require import Int Real Distr StdOrder.
(*---*) import RealOrder.
(* To apply the lemmas, you will need to rewrite
your oracle to increment Count.c when called.
This is a very simple transformation.
However, note that each oracle needs to be treated
separately by:
1) refactoring to use Count,
2) applying the relevant transform,
3) refactoring to remove the use of Count.
This is independent of any counting done inside the oracles. *)
module type Counter = {
proc init(): unit {}
proc incr(): unit
module Counter = {
var c:int
proc init(): unit = { c <- 0; }
proc incr(): unit = { c <- c + 1; }
type from.
type to.
(* An abstract oracle if a function f from from to to. *)
module type Oracle = {
proc f(x:from): to
(* A generic transform to turn any oracle into a counting oracle *)
module Count (O:Oracle) = {
proc f(x:from): to = {
var r:to;
r <@ O.f(x);
return r;
declare module O <: Oracle {-Count}.
lemma CountO_fL: islossless O.f => islossless Count(O).f.
proof strict.
by move=> O_fL; proc;
call O_fL;
inline Counter.incr; wp.
lemma CountO_fC ci:
islossless O.f =>
phoare[Count(O).f: Counter.c = ci ==> Counter.c = ci + 1] = 1%r.
proof strict.
by move=> O_fL; proc;
call O_fL;
inline Counter.incr; wp.
equiv CountO_fC_E ci:
Count(O).f ~ Count(O).f:
={Counter.c, x, glob O} /\ Counter.c{1} = ci ==>
={Counter.c, res, glob O} /\ Counter.c{1} = ci + 1.
proof strict.
by proc; inline Counter.incr;
call (_: true); wp.
equiv CountO_O: Count(O).f ~ O.f: ={glob O, x} ==> ={glob O, res}.
proof strict.
by proc*; inline Count(O).f Counter.incr; wp;
call (_: true); wp.
end section.
(* The adversary tries to distinguish between two implementations of f *)
module type Adv(O:Oracle) = {
proc distinguish(): bool
module IND (O:Oracle, A:Adv) = {
module A = A(O)
proc main(): bool = {
var b:bool;
b <@ A.distinguish();
return b;
declare module O <: Oracle {-Count}.
declare axiom O_fL: islossless O.f.
declare module A <: Adv {-Count(O)}.
declare axiom A_distinguishL (O <: Oracle {-A}):
islossless O.f =>
islossless A(O).distinguish.
lemma IND_CountO_O &m (P: glob O -> glob A -> bool):
Pr[IND(Count(O),A).main() @ &m: res /\ P (glob O) (glob A)] =
Pr[IND(O,A).main() @ &m: res /\ P (glob O) (glob A)].
proof strict.
byequiv (_: ={glob A, glob O} ==> ={glob O, glob A, res})=> //; proc.
call (_: ={glob O});
first by proc*; inline Count(O).f Counter.incr; wp;
call (_: true); wp.
by inline Counter.init; wp.
end section.
theory EnfPen.
const bound:int.
axiom leq0_bound: 0 <= bound.
const default:to.
module Enforce(O:Oracle) = {
proc f(x:from): to = {
var r:to <- default;
if (Counter.c < bound)
r <@ O.f(x);
return r;
declare module O <: Oracle {-Count}.
declare axiom O_fL: islossless O.f.
declare module A <: Adv {-Count(O)}.
declare axiom A_distinguishL (O <: Oracle {-A}):
islossless O.f =>
islossless A(O).distinguish.
lemma enf_implies_pen &m:
Pr[IND(Count(O),A).main() @ &m: res /\ Counter.c <= bound] <= Pr[IND(Enforce(Count(O)),A).main() @ &m: res].
proof strict.
byequiv (_: ={glob A, glob O} ==> Counter.c{1} <= bound => res{1} = res{2})=> //; last smt.
symmetry; proc.
call (_: !Counter.c <= bound, ={glob Counter, glob O}, Counter.c{1} <= bound).
(* A lossless *)
by apply A_distinguishL.
(* Enforce(Count(O)).f ~ Count(O) *)
proc*; inline Enforce(Count(O)).f; case (Counter.c{2} = bound).
rcondf{1} 3; first by progress; wp; skip; smt.
exists* Counter.c{1}; elim* => c; call{2} (CountO_fC O c _); first by apply O_fL.
by wp; skip; smt.
rcondt{1} 3; first by progress; wp; skip; smt.
wp; exists* Counter.c{2}; elim* => c; call (CountO_fC_E O c).
by wp; skip; smt.
(* Enforce(Count(O)).f lossless *)
by progress; proc; sp; if=> //;
inline Count(O).f Counter.incr; wp; call O_fL; wp; skip; smt.
(* Count(O).f preserves bad *)
move=> &m1 //=; bypr; move=> &m0 bad.
apply/ler_anti; rewrite andaE; split; first by smt w=mu_bounded.
have lbnd: phoare[Count(O).f: Counter.c = Counter.c{m0} ==> Counter.c = Counter.c{m0} + 1] >= 1%r;
first by conseq [-frame] (CountO_fC O Counter.c{m0} _); apply O_fL.
by byphoare lbnd=> //; smt.
by inline Counter.init; wp; skip; smt.
end section.
end EnfPen.
theory PenBnd.
const bound:int.
axiom leq0_bound: 0 <= bound.
declare module O <: Oracle {-Count}.
declare axiom O_fL: islossless O.f.
declare module A <: Adv {-Count(O)}.
declare axiom A_distinguishL (O <: Oracle {-A}):
islossless O.f =>
islossless A(O).distinguish.
declare axiom A_distinguishC:
phoare[A(Count(O)).distinguish: Counter.c = 0 ==> Counter.c <= bound] = 1%r.
declare axiom A_distinguishC_E:
equiv[A(Count(O)).distinguish ~ A(Count(O)).distinguish:
={glob A, glob O, Counter.c} /\ Counter.c{1} = 0 ==>
={glob A, glob O, res, Counter.c} /\ Counter.c{1} <= bound].
lemma pen_implies_bnd &m:
Pr[IND(Count(O),A).main() @ &m: res] =
Pr[IND(Count(O),A).main() @ &m: res /\ Counter.c <= bound].
proof strict.
by byequiv (_: ={glob O, glob A} ==> ={Counter.c, res} /\ Counter.c{1} <= bound)=> //;
proc; call A_distinguishC_E;
inline Counter.init; wp.
end section.
end PenBnd.
theory BndPen.
const bound:int.
axiom leq0_bound: 0 <= bound.
const default:to.
module Enforce(O:Oracle) = {
proc f(x:from): to = {
var r:to <- default;
if (Counter.c < bound)
r <@ O.f(x);
return r;
module EnforcedAdv (A:Adv, O:Oracle) = A(Enforce(O)).
declare module O <: Oracle {-Count}.
declare axiom O_fL: islossless O.f.
declare module A <: Adv {-Count(O)}.
declare axiom A_distinguishL (O <: Oracle {-A}):
islossless O.f =>
islossless A(O).distinguish.
(* The adversary we build is bounded in both senses used above (for sanity) *)
lemma enforcedAdv_bounded:
phoare[EnforcedAdv(A,Count(O)).distinguish: Counter.c = 0 ==> Counter.c <= bound] = 1%r.
proof strict.
proc (Counter.c <= bound)=> //; first by smt.
by apply A_distinguishL.
by proc; sp; if;
[exists* Counter.c; elim* => c; call (CountO_fC O c _); first apply O_fL |];
skip; smt.
equiv enforcedAdv_bounded_E:
EnforcedAdv(A,Count(O)).distinguish ~ EnforcedAdv(A,Count(O)).distinguish:
={glob A, glob O, Counter.c} /\ Counter.c{1} = 0 ==>
={glob A, glob O, res, Counter.c} /\ Counter.c{1} <= bound.
proof strict.
proc (={glob O, Counter.c} /\ Counter.c{1} <= bound)=> //; first smt.
proc; sp; if=> //; inline Count(O).f Counter.incr; wp; call (_: true); wp; skip; smt.
(* Security against the bounded adversary implies penalty-style security *)
lemma bnd_implied_pen &m:
Pr[IND(Count(O),A).main() @ &m: res /\ Counter.c <= bound] <=
Pr[IND(Count(O),EnforcedAdv(A)).main() @ &m: res].
proof strict.
byequiv (_: ={glob A, glob O} ==> Counter.c{1} <= bound => ={res, glob Count})=> //; last smt.
symmetry; proc.
call (_: bound < Counter.c, ={glob Counter, glob Enforce, glob O}).
(* A lossless *)
by apply A_distinguishL.
(* Wrap(O).f ~ O.f *)
proc*; inline Enforce(Count(O)).f; case (Counter.c{1} = bound).
rcondf{1} 3; first by progress; wp.
exists* Counter.c{2}; elim* => c; call{2} (CountO_fC O c _);
first apply O_fL.
by wp; skip; smt.
rcondt{1} 3; first by progress; wp; skip; smt.
wp; exists* Counter.c{2}; elim* => c; call (CountO_fC_E O c).
by wp.
(* Wrap(O).f lossless *)
by progress; proc; sp; if; [call (CountO_fL O _); first apply O_fL |].
(* O.f preserves bad *)
progress; bypr; move=> &m0 bad.
have: 1%r <= Pr[Count(O).f(x{m0}) @ &m0: bound < Counter.c]; last smt.
have lbnd: phoare[Count(O).f: Counter.c = Counter.c{m0} ==> Counter.c = Counter.c{m0} + 1] >= 1%r;
first by conseq [-frame] (CountO_fC O Counter.c{m0} _); first apply O_fL.
by byphoare lbnd; last smt.
inline Counter.init; wp.
by skip; smt.
end section.
end BndPen.