/* Authors Martin Schlather, schlather@math.uni-mannheim.de Simulation of a random field by Cholesky or SVD decomposition Copyright (C) 2001 -- 2011 Martin Schlather, This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "RF.h" #include //#include bool debug=false; void direct_destruct(void ** S) { if (*S!=NULL) { direct_storage *x; x = *((direct_storage**)S); if (x->U!=NULL) free(x->U); if (x->G!=NULL) free(x->G); free(*S); *S = NULL; } } void SetParamDirect(int *action,int *method, int *bestvariables, int *maxvariables, double *svdtolerance) { direct_param *gp = &(GLOBAL.direct); if (*action) { if ((*method<0) || (*method>=(int) NoFurtherInversionMethod)){ PRINTF("inversion method out of range; ignored\n"); } else {gp->inversionmethod= (InversionMethod) *method;} gp->bestvariables = *bestvariables; gp->maxvariables = *maxvariables; gp->svdtolerance = *svdtolerance; } else { *method = (int) gp->inversionmethod; *bestvariables = gp->bestvariables; *maxvariables = gp->maxvariables; *svdtolerance = gp->svdtolerance; } } int init_directGauss(method_type *meth) { cov_model *cov = meth->cov; long err=NOERROR; double *xx, *G=NULL, *COV=NULL, *U=NULL, *VT=NULL, *work=NULL, *D=NULL, *SICH=NULL; int *iwork=NULL, dim=cov->tsdim; direct_storage* S=NULL; InversionMethod method; location_type *loc = meth->loc; globalparam *gp = meth->gp; direct_param *lp = &(gp->direct); bool storing = gp->general.storing; nonstat_covfct cf; long vdim = cov->vdim, locpts = loc->totalpoints, // loctot = locpts *dim, vdimtot = vdim * locpts, vdimSqtot = vdim * vdimtot, vdimtotSq = vdimtot * locpts, vdimSqtotSq = vdimtot * vdimtot; method = lp->inversionmethod; assert(meth->S == NULL); // ist in simu.cc sichergestellt, schadet aber nich SET_DESTRUCT(direct_destruct); if (vdimtot>lp->maxvariables) { sprintf(ERRORSTRING_OK, "number of points less than RFparameters()$direct.maxvariables (%d)", lp->maxvariables); sprintf(ERRORSTRING_WRONG,"%ld", vdimtot); err=ERRORCOVFAILED; goto ErrorHandling; } if (meth->caniso != NULL || meth->cproj!=NULL || meth->cscale != 1.0) { err = ERRORPREVDOLLAR; goto ErrorHandling; } err=ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION; if ((COV =(double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * vdimSqtotSq))==NULL) goto ErrorHandling; if ((U =(double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * vdimSqtotSq))==NULL) goto ErrorHandling; //for SVD/Chol intermediate results AND memory space for do_directGauss: if ((G = (double *) calloc(vdimtot + 1, sizeof(double)))==NULL) goto ErrorHandling; if ((meth->S = malloc(sizeof(direct_storage))) == NULL) goto ErrorHandling; S = (direct_storage*) meth->S; S->U = S->G = NULL; err = NOERROR; if (cov->statIn != STATIONARY && cov->statIn != COVARIANCE) { err = ERRORNOVARIOGRAM; goto ErrorHandling; } // printf("%d %d %d\n", cov->statIn, STATIONARY, COVARIANCE); // PrintModelInfo(cov); assert(false); /* ************************* */ /* create matrix of explicit */ /* x-coordinates */ /* ************************* */ if (loc->grid) { expandgrid(loc->xgr, loc->length, &(meth->sptime), loc->timespacedim); xx = meth->sptime; if (!loc->Time) meth->space = meth->sptime; } else { if (loc->Time) { xtime2x(loc->x, loc->length[0], loc->T, loc->length[dim-1], &(meth->sptime), loc->timespacedim); // printf("direct %d %d %d \n", meth->sptime, meth->space , loc->length[0]); assert(false); xx = meth->sptime; // for (i=0; itotalpoints * 3; i++) // printf("%f\n", xx[i]); } else xx = loc->x; } /// printf("vdimtot=%d %d %d %d %d\n", vdimtot, dim, vdim, locpts, loc->totalpoints); assert(false); // PrintModelInfo(cov); /* ********************* */ /* matrix creation part */ /* ********************* */ long k, segment; int row, Err; double *x, *y; k = 0; cf = CovList[cov->nr].nonstat_cov; x = xx; LIST_ELEMENT = 0; if (cov->vdim == 1) { for (CovMatrixCol=0; CovMatrixCol=3) PRINTF("method to the root=Cholesky\n"); row=vdimtot; // dchdc destroys the input matrix; upper half of U contains result! memcpy(U, COV, sizeof(double) * vdimSqtotSq); if (debug) { err = ERRORDECOMPOSITION; goto ErrorHandling; } F77_CALL(dpotrf)("Upper", &row, U, &row, &Err); // F77_NAME(dchdc)(U, &row, &row, G, NULL, &choljob, &err); if (Err!=NOERROR) { if (PL>2) PRINTF("Error code F77_CALL(dpotrf) = %d\n", Err); err=ERRORDECOMPOSITION; } else break; if (lp->svdtolerance <= 0.0) break; // try next method : // most common error: singular matrix case SVD : case TSVD: // works for any positive semi-definite matrix double sum; method = SVD; // necessary if the value of method has been Cholesky. // originally if (vdimtot>lp->maxvariables * 0.8) { sprintf(ERRORSTRING_OK, "number of points less than 0.8 * RFparameters()$direct.maxvariables (%d) for SVD", lp->maxvariables); sprintf(ERRORSTRING_WRONG,"%ld", vdimtot); err=ERRORCOVFAILED; goto ErrorHandling; } if (PL>=3) PRINTF("method to the root=SVD\n"); err=ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION; if ((VT =(double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * vdimSqtotSq))==NULL) goto ErrorHandling; if ((D =(double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * vdimtot))==NULL) goto ErrorHandling; if ((iwork = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * 8 * vdimtot))==NULL) goto ErrorHandling; if ((SICH =(double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * vdimSqtotSq))==NULL) goto ErrorHandling; memcpy(SICH, COV, sizeof(double) * vdimSqtotSq); row=vdimtot; // dsvdc destroys the input matrix !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // DGESDD (or DGESVD) // dgesdd destroys the input matrix COV; // F77_NAME(dsvdc)(COV, &row, &row, &row, D, e, U, &row, V, &row, G, // &jobint /* 11 */ , &err); double optim_lwork; int lwork; lwork = -1; F77_CALL(dgesdd)("A", &row, &row, SICH, &row, D, U, &row, VT, &row, &optim_lwork, &lwork, iwork, &Err); if ((err=Err) != NOERROR) { err=ERRORDECOMPOSITION; goto ErrorHandling; } lwork = (int) optim_lwork; if ((work = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * lwork))==NULL) goto ErrorHandling; F77_CALL(dgesdd)("A", &row, &row, SICH, &row, D, U, &row, VT, &row, work, &lwork, iwork, &Err); if (err==NOERROR && RF_ISNA(D[0])) err=9999; if (err!=NOERROR) { if (PL>2) PRINTF("Error code F77_CALL(dgesdd) = %d\n", err); err=ERRORDECOMPOSITION; goto ErrorHandling; } int i,j; /* calculate SQRT of covariance matrix */ for (k=0,j=0;jsvdtolerance >=0) { for (i=0; i lp->svdtolerance) { if (PL > 3) PRINTF("difference %e at (%d,%d) between the value (%e) of the covariance matrix and the square of its root (%e).\n", COV[i * vdimtot +k] - sum, i, k, COV[i* vdimtot +k ], sum); err = ERRORPRECISION; goto ErrorHandling; } } } } break; default : assert(false); } // switch ErrorHandling: // and NOERROR... if (S != NULL) S->method = method; if (!storing && err!=NOERROR) { if (U!=NULL) free(U); if (G!=NULL) free(G); } else { if (S != NULL) { S->U=U; S->G=G; } } if (SICH!=NULL) free(SICH); if (COV!=NULL) free(COV); if (D!=NULL) free(D); if (work!=NULL) free(work); if (iwork!=NULL) free(iwork); if (VT!=NULL) free(VT); LIST_ELEMENT = CovMatrixRow = CovMatrixCol = -1; return err; } void do_directGauss(method_type *meth, res_type *res) { location_type *loc = meth->loc; direct_storage *S; long locpts, vdimtot, i,j,k, vdim; double *G,*U, dummy; int m, n; S = (direct_storage*) meth->S; locpts = loc->totalpoints; vdim = meth->cov->vdim; vdimtot = locpts * vdim; // printf("vdim %d %d\n", meth->cov->vdim, loc->totalpoints); U = S->U;// S^{1/2} G = S->G;// only the memory space is of interest (stored to avoid // allocation errors here) for (i=0; imethod) { case TCholesky : for (k=0, i=0; i