Raw File
    Generating Integrals of Basis Terms
    Generate integrals of basis terms for use in the ssden1 suite.
mkint(mf, type, id.basis, quad, term, rho, rho.int)
mkint2(mf, type, id.basis, quad, term)
    \item{mf}{Model frame of the model formula.}
    \item{type}{List specifying the type of spline for each variable.}
    \item{id.basis}{Index of observations to be used as "knots."}
    \item{quad}{Quadratures on marginal domains, weighted by rho.}
    \item{term}{Model terms generated by \code{mkterm}.}
    \item{rho}{Marginal log(rho) on quadrature points.}
    \item{rho.int}{Marginal integrals of log(rho).}
    \code{mkint} calculates the first moments of basis functions with
    respect to the indepent joint density rho; \code{mkint2} calculates
    the second moments for use in \code{project.ssden1}.
    \code{mkint} returns a list of five elements.
    \item{s}{First moments of phi's.}
    \item{r}{First moments of rk's.}
    \item{s.rho}{Cross moments of phi*log(rho).}
    \item{r.rho}{Cross moments of rk*log(rho).}
    \item{var.type}{Types for variables.}

    \code{mkint2} returns a list of three elements.
    \item{ss}{Second moments of phi's.}
    \item{sr}{Cross moments of phi's and rk's.}
    \item{rr}{Second moments of rk.}
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