# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # pseudo-definitions to show how everything behaves # # throw(label, val) = # throw a value to a dynamically enclosing block # # function rethrow(val) # global current_exception = val # throw(current_handler(), current_exception) # end # # rethrow() = rethrow(current_exception) # # function throw(val) # global catch_backtrace = backtrace() # rethrow(val) # end """ throw(e) Throw an object as an exception. """ throw ## native julia error handling ## """ error(message::AbstractString) Raise an `ErrorException` with the given message. """ error(s::AbstractString) = throw(ErrorException(s)) """ error(msg...) Raise an `ErrorException` with the given message. """ function error(s::Vararg{Any,N}) where {N} @_noinline_meta throw(ErrorException(Main.Base.string(s...))) end """ rethrow([e]) Throw an object without changing the current exception backtrace. The default argument is the current exception (if called within a `catch` block). """ rethrow() = ccall(:jl_rethrow, Bottom, ()) rethrow(e) = ccall(:jl_rethrow_other, Bottom, (Any,), e) struct InterpreterIP code::Union{CodeInfo,Core.MethodInstance,Nothing} stmt::Csize_t end # convert dual arrays (ips, interpreter_frames) to a single array of locations function _reformat_bt(bt, bt2) ret = Vector{Union{InterpreterIP,Ptr{Cvoid}}}() i, j = 1, 1 while i <= length(bt) ip = bt[i]::Ptr{Cvoid} if ip == Ptr{Cvoid}(-1%UInt) # The next one is really a CodeInfo push!(ret, InterpreterIP( bt2[j], bt[i+2])) j += 1 i += 3 else push!(ret, Ptr{Cvoid}(ip)) i += 1 end end ret end function backtrace end """ catch_backtrace() Get the backtrace of the current exception, for use within `catch` blocks. """ function catch_backtrace() bt = Ref{Any}(nothing) bt2 = Ref{Any}(nothing) ccall(:jl_get_backtrace, Cvoid, (Ref{Any}, Ref{Any}), bt, bt2) return _reformat_bt(bt[], bt2[]) end ## keyword arg lowering generates calls to this ## function kwerr(kw, args::Vararg{Any,N}) where {N} @_noinline_meta throw(MethodError(typeof(args[1]).name.mt.kwsorter, (kw,args...))) end ## system error handling ## """ systemerror(sysfunc, iftrue) Raises a `SystemError` for `errno` with the descriptive string `sysfunc` if `iftrue` is `true` """ systemerror(p, b::Bool; extrainfo=nothing) = b ? throw(Main.Base.SystemError(string(p), Libc.errno(), extrainfo)) : nothing ## assertion macro ## """ @assert cond [text] Throw an [`AssertionError`](@ref) if `cond` is `false`. Preferred syntax for writing assertions. Message `text` is optionally displayed upon assertion failure. !!! warning An assert might be disabled at various optimization levels. Assert should therefore only be used as a debugging tool and not used for authentication verification (e.g., verifying passwords), nor should side effects needed for the function to work correctly be used inside of asserts. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> @assert iseven(3) "3 is an odd number!" ERROR: AssertionError: 3 is an odd number! julia> @assert isodd(3) "What even are numbers?" ``` """ macro assert(ex, msgs...) msg = isempty(msgs) ? ex : msgs[1] if isa(msg, AbstractString) msg = msg # pass-through elseif !isempty(msgs) && (isa(msg, Expr) || isa(msg, Symbol)) # message is an expression needing evaluating msg = :(Main.Base.string($(esc(msg)))) elseif isdefined(Main, :Base) && isdefined(Main.Base, :string) && applicable(Main.Base.string, msg) msg = Main.Base.string(msg) else # string() might not be defined during bootstrap msg = :(Main.Base.string($(Expr(:quote,msg)))) end return :($(esc(ex)) ? $(nothing) : throw(AssertionError($msg))) end struct ExponentialBackOff n::Int first_delay::Float64 max_delay::Float64 factor::Float64 jitter::Float64 function ExponentialBackOff(n, first_delay, max_delay, factor, jitter) all(x->x>=0, (n, first_delay, max_delay, factor, jitter)) || error("all inputs must be non-negative") new(n, first_delay, max_delay, factor, jitter) end end """ ExponentialBackOff(; n=1, first_delay=0.05, max_delay=10.0, factor=5.0, jitter=0.1) A [`Float64`](@ref) iterator of length `n` whose elements exponentially increase at a rate in the interval `factor` * (1 ± `jitter`). The first element is `first_delay` and all elements are clamped to `max_delay`. """ ExponentialBackOff(; n=1, first_delay=0.05, max_delay=10.0, factor=5.0, jitter=0.1) = ExponentialBackOff(n, first_delay, max_delay, factor, jitter) start(ebo::ExponentialBackOff) = (ebo.n, min(ebo.first_delay, ebo.max_delay)) function next(ebo::ExponentialBackOff, state) next_n = state[1]-1 curr_delay = state[2] next_delay = min(ebo.max_delay, state[2] * ebo.factor * (1.0 - ebo.jitter + (rand(Float64) * 2.0 * ebo.jitter))) (curr_delay, (next_n, next_delay)) end done(ebo::ExponentialBackOff, state) = state[1]<1 length(ebo::ExponentialBackOff) = ebo.n """ retry(f::Function; delays=ExponentialBackOff(), check=nothing) -> Function Return an anonymous function that calls function `f`. If an exception arises, `f` is repeatedly called again, each time `check` returns `true`, after waiting the number of seconds specified in `delays`. `check` should input `delays`'s current state and the `Exception`. # Examples ```julia retry(f, delays=fill(5.0, 3)) retry(f, delays=rand(5:10, 2)) retry(f, delays=Base.ExponentialBackOff(n=3, first_delay=5, max_delay=1000)) retry(http_get, check=(s,e)->e.status == "503")(url) retry(read, check=(s,e)->isa(e, UVError))(io, 128; all=false) ``` """ function retry(f::Function; delays=ExponentialBackOff(), check=nothing) (args...; kwargs...) -> begin state = start(delays) while true try return f(args...; kwargs...) catch e done(delays, state) && rethrow(e) if check !== nothing result = check(state, e) state, retry_or_not = length(result) == 2 ? result : (state, result) retry_or_not || rethrow(e) end end (delay, state) = next(delays, state) sleep(delay) end end end