Sample-based prediction using "sns" Objects
Method for sample-based prediction using the output of \code{\link{sns.run}}.
\method{predict}{sns}(object, fpred
, nburnin = max(nrow(object)/2, attr(object, "nnr"))
, end = nrow(object), thin = 1, ...)
, quantiles = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)
, ess.method = c("coda", "ise"), ...)
\method{print}{summary.predict.sns}(x, ...)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
\item{object}{Object of class "sns" (output of \code{\link{sns.run}}) or "predict.sns" (output of \code{predict.sns}).}
\item{fpred}{Prediction function, accepting a single value for the state vector and producing a vector of outputs.}
\item{nburnin}{Number of burn-in iterations discarded for sample-based prediction.}
\item{end}{Last iteration used in sample-based prediction.}
\item{thin}{One out of \code{thin} iterations within the specified range are used for sample-based prediction.}
\item{quantiles}{Values for which sample-based quantiles are calculated.}
\item{ess.method}{Method used for calculating effective sample size. Default is to call \code{effectiveSize} from package \code{coda}.}
\item{x}{An object of class "summary.predict.sns".}
\item{...}{Arguments passed to/from other functions.}
\code{predict.sns} produces a matrix with number of rows equal to the length of prediction vector produces by \code{fpred}. Its numnber of columns is equal to the number of samples used within the user-specified range, and after thinning (if any). \code{summary.predict.sns} produces sample-based prediction mean, standard deviation, quantiles, and effective sample size.
Alireza S. Mahani, Asad Hasan, Marshall Jiang, Mansour T.A. Sharabiani
See package vignette for more details on SNS theory, software, examples, and performance.
# using RegressionFactory for generating log-likelihood and derivatives
loglike.poisson <- function(beta, X, y) {
regfac.expand.1par(beta, X = X, y = y,
fbase1 = fbase1.poisson.log)
# simulating data
K <- 5
N <- 1000
X <- matrix(runif(N * K, -0.5, +0.5), ncol = K)
beta <- runif(K, -0.5, +0.5)
y <- rpois(N, exp(X \%*\% beta))
beta.init <- rep(0.0, K)
beta.smp <- sns.run(beta.init, loglike.poisson,
niter = 1000, nnr = 20, mh.diag = TRUE, X = X, y = y)
# prediction function for mean response
predmean.poisson <- function(beta, Xnew) exp(Xnew \%*\% beta)
ymean.new <- predict(beta.smp, predmean.poisson,
nburnin = 100, Xnew = X)
# (stochastic) prediction function for response
predsmp.poisson <- function(beta, Xnew)
rpois(nrow(Xnew), exp(Xnew \%*\% beta))
ysmp.new <- predict(beta.smp, predsmp.poisson
, nburnin = 100, Xnew = X)