\name{HLSMdiag} \alias{HLSMdiag} \title{Function to conduct diagnostics the MCMC chain from a random effect HLSM (and HLSMfixedEF for fixed effects model) } \description{ Function to compute and report diagnostic plots and statistics for a single or multiple HLSM objects. } \usage{ HLSMdiag(object, burnin = 0, diags = c('psrf', 'raftery', 'traceplot', 'autocorr'), col = 1:6, lty = 1) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ object or list of objects of class 'HLSM' returned by \code{HLSMrandomEf()} or \code{HLSMfixedEF()} } \item{burnin}{ numeric value to burn the chain while extracting results from the 'HLSM'object. Default is \code{burnin = 0}. } \item{diags}{ a character vector that is a subset of \code{c('psrf', 'raftery', 'traceplot', 'autocorr')}. Default returns all diagnostics. If only a single chain is supplied in object, \code{'psrf'} throws a warning if explicitly requested by user. } \item{col}{ a character or integer vector specifying the colors for the traceplot and autocorr plot } \item{lty}{ a character or integer vector specifying the linetype for the traceplot and autocorr plot } } \value{ Returns an object of class "HLSMdiag". It is a list that contains variable-level diagnostic tables from either or both of the raftery diagnostic and psrf diagnostic. When returned to the console, a summary table of the diagnostics will be printed instead of the list representation of the object. \item{call}{ the matched call. } \item{raftery}{ list of matrices of suggested niters, burnin, and thinning for each chain. } \item{psrf}{ list containing \code{psrf}, a matrix of psrf estimates and upper limits for variable, and \code{mpsrf} the multivariate psrf estimate. } } \author{ Christian Meyer }