+++ title = "Installing on Mac" description = "Installing Grafana on Mac" keywords = ["grafana", "configuration", "documentation", "mac", "homebrew", "osx"] type = "docs" [menu.docs] parent = "installation" weight = 4 +++ # Installing on Mac ## Install using homebrew Installation can be done using [homebrew](http://brew.sh/) Install latest stable: ```bash brew update brew install grafana ``` To start grafana look at the command printed after the homebrew install completes. To upgrade use the reinstall command ```bash brew update brew reinstall grafana ``` ------------- You can also install the latest unstable grafana from git: ```bash brew install --HEAD grafana/grafana/grafana ``` To upgrade grafana if you've installed from HEAD: ```bash brew reinstall --HEAD grafana/grafana/grafana ``` ### Starting Grafana To start Grafana using homebrew services first make sure homebrew/services is installed. ```bash brew tap homebrew/services ``` Then start Grafana using: ```bash brew services start grafana ``` Default login and password `admin`/ `admin` ### Configuration The Configuration file should be located at `/usr/local/etc/grafana/grafana.ini`. ### Logs The log file should be located at `/usr/local/var/log/grafana/grafana.log`. ### Plugins If you want to manually install a plugin place it here: `/usr/local/var/lib/grafana/plugins`. ### Database The default sqlite database is located at `/usr/local/var/lib/grafana` ## Installing from binary tar file Download [the latest `.tar.gz` file](https://grafana.com/get) and extract it. This will extract into a folder named after the version you downloaded. This folder contains all files required to run Grafana. There are no init scripts or install scripts in this package. To configure Grafana add a configuration file named `custom.ini` to the `conf` folder and override any of the settings defined in `conf/defaults.ini`. Start Grafana by executing `./bin/grafana-server web`. The `grafana-server` binary needs the working directory to be the root install directory (where the binary and the `public` folder is located). ## Logging in for the first time To run Grafana open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000/. 3000 is the default http port that Grafana listens to if you haven't [configured a different port](/installation/configuration/#http-port). Then follow the instructions [here](/guides/getting_started/).