# # psstG.R # # Pseudoscore residual for unnormalised G (saturation process) # # $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2014/06/17 05:16:39 $ # ################################################################################ # psstG <- function(object, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, ..., model=NULL, trend=~1, interaction=Poisson(), rbord=reach(interaction), truecoef=NULL, hi.res=NULL) { if(inherits(object, "ppm")) fit <- object else if(inherits(object, "ppp") || inherits(object, "quad")) { # convert to quadscheme if(inherits(object, "ppp")) object <- quadscheme(object, ...) # fit model if(!is.null(model)) fit <- update(model, Q=object, forcefit=TRUE) else fit <- ppm(object, trend=trend, interaction=interaction, rbord=rbord, forcefit=TRUE) } else stop("object should be a fitted point process model or a point pattern") rfixed <- !is.null(r) || !is.null(breaks) # Extract data and quadrature points Q <- quad.ppm(fit, drop=FALSE) X <- data.ppm(fit) U <- union.quad(Q) Z <- is.data(Q) # indicator data/dummy E <- equalsfun.quad(Q) WQ <- w.quad(Q) # quadrature weights # integrals will be restricted to quadrature points # that were actually used in the fit # USED <- getglmsubset(fit) if(fit$correction == "border") { rbord <- fit$rbord b <- bdist.points(U) USED <- (b > rbord) } else USED <- rep.int(TRUE, U$n) # basic statistics Win <- Window(X) npts <- npoints(X) areaW <- area(Win) lambda <- npts/areaW # adjustments to account for restricted domain of pseudolikelihood if(any(!USED)) { npts.used <- sum(Z & USED) area.used <- sum(WQ[USED]) lambda.used <- npts.used/area.used } else { npts.used <- npts area.used <- areaW lambda.used <- lambda } # determine breakpoints for r values rmaxdefault <- rmax.rule("G", Win, lambda) breaks <- handle.r.b.args(r, breaks, Win, rmaxdefault=rmaxdefault) rvals <- breaks$r rmax <- breaks$max # residuals res <- residuals(fit, type="raw",drop=FALSE, new.coef=truecoef, quad=hi.res) resval <- with(res, "increment") rescts <- with(res, "continuous") # absolute weight for continuous integrals wc <- -rescts # initialise fv object df <- data.frame(r=rvals, theo=0) desc <- c("distance argument r", "value 0 corresponding to perfect fit") ans <- fv(df, "r", substitute(bold(R)~Delta~V[S](r), NULL), "theo", . ~ r, alim=c(0, rmax), c("r","%s[theo](r)"), desc, fname="bold(R)~Delta~V[S]") # First phase: ................................................. # nearest neighbours (quadrature point to data point) nn <- nncross(U, X, seq(U$n), seq(X$n)) # excludes identical pairs dIJ <- nn$dist I <- seq(U$n) J <- nn$which DD <- (I <= X$n) # TRUE for data points wcIJ <- wc okI <- USED[I] # histogram of nndist for data points only (without edge correction) Bsum <- cumsum(whist(dIJ[DD & okI], breaks$val)) # weighted histogram of nncross (without edge correction) Bint <- cumsum(whist(dIJ[okI], breaks$val, wcIJ[okI])) # residual Bres <- Bsum - Bint # tack on ans <- bind.fv(ans, data.frame(dat1=Bsum, com1=Bint, res1=Bres), c("%s[dat1](r)", "%s[com1](r)", "%s[res1](r)"), c("phase 1 pseudosum (contribution to %s)", "phase 1 pseudocompensator (contribution to %s)", "phase 1 pseudoresidual (contribution to %s)")) # Second phase: ................................................ # close pairs (quadrature point to data point) close <- crosspairs(U, X, rmax) dIJ <- close$d I <- close$i J <- close$j UI <- U[I] XJ <- X[J] EIJ <- E(I, J) # TRUE if points are identical, U[I[k]] == X[J[k]] ZI <- Z[I] # TRUE if U[I[k]] is a data point DD <- ZI & !EIJ # TRUE for pairs of distinct data points only nDD <- sum(DD) okI <- USED[I] # residual weights wIJ <- ifelseXY(EIJ, rescts[I], resval[I]) # absolute weight for continuous integrals wc <- -rescts wcIJ <- -rescts[I] # nearest and second-nearest neighbour distances in X nn1 <- nndist(X) nn2 <- nndist(X, k=2) nn1J <- nn1[J] nn2J <- nn2[J] # weird use of the reduced sample estimator # data sum: RSX <- Kount(dIJ[DD & okI], nn2J[DD & okI], nn2J[ZI & okI], breaks) Csum <- RSX$numerator # integral: if(spatstat.options("psstG.remove.zeroes")) okE <- okI & !EIJ else okE <- okI RSD <- Kwtsum(dIJ[okE], nn1J[okE], wcIJ[okE], nn1, rep.int(1, length(nn1)), breaks) Cint <- RSD$numerator # Cres <- Bres + Csum - Cint # tack on ans <- bind.fv(ans, data.frame(dat2=Csum, com2=Cint, res2=Cres, dat=Bsum+Csum, com=Bint+Cint, res=Bres+Cres), c("%s[dat2](r)", "%s[com2](r)", "%s[res2](r)", "Sigma~Delta~V[S](r)", "bold(C)~Delta~V[S](r)", "bold(R)~Delta~V[S](r)"), c("phase 2 pseudosum (contribution to %s)", "phase 2 pseudocompensator (contribution to %s)", "phase 2 pseudoresidual (contribution to %s)", "pseudosum (contribution to %s)", "pseudocompensator (contribution to %s)", "pseudoresidual function %s"), "res") # restrict choice of curves in default plot fvnames(ans, ".") <- c("dat", "com", "res", "theo") # return(ans) }