function rest_Nii2NiftiPairs(PI,PO) % FORMAT rest_Nii2NiftiPairs(PI,PO) % NIfTI nii to NIfTI pairs (.hdr/.img) % PI - input filename: *.nii, *.nii.gz % PO - output filename: *.img %___________________________________________________________________________ % Written by YAN Chao-Gan 091127. % State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, China, 100875 % % Revised by YAN Chao-Gan, 111111. Add the support for .nii.gz files. % Last revised by YAN Chao-Gan, 120306. Will not change pinfo to 1 if strcmpi(PI(end-6:end), '.nii.gz') %YAN Chao-Gan, 111111. Uncompress data for .nii.gz file. gunzip(PI); IsNeedDeleteUncompressedVersioin = 1; PI = PI(1:end-3); end [Data, Head] = rest_ReadNiftiImage(PI,'all'); if size(Data,4)>1 for i=1:length(size(Data,4)) Index=['000',num2str(i)]; Index=Index(end-3:end); % Head.pinfo = [1;0;0]; [Path, fileN, extn] = fileparts(PO); POout=[Path,filesep,fileN,'_',Index,extn]; rest_WriteNiftiImage(Data(:,:,:,i),Head,POout); end else % Head.pinfo = [1;0;0]; rest_WriteNiftiImage(Data,Head,PO); end if exist('IsNeedDeleteUncompressedVersioin','var') && IsNeedDeleteUncompressedVersioin == 1 delete(PI); %YAN Chao-Gan, 111111. Delete the uncompressed version after reading for .nii.gz file. end