// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root for full license information. // #pragma once #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef MATH_EXPORTS #define MATH_API __declspec(dllexport) #else #define MATH_API __declspec(dllimport) #endif #else // no DLLs on Linux #define MATH_API #endif #include "Basics.h" #include #include #include #include #pragma warning( disable: 4251 ) typedef unsigned char byte; #define DEVICEID_TYPE int // and the following magic values #define CPUDEVICE (DEVICEID_TYPE) - 1 // device is the CPU #define DEVICEID_NOTYETDETERMINED (DEVICEID_TYPE) - 3 // not yet set #define DEVICEID_AUTO (DEVICEID_TYPE) - 4 // device should be picked automatically #define EPS_IN_INVERSE 1e-30f // 1e-37 is the only guaranteed precision #define EPS_IN_LOG 1e-37f // 1e-37 is the only guaranteed precision #define LOG_OF_EPS_IN_LOG -85.1f // log(EPS_IN_LOG) #define LOG10_OF_EPS_IN_LOG -37 // log_10(EPS_IN_LOG) #define LZERO -10e10 #define MINLOGEXP -9.2103 #define LSMALL -0.5E10 #define GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE int // cuSparse only supports int array indexes #define CPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE int // to be consistent with cuSparse but limited the possible size of the matrix. namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK { class MATH_API TracingGPUMemoryAllocator { private: static int m_traceLevel; public: static void SetTraceLevel(int traceLevel); static bool IsTraceEnabled(); template static AllocatedElemType* Allocate(int deviceId, size_t numRows, size_t numCols); template static AllocatedElemType* Allocate(int deviceId, size_t numElements); template static void Free(int deviceId, AllocatedElemType* bufferPtr, bool ignoreCUDARetCode = false); static std::pair GetFreeAndTotalMemoryInMBs(int deviceId); private: template static AllocatedElemType* AllocateNoTrace(int deviceId, size_t numElements); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ElementWiseOperator -- This enum represents which function to apply. // This is shared between all matrix types and tensors. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- enum ElementWiseOperator { // nullary opConstOne, opNone, // unary (or binary with constant parameter) opCopy, opNegate, opNot, opAbs, opFloor, opReciprocal, opSigmoid, opTanh, opSqr, opSqrt, opExp, opLog, opLinearRectifier, opCosine, opSin, // unary ops for use by Matrix class only (there is no TensorView implementation) opSigmoidDerivative, opLinearRectifierDerivative, opNegativeSine, // binary opCopyIf, opCopyIfNot, opSum, opDifference, opElementwiseProduct, opElementwiseQuotient, opLogSum, opMax, opMin, opLess, opEqual, opGreater, opGreaterEqual, opNotEqual, opLessEqual, // Note: must obey this order: (sgn(a-b) == -1, 0, +1), (sgn(a-b) != -1, 0, +1) opAnd, opOr, opXor, opMaskNegative, opElementwiseProductWithSigmoidDerivativeFromOutput, opElementwiseProductWithTanhDerivativeFromOutput, opElementwiseProductWithLinearRectifierDerivativeFromOutput, opElementwiseProductWithLogDerivativeFromOutput, opElementwiseProductWithCosDerivative, opElementwiseProductWithSinDerivative, opElementwiseProductWithAbsDerivative, opElementwiseProductWithSqrtDerivative, opElementwiseProductWithReciprocalDerivative, opSqrOfDifference, // binary ops for indexing // opIndex, // ternary opCond /*a ? b : c*/, opClip, /*clip a within interval b..c*/ opElementwiseProductWithLogSumDerivative, opCopyIfEqual // Note: not all that's implemented in CNTK ComputationNodes has an opcode yet. }; // helper to apply a C macro for all operations of each kind #define ForAllNullaryOps(Macro) \ Macro(ConstOne); #define ForAllUnaryOps(Macro) \ Macro(Copy); \ Macro(Negate); \ Macro(Not); \ Macro(Abs); \ Macro(Floor); \ Macro(Reciprocal); \ Macro(Sigmoid); \ Macro(Tanh); \ Macro(Sqr); \ Macro(Sqrt); \ Macro(Exp); \ Macro(Log); \ Macro(LinearRectifier); \ Macro(Cosine); \ Macro(Sin); #define ForAllBinaryOps(Macro) \ Macro(CopyIf); \ Macro(CopyIfNot); \ Macro(Sum); \ Macro(Difference); \ Macro(ElementwiseProduct); \ Macro(ElementwiseQuotient); \ Macro(LogSum); \ Macro(Max); \ Macro(Min); \ Macro(Equal); \ Macro(NotEqual); \ Macro(Greater); \ Macro(Less); \ Macro(GreaterEqual); \ Macro(LessEqual); \ Macro(And); \ Macro(Or); \ Macro(Xor); \ Macro(MaskNegative); \ Macro(ElementwiseProductWithSigmoidDerivativeFromOutput); \ Macro(ElementwiseProductWithTanhDerivativeFromOutput); \ Macro(ElementwiseProductWithLinearRectifierDerivativeFromOutput); \ Macro(ElementwiseProductWithLogDerivativeFromOutput); \ Macro(ElementwiseProductWithCosDerivative); \ Macro(ElementwiseProductWithSinDerivative); \ Macro(ElementwiseProductWithAbsDerivative); \ Macro(ElementwiseProductWithReciprocalDerivative); \ Macro(ElementwiseProductWithSqrtDerivative); \ Macro(SqrOfDifference); \ //Macro(Index); #define ForAllTernaryOps(Macro) \ Macro(Cond); \ Macro(CopyIfEqual); \ Macro(Clip); \ Macro(ElementwiseProductWithLogSumDerivative); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // various enums to describe // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- enum MatrixFlagBitPosition { // TODO: remove all formats that are actually not supported bitPosRowMajor = 0, // row major matrix bitPosSparse = 1, // sparse matrix (COO if uncompressed) bitPosCompressed = 2, // a compressed sparse format (CSC/CSR) bitPosDontOwnBuffer = 3, // buffer is not owned by this matrix bitPosSetValueOnDevice = 4, // in a setValue situation, the copy from buffer is already on the device }; enum MatrixFormat { // TODO: remove all formats that are actually not supported matrixFormatDense = 0, // default is dense matrixFormatColMajor = 0, // default is column major matrixFormatRowMajor = 1 << bitPosRowMajor, // row major matrix matrixFormatSparse = 1 << bitPosSparse, // sparse matrix matrixFormatCompressed = 1 << bitPosCompressed, // a compressed sparse format (CSC/CSR/COO) matrixFormatDenseColMajor = matrixFormatDense + matrixFormatColMajor, matrixFormatDenseRowMajor = matrixFormatDense + matrixFormatRowMajor, matrixFormatSparseCSC = matrixFormatSparse + matrixFormatColMajor + matrixFormatCompressed, matrixFormatSparseCSR = matrixFormatSparse + matrixFormatRowMajor + matrixFormatCompressed, matrixFormatSparseOther = matrixFormatSparse + matrixFormatRowMajor, // currently used for CPU sparse format, will change to CSC/CSR eventually matrixFormatMask = matrixFormatRowMajor + matrixFormatSparse + matrixFormatCompressed, // mask that covers all the matrixFormatSparseBlockCol, // col block based sparse matrix matrixFormatSparseBlockRow, // row block based sparse matrix }; // common matrix flags for use on all matrices enum MatrixFlags { // first bits of matrix flags are MatrixFormat matrixFlagNormal = 0, matrixFlagDontOwnBuffer = 1 << bitPosDontOwnBuffer, // the matrix memory pointers are externally managed, don't allocate/free or attempt to copy to another location matrixFlagSetValueOnDevice = 1 << bitPosSetValueOnDevice, // SetValue() call has a buffer that is already on the device }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // BufferManager -- to controal all buffer allocation // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class BufferManager { private: BufferManager() {}; public: static BufferManager* GetManagerInstance() { if (!m_instance) m_instance = new BufferManager(); return m_instance; } // Request buffer from the buffer pool, or re-allocate a new memory template ElemType* RequestBuffer(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, size_t size) { ElemType* bufferPtr = nullptr; auto& bufferContainor = BufferContainor(); auto deviceBufferList = bufferContainor.find(deviceId); if (deviceBufferList != bufferContainor.end()){ auto sizeBufferList = deviceBufferList->second.find(size); if (sizeBufferList != deviceBufferList->second.end()){ if (sizeBufferList->second.size()){ bufferPtr = sizeBufferList->second.back(); sizeBufferList->second.pop_back(); return bufferPtr; } } } if (deviceId >= 0) { #ifndef CPUONLY auto freeAndTotalMemory = TracingGPUMemoryAllocator::GetFreeAndTotalMemoryInMBs(deviceId); float allocateRate = (float)freeAndTotalMemory.first / (float)freeAndTotalMemory.second; if (allocateRate < 0.05 || freeAndTotalMemory.first <= ((size * sizeof(ElemType)) >> 20)) { PhysicalReleaseAllBuffer(); } bufferPtr = TracingGPUMemoryAllocator::Allocate(deviceId, size); #endif } else { bufferPtr = new ElemType[size](); } return bufferPtr; } // Release targeting buffer into buffer pool template void LogicalReleaseBuffer(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, ElemType* buffer, size_t size) { auto& bufferContainor = BufferContainor(); auto deviceBufferList = bufferContainor.find(deviceId); if (deviceBufferList == bufferContainor.find(deviceId)) { deviceBufferList = bufferContainor.insert(pair>>(deviceId, unordered_map>())).first; } auto sizeBufferList = deviceBufferList->second.find(size); if (sizeBufferList == deviceBufferList->second.end()) { sizeBufferList = deviceBufferList->second.insert(pair>(size, vector(0))).first; } sizeBufferList->second.push_back(buffer); buffer = nullptr; } // Release targeting buffer in buffer pool template void PhysicalReleaseBuffer(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, ElemType* buffer) { if (deviceId >= 0) { #ifndef CPUONLY TracingGPUMemoryAllocator::Free(deviceId, buffer, false); #endif } else { delete[] buffer; } } // Release all buffer cache in buffer pool template void PhysicalReleaseAllBuffer() { auto& bufferContainor = BufferContainor(); for (auto& deviceBufferList : bufferContainor) { for (auto& sizeBufferList : deviceBufferList.second) { vector& bufferArray = sizeBufferList.second; for (size_t i = 0; i < bufferArray.size(); i++) { if (bufferArray[i] == nullptr) continue; PhysicalReleaseBuffer(deviceBufferList.first, bufferArray[i]); } bufferArray.clear(); } } } private: template unordered_map>>& BufferContainor(); static BufferManager* m_instance; // hash map to store all the buffer released unordered_map>> m_bufferFloatContainor; unordered_map>> m_bufferDoubleContainor; unordered_map>> m_bufferCharContainor; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // BaseMatrixStorage -- base class for all matrix types (CPU, GPU) x (dense, sparse) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class BaseMatrixStorage : public enable_shared_from_this> { template friend class BaseMatrix; private: BaseMatrixStorage(const BaseMatrixStorage& ) = delete; BaseMatrixStorage& operator=(const BaseMatrixStorage& ) = delete; public: BaseMatrixStorage() { ZeroInit(matrixFormatDense, CPUDEVICE); } BaseMatrixStorage(MatrixFormat format, DEVICEID_TYPE computeDevice) { ZeroInit(format, computeDevice); } ~BaseMatrixStorage() { ReleaseMemory(); m_numRows = 0; m_numCols = 0; } void ReleaseMemory() { if (!m_externalBuffer) { if (m_computeDevice < 0) { delete[] m_pArray; m_pArray = nullptr; m_nzValues = nullptr; delete[] m_unCompIndex; m_unCompIndex = nullptr; delete[] m_compIndex; m_compIndex = nullptr; delete[] m_blockIds; m_blockIds = nullptr; } else { #ifndef CPUONLY if (m_pArray != nullptr) TracingGPUMemoryAllocator::Free(m_computeDevice, m_pArray, true); m_pArray = nullptr; if (m_rowToId != nullptr) TracingGPUMemoryAllocator::Free(m_computeDevice, m_rowToId, true); m_rowToId = nullptr; #endif delete[](byte*) m_tempHostBuffer; m_tempHostBuffer = nullptr; } m_elemSizeAllocated = 0; m_totalBufferSizeAllocated = 0; } } protected: MatrixFormat GetFormat() const { return m_format; } void SetFormat(MatrixFormat format) { m_format = format; } bool HasExternalBuffer() const { return m_externalBuffer; } DEVICEID_TYPE GetComputeDeviceId() const { return m_computeDevice; } void SetComputeDeviceId(const DEVICEID_TYPE computeId) const { m_computeDevice = computeId; } size_t GetNumStorageRows() const { return m_numRows; } void SetNumStorageRows(size_t rows) { m_numRows = rows; } size_t GetNumStorageCols() const { return m_numCols; } void SetNumStorageCols(size_t cols) { m_numCols = cols; } size_t GetSizeAllocated() const { return m_elemSizeAllocated; } void SetSizeAllocated(size_t alloc) { m_elemSizeAllocated = alloc; } size_t GetNumStorageElements() const { return m_numRows * m_numCols; } bool IsEmpty() const { return m_numRows == 0 || m_numCols == 0; } ElemType* Buffer() const { return m_pArray; } void SetBuffer(ElemType* pArray, size_t alloc, bool external = false) { m_pArray = pArray; m_totalBufferSizeAllocated = alloc; m_externalBuffer = external; } size_t BufferSizeAllocated() const { return m_totalBufferSizeAllocated; } size_t GetBlockSize() const { return m_blockSize; } void SetBlockSize(size_t blockSize) { m_blockSize = blockSize; } GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* GetRowToIdMap() const { return m_rowToId; } void SetRowToIdMap(GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* parray) { m_rowToId = parray; } void* GetTempHostBuffer() const { return m_tempHostBuffer; } void SetTempHostBuffer(void* buffer) const { m_tempHostBuffer = buffer; } size_t GetTempHostBufferSize() const { return m_tempHostBufferSize; } void SetTempHostBufferSize(size_t bufferSize) const { m_tempHostBufferSize = bufferSize; } int GetColIdx() const { return m_colIdx; } void SetColIdx(int idx) { m_colIdx = idx; } size_t GetCompIndexSize() const { return m_compIndexSize; } void SetCompIndexSize(size_t indexSize) { m_compIndexSize = indexSize; } ElemType* GetNzValues() { return m_nzValues; } void SetNzValues(ElemType* values) { m_nzValues = values; } size_t* GetBlockIds() const { return m_blockIds; } void SetBlockIds(size_t* blockIds) { m_blockIds = blockIds; } size_t GetBlockIdShift() const { return m_blockIdShift; } void SetBlockIdShift(size_t blockIdShift) { m_blockIdShift = blockIdShift; } CPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* GetUnCompIndex() const { return m_unCompIndex; } void SetUnCompIndex(CPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* parray) { m_unCompIndex = parray; } CPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* GetCompIndex() const { return m_compIndex; } void SetCompIndex(CPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* parray) { m_compIndex = parray; } void ZeroInit(const MatrixFormat matrixFormat = matrixFormatDense, const DEVICEID_TYPE computeDevice = -1) { m_externalBuffer = false; m_format = matrixFormat; m_computeDevice = computeDevice; m_numRows = 0; m_numCols = 0; m_pArray = nullptr; m_elemSizeAllocated = 0; m_totalBufferSizeAllocated = 0; m_blockSize = 0; // block size m_rowToId = nullptr; // the id showing the order row number is observed in the nnz values. m_tempHostBuffer = nullptr; // used to copy values. m_tempHostBufferSize = 0; m_colIdx = 0; // used to SetValue() m_compIndexSize = 0; m_nzValues = nullptr; m_unCompIndex = nullptr; // row/col ids in CSC/CSR format m_compIndex = nullptr; // begin ids of col/row in CSC/CSR format m_blockIds = nullptr; // block ids m_blockIdShift = 0; // used to get efficient slice, actual col = blockIds[j] - m_blockIdShift } protected: // ************************** // Variables requried by all matrices // ************************** MatrixFormat m_format; mutable DEVICEID_TYPE m_computeDevice; // current GPU device Id or CPUDEVICE bool m_externalBuffer; // is the buffer used by this matrix, // m_numRows and m_numCols should be removed size_t m_numRows; size_t m_numCols; size_t m_elemSizeAllocated; ElemType* m_pArray; // ************************** // GPUSparseMatrix variables // ************************** size_t m_totalBufferSizeAllocated; // used by the blockCol and blockRow format size_t m_blockSize; // block size mutable GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* m_rowToId; // the id showing the order row number is observed in the nnz values. mutable void* m_tempHostBuffer; // used to copy values. mutable size_t m_tempHostBufferSize; // ************************** // CPUSparseMatrix variables // ************************** int m_colIdx; // used to SetValue() size_t m_compIndexSize; ElemType* m_nzValues; // non-zero values are stored in m_pArray CPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* m_unCompIndex; // row/col ids in CSC/CSR format CPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* m_compIndex; // begin ids of col/row in CSC/CSR format size_t* m_blockIds; // block ids size_t m_blockIdShift; // used to get efficient slice, actual col = blockIds[j] - m_blockIdShift }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // BaseMatrix -- base class for all matrix types (CPU, GPU) x (dense, sparse) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class MATH_API BaseMatrix { public: BaseMatrix() { ZeroInit(); } virtual ~BaseMatrix() { ZeroValues(); } void VerifyResizable(const char* function) const { if (!m_sob.unique()) LogicError("%s: Cannot resize the matrix because it is a view.", function); else if (m_sob->HasExternalBuffer()) LogicError("%s: Cannot resize the matrix because it is externally owned.", function); } // same as VerifyResizable() except for the error message. Could be folded into one. void VerifyMigratable(const char* function) const { if (!m_sob.unique()) LogicError("%s: Cannot migrate the matrix between devices because it is a view.", function); else if (m_sob->HasExternalBuffer()) LogicError("%s: Cannot migrate the matrix between devices because it is externally owned.", function); } // This is needed for Sparse Matrices to ensure they can write to the matrix. Note: writing to slices is not currently supported void VerifyWritable(const char* function) const { if (!(m_sob->GetNumStorageRows() == m_numRows && m_sob->GetNumStorageCols() == m_numCols)) { LogicError("%s: Cannot write to the matrix because it is a slice.", function); } } bool IsView() const { return (GetNumRows() != m_sob->GetNumStorageRows() || GetNumCols() != m_sob->GetNumStorageCols() || m_sliceViewOffset != 0); } void VerifySize(const size_t rows, const size_t cols) { if (rows != GetNumRows() || cols != GetNumCols()) LogicError("VerifySize: expected matrix size %lu x %lu, but it is %lu x %lu", rows, cols, GetNumRows(), GetNumCols()); } MatrixFormat GetFormat() const { return m_sob->GetFormat(); } bool OwnBuffer() const { return !HasExternalBuffer(); } bool IsEmpty() const { return m_numRows == 0 || m_numCols == 0; } size_t GetSizeAllocated() const { return m_sob->GetSizeAllocated(); } size_t BufferSizeAllocated() const { return m_sob->BufferSizeAllocated(); } size_t GetNumRows() const { return m_numRows; } size_t GetNumCols() const { return m_numCols; } protected: void SetFormat(MatrixFormat format) { m_sob->SetFormat(format); } bool HasExternalBuffer() const { return m_sob->HasExternalBuffer(); } DEVICEID_TYPE GetComputeDeviceId() const { return m_sob->GetComputeDeviceId(); } void SetComputeDeviceId(const DEVICEID_TYPE computeId) const { m_sob->SetComputeDeviceId(computeId); } // TODO: Some of these accessors should be merged into single methods like SetBuffer. size_t GetNumStorageRows() const { return m_sob->GetNumStorageRows(); } void SetNumStorageRows(size_t rows) { m_sob->SetNumStorageRows(rows); } size_t GetNumStorageCols() const { return m_sob->GetNumStorageCols(); } void SetNumStorageCols(size_t cols) { m_sob->SetNumStorageCols(cols); } void SetSizeAllocated(size_t alloc) { m_sob->SetSizeAllocated(alloc); } ElemType* Buffer() const { return m_sob->Buffer(); } void SetBuffer(ElemType* parray, size_t alloc, bool external = false) { m_sob->SetBuffer(parray, alloc, external); } size_t GetBlockSize() const { return m_sob->GetBlockSize(); } void SetBlockSize(size_t blockSize) { m_sob->SetBlockSize(blockSize); } GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* GetRowToIdMap() const { return m_sob->GetRowToIdMap(); } void SetRowToIdMap(GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* parray) { m_sob->SetRowToIdMap(parray); } void* GetTempHostBuffer() const { return m_sob->GetTempHostBuffer(); } void SetTempHostBuffer(void* buffer) const { m_sob->SetTempHostBuffer(buffer); }; size_t GetTempHostBufferSize() const { return m_sob->GetTempHostBufferSize(); } void SetTempHostBufferSize(size_t bufferSize) const { m_sob->SetTempHostBufferSize(bufferSize); } int GetColIdx() const { return m_sob->GetColIdx(); } void SetColIdx(int idx) { m_sob->SetColIdx(idx); } size_t GetCompIndexSize() const { return m_sob->GetCompIndexSize(); } void SetCompIndexSize(size_t indexSize) { m_sob->SetCompIndexSize(indexSize); } ElemType* GetNzValues() { return m_sob->GetNzValues(); } void SetNzValues(ElemType* values) { m_sob->SetNzValues(values); } size_t* GetBlockIds() const { return m_sob->GetBlockIds(); } void SetBlockIds(size_t* blockIds) const { m_sob->SetBlockIds(blockIds); } size_t GetBlockIdShift() const { return m_sob->GetBlockIdShift(); } void SetBlockIdShift(size_t blockIdShift) { m_sob->SetBlockIdShift(blockIdShift); } CPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* GetUnCompIndex() const { return m_sob->GetUnCompIndex(); } void SetUnCompIndex(CPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* parray) { m_sob->SetUnCompIndex(parray); } CPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* GetCompIndex() const { return m_sob->GetCompIndex(); } void SetCompIndex(CPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* parray) { m_sob->SetCompIndex(parray); } void SetNumRows(size_t numRows) { m_numRows = numRows; } void SetNumCols(size_t numCols) { m_numCols = numCols; } size_t GetNumElements() const { return m_numRows * m_numCols; } void ZeroInit() { MatrixFormat defFmt = matrixFormatDense; DEVICEID_TYPE compDev = -1; if (m_sob != nullptr) { defFmt = m_sob->GetFormat(); compDev = m_sob->GetComputeDeviceId(); } ZeroInit(defFmt, compDev); } void ZeroValues() { m_numRows = 0; m_numCols = 0; m_sliceViewOffset = 0; m_sob = nullptr; } void ZeroInit(const MatrixFormat matrixFormat, const DEVICEID_TYPE computeDevice ) { ZeroValues(); m_sob = make_shared>(matrixFormat, computeDevice); } protected: //void Clear() {} void ZeroStorageInit() { m_sob->ZeroInit(); } void ReleaseStorageMemory() { m_sob->ReleaseMemory(); } // copy all metadata (but not content that m_sob points to) void ShallowCopyFrom(const BaseMatrix& other) { *this = other; } protected: size_t m_numRows; size_t m_numCols; // TODO: m_sliceViewOffset has a different meaning in sparse (column offset) versus dense (byte offset to start of pointer). This should perhaps be fixed. size_t m_sliceViewOffset; // this is the slice view of a matrix // TODO: implement m_colStride size_t m_colStride; // Storage OBject containing the underlying data used by this matrix shared_ptr> m_sob; }; }}}