\name{pcf.ppp} \alias{pcf.ppp} \title{Pair Correlation Function of Point Pattern} \description{ Estimates the pair correlation function of a point pattern using kernel methods. } \usage{ \method{pcf}{ppp}(X, \dots, r = NULL, kernel="epanechnikov", bw=NULL, stoyan=0.15, correction=c("translate", "ripley")) } \arguments{ \item{X}{ A point pattern (object of class \code{"ppp"}). } \item{r}{ Vector of values for the argument \eqn{r} at which \eqn{g(r)} should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. } \item{kernel}{ Choice of smoothing kernel, passed to \code{density}. } \item{bw}{ Bandwidth for smoothing kernel, passed to \code{density}. } \item{\dots}{ Other arguments passed to the kernel density estimation function \code{density}. } \item{stoyan}{ Bandwidth coefficient; see Details. } \item{correction}{ Choice of edge correction. } } \value{ A function value table (object of class \code{"fv"}). Essentially a data frame containing the variables \item{r}{the vector of values of the argument \eqn{r} at which the pair correlation function \eqn{g(r)} has been estimated } \item{theo}{vector of values equal to 1, the theoretical value of \eqn{g(r)} for the Poisson process } \item{trans}{vector of values of \eqn{g(r)} estimated by translation correction } \item{ripley}{vector of values of \eqn{g(r)} estimated by Ripley isotropic correction } as required. } \details{ The pair correlation function of a stationary point process is \deqn{ g(r) = \frac{K'(r)}{2\pi r} }{ g(r) = K'(r)/ ( 2 * pi * r) } where \eqn{K'(r)} is the derivative of \eqn{K(r)}, the reduced second moment function (aka ``Ripley's \eqn{K} function'') of the point process. See \code{\link{Kest}} for information about \eqn{K(r)}. For a stationary Poisson process, the pair correlation function is identically equal to 1. Values \eqn{g(r) < 1} suggest inhibition between points; values greater than 1 suggest clustering. This routine computes an estimate of \eqn{g(r)} by the kernel smoothing method (Stoyan and Stoyan (1994), pages 284--285). By default, their recommendations are followed exactly. If \code{correction="translate"} then the translation correction is used. The estimate is given in equation (15.15), page 284 of Stoyan and Stoyan (1994). If \code{correction="ripley"} then Ripley's isotropic edge correction is used; the estimate is given in equation (15.18), page 285 of Stoyan and Stoyan (1994). If \code{correction=c("translate", "ripley")} then both estimates will be computed. The choice of smoothing kernel is controlled by the argument \code{kernel} which is passed to \code{\link{density}}. The default is the Epanechnikov kernel, recommended by Stoyan and Stoyan (1994, page 285). The bandwidth of the smoothing kernel can be controlled by the argument \code{bw}. Its precise interpretation is explained in the documentation for \code{\link{density}}. For the Epanechnikov kernel, the argument \code{bw} is equivalent to \eqn{h/\sqrt{5}}{h/sqrt(5)}. Stoyan and Stoyan (1994, page 285) recommend using the Epanechnikov kernel with support \eqn{[-h,h]} chosen by the rule of thumn \eqn{h = c/\sqrt{\lambda}}{h = c/sqrt(lambda)}, where \eqn{\lambda}{lambda} is the (estimated) intensity of the point process, and \eqn{c} is a constant in the range from 0.1 to 0.2. See equation (15.16). If \code{bw} is missing, then this rule of thumb will be applied. The argument \code{stoyan} determines the value of \eqn{c}. The argument \code{r} is the vector of values for the distance \eqn{r} at which \eqn{g(r)} should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. If it is specified, \code{r} must be a vector of increasing numbers starting from \code{r[1] = 0}, and \code{max(r)} must not exceed half the diameter of the window. } \references{ Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1994) Fractals, random shapes and point fields: methods of geometrical statistics. John Wiley and Sons. } \seealso{ \code{\link{Kest}}, \code{\link{pcf}}, \code{\link{density}} } \examples{ data(simdat) \testonly{ simdat <- simdat[seq(1,simdat$n, by=4)] } p <- pcf(simdat) plot(p, main="pair correlation function for simdat") # indicates inhibition at distances r < 0.3 } \author{Adrian Baddeley \email{adrian@maths.uwa.edu.au} \url{http://www.maths.uwa.edu.au/~adrian/} and Rolf Turner \email{r.turner@auckland.ac.nz} } \keyword{spatial} \keyword{nonparametric}