Raw File
<csstest def="NEGATED substring matching attribute selector on middle" module="W3C Selectors" modulename="css3-modsel" number="56" rev="1.0" date="11-july-2001" xmlns:a="http://www.example.org/a" xmlns:b="http://www.example.org/b" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns="http://www.example.org/css3tests">

<author>Daniel Glazman</author>

<cssrules>div.stub &gt; * { color : red }
div.stub *:not([title*=" on"]) { color : lime }

<div class="stub" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<p>This paragraph should be in green characters.</p>
<p title="on chante?">This paragraph should be in green characters.</p>
<p title="si on chantait">
     <span title="si il chante">This paragraph should be in green characters.</span>
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