\name{rnacopula} \alias{rnacopula} \title{Sampling Nested Archimedean Copulas} \description{ Random number generation for nested Archimedean copulas (of class \code{\linkS4class{outer_nacopula}}, specifically), aka \emph{sampling} nested Archimedean copulas will generate \code{n} random vectors of dimension \eqn{d} (= \code{dim(x)}). } \usage{ rnacopula(n, x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an \R object of \code{\link{class}} \code{"\linkS4class{outer_nacopula}"}, typically from \code{\link{onacopula}()}.} \item{n}{integer specifying the sample size, that is, the number of copula-distributed random vectors \eqn{\mathbf{U}_i}{U_i}, to be generated.} \item{\dots}{possibly further arguments for the given copula family.} } \details{ The generation happens by calling \code{\link{rnchild}()} on each child copula (which itself recursively descends the tree implied by the nested Archimedean structure). The algorithm is based on a mixture representation of the generic distribution functions \eqn{F_{0}}{F0} and \eqn{F_{01}}{F01} and is presented in McNeil(2008) and Hofert(2011a). Details about how to efficiently sample the distribution functions \eqn{F_{0}}{F0} and \eqn{F_{01}}{F01} can be found in Hofert(2010), Hofert(2012), and Hofert and \enc{Mächler}{Maechler} (2011). } \value{ \code{\link{numeric}} matrix containing the generated vectors of random variates from the nested Archimedean copula object \code{x}. } \author{Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler} \references{ McNeil, A. J. (2008). Sampling nested Archimedean copulas. \emph{Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation} \bold{78}, 6, 567--581. Hofert, M. (2010). Efficiently sampling nested Archimedean copulas. \emph{Computational Statistics & Data Analysis} \bold{55}, 57--70. Hofert, M. (2011a). A stochastic representation and sampling algorithm for nested Archimedean copulas. \emph{Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation}, in press. Hofert, M. (2012). Sampling exponentially tilted stable distributions. \emph{ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation}, \bold{22}, 1, page numbers: to be announced. Hofert, M. and \enc{Mächler}{Maechler}, M. (2011). Nested Archimedean Copulas Meet R: The nacopula Package. \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, \bold{39}, 9, 1--20. } \seealso{ \code{\link{rnchild}}; classes \code{"\linkS4class{nacopula}"} and \code{"\linkS4class{outer_nacopula}"}; see also \code{\link{onacopula}()}. Further, those of the Archimedean families, for example, \code{\link{copGumbel}}. } \examples{ ## Construct a three-dimensional nested Clayton copula with parameters ## chosen such that the Kendall's tau of the respective bivariate margins ## are 0.2 and 0.5 : C3 <- onacopula("C", C(copClayton@tauInv(0.2), 1, C(copClayton@tauInv(0.5), c(2,3)))) C3 \dontshow{ stopifnot(nrow(rnacopula(1, C3)) == 1, nrow(rnacopula(0, C3)) == 0) } ## Sample n vectors of random variates from this copula. This involves ## sampling exponentially tilted stable distributions n <- 1000 U <- rnacopula(n, C3) ## Plot the drawn vectors of random variates splom2(U) } \keyword{distribution}