Float32, Float64, Complex64, Complex128) A = convert(Array{elty, 2}, [1 1 1 1; 1 3 1 1; 1 -1 3 1; 1 1 1 3; 1 1 1 -1]) c = convert(Array{elty, 1}, [2, 1, 6, 3, 1]) B = convert(Array{elty, 2}, [1 1 1 -1; 1 -1 1 1; 1 1 -1 1]) d = convert(Array{elty, 1}, [1, 3, -1]) @test_approx_eq LinAlg.LAPACK.gglse!(A, c, B, d)[1] convert(Array{elty}, [0.5, -0.5, 1.5, 0.5]) end # Test givens rotations for elty in (Float32, Float64, Complex64, Complex128) if elty <: Real A = convert(Matrix{elty}, randn(10,10)) else A = convert(Matrix{elty}, complex(randn(10,10),randn(10,10))) end Ac = copy(A) R = Base.LinAlg.Rotation(Base.LinAlg.Givens{elty}[]) for j = 1:8 for i = j+2:10 G = givens(A, j+1, i, j) A_mul_B!(G, A) A_mul_Bc!(A, G) A_mul_B!(G, R) end end @test_approx_eq abs(A) abs(hessfact(Ac)[:H]) @test_approx_eq norm(R*eye(elty, 10)) one(elty) end # Test gradient for elty in (Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64, Complex64, Complex128) if elty <: Real x = convert(Vector{elty}, [1:3]) g = ones(elty, 3) else x = convert(Vector{elty}, complex([1:3],[1:3])) g = convert(Vector{elty}, complex(ones(3), ones(3))) end @test_approx_eq gradient(x) g end # Test our own linear algebra functionaly against LAPACK for elty in (Float32, Float64, Complex{Float32}, Complex{Float64}) for nn in (5,10,15) if elty <: Real A = convert(Matrix{elty}, randn(10,nn)) else A = convert(Matrix{elty}, complex(randn(10,nn),randn(10,nn))) end ## LU (only equal for real because LAPACK uses different absolute value when choosing permutations) if elty <: Real FJulia = Base.LinAlg.generic_lufact!(copy(A)) FLAPACK = Base.LinAlg.LAPACK.getrf!(copy(A)) @test_approx_eq FJulia.factors FLAPACK[1] @test_approx_eq FJulia.ipiv FLAPACK[2] @test_approx_eq FLAPACK[3] end ## QR FJulia = invoke(qrfact!, (AbstractMatrix,), copy(A)) FLAPACK = Base.LinAlg.LAPACK.geqrf!(copy(A)) @test_approx_eq FJulia.factors FLAPACK[1] @test_approx_eq FJulia.τ FLAPACK[2] end end # Test rational matrices ## Integrate in general tests when more linear algebra is implemented in julia a = convert(Matrix{Rational{BigInt}}, rand(1:10//1,n,n))/n b = rand(1:10,n,2) lua = factorize(a) l,u,p = lua[:L], lua[:U], lua[:p] @test_approx_eq l*u a[p,:] @test_approx_eq l[invperm(p),:]*u a @test_approx_eq a * inv(lua) eye(n) @test_approx_eq a*(lua\b) b @test_approx_eq det(a) det(float64(float(a))) ## Hilbert Matrix (very ill conditioned) ## Testing Rational{BigInt} and BigFloat version nHilbert = 50 H = Rational{BigInt}[1//(i+j-1) for i = 1:nHilbert,j = 1:nHilbert] Hinv = Rational{BigInt}[(-1)^(i+j)*(i+j-1)*binomial(nHilbert+i-1,nHilbert-j)*binomial(nHilbert+j-1,nHilbert-i)*binomial(i+j-2,i-1)^2 for i = big(1):nHilbert,j=big(1):nHilbert] @test inv(H) == Hinv with_bigfloat_precision(2^10) do @test norm(float64(inv(float(H)) - float(Hinv))) < 1e-100 end # Test balancing in eigenvector calculations for elty in (Float32, Float64, Complex64, Complex128) A = convert(Matrix{elty}, [ 3.0 -2.0 -0.9 2*eps(real(one(elty))); -2.0 4.0 1.0 -eps(real(one(elty))); -eps(real(one(elty)))/4 eps(real(one(elty)))/2 -1.0 0; -0.5 -0.5 0.1 1.0]) F = eigfact(A, permute=false, scale=false) eig(A, permute=false, scale=false) @test_approx_eq F[:vectors]*Diagonal(F[:values])/F[:vectors] A F = eigfact(A) # @test norm(F[:vectors]*Diagonal(F[:values])/F[:vectors] - A) > 0.01 end # Tests norms nnorm = 1000 mmat = 100 nmat = 80 for elty in (Float32, Float64, BigFloat, Complex{Float32}, Complex{Float64}, Complex{BigFloat}, Int32, Int64, BigInt) debug && println(elty) ## Vector x = ones(elty,10) xs = sub(x,1:2:10) @test_approx_eq norm(x, -Inf) 1 @test_approx_eq norm(x, -1) 1/10 @test_approx_eq norm(x, 0) 10 @test_approx_eq norm(x, 1) 10 @test_approx_eq norm(x, 2) sqrt(10) @test_approx_eq norm(x, 3) cbrt(10) @test_approx_eq norm(x, Inf) 1 @test_approx_eq norm(xs, -Inf) 1 @test_approx_eq norm(xs, -1) 1/5 @test_approx_eq norm(xs, 0) 5 @test_approx_eq norm(xs, 1) 5 @test_approx_eq norm(xs, 2) sqrt(5) @test_approx_eq norm(xs, 3) cbrt(5) @test_approx_eq norm(xs, Inf) 1 ## Number norm(x[1:1]) === norm(x[1], -Inf) norm(x[1:1]) === norm(x[1], 0) norm(x[1:1]) === norm(x[1], 1) norm(x[1:1]) === norm(x[1], 2) norm(x[1:1]) === norm(x[1], Inf) for i = 1:10 x = elty <: Integer ? convert(Vector{elty}, rand(1:10, nnorm)) : elty <: Complex ? convert(Vector{elty}, complex(randn(nnorm), randn(nnorm))) : convert(Vector{elty}, randn(nnorm)) xs = sub(x,1:2:nnorm) y = elty <: Integer ? convert(Vector{elty}, rand(1:10, nnorm)) : elty <: Complex ? convert(Vector{elty}, complex(randn(nnorm), randn(nnorm))) : convert(Vector{elty}, randn(nnorm)) ys = sub(y,1:2:nnorm) α = elty <: Integer ? randn() : elty <: Complex ? convert(elty, complex(randn(),randn())) : convert(elty, randn()) # Absolute homogeneity @test_approx_eq norm(α*x,-Inf) abs(α)*norm(x,-Inf) @test_approx_eq norm(α*x,-1) abs(α)*norm(x,-1) @test_approx_eq norm(α*x,1) abs(α)*norm(x,1) @test_approx_eq norm(α*x) abs(α)*norm(x) # two is default @test_approx_eq norm(α*x,3) abs(α)*norm(x,3) @test_approx_eq norm(α*x,Inf) abs(α)*norm(x,Inf) @test_approx_eq norm(α*xs,-Inf) abs(α)*norm(xs,-Inf) @test_approx_eq norm(α*xs,-1) abs(α)*norm(xs,-1) @test_approx_eq norm(α*xs,1) abs(α)*norm(xs,1) @test_approx_eq norm(α*xs) abs(α)*norm(xs) # two is default @test_approx_eq norm(α*xs,3) abs(α)*norm(xs,3) @test_approx_eq norm(α*xs,Inf) abs(α)*norm(xs,Inf) # Triangle inequality @test norm(x + y,1) <= norm(x,1) + norm(y,1) @test norm(x + y) <= norm(x) + norm(y) # two is default @test norm(x + y,3) <= norm(x,3) + norm(y,3) @test norm(x + y,Inf) <= norm(x,Inf) + norm(y,Inf) @test norm(xs + ys,1) <= norm(xs,1) + norm(ys,1) @test norm(xs + ys) <= norm(xs) + norm(ys) # two is default @test norm(xs + ys,3) <= norm(xs,3) + norm(ys,3) @test norm(xs + ys,Inf) <= norm(xs,Inf) + norm(ys,Inf) # Against vectorized versions @test_approx_eq norm(x,-Inf) minimum(abs(x)) @test_approx_eq norm(x,-1) inv(sum(1./abs(x))) @test_approx_eq norm(x,0) sum(x .!= 0) @test_approx_eq norm(x,1) sum(abs(x)) @test_approx_eq norm(x) sqrt(sum(abs2(x))) @test_approx_eq norm(x,3) cbrt(sum(abs(x).^3.)) @test_approx_eq norm(x,Inf) maximum(abs(x)) end ## Matrix (Operator) A = ones(elty,10,10) As = sub(A,1:5,1:5) @test_approx_eq norm(A, 1) 10 elty <: Union(BigFloat,Complex{BigFloat},BigInt) || @test_approx_eq norm(A, 2) 10 @test_approx_eq norm(A, Inf) 10 @test_approx_eq norm(As, 1) 5 elty <: Union(BigFloat,Complex{BigFloat},BigInt) || @test_approx_eq norm(As, 2) 5 @test_approx_eq norm(As, Inf) 5 for i = 1:10 A = elty <: Integer ? convert(Matrix{elty}, rand(1:10, mmat, nmat)) : elty <: Complex ? convert(Matrix{elty}, complex(randn(mmat, nmat), randn(mmat, nmat))) : convert(Matrix{elty}, randn(mmat, nmat)) As = sub(A,1:nmat,1:nmat) B = elty <: Integer ? convert(Matrix{elty}, rand(1:10, mmat, nmat)) : elty <: Complex ? convert(Matrix{elty}, complex(randn(mmat, nmat), randn(mmat, nmat))) : convert(Matrix{elty}, randn(mmat, nmat)) Bs = sub(B,1:nmat,1:nmat) α = elty <: Integer ? randn() : elty <: Complex ? convert(elty, complex(randn(),randn())) : convert(elty, randn()) # Absolute homogeneity @test_approx_eq norm(α*A,1) abs(α)*norm(A,1) elty <: Union(BigFloat,Complex{BigFloat},BigInt) || @test_approx_eq norm(α*A) abs(α)*norm(A) # two is default @test_approx_eq norm(α*A,Inf) abs(α)*norm(A,Inf) @test_approx_eq norm(α*As,1) abs(α)*norm(As,1) elty <: Union(BigFloat,Complex{BigFloat},BigInt) || @test_approx_eq norm(α*As) abs(α)*norm(As) # two is default @test_approx_eq norm(α*As,Inf) abs(α)*norm(As,Inf) # Triangle inequality @test norm(A + B,1) <= norm(A,1) + norm(B,1) elty <: Union(BigFloat,Complex{BigFloat},BigInt) || @test norm(A + B) <= norm(A) + norm(B) # two is default @test norm(A + B,Inf) <= norm(A,Inf) + norm(B,Inf) @test norm(As + Bs,1) <= norm(As,1) + norm(Bs,1) elty <: Union(BigFloat,Complex{BigFloat},BigInt) || @test norm(As + Bs) <= norm(As) + norm(Bs) # two is default @test norm(As + Bs,Inf) <= norm(As,Inf) + norm(Bs,Inf) # vecnorm: for p = -2:3 @test norm(reshape(A, length(A)), p) == vecnorm(A, p) end end end # Uniform scaling @test I[1,1] == 1 # getindex @test I[1,2] == 0 # getindex @test I === I' # transpose λ = complex(randn(),randn()) J = UniformScaling(λ) @test J*eye(2) == conj(J'eye(2)) # ctranpose (and A(c)_mul_B) @test I + I === UniformScaling(2) # + B = randbool(2,2) @test B + I == B + eye(B) @test I + B == B + eye(B) A = randn(2,2) @test A + I == A + eye(A) @test I + A == A + eye(A) @test I - I === UniformScaling(0) @test B - I == B - eye(B) @test I - B == eye(B) - B @test A - I == A - eye(A) @test I - A == eye(A) - A @test I*J === UniformScaling(λ) @test B*J == B*λ @test J*B == B*λ S = sprandn(3,3,0.5) @test S*J == S*λ @test J*S == S*λ @test A*J == A*λ @test J*A == A*λ @test J*ones(3) == ones(3)*λ @test λ*J === UniformScaling(λ*J.λ) @test J*λ === UniformScaling(λ*J.λ) @test J/I === J @test I/A == inv(A) @test A/I == A @test I/λ === UniformScaling(1/λ) @test I\J === J T = Triangular(randn(3,3),:L) @test T\I == inv(T) @test I\A == A @test A\I == inv(A) @test λ\I === UniformScaling(1/λ) ## Issue related tests # issue #1447 let A = [ 0; 0 1] B = pinv(A) for i = 1:4 @test_approx_eq A[i] B[i] end end # issue #2246 let A = [1 2 0 0; 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0] Asq = sqrtm(A) @test_approx_eq Asq*Asq A A2 = sub(A, 1:2, 1:2) A2sq = sqrtm(A2) @test_approx_eq A2sq*A2sq A2 end let N = 3 @test_approx_eq log(det(eye(N))) logdet(eye(N)) end # issue #2637 let a = [1, 2, 3] b = [4, 5, 6] @test kron(eye(2),eye(2)) == eye(4) @test kron(a,b) == [4,5,6,8,10,12,12,15,18] @test kron(a',b') == [4 5 6 8 10 12 12 15 18] @test kron(a,b') == [4 5 6; 8 10 12; 12 15 18] @test kron(a',b) == [4 8 12; 5 10 15; 6 12 18] @test kron(a,eye(2)) == [1 0; 0 1; 2 0; 0 2; 3 0; 0 3] @test kron(eye(2),a) == [ 1 0; 2 0; 3 0; 0 1; 0 2; 0 3] @test kron(eye(2),2) == 2*eye(2) @test kron(3,eye(3)) == 3*eye(3) @test kron(a,2) == [2, 4, 6] @test kron(b',2) == [8 10 12] end # issue #4796 let dim=2 S=zeros(Complex,dim,dim) T=zeros(Complex,dim,dim) T[:] = 1 z = 2.5 + 1.5im S[1] = z @test S*T == [z z; 0 0] end #Issue 7304 let A=[-√.5 -√.5; -√.5 √.5] Q=full(qrfact(A)[:Q]) @test vecnorm(A-Q) < eps() end