\name{rlinegrid} \alias{rlinegrid} \title{Generate grid of parallel lines with random displacement} \description{ Generates a grid of parallel lines, equally spaced, inside the specified window. } \usage{ rlinegrid(angle = 45, spacing = 0.1, win = owin()) } \arguments{ \item{angle}{Common orientation of the lines, in degrees anticlockwise from the x axis. } \item{spacing}{Spacing between successive lines.} \item{win}{Window in which to generate the lines. An object of class \code{"owin"} or something acceptable to \code{\link{as.owin}}. } } \details{ The grid is randomly displaced from the origin. } \value{ A line segment pattern (object of class \code{"psp"}). } \seealso{ \code{\link{psp}}, \code{\link{rpoisline}} } \examples{ plot(rlinegrid(30, 0.05)) } \author{\adrian and \rolf } \keyword{spatial} \keyword{datagen}