********************** Command Line Interface ********************** This document is a prettier output of the documentation produced by the command ``man`` of the different Tezos binaries. You can obtain similar pages using shell commands such as: :: octez-admin-client man -verbosity 3 The rest of this page documents the protocol-independent tools. The protocol-dependent tools are documented :doc:`here <../active/cli-commands>`. .. _admin_client_manual: Admin-client manual =================== .. raw:: html :file: ../api/octez-admin-client.html .. _signer_manual: Signer manual ============= .. raw:: html :file: ../api/octez-signer.html .. _benchmark_tool_manual: Benchmark tool manual ===================== .. raw:: html :file: ../api/octez-snoop.html .. _codec_manual: Codec manual ============ .. raw:: html :file: ../api/octez-codec.html .. _node_manual: Node manual =========== The command line of the Tezos node is not currently documented as an HTML page, but rather in Unix manual format. You can also obtain it by running ``octez-node --help``, which gives the manual below. This manual briefly shows the available node commands. Each command accepts its own set of options and arguments, that you can discover by running ``octez-node --help``. For more details on the node invocation and configuration, see see :doc:`../user/node-configuration`. .. include:: ../api/octez-node.txt