Tip revision: 8f8d3d2bcae39e165993d9e11ffe173640b940db authored by Daniel A. Wagenaar on 01 December 2020, 02:16:22 UTC
Made sbemviewer convert http to https
Made sbemviewer convert http to https
Tip revision: 8f8d3d2
// MMSettings.cpp
#include "MMSettings.h"
MMSettings::MMSettings() {
theta = 270;
phi = 90;
alsoPresynaptic = false;//true;
alsoPostsynaptic = false;
buildup = true;
resolution = QSize(1152, 720);
frameCount = 180;
lineWidth = 1.5;
keyWidth = 2.5;
synapseDiameter = 5;
somaDiameter = 20;
shadow = 10;
fontsize = 20;