% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/read_gsm.R \name{gsm_design} \alias{gsm_design} \title{Extract design information from an stpm2/gsm object and newdata for use in C++} \usage{ gsm_design(object, newdata, newdata0 = NULL, t0 = NULL, inflate = 100) } \arguments{ \item{object}{stpm2/gsm object} \item{newdata}{list or data-frame used for evaluation} \item{newdata0}{list or data-frame used for evaluation at the entry time} \item{t0}{possible delayed entry time (numeric scalar)} \item{inflate}{double value to inflate minimum and maximum times for root finding} } \value{ list that can be read by `gsm ssim::read_gsm(SEX args)` in C++ } \description{ Extract design information from an stpm2/gsm object and newdata for use in C++ }