Tip revision: 9ee6be436b4cbf61c6badcba756dd3a286de28d7 authored by Konrad Werys on 28 May 2019, 13:12:50 UTC
feat: optional SD maps calculation
feat: optional SD maps calculation
Tip revision: 9ee6be4
# cmake copies this file, so you better reload cmake if you change this file and you want everything to be working
resultsMolli: [0, 0, 0]
resultsShmolli: [0, 0, 0]
signalMag: [ 55, 22, 51, 61, 64]
signalPha: [ 3348, -843, -767, -777, -768]
signs: [ -1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
invTimes: [ 100, 1715, 3337, 4907, 6455]