module PseudoArcLengthContinuation using Parameters, Plots, JLD2, Printf, Dates, LinearMaps, Setfield, BlockArrays include("LinearSolver.jl") include("EigSolver.jl") include("LinearBorderSolver.jl") include("DeflationOperator.jl") include("Newton.jl") include("utils.jl") include("FoldCont.jl") include("HopfCont.jl") include("periodicorbit/PeriodicOrbit.jl") export ContinuationPar, ContResult, continuation, continuationFold, continuationHopf, BorderedVector export NewtonPar, newton, newtonDeflated, newtonPArcLength, newtonFold, newtonHopf export DeflationOperator, DeflatedProblem, DeflatedLinearSolver, scalardM export Default, GMRES_IterativeSolvers, GMRES_KrylovKit, Default_eig, Default_eig_sp, eig_IterativeSolvers, eig_KrylovKit, eig_MF_KrylovKit, getEigenVector export FoldPoint, FoldProblemMinimallyAugmented, FoldLinearSolveMinAug, foldPoint export HopfPoint, HopfProblemMinimallyAugmented, HopfLinearSolveMinAug export ShootingProblemTrap, ShootingProblemBE, ShootingProblemMid, PeriodicOrbitLinearSolverMid, PeriodicOrbitTrap export plotBranch, plotBranch! ################################################################################################ # equation of the arc length constraint @inline function arcLengthEq(u, p, du, dp, xi, ds) return dottheta(u, du, p, dp, xi) - ds end ################################################################################################ function corrector(Fhandle, Jhandle, z_old::M, tau_old::M, z_pred::M, contparams, linearalgo = :bordered; normC::Function = norm) where {T, vectype, M<:BorderedVector{vectype, T}} if contparams.natural res = newton(u -> Fhandle(u, z_pred.p), u -> Jhandle(u, z_pred.p), z_pred.u, contparams.newtonOptions, normN = normC) return BorderedVector(res[1], z_pred.p), res[2], res[3], res[4] else return newtonPseudoArcLength(Fhandle, Jhandle, z_old, tau_old, z_pred, contparams; linearalgo = linearalgo, normN = normC) end end ################################################################################################ function getPredictor!(z_pred::M, z_old::M, tau::M, contparams) where {T, vectype, M<:BorderedVector{vectype, T}} # we perform z_pred = z_old + contparams.ds * tau copyto!(z_pred, z_old) axpy!(contparams.ds, tau, z_pred) end ################################################################################################ function getTangentSecant!(tau_new::M, z_new::M, z_old::M, contparams, verbosity) where {T, vectype, M<:BorderedVector{vectype, T}} (verbosity > 0) && println("--> predictor = Secant") # secant predictor: tau = z_new - z_old; tau *= sign(ds) / normtheta(tau) copyto!(tau_new, z_new) minus!(tau_new, z_old) α = sign(contparams.ds) / normtheta(tau_new, contparams.theta) rmul!(tau_new, α) end ################################################################################################ function getTangentBordered!(tau_new::M, z_new::M, z_old::M, tau_old::M, F, J, contparams, verbosity) where {T, vectype, M<:BorderedVector{vectype, T}} (verbosity > 0) && println("--> predictor = Tangent") # tangent predictor epsi = contparams.finDiffEps dFdl = (F(z_old.u, z_old.p + epsi) - F(z_old.u, z_old.p)) / epsi # tau = getTangent(J(z_old.u, z_old.p), dFdl, tau_old, contparams.theta, contparams.newtonOptions.linsolve) tauu, taup, it = linearBorderedSolver( J(z_old.u, z_old.p), dFdl, BorderedVector(tau_old.u * contparams.theta / length(tau_old.u), tau_old.p * (1 - contparams.theta)), 0 * z_old.u, 1.0, contparams.theta, contparams.newtonOptions.linsolve) tau = BorderedVector(tauu, taup) b = sign((tau.p) * convert(T, z_new.p - z_old.p)) α = b * sign(contparams.ds) / normtheta(tau, contparams.theta) # tau_new = α * tau copyto!(tau_new, tau) rmul!(tau_new, α) end ################################################################################################ function arcLengthScaling(contparams, tau::M, verbosity) where {T, vectype, M<:BorderedVector{vectype, T}} g = abs(tau.p * contparams.theta) (verbosity > 0) && print("Theta changes from $(contparams.theta) to ") if (g > contparams.gMax) contparams.theta = contparams.gGoal / tau.p * sqrt( abs(1.0 - g*g) / abs(1.0 - tau.p^2) ) if (contparams.theta < contparams.thetaMin) contparams.theta = contparams.thetaMin; end end print("$(contparams.theta)\n") @show g end ################################################################################################ function stepSizeControl(contparams, converged::Bool, it_number::Int64, tau::M, branch, verbosity) where {T, vectype, M<:BorderedVector{vectype, T}} if converged == false (verbosity > 0) && abs(contparams.ds) <= contparams.dsmin && (printstyled("*"^80*"\nFailure to converge with given tolerances\n"*"*"^80, color=:red);return true) contparams.ds = sign(contparams.ds) * max(abs(contparams.ds) / 2, contparams.dsmin); (verbosity > 0) && printstyled("Halving continuation step, ds=$(contparams.ds)\n", color=:red) else if (length(branch)>1) # control to have the same number of Newton iterations Nmax = contparams.newtonOptions.maxIter factor = (Nmax - it_number) / Nmax contparams.ds *= 1 + contparams.a * factor^2 (verbosity > 0) && @show 1 + contparams.a * factor^2 end end # control step to stay between bounds if abs(contparams.ds) < contparams.dsmin contparams.ds = sign(contparams.ds) * contparams.dsmin end if abs(contparams.ds) > contparams.dsmax contparams.ds = sign(contparams.ds) * contparams.dsmax end contparams.doArcLengthScaling && arcLengthScaling(contparams, tau, verbosity) @assert abs(contparams.ds) >= contparams.dsmin return false end ################################################################################################ function computeEigenvalues(contparams, contResult, J, step) nev_ = max(sum( real.(contResult.eig[end][1]) .> 0) + 2, contparams.nev) eig_elements = contparams.newtonOptions.eigsolve(J, contparams.nev) (mod(step, contparams.save_eig_every_n_steps) == 0 ) && push!(contResult.eig, (eig_elements[1], eig_elements[2], step + 1)) end ################################################################################################ """ continuation(F::Function, J, u0, p0::Real, contParams::ContinuationPar; plot = false, normC = norm, printsolution = norm, plotsolution::Function = (x;kwargs...)->nothing, finaliseSolution::Function = (x, y)-> nothing, linearalgo = :bordering, verbosity = 2) Compute the continuation curve associated to the functional `F` and its jacobian `J`. The parameters are as follows - `F = (x, p) -> F(x, p)` where `p` is the parameter for the continuation - `J = (x, p) -> d_xF(x, p)` its associated jacobian - `u0` initial guess - `contParams` parameters for continuation, with type `ContinuationPar` - `plot = false` whether to plot the solution while computing - `printsolution = norm` function used to plot in the continuation curve, e.g. `norm` or `x -> x[1]` - `plotsolution::Function = (x; kwargs...)->nothing` function implementing the plotting of the solution. - `finaliseSolution::Function = (z, tau, step, contResult) -> true` Function called at the end of each continuation step. Can be used to alter the continuation step (stop it by returning false) or saving personal data... - `linearalgo = :bordering`. Must belong to `[:bordering, :full]` - `verbosity` controls the amount of information printed during the continuation process. - 'normC = norm' norm to be used in the different Newton solves The function outputs - `contres::ContResult` structure which contains the computed branch - `u::BorderedVector` the last solution computed on the branch # Method ## Bordered system of equations The pseudo arclength continuation method solve the equation ``F(x,p) = 0`` (or dimension N) together with the pseudo-arclength consraint ``N(x, p) = \\frac{\\theta}{length(u)} \\langle x - x_0, \\tau_0\\rangle + (1 - \\theta)\\cdot(p - p_0)\\cdot dp_0 - ds = 0``. In practice, the curve is parametrised by ``s`` so that ``(x(s),p(s))`` is a curve of solution to ``F(x,p)``. This formulation allows to pass turning points (where the implicit theorem fails). In the previous formula, ``(x_0, p_0)`` is a solution for a given ``s_0``, ``(\\tau_0, dp_0)`` is the tangent to the curve at ``s_0``. Hence, to compute the solution curve, we solve an equation of dimension N+1 which is called a Bordered system. !!! warning "Parameter `theta`" The parameter `theta` in the type `ContinuationPar`is very important. It should be tuned for the continuation to work properly especially in the case of large problems in which cases the ``\\langle x - x_0, \\tau_0\\rangle`` component in the constraint might be favoured too much. The parameter ds is adjusted internally depending on the number of Newton iterations and other factors. See the function `stepSizeControl` for more information. An important parameter to adjust the magnitude of this adaptation is the parameter `a` in the type `ContinuationPar`. ## Algorithm The algorithm works as follows: 0. Start from a known solution ``(x_0,p_0,\\tau_0,dp_0)`` 1. **Predictor** set ``(x_1,p_1) = (x_0,p_0) + ds\\cdot (\\tau_0,dp_0)`` 2. **Corrector** solve ``F(x,p)=0,\\ N(x,p)=0`` with a (Bordered) Newton Solver. 3. **New tangent** Compute ``(\\tau_1,dp_1)``, set ``(x_0,p_0,\\tau_0,dp_0)=(x_1,p_1,\\tau_1,dp_1)`` and return to step 2 ## Natural continuation We speak of *natural* continuation when we do not consider the constraint ``N(x,p)=0``. Knowing ``(x_0,p_0)``, we use ``x_0`` as a guess for solving ``F(x,p_1)=0`` with ``p_1`` close to ``p_0``. Again, this will fail at Turning Point but it can be faster to compute than the constrained case. This is set by the field `natural` in the type ContinuationPar` ## Tangent computation (step 4) There are various ways to compute ``(\\tau_1,p_1)``. The first one is called secant and is parametrised by the field `secant` in the type `ContinuationPar`. It is computed by ``(\\tau_1,p_1) = (z_1,p_1) - (z_0,p_0)`` and normalised by the norm ``\\|u,p\\|^2_\\theta = \\frac{\\theta}{length(u)} \\langle u,u\\rangle + (1 - \\theta)\\cdot p^2``. If `secant` is set to `false`, another method is use computing ``(\\tau_1,p_1)`` by solving a bordered linear system, see the function `getTangentBordered` for more information. ## Bordered linear solver When solving the Bordered system ``F(x,p) = 0,\\ N(x, p)=0``, one faces the issue of solving the Bordered linear system ``\\begin{bmatrix} J & a ; b^T & c\\end{bmatrix}\\begin{bmatrix}X ; y\\end{bmatrix} =\\begin{bmatrix}R ; n\\end{bmatrix}``. This can be solved in many ways via bordering (which requires two Jacobian inverses) or by forming the bordered matrix (which works well for sparse matrices). The choice of method is set by the argument `linearalgo`. Have a look at the function `linearBorderedSolver` for more information. """ function continuation(Fhandle, Jhandle, u0, p0::Real, contParams::ContinuationPar{T, S, E}; linearalgo = :bordering, plot = false, printsolution = norm, normC = norm, plotsolution = (x;kwargs...) -> nothing, finaliseSolution = (z, tau, step, contResult) -> true, verbosity = 2) where {T, S <: LinearSolver, E <: EigenSolver} ################################################################################################ ## Rename parameters pMin = contParams.pMin pMax = contParams.pMax maxSteps = contParams.maxSteps epsi = contParams.finDiffEps newtonOptions = contParams.newtonOptions # if we chose a natural continuation, we disable to computation of the tangent by a Bordered system and turn to finite differences. if contParams.natural contParams.secant = true end if contParams.detect_bifurcation contParams.computeEigenValues = true end # filename to save the computations filename = "branch-"*string( (verbosity > 0) && printstyled("#"^50*"\n*********** ArcLengthContinuationNewton *************\n\n", bold=true, color=:red) ## Converge initial guess (verbosity > 0) && printstyled("*********** CONVERGE INITIAL GUESS *************", bold=true, color=:magenta) u0, fval, exitflag, it_number = newton(x -> Fhandle(x, p0), u -> Jhandle(u, p0), u0, newtonOptions, normN = normC) !exitflag && error("Newton failed to converge initial guess") (verbosity > 0) && (print("\n--> convergence of initial guess = ");printstyled("OK\n", color=:green)) (verbosity > 0) && println("--> p = $(p0), initial step") # save data and hold general information if contParams.computeEigenValues # eigen elements computation evsol = newtonOptions.eigsolve(Jhandle(u0, p0), contParams.nev) contRes = ContResult{T, typeof(u0), typeof(evsol[2])}( branch = VectorOfArray([vcat(p0, printsolution(u0), it_number, contParams.ds)]), bifpoint = [(:none, 0, T(0.), T(0.), u0, u0, 0)], n_imag = [0], n_unstable = [0], eig = [(evsol[1], evsol[2], 0)] ) # whether the current solution is stable contRes.stability[1] = mapreduce(x->real(x)<0, *, evsol[1]) contRes.n_unstable[1] = mapreduce(x->round(real(x), digits=6) > 0, +, evsol[1]) if length(evsol[1][1:contRes.n_unstable[1]])>0 contRes.n_imag[1] = mapreduce(x->round(imag(x), digits=6) > 0, +, evsol[1][1:contRes.n_unstable[1]]) else contRes.n_imag[1] = 0 end else contRes = ContResult{T, typeof(u0), Array{Complex{T}, 2}}( branch = VectorOfArray([vcat(p0, printsolution(u0), it_number, contParams.ds)]), bifpoint = [(:none, 0, T(0.), T(0.), u0, u0, 0)], n_imag = [0], n_unstable = [0], eig = [([Complex{T}(1)], zeros(Complex{T}, 2, 2), 0)]) end finaliseSolution(u0, u0, 0, contRes) (verbosity > 0) && printstyled("\n******* COMPUTING INITIAL TANGENT *************", bold=true, color=:magenta) u_pred, fval, exitflag, it_number = newton(x -> Fhandle(x, p0 + contParams.ds / T(50)),u -> Jhandle(u, p0 + contParams.ds / T(50)), u0, newtonOptions, normN = normC) !exitflag && error("Newton failed to converge for the computation of the initial tangent") (verbosity > 0) && (print("\n--> convergence of initial guess = ");printstyled("OK\n\n", color=:green)) (verbosity > 0) && println("--> p = $(p0 + contParams.ds/50), initial step (bis)") finaliseSolution(u_pred, u_pred, 1, contRes) duds = (u_pred - u0) / (contParams.ds / T(50)); dpds = T(1.0) α = normtheta(duds, dpds, contParams.theta) @assert α > 0 "Error, α = 0, cannot scale first tangent vector" duds = duds / α; dpds = dpds / α ## Initialise continuation step = 0 continuationFailed = false # number of iterations for newton correction it_number = 0 # variables to hold the predictor z_pred = BorderedVector(copy(u0), p0) tau_pred = BorderedVector(copy(u0), p0) tau_new = BorderedVector(copy(u0), p0) z_old = BorderedVector(copy(u_pred), p0) tau_old = BorderedVector(copy(duds), dpds) (verbosity > 0) && println("--> Start continuation from p = ", z_old.p) ## Main continuation loop while (step < maxSteps) & ~continuationFailed & (z_old.p < contParams.pMax) & (z_old.p > contParams.pMin) # predictor: z_pred getPredictor!(z_pred, z_old, tau_old, contParams) (verbosity > 0) && println("########################################################################") (verbosity > 0) && @printf("Start of Continuation Step %d : Parameter: p1 = %2.4e from %2.4e\n", step, z_pred.p, z_old.p) (length(contRes.branch[4, :])>1 && (verbosity > 0)) && @printf("Current step size = %2.4e Previous step size = %2.4e\n", contParams.ds, contRes.branch[4, end-1]) # Corrector z_new, fval, exitflag, it_number = corrector(Fhandle, Jhandle, z_old, tau_old, z_pred, contParams, linearalgo, normC = normC) # Successful step if exitflag == true (verbosity > 0) && printstyled("--> Step Converged in $it_number Nonlinear Solver Iterations!\n", color=:green) # get predictor if contParams.secant getTangentSecant!(tau_new, z_new, z_old, contParams, verbosity) else getTangentBordered!(tau_new, z_new, z_old, tau_old, Fhandle, Jhandle, contParams, verbosity) end # Output push!(contRes.branch, vcat(z_new.p, printsolution(z_new.u), it_number, contParams.ds)) # Detection of codim 1 bifurcation points # this should be there before the old z is re-written if contParams.detect_fold || contParams.detect_bifurcation detectBifucation(contParams, contRes, z_old, tau_old, printsolution, verbosity) end copyto!(z_old, z_new) copyto!(tau_old, tau_new) if contParams.computeEigenValues # number of eigenvalues to be computed computeEigenvalues(contParams, contRes, Jhandle(z_old.u, z_old.p), step) push!(contRes.stability, mapreduce(x->real(x)<0, *, contRes.eig[end][1])) end # Plotting (plot && mod(step, contParams.plot_every_n_steps) == 0 ) && plotBranchCont(contRes, z_old, contParams, plotsolution) # Saving Solution if (verbosity > 0) && printstyled("--> Solving solution in file\n", color=:green) saveSolution(filename, z_old.u, z_old.p, step, contRes, contParams) end # call user defined finaliseSolution function. If returns false, stop continuation !finaliseSolution(z_old.u, tau_old.u, step, contRes) && (step = maxSteps) else (verbosity > 0) && printstyled("Newton correction failed\n", color=:red) (verbosity > 0) && println("--> Newton Residuals history = ", fval) end step += 1 continuationFailed = stepSizeControl(contParams, exitflag, it_number, tau_old, contRes.branch, verbosity) end # while plot && plotBranchCont(contRes, z_old, contParams, plotsolution) # we remove the initial guesses that are meaningless popfirst!(contRes.bifpoint) return contRes, z_old, tau_old end continuation(Fhandle::Function, u0, p0::Real, contParams::ContinuationPar{T, S, E}; kwargs...) where {T, S <: LinearSolver, E <: EigenSolver} = continuation(Fhandle, (u0, p)->finiteDifferences(u->Fhandle(u, p), u0), u0, p0, contParams; kwargs...) end